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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 47

Es will erstehen aus dem Weltenschosse,
Den Sinnenschein erquickend, Werdelust.
Sie finde meines Denkens Kraft
Gerüstet durch die Gotteskräfte,
Die kräftig mir im Innern leben.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 06

Es ist erstanden aus der Eigenheit
Mein Selbst und findet sich
Als Weltenoffenbarung
In Zeit- und Raumeskräften;
Die Welt, sie zeigt mir überall
Als göttlich Urbild
Des eignen Abbilds Wahrheit.

—Rudolf Steiner

There will emerge out of the womb of worlds,
To quicken senses' shine, the joy in growth.
Now may it find my force of thought
Well armed through forces of the gods,
Which forceful, live within my self.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

There has arisen from my egohood
My Self, and finds itself
As cosmic revelation
In pulse of time and space;
The world shows everywhere to me
As godly archetype
The truth of my own image.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

Emerging from its covering by the world
zest-of-becoming means to have its way,
to liven up the beauty born of sense;
now let it find my thinking clad in mail,
corroborate by forces from the gods
themselves alive, no weaklings, here within.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

Risen from separate me
I feel my self-expression fit,
as cosmic revelation,
with sturdy goings on in time and space;
the world before me overall
as my divine Original
confirms as true this Copy made from it.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

There will arise from out the Cosmic bosom,
The senses quick'ning, all the thirst for life.
O may it find my Thinking's might
Well-armed through the Godlike forces
Which live with strength within my being.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

From out of narrow Selfhood is arisen
My Self, and finds itself
As Cosmic Revelation
In temporal, spatial forces;
The World, it shows me everywhere
As godlike image
The truth of my own likeness.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

From cosmic womb there wills to rise,
Enliv’ning sense’s shining realm,
World’s ardor of becoming.
Now may it find my thinking strong –
Well-armed by strengths God-giv’n,
That strongly live within me.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Arisen from its own confines,
My self thus finds itself
As revelation of the World-All
Incarnate now in time and space.
The world shows everywhere to me
As archetype divine
The truth beyond my image.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

Out of the womb of worlds
Awakening the play of sense,
There strives to rise the Joy of New Becoming.
O, let it find my power of thinking
Well armoured with those godlike powers
That live in strength within me.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

My self is re-arisen
Out of the earthly self
To find, within the powers of time and space,
Itself a cosmic revelation;
This world, it eveiywhere displays
As archetype divine
The truth of my own likeness.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

There will arise out of the world's wide womb,
The senses' glory quickening, the joy-in-growth.
So may it find my thinking's strength
Well-armed with God-begotten forces,
Which strongly live within my being.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

There has arisen from its self-confinement
My Self and finds itself
As cosmic revelation
Within the sway of time and space,
And far and wide the world displays to me
As archetype divine
The truth of my own image.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

There will arise out of the womb of Worlds
Requick'ning senses' glory, joy in growth.
Now may it find my thinking-power
Armed with the Qod-begotten forces,
Which live in strength within me.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

There has arisen from its separate state
My Self, and finds itself
As revelation of the Worlds
In pow'rs of Time and Space.
The world shows everywhere to me,
As archetype divine,
The truth of my own likeness.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

There wills to arise from womb of worlds,
Quickening the sense's glory,
Joy of unfolding life.
May it find my thinking's strength
Fortified by the powers of God
Which strongly live in my inmost self.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

My Self from narrow Selfhood is arisen and
finds itself
As revelation of all worlds
In forces both of Time and Space:
The world it shows me everywhere
As archetype divine
The truth of my own image.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Joy of genesis!
How it yearns to rise
out of its cosmic womb
to animate sense appearance!
May it find the force
of my thinking
prepared by God's forces,
that live robust
within my inner being.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

My self is resurrected
from its subjectivity,
and discovers itself
as a cosmic revelation
within the forces
of Space and Time.
Everywhere the world
shows me the truth
of my own image
as the image of God.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

There will arise out of the world's great womb,
Quickening the senses' life, the joy of growth.
Now may it find my strength of thought
Well armed by powers divine
Which strongly live within my being.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

There has arisen from its narrow limits
My self and finds itself
As revelation of all worlds
Within the sway of time and space;
The world, as archetype divine,
Displays to me at every turn
The truth of my own likeness.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

From world’s womb will to be arises,
Quickening the sensory show.
It must find my power of thinking
Equipped by means of powers divine
That strongly live in me.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

Arisen out of individuality
My self finds itself To be a world-revelation
In the interplay of time and space;
The world portrays me overall
As archetype divine,
The very image of truth.

—Tr. John Riedel MD