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Cosmic Memory
GA 11

xiv. The Life of Saturn

[ 1 ] In one of the preceding descriptions, the great development of humanity through the seven stages of consciousness from Saturn to Vulcan has been compared with the progress through life between birth and death, through infancy, childhood, and so on, to old age. One can extend this comparison further. As among contemporary humanity, men of different ages do not only follow upon one another, but also exist side by side, so it is with the development of the stages of consciousness, The aged man, the mature man or the mature woman, the youth, travel through life side by side. Thus the ancestors of man existed on Saturn not only as beings with the dull Saturn consciousness, but also along with these as beings which had already developed the higher stages of consciousness. When the Saturn development began, there already existed natures with Sun consciousness, others with image consciousness (Moon consciousness) those with a consciousness similar to the present consciousness of man, then a fourth kind with self-conscious (psychic) image consciousness, a fifth with self-conscious (supra-psychic) object consciousness, and a sixth with creative (spiritual) consciousness. This does not exhaust the series of beings. After the Vulcan stage, man will develop yet further, and will ascend to still higher levels of consciousness. As the external eye looks into misty gray distances, so the inner eye of the seer looks upon five more forms of consciousness, as far off as distant spirits, of which a description, however, is quite impossible. In all, one can speak of twelve stages of consciousness.

[ 2 ] The Saturn man was surrounded by eleven other kinds of beings. The four highest had had their tasks on levels of development which preceded the life of Saturn. When this life began they had already arrived at such a high stage of development that their further existence took place in worlds which lie beyond the realms of man. Therefore, we cannot and need not speak of them here.

[ 3 ] The other kinds of beings, however—seven of them in addition to the Saturn man—are all concerned in the human development. In this they act as creative powers, performing their services in a way which will be described in the following pages.

[ 4 ] When the Saturn development began, the most sublime of these beings already had attained a level of consciousness which man will reach only after his Vulcan life, that is, a high creative (supra-spiritual) consciousness. These “creators,” too, once had to pass through the stages of man. This took place on heavenly bodies which preceded Saturn. However, the connection of these beings with the development of mankind lasted until the middle of the life of Saturn. Because of their sublime, delicate body of rays, in mystery science they are called “Radiating Lives” or “Radiating Flames.” Because the substance of which this body consisted had a remote resemblance to the will of man, they are also called “Spirits of Will.”

These spirits are the creators of the man of Saturn. From their bodies they pour the substance which becomes the carrier of the human Saturn consciousness. The period of development during which this takes place is called the first small Saturn cycle. (In the language of theosophy, this is the “first round.”) The material body which man receives in this way is the first rudiment of his later physical body. One can say that the germ of the physical human body is planted during the first Saturn cycle by the Spirits of Will, and that at that time this germ has the dull Saturn consciousness.

[ 5 ] This first smaller Saturn cycle is followed by six others. In the course of these cycles man does not attain a higher degree of consciousness. But the material body which he has received is further elaborated. The other kinds of beings indicated above participate in this elaboration in the most diverse ways.

[ 6 ] After the “Spirits of Will” there follow beings with a creative (spiritual) consciousness, similar to that which man will attain on Vulcan. They are called “Spirits of Wisdom.” Christian mystery science calls them “Dominions” (Kyriotetes), while it calls the “Spirits of Will”, “Thrones.”4He who really knows Christian doctrine is aware that the conceptions of these spiritual beings superordinated to man form an integral part of it. Only for some time they have been lost by an externalized religious teaching. The one who really enters into these matters and looks deeper will realize that there is not the slightest reason for Christianity to combat mystery science, but that on the contrary the latter is in complete harmony with true Christianity. If, for the sake of their Christianity, the theologians and teachers of religion were to agree to study mystery science, they would have to recognize in it their best helper and means of advancement today. But many theologians think in a completely materialistic manner, and it is characteristic that in a popular publication intended for the furthering of a knowledge of Christianity, today one can even read that “Angels” are for “children and nurses.” Such a statement springs form a complete misunderstanding of the true Christian spirit. Only the man who sacrifices true Christianity to a supposedly advanced “science” can make such a statement. But the time will come when a higher science will go beyond the childishness of such utterances to matters of real importance. During the second cycle of Saturn they advance their own development to some extent, and at the same time work on the human body in such a way that a “wise arrangement,” a rational structure is implanted in it. To be more exact, their work on man already begins shortly after the middle of the first cycle and is completed in about the middle of the second.

[ 7 ] The third kind of spirits with the self-conscious (supra-psychic) object consciousness is called “Spirits of Motion” or of “Activity.” In Christian mystery science they are called “Principalities” (Dynamis). (In theosophical literature, the expression Mahat is to be found for them.) From the middle of the second Saturn cycle onward they combine with the progress of their own development, the further elaboration of the human material body, in which they implant the capacity of movement and of forceful activity. This task comes to a conclusion around the middle of the third Saturn cycle.

[ 8 ] After this point, the work of the fourth kind of beings, the so-called “Spirits of Form,” begins. They have a self-conscious image consciousness (psychic consciousness). Christian esoteric teaching names them “Powers” (Exusiai). Through their work, the human material body, which previously was a kind of mobile cloud, receives a bounded, plastic form. This activity of the “Spirits of Form” is completed around the middle of the fourth Saturn cycle.

[ 9 ] Then follows the activity of the “Spirits of Darkness.” which are also called “Spirits of Personality” or of “Self-hood” (Egoism). At this stage they have a consciousness similar to the present human earthly consciousness. They inhabit the formed human material body as “souls” in a way similar to that in which the human soul inhabits its body today. They implant a kind of sensory organs in the body, which are the germs of the sensory organs which later develop in the human body in the course of the development of earth.

One must realize, however, that these “sensory germs” are still substantially different from the present sensory instruments of man. Earth man could not perceive through such “sensory germs.” For him, the images of the sensory instruments must first pass through a more refined ether body, which forms on the Sun, and through an astral body, which owes its existence to the Moon development (All this will become clear in the following chapters) But the “Spirits of Personality” can treat the images of the “sensory germs” through their own soul in such a way that, with their aid, they can perceive external objects, as does man during his earthly development. In their work on the human body, the “Spirits of Personality” pass through their own “stage of humanity.” Thus they are men from the middle of the fourth to the middle of the fifth Saturn cycle.

These spirits implant selfhood, egoism in the body of man. Since they only attain their stage of humanity on Saturn, they remain connected with the development of mankind for a long time. Thus they have important work to perform on man in subsequent cycles as well. This work always acts as an inoculation with selfhood. The degenerations of selfhood into selfishness must be ascribed to their activity, while on the other hand they are the originators of all of man's independence. Without them man would never have become a self-enclosed entity, a “personality.” Christian esoteric teaching uses the expression “Primal Beginnings” (Archai) for them, and in theosophical literature they are designated as Asuras.

[ 10 ] The work of these spirits is succeeded around the middle of the fifth Saturn cycle by that of the “Sons of Fire,” who, at this stage, still have a dull image consciousness, similar to the Moon consciousness of man. They attain the stage of humanity only on the next planet, the Sun. Their work here is therefore to a certain degree still unconscious and dreamlike. But it is through them that the activity of the “sensory germs” from the previous cycle is enlivened. The light images produced by the “fire spirits” shine outward through these sensory germs. The ancestor of man is thereby elevated to a kind of shining entity. While the life of Saturn is otherwise dark, man now shines in the general darkness.

The “Spirits of Personality” on the other hand, were still awakened to their human existence in this general darkness.

The human being himself can make no use of his luminosity on Saturn. The luminosity of his sensory germs could not express anything in itself, but through it other more exalted beings are given the possibility to reveal themselves to the life of Saturn. Through the sources of light of the ancestors of man, these beings radiate something of their nature down to the planet. These are exalted beings from among those four ranks of which it has been said above that they have grown beyond all connection with human existence in their development. Without any necessity for them to do it, they now radiate something of their nature out of “free will.” Christian esoteric teaching here speaks of the revelation of the Seraphime (Seraphim), the “Spirits of Love.” This condition lasts until the middle of the sixth Saturn cycle.

[ 11 ] After this begins the work of those beings which at this stage have a dull consciousness such as is found in man today when he is in a deep, dreamless sleep. These beings are the “Sons of Twilight,” the “Spirits of Dusk.” (In theosophical writings they are called Lunar Pitris or Barhishad-Pitris.) They attain the stage of humanity only on the Moon. On earth they, as well as their predecessors, the Sons of Fire, have already grown beyond the stage of humanity. On earth they are higher beings which Christian esoteric teaching calls “Angels” (Angeloi), while for the Sons of Fire it uses the expression “Archangels” (Archangeloi). These Sons of Twilight develop in the ancestor of man a kind of understanding, of which however, in his dull consciousness, he himself cannot yet make use. Through this understanding, exalted entities now again reveal themselves, as previously the Seraphim did through the sensory germs. Through the human bodies, understanding is now poured out over the planet by those spirits whom Christian esoteric teaching calls Cherubime (Cherubim).

[ 12 ] Around the middle of the seventh Saturn cycle a new activity begins. Man has now reached the point where he can work unconsciously on his own material body. Through his activity in the utter dullness of Saturn existence, man produces the first germinal predisposition to the true “spirit man,” who reaches his full development only at the end of the development of mankind. In theosophical literature this is called Atma. It is the highest member of the so-called monad of man. In itself it would be quite dull and unconscious at this stage. But as the Seraphim and the Cherubim reveal themselves out of their free will in the two preceding human stages, so the Thrones now reveal themselves, those beings who, at the very beginning of Saturn existence, radiated the human body out of their own nature. The germinal predisposition of “spirit man” (Atma) is completely penetrated by the power of these Spirits of Will and retains this power through all subsequent stages of development. In his dull consciousness at this stage man as yet cannot realize anything of this germinal predisposition; but he develops further, and later this germinal predisposition becomes clear to his own consciousness. [ 13 ] This work is not yet completed at the end of the life of Saturn; it continues into the first Sun cycle. One should consider that the labor of the higher spirits which has been described here does not coincide with the beginning and end of a smaller cycle (of a round), but that it continues from the middle of one to the middle of the next. Its greatest activity is developed in the periods of rest between the cycles. It increases from the middle of a cycle (Manvantara) onward, becomes strongest in the middle of a period of rest (Pralaya), and then ebbs in the next. (It has already been mentioned in the preceding chapters that life by no means ceases during the periods of rest.)

[ 13 ] From the above it also becomes apparent in what sense Christian esoteric science says that in the “beginning of time” the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones first revealed themselves.

[ 14 ] With this, the course of Saturn has been followed to the time where its life develops through a period of rest into that of the Sun. Of this we shall speak in the following discussions.

For the sake of greater clarity, here we shall give a summary of the facts of development of the first planet.

I. This planet is the one on which the dullest human consciousness develops (a deep trance consciousness). Together with this, the first rudiment of the physical human body develops.

II. This development passes through seven subsidiary stages (smaller cycles or “rounds”). At each of these stages higher spirits begin their work on the development of the human body, namely in the

1st cycle, the Spirits of Will (Thrones),
2nd cycle, the Spirits of Wisdom (Dominions),
3rd cycle, the Spirits of Motion (Principalities),
4th cycle, the Spirits of Form (Powers),
5th cycle, the Spirits of Personality (Primal Beginnings),
6th cycle, the Spirits of the Sons of Fire (Archangels),
7th cycle, the Spirits of the Sons of Twilight (Angels).

III. In the fourth cycle, the Spirits of Personality raise themselves to the stage of humanity.

IV. From the fifth cycle onward, the Seraphim reveal themselves.

V. From the sixth cycle onward, the Cherubim reveal themselves.

VI. From the seventh cycle onward, the Thrones, the true “creators of man,” reveal themselves.

VII. Through the latter revelation, there develops in the seventh cycle of the first planet, the predisposition to the “spiritual man,” to Atma.

XIII. Das Leben des Saturn

[ 1 ] Die große Menschheitsentwickelung durch die sieben Bewußtseinsstufen hindurch vom Saturn bis zum Vulkan ist in einer der vorigen Schilderungen mit dem Gang durch das Leben zwischen Geburt und Tod, durch das Säuglingsalter, die Kindheit und so weiter bis zum Greisenalter verglichen worden. Man kann den Vergleich noch weiter ausdehnen. Wie bei der gegenwärtigen Menschheit sich die einzelnen Lebensalter nicht bloß folgen, sondern auch nebeneinander vorhanden sind, so ist es auch bei der Entfaltung der Bewußtseinsstufen. Der Greis, der reife Mann oder die reife Frau, der Jüngling und so weiter, sie wandeln nebeneinander. So waren auch auf dem Saturn nicht bloß die Menschenvorfahren als Wesen mit dem dumpfen Saturnbewußtsein vorhanden, sondern neben ihnen andere Wesen, welche die höheren Bewußtseinsstufen schon entwickelt hatten. Es gab also schon, als die Saturnentwickelung begann, Naturen mit Sonnenbewußtsein, andere mit Bilderbewußtsein (Mondbewußtsein), solche mit einem Bewußtsein, das dem gegenwärtigen Bewußtsein des Menschen gleicht, dann eine vierte Gattung mit selbstbewußtem (psychischem) Bilderbewußtsein, eine fünfte mit selbstbewußtem (überpsychischem) Gegenstandsbewußtsein, und eine sechste mit schöpferischem (spirituellem) Bewußtsein. Und auch damit ist die Reihe der Wesen noch nicht erschöpft. Nach der Vulkanstufe wird ja auch der Mensch sich noch weiter entwickeln und dann noch höhere Bewußtseinsstufen erklimmen. Wie das äußere Auge in nebelgraue Ferne, blickt das innere Auge des Sehers in Geisterweite auf noch fünf Bewußtseinsformen, von denen aber eine Beschreibung ganz unmöglich ist. Es kann also im ganzen von zwölf Bewußtseinsstufen die Rede sein.

[ 2 ] Der Saturnmensch hatte also in seinem Umkreise elf andere Wesensarten neben sich. Die vier höchsten Arten haben auf Entwickelungsstufen ihre Aufgaben gehabt, welche dem Saturnleben noch vorangingen. Sie waren, als dieses Leben begann, bereits auf einer so hohen Stufe der eigenen Entwickelung angelangt, daß sich ihr weiteres Dasein in Welten nunmehr abspielte, die über die Menschenreiche hinausliegen. Von ihnen kann und braucht daher hier nicht gesprochen zu werden.

[ 3 ] Die anderen Wesensarten jedoch — sieben außer dem Saturnmenschen — sind alle an der Entwickelung des Menschen beteiligt. Sie verhalten sich dabei als schöpferische Mächte, leisten ihre Dienste in einer Art, die in den folgenden Ausführungen beschrieben werden soll.

[ 4 ] Die erhabensten von diesen Wesen waren diejenigen, welche, als die Saturnentwickelung begann, bereits eine Bewußtseinsstufe erreicht hatten, die der Mensch erst nach seinem Vulkanleben erlangen wird, also ein hohes schöpferisches (überspirituelles) Bewußtsein. Auch diese «Schöpfer» hatten einmal die Menschheitsstufen durchzumachen. Das geschah auf Weltkörpern, die dem Saturn vorangegangen waren. Ihre Verbindung mit der Menschheitsentwickelung blieb aber noch bis in die Mitte des Saturnlebens bestehen. Man nennt sie in der Geheimwissenschaft wegen ihres erhaben-feinen Strahlenkörpers «strahlende Leben» oder auch «strahlende Flammen». Und weil der Stoff, aus dem dieser Körper bestand, einige entfernte Ähnlichkeit mit dem Willen des Menschen hat, werden sie auch die «Geister des Willens» genannt. — Diese Geister sind die Schöpfer des Saturnmenschen Aus ihrem Leibe strömen sie den Stoff aus, welcher der Träger des menschlichen Saturnbewußtseins werden kann. Die Entwickelungsperiode, während welcher dieses geschieht, wird der erste kleine Saturnkreislauf genannt. (In der Sprache der theosophischen Literatur die «erste Runde».) Der Stoffleib, den der Mensch auf diese Art erhält, ist die erste Anlage seines späteren physischen Körpers. Man kann also sagen, der Keim zum physischen Menschenkörper wird während des ersten Saturnkreislaufes durch die Geister des Willens gelegt; und es hat in jener Zeit dieser Keim das dumpfe Saturnbewußtsein.

[ 5 ] Auf diesen ersten kleineren Saturnkreislauf folgen dann noch sechs andere. Der Mensch erlangt innerhalb dieser Kreisläufe keinen höheren Bewußtseinsgrad. Aber der Stoffleib, den er erhalten hat, wird weiter ausgearbeitet. Und an dieser Ausarbeitung beteiligen sich in der mannigfaltigsten Art die anderen Wesensarten, auf welche oben hingedeutet worden ist.

[ 6 ] Nach den «Geistern des Willens» kommen Wesen mit schöpferischem (spirituellem) Bewußtsein, ähnlich dem, welches der Mensch auf dem Vulkan erlangen wird. Sie werden «Geister der Weisheit» genannt. Die christliche Geheimwissenschaft nennt sie «Herrschaften» (Kyriotetes), während sie die «Geister des Willens» «Throne» nennt.» 9Wer die christliche Lehre wirklich kennt, der weiß, daß zu ihr die Vorstellungen dieser dem Menschen ühergeordneten geistigen Wesen durchaus gehören. Nur sind sie einer veräußerlichten Religionslehre seit einiger Zeit abhanden gekommen. Wer auf die Dinge wirklich eingeht und tiefer blickt, der wird erkennen, daß auf Seiten des Christentums nicht der geringste Grund vorliegt, die Geheimwissenschaft zu bekämpfen, sondern daß im Gegenteil diese Geheimwissenschaft im vollsten Einklang steht mit dem wahren Christentum. Wenn die Theologen und Religionslehrer sich darauf einlassen wollten, die Geheimwissenschaft zu studieren, so müßten sie um ihres Christentums willen in ihr die beste Helferin und Förderin in der Gegenwart erblicken. Aber allerdings denken viele Theologen auch ganz materialistisch; und es ist bezeichnend, daß man heute sogar in einer populären Schrift, die zur Förderung der christlichen Erkenntnisse bestimmt ist, die Worte lesen kann: «Engel» seien für «Kinder und Ammen». Solch eine Behauptung entspringt einer vollständigen Verkennung des echten christlichen Geistes. Und nur wer das wahre Christentum einer vermeintlich fortgeschrittenen »Wissenschaft» opfert, kann eine solche Behauptung tun. Die Zeit aber wird kommen, wo eine höhere Wissenschaft über die Kindlichkeit solcher Behauptungen zur Tagesordnung übergehen wird. Sie bringen ihre eigene Entwickelung während des zweiten Saturnkreislaufes um ein Stück vorwärts und bearbeiten den Menschenleib dabei zugleich so, daß diesem eine «weisheitsvolle Einrichtung», ein vernünftiger Bau eingepflanzt wird. Genauer betrachtet, beginnt diese ihre Arbeit am Menschen schon bald nach der Mitte des ersten Kreislaufes und ist ungefähr um die Mitte des zweiten abgeschlossen.

[ 7 ] Die dritte Art von Geistern mit dem selbstbewußten (überpsychischen) Gegenstandsbewußtsein heißt «Geister der Bewegung» oder auch der «Tätigkeit». In der christlichen Geheimwissenschaft nennt man sie «Mächte» (Dynamis). (In der theosophischen Literatur findet sich für sie der Ausdruck «Mahat».) Mit dem Fortgang ihrer eigenen Entwickelung verbinden sie von der Mitte des zweiten Saturnkreislaufes ab die weitere Ausarbeitung des menschlichen Stoffleibes, dem sie die Fähigkeit der Bewegung, der krafterfüllten Wirksamkeit einpflanzen. Diese Arbeit erreicht um die Mitte des dritten Saturnkreislaufes ihr Ende.

[ 8 ] Nach diesem Punkt setzt die Arbeit der vierten Wesensart ein, der sogenannten «Geister der Form». Sie haben ein selbstbewußtes Bilderbewußtsein (psychisches Bewußtsein). Die christliche Geheimlehre hat für sie den Namen «Gewalten» (Exusiai). Durch ihre Arbeit erlangt der menschliche Stoffleib, der vorher eine Art beweglicher Wolke war, eine begrenzte (plastische) Form. Diese Tätigkeit der «Formgeister» ist um die Mitte des vierten Saturnkreislaufes vollendet.

[ 9 ] Dann folgt die Tätigkeit der «Geister der Finsternis», die auch «Geister der Persönlichkeit» oder der «Selbstheit» (Egoismus) genannt werden. Ihnen kommt auf dieser Stufe ein Bewußtsein zu, das dem gegenwärtigen menschlichen Erdenbewußtsein ähnlich ist. Sie bewohnen den geformten menschlichen Stoffleib als «Seelen» in einer ähnlichen Art, wie heute die Menschenseele ihren Leib bewohnt. Sie pflanzen dem Leib eine Art von Sinnesorganen ein, welche der Keim sind zu den Sinnesorganen, die sich später während der Erdentwickelung am Menschenkörper entwickeln. — Man muß sich nur klarmachen, daß sich diese «Sinneskeime» von den heutigen Sinneswerkzeugen des Menschen doch noch wesentlich unterscheiden. Der Mensch der Erde könnte durch solche «Sinneskeime» nichts wahrnehmen. Denn für ihn müssen die Bilder der Sinneswerkzeuge erst noch durch einen feineren Ätherkörper, der sich auf der Sonne bildet, und durch einen Astralkörper, der sein Dasein der Monden-entwickelung verdankt, hindurchgehen. (Alles das werden die weiteren Ausführungen klarlegen.) Aber die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» können die Bilder der «Sinneskeime» durch ihre eigene Seele so bearbeiten, daß sie mit ihrer Hilfe äußere Gegenstände so wahrnehmen können, wie dies der Mensch während seiner Erdentwickelung tut. Indem sie so am Menschenleibe arbeiten, machen die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» ihre eigene »Menschheitsstufe» durch. Sie sind somit von der Mitte des vierten bis zur Mitte des fünften Saturnkreislaufes Menschen. — Diese Geister pflanzen also dem Menschenleib die Selbstheit, den Egoismus, ein. Da sie auf dem Saturn selbst erst auf ihrer Menschheitsstufe angelangt sind, bleiben sie noch lange mit der Menschheitsentwickelung verbunden. Sie haben also auch in folgenden Kreisläufen noch wichtige Arbeit am Menschen zu leisten. Und diese Arbeit wirkt immer im Sinne der Einimpfung der Selbstheit. Ihren Wirkungen sind ebenso die Ausartungen der Selbstheit in Selbstsucht zuzuschreiben, wie sie anderseits die Urheber aller Selbständigkeit des Menschen sind. Ohne sie wäre derselbe nie eine in sich abgeschlossene Wesenheit, eine «Persönlichkeit» geworden. Die christliche Geheimlehre gebraucht für sie den Ausdruck «Urkräfte» (Archai), und in der theosophischen Literatur werden sie als Asuras bezeichnet.

[ 10 ] Die Arbeit dieser Geister wird um die Mitte des fünften Saturnkreislaufes abgelöst von derjenigen der «Söhne des Feuers», welche auf dieser Stufe noch ein dumpfes Bilderbewußtsein haben, gleich dem Mondenbewußtsein des Menschen. Sie erreichen die Stufe der Menschheit erst auf dem nächsten Planeten, der Sonne. Ihre Arbeit ist daher hier noch in einem gewissen Grade unbewußt, traumhaft. Durch sie wird aber die Tätigkeit der «Sinneskeime» aus dem vorigen Kreislauf belebt. Die von den «Feuergeistern» erzeugten Lichtbilder scheinen durch diese Sinneskeime nach außen. Der Menschenvorfahr wird dadurch zu einer Art leuchtender Wesenheit erhoben. Während das Saturnleben sonst dunkel ist, leuchtet jetzt der Mensch aus der allgemeinen Finsternis auf. — Noch die «Geister der Persönlichkeit» wurden dagegen in dieser allgemeinen Finsternis zu ihrem Menschendasein erweckt. — Das Menschenwesen selbst kann sich auf dem Saturn aber seiner Leuchtkraft nicht bedienen. Die Lichtkraft seiner Sinneskeime würde durch sich selbst nichts ausdrücken können, aber es finden durch sie andere erhabenere Wesen die Möglichkeit, sich dem Saturnleben zu offenbaren. Durch die Leuchtquellen der Menschenvorfahren strahlen sie etwas von ihrer Wesenheit auf den Planeten nieder. Es sind dies erhabene Wesen aus der Reihe jener vier, von denen oben gesagt worden ist, daß sie in ihrer Entwickelung bereits über alle Verbindung mit dem Menschendasein hinausgewachsen seien. Ohne daß für sie selbst eine Notwendigkeit vorläge, strahlen sie jetzt durch «freien Willen» etwas von ihrer Natur aus. Die christliche Geheimlehre spricht hier von der Offenbarung der Seraphime (Seraphim), der «Geister der Alliebe». Dieser Zustand dauert bis zur Mitte des sechsten Saturnkreislaufes.

[ 11 ] Darnach setzt die Arbeit jener Wesen ein, welche auf dieser Stufe ein dumpfes Bewußtsein haben, wie es dem Menschen gegenwärtig im tiefen, traumlosen Schlafe zukommt. Es sind die «Söhne des Zwielichtes», die «Geister der Dämmerung». (In den theosophischen Schriften nennt man sie Lunar Pitris oder auch Barhishad-Pitris.) Sie erreichen die Stufe der Menschheit erst auf dem Monde. Sowohl sie wie auch ihre Vorgänger, die Feuersöhne, sind daher auf der Erde schon über die Stufe des Menschentums hinausgewachsen. Sie sind auf der Erde höhere Wesen, welche die christliche Geheimlehre «Engel» nennt (Angeloi), während sie für die Feuersöhne den Ausdruck «Erzengel» (Archangeloi) gebraucht. Diese Söhne des Zwielichts entwickeln nun in dem herangewachsenen Menschenvorfahren eine Art Verstand, dessen er sich aber bei seinem dumpfen Bewußtsein noch nicht selbst bedienen kann. Durch diesen Verstand offenbaren sich jetzt wieder erhabene Wesenheiten, wie vorher durch die Sinneskeime die Seraphim. Durch die Menschenleiber lassen jetzt die Geister den Verstand über den Planeten fließen, welche die christliche Geheimlehre «Cherubime» (Cherubim) nennt.

[ 12 ] Um die Mitte des siebenten Saturnkreislaufes setzt eine neue Tätigkeit ein. Jetzt ist nämlich der Mensch so weit, daß er an seinem eigenen Stoffleib unbewußt arbeiten kann. Durch diese seine eigene Tätigkeit schafft der Mensch in der völligen Dumpfheit des Saturndaseins die erste Keimanlage zum eigentlichen «Geistesmenschen» (vergleiche meine «Theosophie»), welcher am Ende der Menschheitsentwickelung erst zur vollen Entfaltung gelangt. In der theosophischen Literatur nennt man dies «Atma». Es ist das höchste Glied der sogenannten Monade des Menschen. Für sich selbst wäre es auf dieser Stufe ganz dumpf und unbewußt. Aber wie die Seraphim und Cherubim durch ihren freien Willen sich in den beiden vorhergehenden Menschenstufen offenbaren, so jetzt die Throne, jene Wesen, die ganz im Anfange des Saturndaseins den Menschenleib aus ihrer eigenen Wesenheit ausstrahlen ließen. Die Keimanlage des «Geistesmenschen» (Atma) wird ganz von der Kraft dieser Geister des Willens durchdrungen und behält diese Kraft dann durch alle folgenden Entwickelungsstufen. Der Mensch in seinem dumpfen Bewußtsein kann auf dieser Stufe freilich noch nichts von dieser Keimanlage merken; aber er entwickelt sich weiter, und später leuchtet dann auch für sein eigenes Bewußtsein diese Keimanlage auf.

[ 13 ] Diese Arbeit ist am Ende des Saturnlebens noch nicht abgeschlossen; sie setzt sich in den ersten Sonnenkreislauf hinein fort. Man bedenke, daß die Arbeit der höheren Geister, die hier gekennzeichnet worden ist, nicht mit Anfang und Ende eines kleineren Kreislaufes (einer Runde) zusammenfällt, sondern daß sie von der Mitte des einen bis zur Mitte des nächsten geht. Und ihre größte Tätigkeit entfaltet sie gerade in den Ruhepausen zwischen den Kreisläufen. Sie steigt von der Mitte eines Kreislaufes (Manvantara) an, wird am stärksten in der Mitte einer Ruhepause (Pralaya) und flutet dann im nächsten Kreislauf ab. (Es ist ja schon in den vorigen Kapiteln davon gesprochen worden, daß während der Ruhepausen das Leben keineswegs aufhört.)

[ 14 ] Aus dem obigen ist auch ersichtlich, in welchem Sinne die christliche Geheimwissenschaft davon spricht, daß sich im «Beginne der Zeiten» zuerst die Seraphim, Cherubim und Throne offenbarten.

[ 15 ] Damit ist der Saturnlauf so weit verfolgt, bis sich sein Leben durch eine Ruhepause hindurch in das der Sonne hinüberentwickelt. Davon in den folgenden Ausführungen.

[ 16 ] Der leichteren Übersichtlichkeit halber soll hier eine Zusammenstellung der Entwickelungstatsachen des ersten Planeten stehen.

  1. Es ist dieser Planet derjenige, auf dem sich das dumpfeste menschliche Bewußtsein entfaltet (ein tiefes Trancebewußtsein). Zugleich damit bildet sich die erste Anlage des physischen Menschenleibes.
  2. Diese Entwickelung geht durch sieben Unterstufen (kleinere Kreisläufe oder «Runden») hindurch. Auf jeder dieser Stufen setzen höhere Geister an der Ausbildung des Menschenleibes mit ihrer Arbeit ein, und zwar im
    1. Kreislauf die Geister des Willens (Throne),
    2. Kreislauf die Geister der Weisheit (Herrschaften),
    3. Kreislauf die Geister der Bewegung (Mächte),
    4. Kreislauf die Geister der Form (Gewalten),
    5. Kreislauf die Geister der Persönlichkeit (Urkräfte),
    6. Kreislauf die Geister der Söhne des Feuers (Erzengel),
    7. Kreislauf die Geister der Söhne des Zwielichtes (Engel).
  3. Im vierten Kreislauf erheben sich die Geister der Persönlichkeit zur Stufe der Menschheit.
  4. Vom fünften Kreislauf an offenbaren sich die Seraphim.
  5. Vom sechsten Kreislauf an offenbaren sich die Cherubim.
  6. Vom siebenten Kreislauf an offenbaren sich die Throne, die eigentlichen «Schöpfer der Menschen».
  7. Durch die letztere Offenbarung entsteht in dem siebenten Kreislauf des ersten Planeten die Anlage zum «Geistmenschen», zu Atma.

XIII The Life of Saturn

[ 1 ] The great development of mankind through the seven stages of consciousness from Saturn to Vulcan has been compared in one of the previous descriptions with the passage through life between birth and death, through infancy, childhood and so on up to old age. The comparison can be extended even further. Just as in the present human race the individual ages not only follow each other but also exist side by side, so it is with the unfolding of the stages of consciousness. The old man, the mature man or woman, the youth and so on, they walk side by side. Thus on Saturn, too, there were not only the human ancestors as beings with the dull Saturn consciousness, but alongside them other beings who had already developed the higher stages of consciousness. Thus, when the evolution of Saturn began, there were already natures with sun consciousness, others with image consciousness (moon consciousness), others with a consciousness similar to the present consciousness of man, then a fourth species with self-conscious (psychic) image consciousness, a fifth with self-conscious (super-psychic) object consciousness, and a sixth with creative (spiritual) consciousness. And even this does not exhaust the series of beings. After the volcanic stage, the human being will also develop further and then climb even higher levels of consciousness. As the outer eye gazes into the misty gray distance, the inner eye of the seer gazes into the spirit distance at five more forms of consciousness, of which, however, a description is quite impossible. We can therefore speak of twelve levels of consciousness in total.

[ 2 ] Saturnian man thus had eleven other types of being in his orbit. The four highest species had their tasks at stages of development that preceded Saturn's life. When this life began, they had already reached such a high stage of their own development that their further existence now took place in worlds that lie beyond the realms of man. They therefore cannot and need not be spoken of here.

[ 3 ] The other species of beings, however - seven apart from Saturnian man - are all involved in the development of man. They act as creative powers and perform their services in a way that will be described below.

[ 4 ] The most sublime of these beings were those who, when Saturn's evolution began, had already reached a level of consciousness that man will only attain after his volcanic life, i.e. a high creative (superspiritual) consciousness. These "creators" also had to pass through the stages of humanity. This happened on world bodies that preceded Saturn. However, their connection with the development of humanity remained until the middle of Saturn's life. In secret science they are called "radiant lives" or "radiant flames" because of their sublimely fine radiant bodies. And because the material of which this body was made bears some distant resemblance to the will of man, they are also called the "spirits of will". - These spirits are the creators of the Saturnian man. From their bodies they emanate the substance which can become the carrier of the human Saturnian consciousness. The period of development during which this happens is called the first small Saturnian cycle. (In the language of theosophical literature, the "first round".) The material body which the human being receives in this way is the first structure of his later physical body. One can therefore say that the germ of the physical human body is laid during the first Saturnian cycle by the spirits of the will; and at that time this germ has the dull Saturn consciousness.

[ 5 ] This first minor Saturnian cycle is then followed by six others. The human being does not attain a higher degree of consciousness within these cycles. But the material body which he has received is further elaborated. And in this elaboration the other types of being, to which we have alluded above, participate in the most varied ways.

[ 6 ] After the "Spirits of Will" come beings with creative (spiritual) consciousness, similar to that which man will attain on the volcano. They are called "spirits of wisdom". The Christian secret science calls them "dominions" (Kyriotetes), while it calls the "spirits of the will", "thrones". 9Those who really know the Christian doctrine know that the ideas of these spiritual beings superior to man belong to it. They have only been lost to an externalized religious doctrine for some time. Anyone who really looks into things and looks deeper will recognize that on the part of Christianity there is not the slightest reason to fight secret science, but that on the contrary this secret science is in complete harmony with true Christianity. If theologians and teachers of religion wanted to get involved in the study of secret science, they would have to see it as the best helper and promoter in the present for the sake of their Christianity. However, many theologians also think quite materialistically; and it is significant that today one can even read the words: "Angels" are for "children and nurses" in a popular publication intended to promote Christian knowledge. Such an assertion stems from a complete misunderstanding of the true Christian spirit. And only those who sacrifice true Christianity to a supposedly advanced "science" can make such a claim. But the time will come when a higher science will pass over the childishness of such assertions to the order of the day. They bring their own development forward a little during the second Saturnian cycle and at the same time work on the human body in such a way that a "wise institution", a sensible structure is implanted in it. More precisely, their work on the human body begins soon after the middle of the first cycle and is completed around the middle of the second.

[ 7 ] The third type of spirits with the self-conscious (superpsychic) object consciousness is called "spirits of movement" or also of "activity". In Christian secret science they are called "powers" (dynamis). (In theosophical literature the term "Mahat" is used for them.) With the progress of their own development, from the middle of the second Saturnian cycle onwards, they connect the further elaboration of the human material body, into which they implant the ability of movement, of force-filled activity. This work reaches its end around the middle of the third Saturnian cycle.

[ 8 ] After this point, the work of the fourth type of being, the so-called "spirits of form", begins. They have a self-aware consciousness of images (psychic consciousness). The Christian secret doctrine has given them the name "powers" (Exusiai). Through their work, the human material body, which was previously a kind of moving cloud, acquires a limited (plastic) form. This activity of the "spirits of form" is completed around the middle of the fourth Saturnian cycle.

[ 9 ] Then follows the activity of the "spirits of darkness", which are also called "spirits of personality" or "selfhood" (egoism). At this stage they have a consciousness similar to the present human consciousness on earth. They inhabit the formed human material body as "souls" in a similar way as the human soul inhabits its body today. They implant a kind of sense organs into the body, which are the germ of the sense organs that later develop in the human body during the evolution of the earth. - One only has to realize that these "sense germs" are still essentially different from man's present-day sensory tools. Man on earth could not perceive anything through such "sense germs". For him the images of the sensory instruments must first pass through a finer etheric body, which is formed on the sun, and through an astral body, which owes its existence to the development of the moon. (But the "spirits of personality" can work on the images of the "sense germs" through their own souls in such a way that with their help they can perceive external objects in the same way as man does during his earth evolution. By working on the human body in this way, the "spirits of personality" go through their own "stage of humanity". They are therefore humans from the middle of the fourth to the middle of the fifth Saturnian cycle. - These spirits thus implant selfhood, egoism, into the human body. Since they have only reached their human stage on Saturn itself, they remain connected with the development of humanity for a long time. They therefore still have important work to do on human beings in subsequent cycles. And this work always works in the sense of the inculcation of selfhood. The degeneration of selfishness into selfishness can be attributed to their effects, just as they are the originators of all human independence. Without them, man would never have become a self-contained entity, a "personality". The Christian secret doctrine uses the term "elemental forces" (Archai) for them, and in theosophical literature they are referred to as Asuras.

[ 10 ] The work of these spirits is replaced around the middle of the fifth Saturnian cycle by that of the "sons of fire", who at this stage still have a dull consciousness of images, like the consciousness of the moon in man. They only reach the level of humanity on the next planet, the sun. Their work here is therefore still to a certain degree unconscious, dreamlike. Through them, however, the activity of the "sense germs" from the previous cycle is enlivened. The light images produced by the "fire spirits" shine outwards through these sense germs. The human ancestor is thereby elevated to a kind of luminous being. While Saturn's life is otherwise dark, the human being now shines out of the general darkness. - The "spirits of personality", on the other hand, were awakened to their human existence in this general darkness. - However, the human being itself cannot make use of its luminosity on Saturn. The luminous power of its sensory germs would not be able to express anything through itself, but through it other more sublime beings find the possibility of revealing themselves to Saturn life. Through the luminous sources of the human ancestors they radiate something of their essence down to the planet. These are sublime beings from the series of those four of whom it has been said above that in their development they have already outgrown all connection with human existence. Without there being any necessity for them, they now radiate something of their nature through "free will". The Christian secret doctrine speaks here of the revelation of the seraphim (seraphim), the "spirits of all-love". This state lasts until the middle of the sixth Saturnian cycle.

[ 11 ] After this, the work of those beings begins who have a dull consciousness at this stage, as is currently the case for humans in deep, dreamless sleep. These are the "sons of twilight", the "spirits of twilight". (In theosophical writings they are called Lunar Pitris or Barhishad Pitris). They only reach the level of humanity on the moon. Both they and their predecessors, the Sons of Fire, have therefore already grown beyond the stage of humanity on earth. They are higher beings on earth, which the Christian secret doctrine calls "angels" (Angeloi), while it uses the term "archangels" (Archangeloi) for the Sons of Fire. These sons of twilight now develop a kind of mind in the grown human ancestor, which he cannot yet use himself in his dull consciousness. Through this intellect sublime beings now reveal themselves again, as the seraphim did before through the sensory germs. Through the human bodies the spirits now let the mind flow over the planet, which the Christian secret doctrine calls "Cherubime" (Cherubim).

[ 12 ] A new activity begins around the middle of the seventh Saturnian cycle. Now the human being has reached the point where he can work unconsciously on his own material body. Through this activity of his own, man, in the complete dullness of Saturn's existence, creates the first germ of the actual "spiritual man" (compare my "Theosophy"), which only reaches full development at the end of man's evolution. In theosophical literature this is called "Atma". It is the highest member of the so-called monad of man. On its own, it would be completely dull and unconscious at this stage. But just as the seraphim and cherubim reveal themselves through their free will in the two previous human stages, so now do the thrones, those beings who, at the very beginning of Saturn's existence, allowed the human body to radiate from their own essence. The seed of the "spiritual man" (Atma) is completely permeated by the power of these spirits of will and then retains this power through all subsequent stages of development. The human being in his dull consciousness can, of course, not yet notice anything of this germinal disposition at this stage; but he continues to develop, and later this germinal disposition also lights up for his own consciousness.

[ 13 ] This work is not yet completed at the end of Saturn's life; it continues into the first solar cycle. Consider that the work of the higher spirits, which has been characterized here, does not coincide with the beginning and end of a smaller cycle (a round), but that it goes from the middle of one to the middle of the next. And it unfolds its greatest activity precisely in the pauses for rest between the cycles. It rises from the middle of a cycle (Manvantara), becomes strongest in the middle of a rest (Pralaya) and then flows out in the next cycle. (It has already been mentioned in the previous chapters that life does not cease at all during the rest periods.

[ 14 ] From the above it is also evident in what sense Christian Mystery Science speaks of the seraphim, cherubim and thrones first revealing themselves in the "beginning of times".

[ 15 ] This traces the course of Saturn until its life develops through a pause into that of the sun. About this in the following explanations.

[ 16 ] For the sake of clarity, here is a summary of the developmental facts of the first planet.

  1. This planet is the one on which the dullest human consciousness unfolds (a deep trance consciousness). At the same time, the first anlage of the physical human body is formed.
  2. This development goes through seven sub-stages (smaller cycles or "rounds"). At each of these stages, higher spirits begin their work on the formation of the human body, namely in the
    1. circuit the spirits of the will (thrones),
    2. circuit the spirits of wisdom (dominions),
    3. Circuit the spirits of movement (powers),
    4. Circulation of the spirits of form (powers),
    5. Circulation of the spirits of personality (elemental forces),
    6. Circuit the spirits of the sons of fire (archangels),
    7. circuit the spirits of the sons of twilight (angels)
    8. .
  3. In the fourth cycle, the spirits of personality rise to the level of humanity.
  4. From the fifth cycle onwards, the seraphim reveal themselves.
  5. From the sixth cycle onwards, the cherubim reveal themselves.
  6. From the seventh cycle onwards, the thrones, the actual "creators of men", reveal themselves.
  7. Through the latter revelation, in the seventh cycle of the first planet, the disposition to the "spirit man", to Atma, is created.