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Calendar of the Soul
GA 40

For more information, read this overview. Find complete calendars categorized by translator in GA 40.

Current Verse: Week 49

Ich fühle Kraft des Weltenseins:
So spricht Gedankenklarheit,
Gedenkend eignen Geistes Wachsen
In finstern Weltennächten,
Und neigt dem nahen Weltentage
Des Innern Hoffnungsstrahlen.

—Rudolf Steiner

Corresponding Verse: Week 04

Ich fühle Wesen meines Wesens:
So spricht Empfindung,
Die in der sonnerhellten Welt
Mit Lichtesfluten sich vereint;
Sie will dem Denken
Zur Klarheit Wärme schenken
Und Mensch und Welt
In Einheit fest verbinden.

—Rudolf Steiner

I feel the force of cosmic Being:
So speaks thought clarity,
Recalling growth of its own spirit
In sombre cosmic nights,
Inclines toward cosmic day that nears
The rays of inner hope.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

I feel the essence of my essence
So sentience speaks,
Which in the sunlit universe
Unites itself with floods of light;
It would add warmth
To thinking's clarity
And Man and World
In oneness firmly weld.

—Tr. Daisy Aldan

'I feel the puissant Being of the World.'
so speaks a cloudless mind
recalling dark World-winter-nights, wherethrough
its spiritual stature grew,
and the bright hope within it points it there
where the new Daylight-of-the-world draws near.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

'I feel the very Being of my being,'
so the responsive soul,
which in a wide world rinsed with radiant sun
with flowing light grows one;
imparting warmth to mind's transparency,
such is her will,
so knitting man and world in unison.

—Tr. Owen Barfield

I feel the World-existence strength,
So speaks Thought's inner clearness,
Remembering its growth of Spirit
In Cosmic-night of darkness,
And bends on Cosmic-day approaching
The inner beams of hoping.

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

I feel my Being's inner Being;
So speaks sensation
That in the Sun-illumined world
Itself with flooding Light doth join;
It would on Thinking
Bestow a warmth for clearness,
And fast would bind
Man with the World in oneness

—Tr. Mabel Cotterell

I feel the spirit-force of world existence:
So speaks clear thought —
Bethinking its own spirit growth
In darkness of world night —
And towards the world-day nearing
Inclines the inward rays of hope.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

I sense the Being of my being:
So speaks perceptive feeling,
As in the sun­illumined world
It joins the flooding light;
To thinking¹s clarity
It would add warmth,
And man and world
Would firmly bind as one.

—Tr. John F. Gardner

I feel the strength of the World-being,
So speaks the clarity of thought,
Remembering its spirit growth
In darkness of world nights:
It turns upon world days to come
The inner beams of hope.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

Tis being of my very being!
So feeling answers,
As in the sun-illumined world
It joins with streaming light;
It tries to give to clarity of thought
The grace of warmth
And make man and the world a unity.

—Tr. Isabel Grieve

I feel the force of Cosmic Being,
So clarity of thought now speaks,
Recalling its own spirit's growth
In sombre cosmic nights,
And to the dawning cosmic day
It turns its inward rays of hope.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

I sense an essence kindred to my own:
So speaks perceptive feeling,
Which in the sunlit world
With flowing light unites itself;
To thinking's clarity
It would give warmth
And thus join man and world
In solid unity.

—Tr. Brigitte Knaack

Power I feel, of Universal Life;
Thus speaks the clarity of Thought,
Rememb'ring growth of its own spirit
Through dark nights of the world,
And bends towards th' approaching cosmic day
The inner beams of Hope.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

Being I feel, kin to my Being,
Thus speaketh Sentience,
Which in the sunlit world
Unites with floods of light.
To Thinking's clarity
It would give warmth,
And Man and World
Bind fast in unity.

—Tr. Ernst Lehrs

'I feel the strength of universal being;'
Thus speaks clarity of thought,
Rememb'ring my own Spirit's growth
In the darkness of world nights,
And to the new World-day to come
Inclines the inner rays of hope.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

I sense true being of my being,
So feeling speaks to me,
Which in the sun-illumin'd world
Unites with floods of light.
This feeling would give warmth
To thinking's clarity,
And firmly bind in one
Both man and world together.

—Tr. Liselotte & William Mann

Thus speaks the brightness of my thinking:
I feel the force of Cosmic Being! —
remembering the growth of its own spirit
during dark cosmic nights.
How it anticipates
the coming cosmic day
with rays of inner light!

—Tr. Tom Mellett

Sensation speaks!
I feel the essence of my being! —
swirling through torrents of light
in the sun-brightened world.
How sensation yearns
to bestow upon thinking
the gift of warmth
that leads to clarity —
and fuses into unity
the human being and the world.

—Tr. Tom Mellett

I feel the force of cosmic life:
Thus speaks my clarity of thought,
Recalling its own spirit growth
Through nights of cosmic darkness,
And to the new approach of cosmic day
It turns its inward rays of hope.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

I sense a kindred nature to my own:
Thus speaks perceptive feeling
As in the sun-illuminated world
It merges with the floods of light;
To thinking's clarity
My feeling would give warmth
And firmly bind as one
The human being and the world.

—Tr. Ruth & Hans Pusch

I feel the force of world-existence:
So speaks clarity of thought,
Recalling suitable spirit growth
In gloomy world nights,
And it bends its rays of inner hope
To the world day drawing near.

—Tr. John Riedel MD

I feel the essence of my being:
So speaks perception,
Which in sun-brightened world
Unites itself with floods of light;
It will give thinking
Warmth through clarity
And bind man and world
Fast together as one.

—Tr. John Riedel MD