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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Fundamentals of Therapy
GA 27

Postscript by Ita Wegman

[ 1 ] Thus far the fruits of our common work; and at this point, to the great grief of us all, the writing had to be discontinued when Rudolf Steiner's illness began. In the sequel it had been our plan to describe that which is working, by way of telluric and cosmic forces, in the metals: gold, silver, lead, iron, copper, mercury and tin, and to explain how they are to be used in the art of healing. It was also our intention to describe how the ancient Mysteries contained a deep and true understanding of the relation of the metals to the planets, and their relation again to the various organs of the human body. To speak of this kind of knowledge, to lay the foundations of it once more for our own time, such was our intention.


[ 1 ] Soweit liegt heute die Frucht gemeinsamer Arbeit vor. Hier mußte, gewiß zu unser aller Schmerz, die Fortführung der Niederschrift ruhen, als die Erkrankung Rudolf Steiners eintrat. Es war unser Plan gewesen, in der Fortsetzung dasjenige zu behandeln, was als irdische und kosmische Kräfte in den Metallen Gold, Silber, Blei, Eisen, Kupfer, Merkur, Zinn wirkt, und auszuführen, wie dieselben in der Heilkunst zu handhaben sind. Auch sollte dargestellt werden, wie man im alten Mysterien-Wesen ein tiefes Verständnis hatte für die Beziehungen der Metalle zu den Planeten und ihre Beziehungen zu den verschiedenen Organen des menschlichen Organismus. Von diesem Wissen zu sprechen, es wieder neu zu begründen, lag die Absicht vor.


[ 1 ] This is the fruit of our joint work. The continuation of the writing had to be put on hold, no doubt to the pain of us all, when Rudolf Steiner fell ill. It had been our plan to deal in the sequel with the earthly and cosmic forces at work in the metals gold, silver, lead, iron, copper, Mercury and tin, and to explain how they can be used in the art of healing. It should also be shown how the ancient Mystery Beings had a deep understanding of the relationship of the metals to the planets and their relationship to the various organs of the human organism. The intention was to speak of this knowledge, to re-establish it.