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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 28

Ich kann im Innern neu belebt
Erfühlen eignen Wesens Weiten
Und krafterfüllt Gedankenstrahlen
Aus Seelensonnenmacht
Den Lebensrätseln lösend spenden,
Erfüllung manchem Wunsche leihen,
Dem Hoffnung schon die Schwingen lähmte.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 25

Ich darf nun mir gehören
Und leuchtend breiten Innenlicht
In Raumes- und in Zeitenfinsternis.
Zum Schlafe drängt natürlich Wesen,
Der Seele Tiefen sollen wachen
Und wachend tragen Sonnengluten
In kalte Winterfluten.

—Rudolf Steiner

I can, revived within myself,
Experience my being's breadth
And filled with strength, spend rays of thought
From sun-might of the soul,
Resolving enigmas of life,
Fulfillment grant to many a wish
Whose wings before, by hope, were lamed.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Now may I be unto myself
And luminous, spread inner light
Into the darknesses of time and space.
All Nature-being tends toward sleep,
The depths of soul shall now awake
And waking bear the warm sun-glowing
To freezing winter-flowing.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

I can, with inborn life renewed,
sense my own being's amplitude,
as radiant thought with power filled,
shed from the Sun-within-the-soul
on life's perplexities,
to many a wish its true fulfilment brings
when hoping had but paralysed its wings.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Now may I call myself my own,
irradiating Time's and Space's night
with inborn Light;
all nature heavy grows with sleep,
the soul is called to stay awake
and, waking, fire with suffusing Sun
chill winter's inundation.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Renewed within I now can feel
The wide expansion of my being,
And filled with strength can send forth thought-rays
From out the Soul's Sun-power
The riddles of existence solving;
Can grant to many a wish fulfilment,
Where winged Hope already faltered.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Now to myself belonging
I radiate my inner light
Within the darkened realms of space and time;
To sleep inclines the natural Being.
The depths of Soul-life must awaken
And waking, carry sun-filled glowing
To chilly winter's flooding.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

In inward life renewed, I feel
The vastness of my being,
And filled with strength can shed the rays of thought
From sunpow’r in my soul,
Resolving riddles posed by life,
And grant fulfillment now to wishes
Whose wings by hope alone were lamed.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Now to my Self I may belong
And shining shed my inner light
Into the dark of space and time.
Though nature’s being hastes toward sleep,
The soul’s depth shall remain awake
And wakeful, bear sun-glowing
Into the winter’s tide of cold.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Filled with new life within
I can experience my being's distances,
And from the sun-like power of the soul
Pour out in strength the rays of thought,
Solving life's riddles,
Lending fulfillment to many a wish
Where until now hope's wings were crippled.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Now may I be my own
And shining spread an inner light
Into the dark of space and time.
The life of nature turns toward sleep;
The soul within her depths shall waken
And waking, carry the sunlight's glow
Into cold winter's snow.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

I can, enlivened now within,
Feel my own being's breadth
And, filled with strength, shed rays of thought
From sun-might of the soul
To solve the riddles life presents
And grant fulfilment now to wishes
Whose wings have long been lamed by hope.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

I may belong now to myself
And shining spread my inner light
Into the dark of space and time.
All nature urges towards sleep,
The depths of soul shall be awake
And, waking, carry sunlight-glowing
Into the winter's icy flowing.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

I can, new-quickened in myself
Now feel the breadths of my own being,
And filled with power, shed rays of Thought
From Sun-begotten might of soul
Upon life's riddles, so unravelling them,
And grant to many a wish fulfilment
Whose wings Hope has already lamed.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

I may now to myself belong,
And radiantly spread inward light
Into the darkness of all space and time.
All natural Being presses towards sleep,
The depths of soul shall waken,
And waking carry gleams of Sun
Into cold floods of Winter.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

New quicken'd, I can feel within
The width of my own being;
And, strength endow'd,
Lend light of thought
From sun-like power of the soul
Life's riddles to resolve,
Fulfilment grant to many a wish
Whose pinions hope had long laid lame.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I to myself may now belong,
And radiantly shed inner light
Into the dark of time and space.
All natural being inclines to sleep
The depths of soul shall be awake
And, waking, bear the Sun's warm glow
Into the winter's surging cold.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Newly revived within myself,
I can now experience the vastness of my own being.
Newly filled with forces
From the sun's power in my soul,
I can now release rays of thinking —
Solving riddles of existence.
I can now fulfill many a wish
whose wings before
had been crippled by hope.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I may now belong to myself.
I am luminous —
I spread my inner light
over the darknesses of space and time —
While all of Nature falls asleep.
But the depths of my soul shall awaken —
And, in awakening, shall carry
the sun's fire glowing
into the cold winter's surging.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I can, in newly quickened inner life,
Sense wide horizons in myself.
The force and radiance of my thought —
Coming from soul's sun power —
Can solve the mysteries of life,
And grant fulfillment now to wishes
Whose wings have long been lamed by hope.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

I can belong now to myself
And shining spread my inner light
Into the dark of space and time.
Toward sleep is urging all creation,
But inmost soul must stay awake
And carry wakefully sun's glowing
Into the winter's icy flowing.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

I can with fresh interior gaze
Feel the wealth of inner ways
And streaming thoughts filled with might
Emblazoned by my inner light
Engaged in solving riddles of life,
Fulfilling many a wish of yore,
Whose wings of hope were clipped before.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

Now may I hold my inner reins
And radiantly spread my inner light
In the gloom of space and time.
As natural creatures drift toward sleep,
Depths of soul should awaken,
And in awakening bear a sunny glow
In the cold and wintery flow.

—Tr. John Riedel MD