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Truth Wrought Words
GA 40

Words at the Opening of the First Goetheanum

In that spirit's name that proclaims itself to striving souls, I appear at this moment to people who from now on wish to hear the word that solemnly resounds here. The powers that direct our Earthly goals can reveal themselves finally in full consciousness. As the powers of a child meant to carry the ability to know must mature and strengthen gradually, just so humanity as a whole had to develop in its earthly course. The soul's impulses lived in dullness at first, but later started to become worthy of seeing the spiritual light from higher worlds.

Souls devoted to the spirit were chosen at Earth’s beginning to be wise leaders by higher dominions of existence-awareness. In certain places they sent into souls and nurtured the god-craft of striving for knowing. They sent this into souls who could only dimly imbue themselves with the presence of higher beings. Only later could spirit seers recruit students from humanity, who by earnestly willed self-examination proved themselves mature in the brilliance of consciousness, striving toward spirit-knowing with zeal.

And as students of the first leaders became able to nurture the noble, the good with dignity, the unconscious leadership disappeared, so that free souls could strive knowingly.

And free souls then chose people who could follow them in the cultivation of the spiritual treasure, and so it went on from one generation to the next.

Up to now, all places of knowing, which are such in truth, have rightly sprung out of the highest realms of spiritual spheres. In earnest search we strive here for the true spiritual human heritage. We will never speak of knowing that does not bear the spirit's own seal, the light from spiritual worlds, which can be seen by people who want to entrust themselves to it in striving in order to fathom the depths of their souls.

Strive on worthily toward this light, that shows us the seriousness of the turning point of time and its needs. The signs are truly heavy with meaning, which in the world plan are now clearly revealed to the eyes of the spirit.