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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 13

Und bin ich in den Sinneshöhen,
So flammt in meinen Seelentiefen
Aus Geistes Feuerwelten
Der Götter Wahrheitswort:
In Geistesgründen suche ahnend
Dich geistverwandt zu finden.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 40

Und bin ich in den Geistestiefen,
Erfüllt in meinen Seelengründen
Aus Herzens Liebewelten
Der Eigenheiten leerer Wahn
Sich mit des Weltenwortes Feuerkraft.

—Rudolf Steiner

And when I am in senses' heights
There flames within my depth of soul
From Spirit fire-worlds,
The Word-of-Truth of gods:
In grounds of Spirit, seek divining
To find your Spirit kinship.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

And when I am in spirit deeps,
Then in the very soil of soul
From heart's own worlds of love,
The vain delusions of my self
Are filled with ardour of the cosmic Word.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Now that my senses are at home on high
I hear my soul re-echo from her depths
a fiery message from the gods:
'Welcome the hint, seek thine own deep relation
to Spirit in the Spirit's own foundation.'

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Devoted whole to Spirit's revelation
I win as my reward
the Light that is the substance of the world;
Mind, grown more clear,
lets now my self appear;
hid in the might of Thought true Selfhood shakes
its sleeping wings and wakes.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

And though the heights of Sense enfold me
Yet in my depths of Soul there flameth
From fiery Worlds of Spirit
The Gods' own Word of Truth:
In Spirit-sources seek divining
To find thy Spirit-kinship.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

And when the Spirit-depths enfold me
The vain illusion of the Selfhood
In Soul's foundations biding,
From Heart's-Love-World is filled
With fiery power of the Cosmic Word.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

And when I’ve ris’n to heights of sense,
There flames up deep within my soul
From fiery spirit worlds
The god’s own Word of truth:
In spirit grounds divining seek
To find your spirit kinship.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

And when I rest in spirit depths,
Then fills in soul’s foundation
From worlds of love within my heart
The vain illusion of private self
With Cosmic Word’s own fiery power.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

And when I live in heights of sense
Within my depths of soul there flames
Forth from the Spirit's world of fire
The true word of the gods:
Seek trustingly in spirit deeps
To find thy kinship with the spirit.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

And when I live in Spirit depths,
Within my soul's foundation,
Out of the heart's own world of love,
The empty illusion of my separate self
Is filled with the fiery power of the
Cosmic Word.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

And when I am in senses' heights,
Then deep within my soul there flames
Out of the Spirit's fiery worlds
The Gods' own Word of Truth:
In Spirit grounds seek now through dawning vision
To find yourself akin to Spirit.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

And when I am in spirit depths,
Then in my soul's deep grounds,
Out of the heart's own worlds of Love,
The vain delusions of my separate self
Are filled with fiery force of Cosmic Word.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

When I am in the heights of sense,
Then in the depths of soul there flames
Out of the spirit-worlds of Fire
The Gods' own Word of Truth:
In grounds of spirit seek divining
To find thyself akin to spirit.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

When I am in the spirit depths,
Then in the grounds of soul,
Out of the heart's own world of Love
Empty illusion of my self-bound nature
Is filled with Fire of the Cosmic Word.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

And when I am in sense's heights,
There flames in depths of soul
From Spirit Worlds of fire
The Gods' own Word of truth:
'In Spirit-ground divining, seek
Your Spirit kinship there to find.'

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

And when I am in Spirit-depths
Within my soul's deep ground,
Vain notions of my self-bound nature
Are filled from the heart's own world of love
With fiery strength of the Word of Worlds.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I am now in my senses' heights!
Yet flaring in the depths of my soul —
from worlds of fire in the Spirit —
the gods speak this truth:
At the Fountainhead of Spirit,
seek and you will find
your affinity to the Spirit!

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I am now in the depths of the Spirit!
And in the foundations of my soul,
the empty illusion of my self-image
is filled with the fiery force
of the Cosmic Word —
flowing out of worlds of love
within my heart.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

And when I live in senses' heights,
There flames up deep within my soul
Out of the spirit's fiery worlds
The gods' own word of truth:
In spirit sources seek expectantly
To find your spirit kinship.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

And when I live in spirit depths
And dwell within my soul's foundations,
There streams from love-worlds of the heart,
To fill the vain delusion of the self,
The fiery power of the cosmic Word.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

And when I am in sensory heights,
There flames in my soul’s depths
From spirit’s fiery worlds
The word of truth of gods:
Glean and seek in spirit-grounds
To find your spirit-related self.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

And when I am in spirit depths,
In my own soul’s grounds
Out of heartfelt worlds of love
Singularly empty illusions fill
With the world-word’s fiery might.

—Tr. John Riedel MD