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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Biographical Information

Full Biographies
The Story of My Life Rudolf Steiner 1925
From Luther to Steiner Ernst Boldt 1923
Memories of Rudolf Steiner Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz 1936
The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner Günther Wachsmuth 1955
Short Biographies
Title Author Year
Collected Eulogies from the Journal Anthroposophy D. N. Dunlop, G. Schubert, Millicent Mackenzie and Arild Rosenkrantz 1925
The Personality of Rudolf Steiner and His Development Edouard Schuré 1910
Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction of His Life and Thought Olin D. Wannamaker 1928
In Memory of Rudolf Steiner Marie Steiner 1932
Rudolf Steiner: The Man and His Work Paul Marshall Allen 1959
About the Author Paul Marshall Allen 1960
Rudolf Steiner: A Biographical Sketch Alfred Heidenreich 1961
Introduction to The Philosophy of Freedom Michael Wilson 1964
Introduction to Riddles of Philosophy Fritz Koelln 1973
Other Biographies of Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Education and the Developing Child
Anthroposophic Press, Hudson, NY.
Willi Aepli 1986
Sun at Midnight
The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
Geoffrey Ahern 1990
Rudolf Steiner: The Man and His Work
St. George Publications, Spring Valley NY
Paul M. Allen 1959
Modern Mystics and Sages
Granada Press, London
Anne Bancroft 1978
Rudolf Steiner as Educator
Waldorf School Monographs
Hermann von Baravalle
A Life for the Spirit
Anthroposophic Press, 256 pp., Hudson NY
Henry Barnes 1979
Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner
Adonis Press, Ghent N.Y.
Andrei Belyi, Aasya Turgenieff,
and Margarita Voloschin
Rudolf Steiner's New Approach to Color on the Ceiling of the First Goetheanum
Rudolf Steiner College Press, 59pp
D. J. van Bemmelen with Arne Klingborg
The Goetheanum: Rudolf Steiner's Architectural Impulse
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Hagen Biesantz
Anthroposophical Medicine
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
V. Bott 1978
John Dee Studied as an English Neoplatonist
Dissertation, U. London
I. Calder 1953
Rudolf Steiner
51pp, illustrated, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland
Frans Calgren
The Holistic Teaching Methods of Francis Parker,
John Dewey, Rudolf Steiner, Hughes Mearns, and Laura Zirbes:
Literacy via the Whole Child

Dissertation, Michigan State U.
Mary Patricia Cavanaugh 1990
Steiner Education in Theory and Practice
Floris Press, 288pp, Edinburgh
Gilbert Childs 1992
Rudolf Steiner: His Life and Work
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 111pp
Gilbert Childs 1996
Work Arising from the Life of Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Davy, J.(ed.) 1975
A Man Before Others: Rudolf Steiner Remembered
Rudolf Steiner Press, Bristol, 219 pp
Davy, John 1993
Rudolf Steiner, Herald of a New Epoch
Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, NY
Easton, Stewart C. 1980
Rudolf Steiner Education
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 376pp
Edmunds, Louis Francis 1962
Rudolf Steiner's Sculpture in Dornach
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Fant, Ake, and Arne Klingborg and A. J. Wilkes 1975
Art Inspired by Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 231pp
Fletcher, John 1991
Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy of History
Dissertation, U. of New Mexico
Foley, Marya 1981
The Waldorf Schools: An Exploration of an Enduring Alternative School Movement
Dissertation, Florida State U
Foster, Sarah Whitmer 1981
Goethe and Steiner
Sheffield Educational Press, 20pp
Freeman, Arnold 1947
Rudolf Steiner's Message to Mankind
New Knowledge Press, Sussex England, 47pp
Freeman, Arnold 1958
What Rudolf Steiner Says about Initiation
Courrier Press, Turnbridge Wells Kent, 113 pp
Freeman, Arnold 1963
Spiritual Science in the Age of Materialism
Dissertation, U. of Michigan
Galbreath, R. C. 1970
An Analytical Study of the Rhetorical Thought of Rudolf Steiner with Some Implications for the Teaching of Speech
Dissertation, Wayne State U.
Glas, Werner 1977
Rudolf Steiner As I Experienced Him Free Deeds Hahn, Herbert 1962
The Education of a Yankee: An American Memoir Hale, Judson
The Goetheanum Glass Windows
Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, Dornach
Hartmann, Georg 1971
The Faithful Thinker
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Harwood, Alfred Cecil 1961
At the Dawn of a New Age: Memoirs of a Scientist
Anthroposophic Pr. Hudson NY
Hauschka, Rudolf
Rudolf Steiner
Henry Goulden, East Grinsted
Hemleben, Johannes
Private Schools and the Hidden Curriculum
Dissertation, U. of Virginia
Henry, Mary Elisabeth 1990
Time of Decision with Rudolf Steiner
Anthoposophic Pr. 1989 Hudson NY
Hiebel, Friedrich 1989
A Study of the Relationship between Years in the Integrative, Creative, and Artistic Waldorf Education and Self-Actualization
Dissertation, Wayne State U.
Huchingson, June Mary 1990
A Comparative Study between Behaviour of Students in a Public School Program for the Gifted and those in Waldorf Schools in Terms of Renzulli's "Gifted Behaviours"
Dissertation, Wayne State U.
Huchingson, Robert III 1990
Rudolf Steiner's Mission and Ita Wegman
Rudolf Steiner Press London
Kirchner-Bockholt, M. and F. 1985
Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul: A Commentary
Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Koenig, Karl
Mystery Streams in Europe and the New Mysteries
Anthroposoophic Press
Lievegoed, Bernard 1982
Rudolf Steiner: Life, Work, Inner Path, Social Initiatives
Hawthorn Press
Lissau, Rudi 1990
An Exploration of Waldorf Education Principles in a Public School Bilingual Program for Gifted Students
Dissertation, U. of Mass
Lozoraitis, Jean P. 1992
A Examination of the Idea of the Threefold Social Order
BSc dissertation, U. Bath
Mansfield, P. 1978
Rudolf Steiner: An Intellectual Biography
Dissertation, U. of Calif., Riverside
Marcum, Ursula 1989
Education for Wholeness: The Visions of Human Becoming and of Education of Rudolf Steiner, Aurobindo Ghose, and Inayat Khan
Dissertation, Harvard U.
Marshak, David 1985
Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Education
Rudolf Steiner College Press
Mitchell, David
Rudolf Steiner's Vision of Love: Spiritual Science and the Logic of the Heart
Aquarian Press Wellingborough Northamptonshire
Nesfield-Cookson, Bernard 1989