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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 26

Natur, dein mütterliches Sein,
Ich trage es in meinem Willenswesen;
Und meines Willens Feuermacht,
Sie stählet meines Geistes Triebe,
Dass sie gebären Selbstgefühl,
Zu tragen mich in mir.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 27

In meines Wesens Tiefen dringen:
Erregt ein ahnungsvolles Sehnen,
Dass ich mich selbstbetrachtend finde,
Als Sommersonnengabe, die als Keim
In Herbstesstimmung wärmend lebt
Als meiner Seele Kräftetrieb.

—Rudolf Steiner

Nature, your essence motherly,
I bear within the being of my will;
And my will's fire-force,
It steels impulses of the spirit,
So they may bear a sense of self
To bear myself in me.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

To penetrate my being's depths:
A longing filled with boding stirs,
That I in self-beholding find myself
As sun-gift of the summer which as seed
In mood of autumn, warming lives
As drive of power of my soul.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

O Mother Nature, thee I bear
within me as the substance of my will,
my fiery will that tempers as to steel
the promptings of my spirit, till they be
mine, and I bear abroad Myself in me.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

To fathom my own Being is to stir
a tell-tale longing -- longing that is shown,
if then myself I scan,
to be the bounty of the summer sun,
be summer's bounty that lives on
seeded in warm autumnal mood
and germinates as vigour in my soul.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

O Nature, thy maternal life,
I bear it deep within my Will's own being;
And fiery ardour of my Will
Doth steel my Spirit's driving forces
To bring to birth the sense of Self
To bear myself in me.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

To penetrate my depths of being
Stirs longing, filled with premonition,
That self-observing may reveal me
As gift of Summer-sunshine, which as seed,
In warming mood of Autumn, lives
As driving impulse of my soul.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

O Nature, thy maternal life
I bear within the nature of my will.
And my willing’s fiery power
So steels the promptings of my spirit
That they may bear the feel of Self
That carries Me in me.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

To penetrate my nature’s depths:
This longing stirs me, full of promise,
That self-beholding I may find
My Self as gift of summer’s sun:
A seed that lives on, warming fall:
Creative force within my soul.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

O, Mother Nature, 'tis thy very being
I bear within me as the essence of my will,
This fiery power of will
Shall steel my spirit impulses
So that they may bring forth a sense of self
To give myself to me.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Piercing through all my being's depths
There wakes a hopeful longing,
And as I look within I find
That as a gift of summer's sun it lives,
A seed of warmth in autumn's chill,
A spring of strength within my soul.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

O Nature, your maternal being
I bear within the essence of my will,
And my own will's dynamic fire power,
It steels my spirit's driving forces
That they give birth to Sense of Self
To bear my Self in me.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

To delve into my being's depths
Stirs up a longing filled with dawning vision
That I, self-contemplating, find myself
As gift of summer sun that lives,
A warming seed, in autumn mood
As motivating power of my soul.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Nature, I bear thy Motherhood
Within the being of my Will,
And through my Will's own Fire
My spirit's impulses are steeled
That they may bring forth feeling of the Self
To bear myself in me.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Into my being's depths to press
Stirs up a longing filled with heart's Divining
That self-observing I may find myself
As gift of Summer's Sun, which as a seed
Warmth-giving lives in autumn-mood
As bud of powers of my soul.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Nature! Your soul of motherhood
I bear within the being of my will;
And this will's fiery might
Steels my Spirit's impulses,
That self-awareness they beget,
To bear my Self in me.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

To delve into my being's depths
Stirs up prophetic longing,
That, Self-beholding, I may find myself,
As gift of summer sun, a seed
Which, in autumn's mood, lives warming
As driving forces of my soul.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Nature! I hold your motherly essence
in the being of my will.
And the fiery power of my will
tempers my spiritual urges,
so that they may give birth
to the feeling of myself —
to hold my self within me.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

A yearning,
filled with anticipation,
stirs within me —
so that I will find myself
by observing myself
as the gift of the summer sun,
which, as a seed,
incubating in the mood of autumn,
lives on as the impulse
of my soul forces.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

O Nature, your maternal life
I bear within the essence of my will.
And my will's fiery energy
Shall steel my spirit striving,
That sense of self springs forth from it
To hold me in myself.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

When to my being's depths I penetrate,
There stirs expectant longing
That self-observing, I may find myself
As gift of summer sun, a seed
That warming lives in autumn mood
As germinating force of soul.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

O Nature, your motherly essence
I carry within my willful ways;
And my will’s fiery might
Tempers me in spirit trials,
Till given birth is self-esteem,
To carry myself in me.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

Insistence builds in my being’s depths:
A yearning fraught with meaning stirs,
That in self-observing I should find myself
The gift of summer’s sun, a seed
Alive and warm in autumn’s hold
As the force that drives my soul.

—Tr. John Riedel MD