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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 17

Es spricht das Weltenwort,
Das ich durch Sinnestore
In Seelengründe durfte führen:
Erfülle deine Geistestiefen
Mit meinen Weltenweiten,
Zu finden einstens mich in dir.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 36

In meines Wesens Tiefen spricht
Zur Offenbarung drängend
Geheimnisvoll das Weltenwort:
Erfülle deiner Arbeit Ziele
Mit meinem Geisteslichte,
Zu opfern dich durch mich.

—Rudolf Steiner

Thus speaks the cosmic Word,
Which I through gates of senses
Might lead into the depths of soul:
Fill full your depth of spirit
From out my width of worlds,
To find in future, Me in you.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Now deep within my being speaks,
With urge to revelation,
In mystery, the cosmic Word:
Fulfill the goals of your life's work
With Spirit light from Me,
To offer up yourself through Me.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

It speaks, the Word of Worlds
that I through doors of sense
had leave to introduce into my soul:
'Brim thou thy spirit's deep
with my World-wide —
in time thou shall discover Me in thee.'

—Tr. Owen Barfield

In the recesses of my being
I hear the Word of Worlds,
intent on Self-disclosure, whispering:
'Flood with my spiritual light
the goals thy labours keep in sight
and offer thus thyself through Me.'

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Thus speaks the Cosmic Word
Which I through Sense's gateway
Dared guide within my Soul's foundations:
Replenish now thy depths of Spirit
With my great World-expanses
To find hereafter Me in thee.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

There speaks within my being's depths
To revelation pressing
From hidden source the Cosmic Word:
Imbue the aims of all thy labour,
With radiance of my Spirit
To give thyself through Me.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

The world Word speaks
That I, by grace, through gates of sense
Could lead into the soul’s foundation:
Now fill your spirit’s depth
With my wide world-expanse,
One day to find myself in You.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Within my nature’s depth there speaks,
Toward revelation pressing,
Mysteriously the Cosmic Word:
Imbue your aims in working
With My clear spirit light
To give yourself through Me.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Thus speaks the Cosmic Word
Which I have been allowed to bring
Through gates of sense to soul's foundation:
Fill full thy spirit deeps
With my world distances,
Some day to find Me in thy self.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Secretly the Cosmic Word,
Striving toward open revelation,
Speaks within my being's depths:
Imbue the goals of all thy work
With my Spirit light
To sacrifice thyself through Me.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Thus speaks the Cosmic Word,
Which I by grace was free to lead
Through senses' portals into depths of soul:
Imbue your spirit depths
With My wide world horizons
To find in future time Myself in you.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Within my being's depths there speaks,
Its revelation prompting,
Mysteriously the Cosmic Word:
Imbue your labour's aims
With My pure Spirit-light
To sacrifice yourself through Me.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Thus speaks the Word of Worlds
Which I through senses' gate
Might lead into the grounds of soul:
Fill thou thy spirit depths
With all My width of worlds
To find hereafter Me in thee.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Now speaks within my being's depths
To revelation pressing
Mysteriously the Word of Worlds:
Fill thou with My spirit-light
The aims of all thy labour
To sacrifice thyself through Me.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Thus speaks the Word of Worlds
Now granted me through senses' gates
To lead into my inmost soul:
'Imbue your spirits' depths
With my wide-World-horizons
To find in future time My Self in you.'

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Within my being's depth there speaks
Mysteriously the Word of Worlds
Urging to be revealed:
'Imbue your labour's aims
With spirit-light of mine,
To offer up yourself through me.'

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I may now lead the Cosmic Word
through the gateways of my senses
into the foundations of my soul.
It speaks:
Let my cosmic majesty
fill the depths of your spirit
so that one day soon
you may discover
myself in you.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

In the depths of my being,
full of mystery,
surging toward revelation,
the Cosmic Word speaks:
Fulfill the goals of your work
with my spirit light
to sacrifice yourself through me.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

Thus speaks the cosmic Word
That I by grace through senses' portals
Have led into my innermost soul:
Imbue your spirit depths
With my wide world horizons
To find in future time myself in you.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

Within my being's depths there speaks,
Intent on revelation,
The cosmic Word mysteriously:
Imbue your labor's aims
With my bright spirit light
To sacrifice yourself through me.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

So speaks the world-word,
That I through senses’ door
May be led to grounds of soul:
Imbue your spirit-depths
With my world-breadth,
To find me one day in you.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

It speaks within my being’s depths
Toward revelation surging
Mystery-filled the word of worlds:
Imbue the purpose of your work
With the light of my spirit,
To offer up yourself through me.

—Tr. John Riedel MD