Truth Wrought Words
GA 40
Dance of the Planets
Planetentanz | Dance of the Planets |
Es leuchtet die Sonne— Was traget ihr Strahlen Zu Blüten und Steinen So machtvoll daher? |
Illuminating is the Sun— What carries its streaming To blooms and stones So mighty therin? |
Es webet die Seele— Was hebet das Leben Aus Glauben zum Schauen So sehnend hinauf? |
Moving is the soul— What uplifts one’s living From semblance to substance So yearning above? |
O suche, du Seele, In Steinen den Strahl, In Blüten das Licht— Du findest dich selbst. |
O seek, you soul In stones the streaming, In blooms the light— You find yourself. |
Es blauet der Himmel— Was sendet die Tiefe Aus Fernen zur Erde Geheimnisvoll her? |
Bluing is the heavens— What sends the depths From remoteness to Earth Full of mystery down here? |
Es wirket der Geist— Was schaffet der Starke Aus wollendem Sein Zur scheinenden Kraft? |
dddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddpths Fromdddddddddddddddarth Fullddddddddddddddddhere |
So lenke, o Geist, Zur Ferne den Blick, Zur Tiefe dich selbst— Du findest die Welt. |
So link to me, spirit, To afar the glance, To depths your self – You find the world. |
Es funkeln die Sterne— Was breitet das Glänzen Aus Weiten zur Mitte Enthüllend daher? |
Twinkling are the stars – What broadens the gleaming From widths to the middle? Unveiled from there? |
Es fraget der Mensch— Was rätselt im Innern Aus bänglichem Streben Zum Wissen sich hin? |
Twinkling are the stars – What broadens the gleaming From widths to the middle? Unveiled from there? |
So lenke, du Mensch, Zur Weite dich selbst, Zur Mitte das Sein— Du findest den Geist. |
So link up, you man, To the widths of yourself To the middle of existence— You find the spirit. |
Es waltet die Nacht— Was dämpfet die Wesen Im endlosen Raum Zu lastendem Nichts? |
Ruling is the night – What dampens the beings In endless regions To burdensome nothingness? |
Es weset das All— Was waltet, sich hüllend Im Dunkel der Gründe, Verborgen atmend? |
Existing is the all— What rules, enclosing itself In the darkness of causes, Concealed in breathing? |
Es ahnet des Geistes Erbrennendes Dursten In Welten die Wesen, In Wesen die Welten. |
Foreboding of spirit Burning inner thirst In the worlds of beings, In the being of worlds. |