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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Knowledge of Higher Worlds and its Attainment
GA 10

Preface to the Edition of May 1918

[ 1 ] In working over this new edition I found only minor changes in its substance necessary; but I have added an appendix in which I have endeavored to explain more clearly the psychological foundations to which the disclosures contained in the book must be traced if they are to be accepted without risk of misunderstanding. I believe that the contents of the appendix will also serve to show many an opponent of anthroposophical spiritual science that his judgment is based upon a misconception of the nature of this spiritual science; that he does not see what it really is.

Rudolf Steiner

Vorrede zum achten bis elften Tausend (1918)

[ 1 ] An dem Inhalte dieser Neuauflage des vorliegenden Buches schienen mir beim neuerlichen Durcharbeiten nur geringe Änderungen notwendig. Dagegen habe ich dieser Ausgabe ein «Nachwort» hinzugefügt, durch das ich mich bemüht habe, manches deutlicher als früher zu sagen, was die seelischen Grundlagen betrifft, auf welche die Mitteilungen des Buches gestellt werden müssen, damit sie ohne Mißverständnis entgegengenommen werden. Ich glaube, daß der Inhalt dieses Nachwortes auch geeignet sein könnte, manchen Gegner der anthroposophischen Geisteswissenschaft darüber aufzuklären, daß er sein Urteil nur dadurch aufrechterhalten kann, weil er sich unter dieser Geisteswissenschaft etwas ganz anderes vorstellt, als sie ist; während er, was sie ist, gar nicht ins Auge faßt.

Mai 1918
Rudolf Steiner

Preface to the eighth to eleventh thousand (1918)

[ 1 ] Only minor changes seemed necessary to the contents of this new edition of the present book when I worked through it again. On the other hand, I have added an "Afterword" to this edition, through which I have endeavored to say some things more clearly than before concerning the spiritual foundations on which the messages of the book must be placed so that they can be received without misunderstanding. I believe that the contents of this epilogue might also be suitable to enlighten many an opponent of anthroposophical spiritual science that he can only maintain his judgment because he imagines this spiritual science to be something quite different from what it is; while he does not even consider what it is.

May 1918
Rudolf Steiner