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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 46

Die Welt, sie drohet zu betäuben
Der Seele eingeborene Kraft;
Nun trete du, Erinnerung,
Aus Geistestiefen leuchtend auf
Und stärke mir das Schauen,
Das nur durch Willenskräfte
Sich selbst erhalten kann.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 07

Mein Selbst, es drohet zu entfliehen,
Vom Weltenlichte mächtig angezogen.
Nun trete du mein Ahnen
In deine Rechte kräftig ein,
Ersetze mir des Denkens Macht,
Das in der Sinne Schein
Sich selbst verlieren will.

—Rudolf Steiner

The world, it threatens to benumb
The inborn force within my soul,
Now, memory, come to the fore,
Illuminating from Spirit deeps,
And strengthen my perception,
Which but through force of will
Is able to endure.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

My Self now threatens to escape,
Attracted forcefully by cosmic light.
Now, you, my boding, enter
With force into your rightful realm;
Restore for me the power of thought,
Which in the senses' shine
So wills to lose itself.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

The world intends to lull asleep
the vigour vested in my soul.
Now Recollection, out of Spirit-deeps
stand forth and, shining bright, enhance
that penetration in my glance
which strength of will alone can long sustain.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

My self is prone to fly away
beckoned and lured by light that fills the worlds.
Come, Intimations, enter, claim your right,
supplant as surrogate the sovereign might
of Thinking, now inclined to lose itself
in brilliant sense-appearances.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

The World is threatening to deaden
The inborn forces of my Soul;
Now enter thou, O Memory,
From depths of Spirit lighting up,
Make stronger my beholding
Which but by Will's strong forces
Can still maintain itself.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

My Self — it threatens to escape me,
By cosmic Light most mightily drawn upward,
Now enter, my divining,
Thy rightful realm with inner strength;
Replace for me the power of Thought
Which fain would lose itself
Within the Sense-world's show.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

The world is threatening to stun
The inborn force within my soul.
May deep’ning inwardness arise
From spirit depths with shining light
To strengthen soul’s beholding,
Which by the force of will alone
Can now maintain itself.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

My self is like to fly away,
Drawn mightily into the cosmic light.
Now, heart’s divining, lend your strength!
That helps me hold to what is right;
Transform for me the power of thought
That fain would lose itself
In sense world’s fair appearance.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

The world, it threatens to overpower
The inborn forces of the soul.
Now, Memory, arise, shining from Spirit depths
And strengthen thou my vision
Which only through the power of will
Can be maintained.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

It threatens to escape, this self of mine,
Attracted by the universal light.
Arise then now, my intuition,
With strength to take thy place,
Standing instead of thinking power
Which tends to lose itself
Within the glamourous show of sense.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

The world, it threatens to benumb
The inborn force within my soul.
Now you, my memory, arise,
Shine forth from spirit depths
And strengthen my beholding,
Which but through forces of the will
Is able to sustain itself.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

My Self, it threatens to take flight,
Responding to the mighty pull of cosmic light.
Now you, my dawning vision, rise;
Do firmly claim your rights.
Succeed in me the reign of thinking,
Which in the senses' glory
Is bound to lose itself.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

The World is threatening to stun
The inborn power of the soul.
Now, Memory, stand forth
Out of the depths of spirit radiantly,
And strengthen my Beholding,
Which through the power of Will alone
Can keep itself in being.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

My Self is threatening to escape,
Unto the light of Worlds drawn mightily.
Now enter thou, my heart's Divining,
With power and strength into thy rights;
Replace the might of thinking,
That in the senses' glory
Inclines to lose itself.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

The world it threatens to benumb
The inborn power of my soul;
Now memory from spirit depths
Step forth in radiant light
And strengthen my beholding,
Which by forces of the will alone
Is able to maintain itself.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

My self it threatens to take flight
By world's clear light drawn mightly.
Now my divining enter
With strength upon your rights,
Replace for me the power of thought,
Which in the senses glory
Inclines to lose itself.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

The World!
It threatens to stupefy
the innate power of my soul.
Memory! —
Illuminating out of
the depths of the spirit, —
Come forward now!!
Strengthen my vision,
which can only be sustained
by the forces of my will.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

My Self! —
It threatens to flee —
Intensely attracted by cosmic light.
My Intuition!
Come in now with confidence!
Take your rightful place!
Replenish the power of my Thinking,
which craves to lose itself
in the glorious illusions
of the senses.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

The world is threatening to stun
The inborn forces of my soul;
Now, memory, come forth
From spirit depths, enkindling light;
Invigorate my inward sight
Which only by the strength of will
Is able to sustain itself.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

My self is threatening to fly forth,
Lured strongly by the world's enticing light.
Come forth, prophetic feeling,
Take up with strength your rightful task:
Replace in me the power of thought
Which in the senses' glory
Would gladly lose itself.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

The world threatens to overcome
Unique perspectives I have won;
Now step forth, memory,
Illuminate from spirit depths
And strengthen my beholding,
For through strength of will alone
Can the mind maintain a sphere its own.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

My self will surely fly away,
For worldly lights draw it astray.
Now step forth, ancient lineage mine,
Into your rightful place,
Power of thinking, appear in me,
For otherwise in the sensory show
It would itself be lost.

—Tr. John Riedel MD