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Cosmic Memory
GA 11

Preface by the Editor of the German Edition (1939)

[ 1 ] These Essays of Dr. Rudolf Steiner which first appeared in 1904 are now published in book form after thirty-five years. They were written for the periodical Lucifer Gnosis, which appeared at first as a monthly and then at longer intervals. This explains the occasional repetition of what has been said previously. But, after all, repetitions are especially useful in the study of the science of the spirit. However, some may find it confusing that beside the new terminology coined for the Occident one is also mentioned which has been taken from oriental esoterica. The latter had become popular in Europe around the turn of the century through the literature of the Theosophical Society. The exotic names had stayed in people's memories, but the finer nuances which the Oriental associates with them remained closed to the European. The adaptation of our language, which is fitted for sensory perception, to a more delicate spiritual conceptualization and to a concrete picturing of even the extrasensory was something at which Dr. Steiner worked unceasingly. In the description of the activity of the Hierarchies he uses the Christian terminology customary for this purpose.

[ 2 ] What is here presented in form of a brief survey, finds its continuation in the books Theosophie and Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss.

[ 3 ] The periodical Lucifer Gnosis could not be continued because of the excessive demands made by lecturing activities and other occupations. Apart from the results of spiritual scientific research, it contained many essays in which Dr. Steiner comes to grips with the scientific thinking of the present. Since writings like these concerning the Akasha Chronicle cannot fail to appear as wild phantasy to most unprepared readers of today, two essays from this periodical which touch upon the epistemological problems of the present, precede and follow them. The sober logic of these two essays should furnish proof that the investigator of supersensible worlds is also able to survey problems of the present in a calm and objective manner.

[ 4 ] The periodical was also devoted to the answering of questions posed by its readers. From this section we include some points relating to Atlantean humanity and to mystery science. However, the one who wishes to obtain a clear idea of the manner in which a reading of the Akasha Chronicle becomes possible, must devote himself intensively to the study of Anthroposophy.

[ 5 ] Apart from the above-mentioned books we indicate for those who are advanced in the study of the science of the spirit, the esoteric reflections on Okkultes Lesen und Okkultes Hören (Occult Reading and Occult Hearing), and the third volume of the series Geistige Wesen und Ihre Wirkungen (Spiritual Beings and Their Effects) which has just appeared and should be of special interest today: Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit, Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten (Historical Necessity and Freedom, Fateful Influences from the World of the Dead).

Marie Steiner (1867–1948)

Vorwort von Marie Steiner
zur ersten Buchausgabe (1939)

[ 1 ] Auf vielfachen Wunsch werden diese im Jahre 1904 zuerst erschienenen Aufsätze Dr. Rudolf Steiners nun nach fünfunddreißig Jahren in Buchform herausgebracht. Geschrieben waren sie für die zuerst monatlich, dann in größeren Zwischenräumen erscheinende Zeitschrift «Lucifer-Gnosis». Dadurch erklärt sich das öftere Zurückgreifen und Hinweisen auf vorher Gesagtes. Doch sind ja Wiederholungen dem Studium der Geisteswissenschaft besonders förderlich. Verwirrend könnte es heute mancher empfinden, daß neben der neuen für das Abendland geprägten Terminologie auch diejenige miterwähnt wird, die orientalischer Esoterik entnommen ist. Sie war durch die Literatur der Theosophischen Gesellschaft in der Zeit der Jahrhundertwende in Europa populär geworden. Die exotischen Namen waren im Gedächtnis haftengeblieben; die feineren Nuancen, die der Orientale damit verbindet, blieben ja trotzdem dem Europäer verschlossen. Die Durchgestaltung unserer der Sinneswahrnehmung angepaßten Sprache zu feinerer geistiger Begrifflichkeit und zur konkreten Bildhaftigkeit auch des Übersinnlichen war etwas, woran Dr. Steiner unablässig gearbeitet hat. Bei der Schilderung der Wirksamkeit der Hierarchien benutzt er die dafür übliche christliche Terminologie.

[ 2 ] Was hier in der «Akasha-Chronik» in knapper Übersichtlichkeit vor Augen geführt wird, findet seine Fortsetzung in den Büchern «Theosophie» und «Geheimwissenschaft im Umriß».

[ 3 ] Die Zeitschrift «Lucifer-Gnosis» konnte wegen übermäßiger Inanspruchnahme durch Vortragstätigkeit und anderer Betätigungen nicht weitergeführt werden. Neben den Ergebnissen der Geheimforschung enthält sie viele Aufsätze, in denen Dr. Steiner mit dem naturwissenschaftlichen Denken der Gegenwart sich auseinandersetzt. Da es nicht ausbleiben kann, daß Niederschriften wie diejenige über die «Akasha-Chronik» den meisten unvorbereiteten Lesern heute noch als wilde Phantastik erscheinen, so sollen zwei die Erkenntnisprobleme der Gegenwart berührende Aufsätze aus jener Zeitschrift vorangehen und folgen. Sie dürften in ihrer nüchternen Logik den Beweis erbringen, daß der Erforscher übersinnlicher Welten auch Probleme der Gegenwart ruhig und sachlich überschauen kann.

[ 4 ] Die Zeitschrift widmete sich auch der Beantwortung von Fragen, die aus dem Leserkreise gestellt wurden. Dem entnehmen wir einiges auf die atlantische Menschheit und die Geheimwissenschaft Bezügliche. Wer sich klarwerden möchte über die Art, wie das Lesen in der «Akasha-Chronik» zustande kommt, muß sich freilich dem Studium der Anthroposophie eingehend widmen.

[ 5 ] Neben den oben erwähnten Büchern sei für Fortgeschrittene im Studium der Geisteswissenschaft hingewiesen auf die Esoterischen Betrachtungen über «Okkultes Lesen und okkultes Hören» und auf den eben erscheinenden dritten Band der Schriftenreihe: Geistige Wesen und ihre Wirkungen, der heute besonders interessieren dürfte: «Geschichtliche Notwendigkeit und Freiheit. Schicksalseinwirkungen aus der Welt der Toten».

Foreword by Marie Steiner
to the first book edition (1939)

[ 1 ] By popular request, these essays by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, first published in 1904, are now being brought out in book form after thirty-five years. They were written for the journal "Lucifer-Gnosis", which was first published monthly and then at longer intervals. This explains the frequent recourse and references to what was previously said. However, repetition is particularly conducive to the study of spiritual science. Some people today might find it confusing that, in addition to the new terminology coined for the Occident, the terminology taken from oriental esotericism is also mentioned. It had become popular in Europe at the turn of the century through the literature of the Theosophical Society. The exotic names had stuck in the memory; the finer nuances that the Oriental associates with them were nevertheless closed to the European. The transformation of our language, which is adapted to sensory perception, into finer spiritual concepts and the concrete imagery of the supersensible was something that Dr. Steiner worked on incessantly. In describing the effectiveness of the hierarchies, he uses the usual Christian terminology.

[ 2 ] What is presented here in the "Akashic Chronicle" in a concise overview is continued in the books "Theosophy" and "Secret Science in Outline".

[ 3 ] The journal "Lucifer-Gnosis" could not be continued due to excessive demands from lecturing and other activities. In addition to the results of secret research, it contains many essays in which Dr. Steiner discusses contemporary scientific thinking. Since it is inevitable that writings such as the one on the "Akashic Chronicle" will still appear as wild fantasy to most unprepared readers today, two essays from that journal touching on contemporary problems of knowledge should precede and follow. In their sober logic, they should prove that the explorer of supernatural worlds can also calmly and objectively survey contemporary problems.

[ 4 ] The journal also devoted itself to answering questions posed by readers. From this we can glean a number of things relating to Atlantean mankind and secret science. Anyone who wants to become clear about the way in which reading in the "Akashic Chronicle" comes about must, of course, devote themselves in depth to the study of anthroposophy.

[ 5 ] In addition to the books mentioned above, advanced students of spiritual science should refer to the Esoteric Observations on "Occult Reading and Occult Hearing" and to the third volume of the series just published: Spiritual Beings and their Effects, which should be of particular interest today: "Historical Necessity and Freedom. Influences of fate from the world of the dead".