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The Threshold of the Spiritual World
GA 17

XIII. The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body

[ 1 ] Earlier in this book mention was made of a Moon and Sun condition, preceding the Earth condition, and only in that Moon period do there appear to clairvoyant consciousness impressions which are reminiscent of the impressions of earth-life. Such impressions are no longer to be gained when clairvoyant sight is directed to the still further distant past of the earth's Sun condition. The latter is revealed wholly as a world of beings and the actions of those beings. In order to get an impression of this Sun period, it is necessary to keep at a distance all ideas of the earth's mineral and plant life. For such ideas only have a meaning with regard to earlier conditions of the earth period; and, those of them which concern plant-life, to the long-past Moon period. To the earth's ancient Sun condition conceptions lead which may be prompted by the animal and human kingdoms of nature—conceptions, however, which do not merely portray what the senses disclose about the inhabitants of those kingdoms.

[ 2 ] Now the clairvoyant consciousness of man finds within the etheric body active forces which form themselves into pictures of such a kind that they bring to expression the way in which the etheric body received, through the actions of spiritual beings during the ancient Sun period, its first beginning in the cosmic order of things. This beginning may be traced in its further development through the Moon and Earth periods. We find that in the course of these it was transformed, and through this transformation became what is now seen to be the active etheric body of man.

[ 3 ] In order to understand the physical body of man, we require, however, a different activity of human consciousness. At first it appears as an outer counterpart of the etheric body. But close observation shows that man could never arrive at a complete development of his being, unless the physical body were something more than merely a physical manifestation of the etheric body. If this were so, definite willing, feeling, and thinking would take place in man, but they could not be so synthetised that the consciousness which expresses itself as an ego-experience could arise in the human soul. This becomes specially evident when the consciousness develops the quality of clairvoyance. Man's ego-experience can at first only take place in the physical world, when he is invested with his physical body. Thence he is able to take his experience into the elemental and spiritual worlds and interpenetrate his etheric and astral bodies with it. For man has an etheric and an astral body in which the ego-experience does not at first arise. Only in his physical body can that experience take place. Now if the human physical body is looked at from the spiritual world, it turns out that there is something in it, belonging to it intrinsically, which even from the spiritual world is not fully disclosed in its reality. If the consciousness enters the spiritual world in a clairvoyant capacity, the soul grows familiar with the world of thought-reality; but the ego experience, which through an adequate strengthening of soul-force may be carried into that world, is not woven simply out of universal thoughts; it does not yet feel in the world of cosmic thoughts anything in that environment which is equal to its own being. In order to feel this, the soul must advance still further into the supersensible. It must come to experiences in which it is abandoned even by thoughts, so that all physical experiences and all experiences also of thinking, feeling, and willing are, as it were, left behind it on its journey into the supersensible. Then for the first time does it feel itself one with a reality which so underlies the universe that it takes precedence of everything which man, as a physical, etheric, and astral being, is able to observe. Man then feels himself in a still higher sphere than the spiritual world so far known to him. We will call this world in which only the ego can experience itself, the super-spiritual world. From it even the region of thought-reality seems an outer world. When clairvoyant consciousness is transferred to this super-spiritual world, it goes through an experience which may be described and characterised somewhat as follows, by tracing the path followed by clairvoyant consciousness through its various stages.

When the soul feels itself in its etheric body, and elemental events and beings are its environment, it knows it is outside the physical body; but that physical body still exists as an entity, although when seen from without it appears transformed. To spiritual sight a part of it becomes detached, and is manifest as the expression of the deeds of spiritual beings who have been active from the beginning of the earth's existence up to the present time. Another detached part appears as the expression of something which was already in existence during the ancient Moon condition of the earth. This state of things continues as long as the consciousness is only experiencing itself in the elemental world. In that world the consciousness is able to become aware of the way in which man was constituted as a physical being during the ancient Moon period.

When the consciousness enters the spiritual world, another part of the physical body becomes detached. It is the part which was formed during the Moon period by the deeds of spiritual beings. But another part is left behind. It is that which existed during the Sun condition of the earth as man's physical entity at that period. But even of this physical entity something is left behind, when, from the standpoint of the spiritual world, everything is taken into account which happened during the Sun period through the deeds of spiritual beings.

What is then left behind is first revealed as the action of spiritual beings when the consciousness reaches the super-spiritual world. It is revealed as already existent at the beginning of the Sun period, and we have to go back to a condition of the earth before its Sun period. In my book Occult Science, I endeavoured to vindicate the use of the term Saturn period for this condition of the earth's existence. In this sense the earth was Saturn before it became Sun. And during that Saturn period the first beginning of the physical human body came into existence out of the cosmic world?process through the deeds of spiritual beings. That beginning was afterwards so transformed during the succeeding Sun, Moon, and Earth periods by the further actions of other spiritual beings that the present physical human body became what it now is.

Von der ersten Anlage des physischen Menschenleibes

[ 1 ] Es ist an einer vorangehenden Stelle dieser Schrift von einem dem Erdensein vorangehenden Monden- und Sonnensein gesprochen. Nur innerhalb des Mondenseins ergeben sich für das hellsichtige Bewußtsein noch Eindrücke, welche an die Eindrücke des Erdenlebens erinnern. Nicht aber können solche Eindrücke noch gewonnen werden, wenn der hellsichtige Blick zum urfernen Sonnensein der Erde zurückgewendet wird. Dieses Sonnensein offenbart sich schon ganz als eine Welt von Wesenheiten und von Taten solcher Wesenheiten. Man muß, um von diesem Sonnensein einen Eindruck zu bekommen, sich alles fernehalten, was im Bereiche des mineralischen und des pflanzlichen Lebens der Erde an Vorstellungen gewonnen werden kann. Denn solche Vorstellungen können nur noch für die Erkenntnis der früheren Zustände der Erde selbst und - die aus dem Bereich des Pflanzenlebens gewonnenen - für das langvergangene Mondendasein eine Bedeutung haben. Zum uralten Sonnensein der Erde führen Vorstellungen, welche durch das tierische und menschliche Naturreich angeregt sein können, die aber nichts von dem bloß abbilden, was für die Sinne an den Wesen dieser Reiche erscheint.

[ 2 ] Nun findet das übersinnliche Bewußtsein des Menschen innerhalb des ätherischen Leibes wirksame Kräfte, die sich zu Bildern formen von solcher Art, daß diese Bilder zum Ausdrucke bringen, wie der äthetische Leib durch die Taten geistiger Wesenheiten innerhalb der alten Sonnenzeit seine erste Anlage im Weltengeschehen erhalten hat. Diese Anlage kann man dann durch die Mondenzeit und die Erdenzeit in ihrer Entwickelung weiter verfolgen. Man findet, daß sie sich da umgewandelt hat und durch die Umwandlung zu dem geworden ist, was gegenwärtig als ätherischer Leib des Menschen wirksam sich bezeugt.

[ 3 ] Der physische Leib des Menschen erfordert zu seinem Verständnis noch einer anderen Betätigung des menschlichen Bewußtseins. Zunächst erscheint er wie ein äußerer Abdruck des ätherischen Leibes. Der genauen Betrachtung ergibt sich aber, daß der Mensch im Sinnessein niemals zu einer vollen Entfaltung seiner Wesenheit kommen könnte, wenn der physische Leib nichts anderes wäre als nur die sinnlich-physische Offenbarung des ätherischen Leibes. Es würde, wenn dies der Fall wäre, ein bestimmtes Wollen, Fühlen und Denken des Menschen zustande kommen, nicht aber könnte das Denken, Fühlen und Wollen so zusammengefaßt werden, daß in der Seele des Menschen das Bewußtsein entsteht, das sich im «Ich-Erlebnis» ausdrückt. Dies zeigt sich ganz besonders klar, wenn sich das Bewußtsein zu der Eigenschaft des Geistschauens hin entwickelt. Für den Menschen kann dieses Ich-Erlebnis zuerst nur in der Sinneswelt eintreten, wenn er von seinem physisch-sinnlichen Leib umhüllt ist. Von da aus kann er es dann in die elementarische Welt und in die geistige Welt hineintragen und seinen ätherischen und astralischen Leib damit durchdringen. Der Mensch hat eben einen ätherischen und astralischen Leib, in welchen sich das Ich-Eriebnis zunächst nicht bildet. Er hat einen physisch-sinnlichen Leib, in dem dieses Erlebnis auftreten kann. Wenn nun der physisch-sinnliche Menschenleib von der geistigen Welt aus betrachtet wird, so zeigt sich, daß in ihm etwas Wesenhaftes vorhanden ist, was selbst von dieser geistigen Welt aus sich nicht völlig in seiner Wahrheit offenbart. Betritt das Bewußtsein als hellsichtiges die geistige Welt, so lebt sich die Seele in die Welt der Gedanken-Wesenhaftigkeit ein; allein das Ich-Erlebnis, wie es durch entsprechend verstärkte Seelenkraft in diese Welt hineingetragen werden kann, ist nicht bloß aus Weltgedanken gewoben; es fühlt in der Welt der Weltgedanken noch nicht dasjenige, welches in dem Umkreis ein Gleiches mit der eigenen Wesenheit zeigt. Die Seele muß, um solches zu fühlen, den Weg in das Übersinnliche noch weiter fortsetzen. Sie muß zu Erlebnissen kommen, in welchen sie auch von Gedanken verlassen ist, so daß alle Sinneserlebnisse und auch alle Erlebnisse des Denkens, Fühlens und Wollens gewissermaßen auf ihrem Wege in das Übersinnliche hinter ihr liegen. Dadurch erst fühlt sie sich dann eins mit einer Wesenhaftigkeit, die so der Welt zugrunde liegt, daß sie allem vorangeht, was der Mensch als Sinnes-, als ätherisches, als astralisches Wesen beobachten kann. Der Mensch erfühlt sich dann in einem noch höheren Gebiete, als die ihm schon vorher bekannte geistige Welt eines ist. Es soll diese Welt, in welcher sich nur das «Ich» erleben kann, die über-geistige Welt genannt werden. Von dieser Welt aus erscheint auch das Gebiet der Gedanken-Wesenhaftigkeit noch als eine äußere Welt. Ist das übersinnliche Bewußtsein in diese Welt versetzt, so macht es eine Erfahrung, welche etwa in der folgenden Art sich charakterisieren läßt. Man gelangt zu dieser Charakteristik, wenn man den Weg des übersinnlichen Bewußtseins durch die verschiedenen Stufen hindurch verfolgt. Erfühlt sich die Seele in ihrem ätherischen Leibe und sind die elementarischen Vorgänge und Wesenheiten ihre Umwelt, so weiß sie sich außer dem physischen Leibe; aber dieser physische Leib bleibt als Wesenheit vorhanden, obwohl er, von außen gesehen, sich verwandelt zeigt. Er löst sich vor dem Geistesblick gewissermaßen auf in einen Teil, der als der Ausdruck von Taten geistiger Wesenheiten sich darstellt, welche vom Beginne des Erdenseins bis zur Gegenwart wirksam waren, und in einen anderen Teil, welcher der Ausdruck ist für etwas, das schon während des alten Mondenzustandes der Erde vorhanden war. So bleibt es, solange das Bewußtsein sich nur in der elementarischen Welt erlebt. Es kann in dieser Welt das Bewußtsein gewahr werden, wie der Mensch als physisches Wesen während des alten Mondenzustandes gebildet war. Betritt das Bewußtsein die geistige Welt, so löst sich von dem physischen Leibe wieder ein Teil ab. Es ist derjenige, welcher während des Mondenzustandes durch die Taten geistiger Wesenheiten gebildet worden ist. Aber es bleibt ein anderer Teil zurück. Es ist derjenige, welcher schon während des Sonnenzustandes der Erde als die damalige physische Wesenheit des Menschen vorhanden war. Doch bleibt auch von dieser physischen Wesenheit noch etwas zurück, wenn alles vom Gesichtspunkte der geistigen Welt aus in Betracht gezogen werden kann, was während der Sonnenzeit durch Taten geistiger Wesenheiten geschehen ist. Was da noch zurückbleibt, offenbart sich erst als die Tat geistiger Wesenheiten von der übergeistigen Welt aus. Es offenbart sich als schon vorhanden im Beginne der Sonnenzeit. Man muß zu einem Zustande der Erde vor ihrer Sonnenzeit zurückgehen. In meiner «Geheimwissenschaft» versuchte ich zu rechtfertigen, warum man diesen Zustand des Erdenseins den «Saturnzustand» der Erde nennen kann. Die Erde war in diesem Sinne «Saturn», bevor sie Sonne geworden ist. Und während dieses Saturnzustandes ist die erste Anlage des physischen Menschenleibes aus dem allgemeinen Weltprozesse heraus durch die Taten geistiger Wesenheiten entstanden. Diese Anlage hat sich dann während der folgenden Sonnen-, Monden- und Erdenzeit so umgebildet durch die hinzutretenden Taten anderer geistiger Wesenheiten, daß der gegenwärtige physische Menschenleib geworden ist.

The first formation of the physical human body

[ 1 ] In a previous passage of this writing, we spoke of a lunar and solar existence preceding the earthly existence. Only within the lunar existence do impressions arise for the clairvoyant consciousness which are reminiscent of the impressions of earthly life. But such impressions cannot be gained when the clairvoyant gaze is turned back to the distant sun of the earth. This solar being already reveals itself entirely as a world of beings and of the deeds of such beings. In order to gain an impression of this solar being, one must keep away from everything that can be gained in the realm of the mineral and vegetable life of the earth. For such ideas can only be of significance for the knowledge of the earlier states of the earth itself and - those gained from the realm of plant life - for the long-past existence of the moon. Concepts that may be inspired by the animal and human kingdoms of nature lead to the ancient solar existence of the earth, but they do not merely represent anything that appears to the senses in the beings of these kingdoms.

[ 2 ] Now the supersensible consciousness of man finds effective forces within the etheric body which form themselves into images of such a kind that these images express how the aesthetic body received its first formation in world events through the deeds of spiritual beings within the old solar time. We can then follow the development of this system through the lunar and terrestrial periods. It is found to have undergone a transformation and, through this transformation, to have become that which is presently effectively manifested as the etheric body of man.

[ 3 ] The physical body of man requires yet another activity of human consciousness for its understanding. At first it appears like an external impression of the etheric body. However, a closer look reveals that man could never achieve a full development of his being in his senses if the physical body were nothing other than the sensual-physical manifestation of the etheric body. If this were the case, a certain willing, feeling and thinking of the human being would come about, but the thinking, feeling and willing could not be summarized in such a way that the consciousness arises in the soul of the human being, which expresses itself in the "I-experience". This becomes particularly clear when consciousness develops into the quality of seeing the spirit. For the human being, this 'I-experience' can initially only occur in the sensory world when he is enveloped by his physical-sensory body. From there he can then carry it into the elemental world and into the spiritual world and permeate his etheric and astral body with it. The human being has an etheric and astral body in which the ego-empathy does not initially form. He has a physical-sensual body in which this experience can occur. If the physical-sensual human body is now viewed from the spiritual world, it becomes apparent that something essential is present in it, which even from this spiritual world does not fully reveal itself in its truth. If the consciousness enters the spiritual world as clairvoyant, then the soul lives itself into the world of thought-essence; only the ego-experience, as it can be carried into this world through correspondingly strengthened soul-power, is not merely woven out of world-thoughts; it does not yet feel in the world of world-thoughts that which in the circumference shows a likeness to its own entity. In order to feel this, the soul must continue on its path into the supersensible. It must come to experiences in which it is also abandoned by thoughts, so that all sense experiences and also all experiences of thinking, feeling and willing lie behind it, so to speak, on its path into the supersensible. Only then does it feel at one with a beingness that underlies the world in such a way that it precedes everything that the human being can observe as a sensory, etheric or astral being. The human being then feels himself in an even higher realm than the spiritual world already known to him. This world, in which only the "I" can experience itself, should be called the super-spiritual world. From this world, the realm of thought-substantiality also appears as an external world. If the supersensible consciousness is placed in this world, it has an experience which can be characterized in the following way. One arrives at this characterization by following the path of the supersensible consciousness through the various stages. If the soul feels itself in its etheric body and if the elementary processes and entities are its environment, then it knows itself to be outside the physical body; but this physical body remains present as an entity, although, seen from the outside, it shows itself transformed. It dissolves before the spiritual gaze, as it were, into a part which presents itself as the expression of the deeds of spiritual entities which were active from the beginning of the earth's existence up to the present, and into another part which is the expression of something which was already present during the earth's old lunar state. So it remains as long as consciousness experiences itself only in the elementary world. In this world the consciousness can become aware of how the human being was formed as a physical being during the old lunar state. When the consciousness enters the spiritual world, a part of the physical body separates again. It is the part that was formed during the lunar state through the deeds of spiritual beings. But another part remains behind. It is that which was already present during the earth's solar state as the physical entity of man at that time. But something also remains of this physical entity, if everything can be taken into consideration from the point of view of the spiritual world, which happened during the time of the sun through the deeds of spiritual entities. What still remains is only revealed as the deeds of spiritual beings from the super-spiritual world. It reveals itself as already existing at the beginning of the solar time. One must go back to a state of the earth before its solar time. In my "Secret Science" I tried to justify why this state of the earth's being can be called the "Saturnian state" of the earth. In this sense, the earth was "Saturn" before it became the sun. And during this Saturnian state, the first constitution of the physical human body arose out of the general world process through the actions of spiritual beings. During the following solar, lunar and terrestrial periods, this constitution then transformed itself through the added actions of other spiritual beings in such a way that the present physical human body was formed.