The Riddle of Man
GA 20
From the German edition entitled, Vom Menschenrätsel. Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen, Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und österreichischer Persönlichkeiten. In English, The Riddle of Man. The pronounced and unspoken thought, look, and senses of a number of German and Austrian personalities.
The Riddle of Man (1990)

This is the only known English edition, and was published by Mercury Press, Spring Valley, New York, in 1990. It was translated from the 4th German edition of 1957 by William Lindeman. Contents: the world of ideas, personality, national awareness / The worldview of German idealism / Idealism as a soul awakening: JG Fichte / Idealism as a natural and social perception: FWJ Schelling / German idealism as thoughts intuition: GWF Hegel / A Forgotten flow in German intellectual life / Pictures from the life of Austrian thoughts / Views.