The Threshold of the Spiritual World
GA 17
In sixteen short sections, Rudolf Steiner describes various spiritual experiences, thus offering continually fresh points of view on the supersensible world and Spiritual Science. He presents clear suggestions for the reader's own practice of meditation. Succinct summary chapters are interspersed in between the longer and more detailed sections, making this a very easily accessible book.
In his introductory remarks, he states, "In this book there are given in an aphoristic form some descriptions of those parts of the universe and of the human being which come into view when spiritual knowledge crosses the boundary between the physical and spiritual worlds. It has not been sought to give either a systematic or in any way a complete account, but merely a few descriptions of spiritual experiences without any fixed plan. In this respect the present work, like my book, A Road to Self-Knowledge (published with this), is intended to complete and amplify my other writings. Yet it has also been sought to give the description in such a way that it may be read independently, without any knowledge of these other works."
The Threshold of the Spiritual World (1922)

It is a small book containing 16 short sections, each section dealing
with one or another aspect of Spiritual Science. The last section
discusses the relation between this book and two others which deal
with similar topics:
Occult Science — an Outline.