The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity
GA 4

This volume is a translation of Die Philosophie der Freiheit. The German volume is number four in the Collected Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works. It was translated by William Lindeman.
The cover Graphic Form is by Rudolf Steiner (originally as a study for the book Truth and Science). Layout and lettering by Peter Stebbing.
Science of Spiritual Activity (Freiheit)
- Conscious Human Action
- The Fundamental Desire for Knowledge
- Thinking in the Service of Apprehending the World
- The World as Perception
- The Activity of Knowing the World
- Human Individuality
- Are There Limits to Knowing?
The Reality of Freedom (Freiheit)
- The Factors of Life
- The Idea of Spiritual Activity
- Philosophy of Spiritual Activity and Monism
- World Purpose and Life Purpose
- Moral Imagination
- The Value of Life
- Individuality and Species
Final Questions