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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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173c. Man's Position in the Cosmic Whole 28 Jan 1917, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The human being of the materialistic age really feels himself, as it were, abandoned and lonely in the midst of the universe. You see, if we cut off a finger, or a hand, or if we amputate a leg of a human being, or if we take away from him something which is connected with his physical, bodily being, he will feel that the single part belongs to the whole body.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Materialism and Spirituality 06 Feb 1917, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Those souls who survive the catastrophe on the physical plane will awake only later to be able to recognise fully what is taking place and to realise how deeply this catastrophe has cut into human evolution. All the more should we feel obliged to call up in our souls thoughts of an illuminating nature, thoughts able to throw light on the objects and aims of the Spiritual movement so necessary to humanity.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: The Metamorphoses of the Soul-Forces 13 Feb 1917, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
It is a great and wonderful thing, and in its significance must cut deeply into our very hearts: that number and measure regulate the great cosmos, the Macrocosm, exactly as they regulate us, the Microcosm.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: The Human soul and the Universe II 06 Mar 1917, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
For man, after all, does not allow himself to be entirely cut off from the spiritual world. He does not really allow himself to be cut off at all, he only allows himself to be apparently cut off.
The connection with that world in which we spend our time when not in incarnation, into which we ourselves pass when we go through the Gates of Death, is thereby cut off. Man must once again learn to understand that we are not here merely to build in the physical universe during our physical existence; he must learn to understand that we, during the whole of our existences are bound up with the whole world.
175. Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses: Errors and Truths 20 Mar 1917, Berlin
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The true Bible-reader receives an unequivocal impression that the words are right, just as they are,—that this is no meaningless scroll, from which our commentators must first cut away the wild branches before being able to penetrate the power of the thoughts contained therein.
175. Building Stones for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha: Lecture VII 19 Apr 1917, Berlin
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
First of all we must understand the factors that militate against this necessary regeneration. Today we are afraid of definite, clear-cut ideas which could lead to such an understanding. There is no lack of physical courage today—but we are certainly lacking in intellectual courage!
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture III 14 Aug 1917, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
To this the following may be said: Begin by visualizing a minute pain, let us say you cut yourself and feel a slight pain. Every pain arises when something is exposed to any kind of destruction.
Let us now imagine that it is not a question of a cut by a knife but that a particularly sensitive spot on the body is exposed to very hot sun rays. This may not at once result in actual blisters but the beginning is there.
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture VIII 18 Sep 1917, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
But what he felt may be expressed in these words: What is to become of man when his vision is cut off from the spiritual world, as he is bound to forget what he formerly received from that world?
176. The Karma of Materialism: Lecture IX 25 Sep 1917, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Man believes he knows his ‘I,’ but in what sense does he know it? If you have, say, a red surface and cut a hole in it through which you look into darkness; i.e., into nothingness, you will then see the red surface and the hole as a black circle.
176. Aspects of Human Evolution: Lecture I 29 May 1917, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Those like Aristotle who were not initiated in the mysteries said: If a man's arm is cut off, he is no longer a complete human being; if both arms are cut off, he is even less complete; if the whole body is taken from him as happens in death, then he is truly no longer a complete man.

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