The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
15 February 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture III
The purpose of these lectures is to bring still loftier concepts to those more advanced students of theosophy who have been familiar for some time with its world-conception and—which is much more important—have become at home in its way of thinking and feeling. This will make it more difficult for the later-comers to follow; perhaps they are well able to follow with their understanding, but it will become increasingly difficult for them to regard as sound and reasonable what is brought forward from the higher sections of theosophy. Much goodwill, therefore, will be required of new-comers to follow these group-lectures with the understanding of feeling and perception. Yet we should make no progress if we had no opportunity of throwing light upon the higher realms of spiritual existence as well. That then is the purpose of these lectures.
Now in the last lecture I gave you a picture of the evolution of our whole planetary system. Before that we had considered the planetary system itself in so far as the various planets are peopled by beings who have an influence on our human body. What is to be brought forward today will link on to these two previous studies. We will extend still further our picture of the planetary system and learn some of the mysteries of our cosmic existence from a spiritual aspect.
In the numerous popular accounts of the origin of our planetary system one is first led back to a kind of original mist, to a vast fog-like structure, a nebula, out of which our sun and its planets have somehow agglomerated, although for the driving force in this process only physical forces, as a rule, are taken into account. This is called the “Kant-Laplace theory,” though it is somewhat modified today, and those who have arrived at an intellectual grasp of the gradual agglomeration of the different planets out of the original nebula up to the condition in which they and our earth now exist, are very proud of their intelligence. They continually emphasize that it is but little in keeping with the present important advance in science to speak of spiritual forces and spiritual beings in this separation of the heavenly bodies out of the nebula. Various popular books, too, describe such statements as completely backward and superstitious.
Now the intelligence of a student of theosophy would suffice for an understanding of what is brought forward in this way. But he goes somewhat further. It is clear to him that the physical forces of attraction and repulsion were not enough. It is clear that all sorts of other things played a part. Theosophy has still to put up with being proclaimed thoroughly dense and stupid and a dreadful superstition by popular official science—which one could perhaps call “antisophy.” But we are living in an age which in a remarkable way is full of hope for the theosophist. It could he said that the theories, opinions and knowledge that modern popular science forms from its own facts look like tiny, gasping, dwarf-like creatures which run puffing and blowing at a considerable distance behind the facts. The facts of modern science are actually far, far ahead of the “belief” of modern science—only that is not recognized. I should only like to remind you of how we have often spoken here of the activity of the astral body during the night, of how the astral body at night works at upbuilding the physical and etheric bodies and ridding them of the fatigue substances they have acquired during the day. To express the sentence in this form would simply strike modern science as something not fit for polite society. But facts speak a plain language. When, for example, we can read in an American paper today that a researcher has established the theory that the sleep activity in man is an involving, constructive one, whereas on the other hand the waking activity is a destructive one, you have again a proof of how modern science runs after the facts like little dwarfs who cannot keep up. In the world-conception of theosophy you have the great illuminating views that are drawn out of a spiritual conception of the world.
When we consider the origin of our present solar system theosophically we need in no wise—nor in other fields—directly contradict what is put forward by physical science. For theosophy has no objections to make in respect of what physical science strives to know—that is, what eyes could have seen in the successive phases of evolution. If at the time of the original nebula someone had placed a chair out in universal space, had sat on it for a sufficiently long life-time and had watched how the different globes had gathered themselves into balls and separated off, with physical eyes he would have seen nothing but what physical science has affirmed. But that would be just the same as if two observers reported that a man gave another a box on the ear and one of them should say: The man was furiously angry with the other and that made him shoot out his hand and give the other a box on the ear. The second observer might say: I saw nothing of anger or passion, I only saw the hand move and inflict the blow.—That is the external, materialistic description, the method employed by modern science; it does not contradict the spiritual examination of the facts. However, the man who believes that this materialistic description is the only one naturally feels that his scientific eminence is vastly superior to everything put forward by spiritual research. The modified Kant-Laplace theory may definitely hold good as an external event, but within the whole forming of globes, within this whole crystallizing of the separate cosmic globes, spiritual forces and spiritual beings were at work.
The experimenter shows us today in a beautiful way how this Kant-Laplace theory can proceed. One need only take a fairly small ball of oil that swims in water. Then one can very easily put a little cardboard disk in the plane of the equator through this ball and put a needle through the centre. Now one rotates the needle very rapidly, little oil-balls split off, and it is easy to picture a cosmic system in miniature and to show how a cosmic system has separated itself off into globes in space. The experimenter has only forgotten one thing. He forgets that he himself was there, that he made the necessary preparation, that he then rotated the needle and that what cannot go of itself on a miniature scale cannot go of itself in the universe. Out there it is supposed to go of itself. Things are not in the least so very difficult to comprehend, but the right physical principles are so worn out that those who do not want to see them really need not see them. So, spiritual forces and spiritual beings were active in this whole process of planet formation and we will now learn something about it.
I must remind you of the often-repeated fact that before our Earth became “Earth” it had gone through earlier embodiments, other planetary conditions—the Saturn, Sun, and Moon conditions, and only then advanced to its present Earth condition. Now picture vividly ancient Saturn, floating in space in the far-distant past, the first embodiment of our Earth. Within the whole being of Saturn there was as yet nothing at all of what we see round us today as our plants, minerals, animals. Saturn consisted in the beginning of nothing but the very first rudiments of humanity. We speak of ancient Saturn as of nothing but a sort of conglomeration of human beings. Man existed at that time only in the first rudiments of his physical body. Ancient Saturn was simply composed of individual physical human bodies—somewhat as a mulberry or blackberry is composed of nothing but single tiny berries. It was surrounded by an atmosphere, as today our Earth is surrounded by air, but in relation to what we know as atmosphere today it was spiritual. It was entirely of a spiritual nature and within the Saturn evolution man began his first development. Then came a time when Saturn went through a state similar to man's condition between death and rebirth in Devachan. One calls this state of a cosmic body, Pralaya. Thus Saturn went through a sort of devachanic state and when it entered again upon a kind of externally perceptible existence, it emerged as our Earth's second planetary stage, as Sun. This Sun-condition brought the human being again further. Certain beings which had remained behind now emerged at the side of the human kingdom, so that there were then two kingdoms on the Sun. Then came a Pralaya, a devachanic condition, after which the whole planet was transformed into the Moon-condition; and so it continued, again a Pralaya, until the Moon passed over into our Earth.
When our Earth came forth from the purely spiritual devachanic state and received for the first time a kind of externally perceptible existence, it was not like it is today. In fact, seen externally, it could really be pictured as a kind of great primordial nebula, as our physical science describes. Only we must think of this primordial mist as immense, far greater than the present earth, extending far beyond the outermost planets now belonging to our solar system—far beyond Uranus. To spiritual science what is seen coming forth from a spiritual condition is not merely a kind of physical mist. To describe it as a kind of mist and nothing more is about as sensible as if a man who has seen another should reply to a question as to what he saw: I saw muscles which are attached to bones and blood—simply describing the physical aspect. For in the primordial mist there were a multitude of spiritual forces and spiritual beings. They belonged to it, and what happened in this primordial mist was a consequence of the deeds of spiritual beings. All that the physicist sees when he sets out a chair in cosmic space and watches the proceedings, he describes just as the observer who denied the passion and anger and described only the moving hand. In reality, what took place there—the separating off of cosmic bodies and globes—was the act of spiritual beings; in the primordial mist, therefore, we must see the garment, the outer manifestation, of a multitude of spiritual beings.
They are spiritual beings at very varied stages of evolution. They do not arise out of a nothingness, they have a past behind them. They have the Saturn, Sun, Moon-past behind them. They have gone through all this and now they stand before the task of turning into deeds all that they have gone through. They have to “do” what they have learnt on Saturn, Sun, Moon, and they stand at most diverse heights of development. Among them are beings who were as advanced on ancient Saturn as man is on Earth today. These have already passed through their human stage on Saturn and thus stand far above man at the outset of the Earth's evolution. Other beings are there who went through their human stage on the Sun, others who did so on the Moon. The human being waited to go through his human stage on the Earth. Even if we consider only this fourfold hierarchy we have a series of different beings at different stages of evolution.
We call the beings who went through their human stage on the Sun, the “Fire-Spirits,” but you must not imagine that they were externally like the men of today. They went through their human stage in a different external form. The ancient Sun planet had an extraordinarily fine light substance, far lighter than our present substance. At that time there was no kind of solid or fluid, nothing but the gaseous element existed, and the bodies of the Fire-Spirits in spite of their being of human rank were gaseous bodies. One can go through the human stage in cosmic evolution in the most varied forms. Only the Earth-man goes through it in the flesh on Earth. The beings who had human rank on the Moon and who were already at a higher stage than man went through it in a kind of watery condition.
Thus these spirits and a whole host of others were united with the primordial mist that lay at the starting-point of our Solar system. Thus, for instance, you can readily understand that what began for man upon Saturn began in some way for other beings upon the Sun. As on Saturn the first rudiments of the physical body began, so on the Sun other beings followed, just as in schools different primary pupils are always following on. These beings have only advanced to the point of being physically incorporated in our contemporary animals. On the Moon followed beings who are present in our contemporary plants, and our present minerals have only been added on the Earth. These are our youngest companions in evolution whose pains and joys I described to you in a previous lecture. Thus in the original mist there were not only advanced beings but those too who had not yet reached the human stage.
We must now add to those which I have enumerated, beings I have spoken of as lagging behind at certain stages of cosmic evolution. Let us take the Fire-Spirits. They had already attained their human stage on the Sun, and now, on the Earth, they are highly exalted beings, two stages above man. They are so advanced that not until man has ascended through the Jupiter and Venus existence to the Vulcan existence will he be mature for such an existence as that of the lofty Sun-Spirits at the beginning of the Earth's development. But now there were beings who had remained behind, who should have progressed on the Sun as far as the Fire-Spirits, but who for certain reasons stayed behind. They could not develop to the full height which the Fire-Spirits had reached when the Earth stood at the outset of its evolution.
You will all remember that at the very beginning of its evolution the Earth was still one body with sun and moon—and this you can easily combine with the theory of the original mist or nebula. If you were, therefore, to stir together the three heavenly bodies, earth, sun, moon, in a gigantic cosmic cauldron you would get a body which at one time existed. Then came the time when the sun drew out and left earth and moon, to be followed by a time when the moon too drew out and left our earth as it is today with the sun on one side and the moon on the other. We now ask our-selves how it came about that three bodies arose out of the one. You will easily see why that happened when you re-member that highly-evolved beings, standing two stages above man, were present in the primordial mist—unified with its external existence. They would have had nothing directly to do on such a cosmic body as our present day earth, they needed a dwelling place with quite different characteristics. On the other hand the human being would have been consumed in an existence united with the sun. He needed a weakened, milder existence. It was essential then that through the action of the Fire-Spirits the sun should be withdrawn from the earth and made into their scene of action. It was not a merely physical event: we must under-stand it as the deed of the Fire-Spirits themselves. They drew out their dwelling place and all they needed as sub-stances from the earth and made their theatre the sun. By virtue of their nature they can endure that immense velocity of development. If the human being were exposed to such a velocity, then scarcely were he young when he would at once become old. All evolution went on at a furious tempo. Only such beings as stood two stages higher than man could bear the sun-existence. They drew away together with the sun and left behind the earth with the moon.
Now we can answer the question too why the moon had to separate from the earth. If the moon had remained united with the earth then man could again not have sustained his existence. The moon had to be thrust out, for it would have mummified man's whole development. Men would not have undergone such a rapid development as they would had the sun remained, but they would have been carbonized, dried to mummies; their evolution would have been such a slow one that they would have become mummified. In order to produce just the degree of development useful to man, the moon with its forces and its subordinate beings had to be thrust out. And so likewise united with the moon are those beings which I have described as remaining at a time of life comparable to that reached today on earth by a seven-year-old child. As they only go through an existence such as a human existence up to the age of seven, when only the physical body is developed, they need a dwelling-place such as the moon. When you add the fact that not only these various beings were united with the original nebula, but a whole series more, standing at very varied stages of evolution, then you will understand that not only these cosmic bodies, earth, sun, moon, separated from the nebula, but other cosmic bodies too. Indeed they all agglomerated as separate globes because scenes of action had to be found for the varying stages of evolution of the different beings.
Thus there were beings at the very beginning of our Earth who were scarcely fitted to take part in further development, who were still so young in their whole evolution that any further step would have destroyed them. They had to receive a sphere of action, so to speak, on which they could preserve their complete youthfulness. All other fields of action existed to give dwelling-places to those who were al-ready more advanced. For the beings who arose last of all during the Moon existence, and who therefore had stayed behind at a very early evolutionary stage, a field of action had to be separated out. This scene of action was the cosmic body which we call “Uranus,” and which therefore has but slight connection with our earthly existence. Uranus has become the theatre for beings which had to remain at a very backward stage.
Then evolution proceeded. Apart from Uranus, all that forms our universe was contained in an original pap-like mass. Greek mythology calls this condition “Chaos.” Then Uranus separated out, the rest remaining still in the Chaos. Within it were beings who in their development stood precisely at the stage at which we human beings stood when our Earth passed through the Saturn condition. And for these beings a special theatre, “Saturn,” was created, since standing at that stage, only just beginning their existence, they could not share in all that came later. Thus a second cosmic body split off, Saturn, which you still see in the heavens today. It arose through the fact that there were beings who stood at the same stage as man at the Saturn-time of the Earth. Whereas Saturn arose as a separate cosmic body, everything else that belongs to our present planetary system, the earth with all its beings, was still in this original pap-like mass. Only Uranus and Saturn were outside.
The next thing that took place was the separating of another planet which had to become the scene for a certain stage of development. That was the planet Jupiter, the third to split off from the misty mass which for us is actually the earth. At the time of Jupiter's separation, sun, moon, as well as all the other planets of our system, were still united with the earth. When Jupiter had split off there gradually arose the forerunners of contemporary humanity. That is to say, our present human beings emerged again just as a new plant comes out of the seed. The human seeds had gradually formed during the conditions of ancient Saturn, Sun and Moon, and now while the sun was still linked with the earth these human seeds came out again.
But now the human beings would not have been able to evolve further, they could not support the tempo as long as the sun remained with the earth. Then something came about which we can well understand when we are clear that the beings we have called the Fire-Spirits took their scene of action away from the earth. The sun pressed out and we have now sun, with earth and moon together. During this time Mars—in a way which would take too much time to relate now in detail—had again formed a theatre for particular beings, and in its further advance Mars actually passed through the earth and moon and left behind what to-day we know as iron. Hence Mars was the cause of the iron particles deposited in living beings, that is, in the blood. Now someone could say: That is not so very remarkable, iron is everywhere. For just as other bodies were in the primordial mist, so too was Mars with the iron which it left behind. Iron is in all the other planets as well!—Science today, however, wonderfully confirms what is given here from the teaching of spiritual science. You will remember that I once showed you how one passes symbolically from the green sap of the plant, chlorophyll, to the blood of man. Plants arose at the period before this passage of Mars had taken place and have preserved their characteristic. Then the iron was deposited in the beings more highly organized than the plants, permeating the red blood. Thus what has recently been found in a Zurich laboratory is in complete accordance with these spiritual-scientific facts, namely, that blood can-not be compared with chlorophyll, simply because it was deposited later. We must not imagine that blood depends in any way on the substantiality of the chemical element “iron.” I say that especially, because someone might say that one can speak of no connection at all of chlorophyll with the blood. Today science makes the discovery that the blood is to be traced back to the element “iron”—whereas chlorophyll contains no iron. It is nevertheless in the fullest harmony with what Spiritual Science has to say, it is only a matter of looking at things in the right light.
Then for reasons which we have already stated, the moon separated and we have the earth by itself and the present moon as its satellite. To the sun withdrew all the beings of an essentially higher order than man, whom we have called the Fire-Spirits. But there were certain beings which had not ascended high enough to be able really to endure the sun existence. You must be clear that they were beings exalted far above man, but still not so far advanced as to be able, like the Fire-Spirits, to live on the sun. Dwelling-places had to be created for them. None of the other theatres could have served them, for those were for beings of another nature, who had by no means attained the great age of the beings who, though belonging to the Fire-Spirits, had not quite kept up with them in cosmic evolution. In the main there were two species of beings who had remained behind, and two special arenas were therefore formed for them through the severing of Mercury and Venus from the sun. Mercury and Venus are two planets which have split off as the centres for those Fire-Spirits who are exalted far above human existence, yet who could not have supported the sun-existence. So you have Mercury in the neighbourhood of the sun as arena for those beings who had not been able to live with the Fire-Spirits on the sun, and Venus as arena for beings who in a certain respect had remained behind the Mercury beings but who yet stood far above man.

Thus you have seen these various cosmic bodies originate out of the primoridal mist from inner causes, from spiritually-inspired activities. If one keeps to the physical alone, matters take their course in the way depicted by modern science, but the point is to learn to know the spiritual causes by which things have become what they are. Inside the primordial mist, the beings have themselves created the dwelling-places in which they could live. Now these various beings who were, so to say, harmoniously side by side before they had separated, did not remain without connection. On the contrary, they work through one another throughout. The influence of the Mercury and Venus beings on the earth is of a quite special interest. Put yourselves back into the time when the sun and then the moon released itself from the earth and man began his existence in his present form. He has acquired this existence in the present form through the fact that one of the Sun-Spirits forbore—if I may so express it—from continuing his existence on the sun, but united himself with the moon. In this way a lofty regent of the moon arose. Beings of a lower order existed on the moon, but one of the Sun-Spirits united himself with the moon-existence. This Sun-Spirit who is therefore really a displaced Sun-Spirit in the universe is, as divine, spiritual being, Yahve, Jehovah, the regent of the moon. We shall see why that came about if we consider the following.
We have seen that if the sun had remained united to the earth man would have been consumed by the swift course of development, and if the moon and its forces alone had worked upon man he would have been mummified. Precisely through the harmony of sun and moon forces arose the equilibrium that keeps man in the present tempo of evolution. When the Earth had come over from the old Moon, man had his physical body from Saturn, his etheric body from the Sun and his astral body from the Moon. But be-cause he had the three bodies and the seed with the three bodies now began to develop, he had a very different form. You would open your eyes in amazement if I should de-scribe it to you, for the present human form has arisen quite slowly and gradually from the time of the moon-separation. But the base, inferior moon-forces could not have given man his present form. They could certainly have given him a form, but an inferior one. If the moon-forces had remained with the earth they would have held him fast in one form. Forces that give the form must proceed from the moon, while forces that continually alter the form proceed from the sun. But in order that the present human form should arise, a molder, a modeler of form, must work from the moon; it was not possible otherwise. At that time therefore began the development of the ego-man. The fourth member of the human entity arose and Yahve gave the human being the nucleus to a form which would enable him to become an ego-bearer.
Now man was not yet capable of carrying out the work of which I have told you. I have explained that man's ego works upon his astral, etheric, and physical bodies. But he can only begin this work gradually. As a child needs teachers, so when man was already prepared to become an ego-bearer, he needed a stimulus on earth to enable him to advance, and there were two “stimulators.” You can think whence, from the whole cosmic evolution, they came.
The beings who stood nearest to man were the Venus and Mercury beings. Until, at the end of the Atlantean Age, man could make the first feeble efforts to work independently with his ego upon the three bodies—for that was just possible at the end of the Atlantean Age—he had to have teachers. These teachers were beings of Venus and Mercury, and they went on working far beyond the Age of Atlantis. But they are not to be looked on as we look on our present teachers; the Venus beings must rather be thought of as those who endowed man with his intellectuality. Men knew nothing at all of this; just as the different human fluids work upon man, so did the forces of these beings influence him until he could work upon his bodies independently. What we find in man today as intelligence was mediated to him through the spirits who remained behind on Venus as Fire-Spirits of a lesser order. In addition to these were other teachers and they were in fact perceived consciously as teachers by men who attained clairvoyance—the teachers of the great Mysteries of ancient times. In the far past there was not only that all-embracing influence of the Venus-Spirits who worked more or less on mankind as a whole, there were also Mystery centres where the most advanced human beings received instruction spiritually from the Fire-Spirits. The exalted Fire-Spirits of Mercury instructed in the Mysteries; there they appeared—if we may say so—in a spiritual embodiment and were the teachers of the first initiates. Just as the first initiates became the teachers of the great masses of mankind, so did the beings of Mercury work as the teachers of the first initiates. From this you may realize that the beings of other stars have an influence upon man, but the very complicated nature of this influence can be seen from the following.
You remember that in my Theosophy1Rudolf Steiner, Theosophy Anthroposophic Press, Inc., New York. we roughly divide the human being by saying that he consists of physical body, etheric body, astral body, ego, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man. The more correct division, as you know, is physical, etheric, astral bodies, then the three soul-forces in which the ego emerges—sentient soul, intellectual or mind soul, consciousness soul—and that only then we have spirit-self or Manas, life-spirit or Budhi, spirit-man or Atma. Thus the soul-element is inserted as sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness soul. If we follow man's evolution on the Earth we can say that to the three constituents brought over from the Moon, the first development to be added was the sentient soul, then arose the intellectual soul, and not till towards the end of Atlantean times, when man learnt for the first time to say “I” to himself, did the consciousness-soul arise. Since then man can begin to work consciously from within upon the members of his being. If we divide man thus into body, soul, spirit, then we have to divide the soul again into sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness soul. These evolved gradually, and the consciousness soul could as yet have no influence, for it arose only as the last. These members had therefore to be kindled from without, and beings from outside were active. Mars in fact worked on the sentient soul, the already-separated Mercury with its beings worked on the origin of the intellectual soul, and Jupiter, which had been in existence the longest, worked on the origin of the consciousness soul.
Thus in the soul-nature of man we have the working of the three cosmic bodies, of Mars in the sentient soul, Mercury in the intellectual soul, Jupiter in the consciousness soul, and inasmuch as spirit-self presses into the consciousness soul, Venus with its beings is active. Mercury was also active with regard to the first initiates, so that the Mercury beings exercised a twofold activity, the one quite unconscious to man inasmuch as they developed his intellectual soul, and then as well they were the first teachers of the initiates when they worked in a fully-conscious way. The Mercury beings had thus a continuous double activity, rather as many country schoolmasters instruct the children and cultivate the land allotted to them. The Mercury beings had to develop the intellectual soul and besides that had to be the great schoolmasters of the great initiates. All these things can also be grasped by pure logic.
Now you can perhaps ask why should just Jupiter work on the consciousness soul, since it is such a distant planet. But these things are not investigated on logical grounds, but by investigating the facts of the spiritual worlds. There you would perceive it as a fact that the consciousness soul is kindled by Jupiter beings, to whose help come, on the other hand, laggard Venus beings. Things cannot be fitted into an external scheme in the activity of the cosmos; one must realize that when a planet has already fulfilled a task, its beings can later fulfill another task as well. In the course of the second race of humanity Jupiter beings co-operated on the perfecting of the etheric body; then they themselves advanced a stage, and when the human being was far enough on for his consciousness soul to develop, they had to intervene again and help in its development. What is working in space enters into joint activity in most varied ways; one cannot pass from one activity to another in any sort of schematic way.
So you see how the physicist when he looks out into the universe sees only the external bodies of spiritual organisms, and how spiritual science leads us to the spiritual foundations which bring about what the physicist sees. We have not been giving ourselves up to the illusion of the man who takes the little ball of oil and forgets that he himself turns it. We have sought for the beings who themselves drew out the globes of the planets which we perceive. We have not fallen into the illusion of thinking that if we are not there, the whole thing does not go on revolving. We have sought the “revolver,” the one who stands behind as the actual spiritually active being—so that one can always find full accord between what is said by Spiritual Science and discovered by official science. Only you can never derive what Spiritual Science says from the facts of science. You would then at most come to an analogy. If on the other hand the spiritual facts have been found by occult means, then, if you disregard what official science has yet to find, they will every time be in accord with what the physicist too has to say. So the theosophist can support the physicist. He knows very well that an occurrence in the physical realm may be just what the physicist describes, but in addition there is always the spiritual process. This does not prevent many scientists from feeling very superior and considering the theosophist a poor simpleton, or something worse. But the theosophist can look on quite calmly. It will be quite different in fifty years' time, for the continuation of merely materialistic science would do great harm to the health and well-being of man-kind if things were to remain as they are today, and if spiritual science were not to combat them.
Dritter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Diese Montagvorträge haben das Ziel, vorgerücktere Theosophen, also solche, die sich schon längere Zeit mit theosophischer Weltanschauung und namentlich, was ja noch viel wichtiger ist, mit theosophischer Denkungsart und Gesinnungsart durchdrungen haben, zu immer höheren und höheren Anschauungen emporzuheben. Daher wird es, wenn wir wirklich bei diesen Vorträgen dieses Ziel verfolgen, für diejenigen, die sozusagen als Nachzügler kommen, immer schwieriger werden, zu folgen. Sie sind vielleicht noch imstande, verstandesmäßig zu folgen, aber es wird immer schwieriger werden, dasjenige, was aus den höheren Partien der Theosophie vorgebracht wird, als etwas Vernünftiges und Gesundes anzusehen. Daher wird namentlich für diejenigen, die erst kürzere Zeit hier sind, ein gutes Stück guter Wille dazugehören, diesen Zweigvorträgen mit dem Gefühls- und Empfindungsverständnis zu folgen. Es muß aber immer wieder betont werden, daß wir nicht weiterkommen würden, wenn wir nicht Gelegenheit hätten, an irgendeinem Orte auch in die höheren Partien des geistigen Daseins hineinzuleuchten. Das soll hier in diesen Vorträgen geschehen.
[ 2 ] Nun habe ich Ihnen in dem letzten Vortrag einen Ausblick gegeben in die Entwickelung unseres ganzen Planetensystems. Vorangegangen war ein Blick in dieses Planetensystem selber, insofern die einzelnen Planeten bewohnt sind von allerlei Wesenheiten, die wiederum einen Einfluß haben auf unseren menschlichen Leib. Das heute Vorzubringende wird sich an diese beiden vorhergehenden Betrachtungen anschließen. Wir werden unseren Ausblick in das Planetensystem noch erweitern und dabei mancherlei von den Geheimnissen unseres Weltendaseins von einem geistigen Gesichtspunkt aus kennenlernen.
[ 3 ] Wenn Ihnen irgendeine der gebräuchlichen Darstellungen der Entstehung unseres Planetensystems, die ja heute so zahlreich sind, vor Augen tritt, so werden Sie zunächst zurückgeführt zu einer Art Urnebel, zu einem nebelartigen, gewaltig großen Gebilde, aus dem sich unsere Sonne und die um sie kreisenden Planeten gewissermaßen herausgeballt haben, und es werden ja als Triebkräfte bei diesem Herausballen in der Regel nur physische Kräfte berücksichtigt. Sie wissen, daß man dies die — heute vielfach modifizierte - Kant-Laplacesche Theorie nennt, und Sie wissen auch, daß die, welche es mit ihrem Verständnis nun gerade so weit gebracht haben, daß sie das allmähliche Herausballen der einzelnen Planeten aus dem Urnebel bis zu dem Zustand, in dem die Planeten, namentlich die Erde, jetzt sind, eingesehen haben, sehr stolz sind auf diese Einsicht, und daß sie immer wieder betonen, wie es doch eigentlich eine recht wenig unserem gewaltigen Fortschritt entsprechende Anschauungsweise sei, bei diesem Herausgliedern der einzelnen Himmelskörper aus dem Urnebel auch noch von geistigen Kräften und geistigen Wesenheiten zu sprechen. Sie wissen, daß es auch populäre Bücher gibt, die solches Sprechen als das rückständigste und abergläubischste bezeichnen, das es nur geben kann. Nun würde ja der Verstand eines Theosophen auch noch ausreichen, um alles das, was auf diesen Gebieten vorgebracht wird, in der richtigen Weise zu verstehen. Nur erstreckt er sich auch noch etwas weiter. Ihm ist es klar, daß es mit den physischen Anziehungs- und Abstoßungskräften und so weiter nicht getan ist, daß da noch allerlei andere Dinge mitspielen. Heute muß es sich die Theosophie noch gefallen lassen, von der gebräuchlichen offiziellen Wissenschaft, die man vielleicht auch die «Antisophie» nennen könnte, als eine recht dicke Dummheit und ein furchtbarer Aberglaube ausgeschrien zu werden. Aber wir leben in einem Zeitalter, das in einer merkwürdigen Art, man könnte sagen, hoffnungsvoll für den Theosophen ist. Man möchte sagen, daß die Theorien, Anschauungen und Erkenntnisse, die die heute gebräuchliche Wissenschaft aus ihren eigenen Tatsachen schöpft, sich wie kleine keuchende, zwerghafte Wesenheiten ausnehmen, die pustend und keuchend in einer weiten Entfernung hinter den Tatsachen herlaufen. Denn die Tatsachen der heutigen Wissenschaft sind dem, was der «Glaube» der heutigen Wissenschaft ist, eigentlich weit voraus. Sie sind so, daß mit ihnen immer neue und neue Bestätigungen der theosophischen Wahrheiten auftauchen. Nur werden sie natürlich nicht als solche durchschaut. Ich möchte nur darauf hinweisen, daß hier oft gesprochen worden ist von der Wirkung des astralischen Leibes während der Nacht: wie während des Tages der physische Leib und der Ätherleib abgenutzt werden, und wie während der Nacht der astralische Leib derjenige ist, der verbessernd und aufbauend und die Ermüdungsstoffe fortschaffend wirkt. Diesen Satz in dieser Form auszusprechen, würde für die heutige Wissenschaft als etwas noch ganz und gar nicht Salonfähiges gelten. Aber die Tatsachen sprechen eine deutliche Sprache: Wenn wir zum Beispiel heute in einer amerikanischen Zeitschrift lesen können, daß ein Forscher die Theorie aufgestellt habe, die Schlaftätigkeit beim Menschen sei eine involvierende, aufbauende, während im Gegensatz dazu die Tätigkeit während des Wachens eine abbauende sei, dann haben Sie da wiederum eine solche wissenschaftliche Tatsache, hinter der die Theorien der Naturwissenschaft nachkeuchen wie die kleinen Zwerge, die nicht nachkommen können, während Sie in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Weltanschauung die lichtvollen, großen Ausblicke haben, die aus einer geistigen Weltanschauung herausgeholt sind.
[ 4 ] Wenn wir geisteswissenschaftlich die Entstehung unseres heutigen Sonnensystems betrachten, so brauchen wir in keiner Weise, so wenig wie auf anderen Gebieten, dem direkt zu widersprechen, was von der physischen Wissenschaft vorgebracht wird. Denn gegen das, was die physische Wissenschaft einzig und allein zu erkennen anstrebt — was Augen hätten sehen können in der Aufeinanderfolge der Entwickelung -, dagegen hat keine Theosophie etwas einzuwenden. Wenn sich irgend jemand zur Zeit des Urnebels einen Stuhl in den Weltenraum hinausgestellt und sich daraufgesetzt, über eine genügend lange Lebensdauer verfügt und nun zugeschaut hätte, wie die einzelnen Kugeln sich abgeballt haben, so würde er mit physischen Augen nichts anderes haben sehen können, als was diese physische Wissenschaft konstatiert hat. Aber das wäre ebenso, wie wenn zwei Menschen vor Ihnen stehen und der eine gibt dem anderen eine Ohrfeige, und dann kommt ein Beobachter und sagt: Da hat einer einen leidenschaftlichen Zorn gegen den anderen gehabt, und das hat ihn die Hand ausholen lassen und auf diese Weise hat der seine Ohrfeige bekommen; während der zweite sagen würde: Du bist ein Phantast, ich habe nichts gesehen von Zorn und Leidenschaft, ich habe nur die Hand sich bewegen sehen und einen Stoß ausführen; dadurch hat der andere eine Ohrfeige weggehabt. — Das ist die äußere, materialistische Beschreibung, die Methode, die die heutige Wissenschaft anwendet. Sie widerspricht nicht der geistigen Erforschung der Tatsachen. Nur derjenige, der glaubt, daß diese materialistische Beschreibung der Tatsachen die einzige ist, der fühlt sich in seiner wissenschaftlichen Erhabenheit selbstverständlich sehr weit hinausgehoben über alles, was die Geistesforschung vorzubringen hat. Also was man die modifizierte Kant-Laplacesche Theorie nennt, mag als ein äußeres Ereignis durchaus gelten. Aber innerhalb dieser ganzen Abballung, dieser ganzen Kristallisierung der einzelnen Weltkugeln waren geistige Kräfte und geistige Wesenheiten tätig.
[ 5 ] Der Experimentator zeigt uns heute sehr schön, wie das alles vor sich gehen kann nach dieser Kant-Laplaceschen Theorie. Man braucht nur ein verhältnismäßig nicht zu großes Olkügelchen zu nehmen, das im Wasser schwimmt: Da kann man sehr leicht einen kleinen Kartonkreis in der Aquatorebene anbringen und in der Mitte eine Nadel durchstecken. Wenn man nun die Nadel recht schnell dreht, spalten sich kleine Olkugeln ab, und man kann sich so sehr gut ein Weltsystem im Kleinen vorstellen und daran zeigen, wie sich im Raum ein Weltsystem abgeballt hat. Nur vergißt der Experimentator dabei eines, nämlich, daß er selbst dabei war und die nötigen Vorbereitungen gemacht hat, daß er dann die Nadel herumgedreht hat, und daß im großen Kosmos nicht von selber gehen kann, was im kleinen auch nicht von selber geht. Da draußen soll es sich von selber machen! Die Dinge sind gar nicht so schwer einzusehen; aber so sehr sind die richtigen physischen Grundsätze abgebraucht, daß diejenigen, die sie nicht sehen wollen, sie auch wirklich nicht zu sehen brauchen. Also bei dieser ganzen Planetenbildung waren geistige Kräfte und geistige Wesenheiten tätig, und wir wollen jetzt einiges davon kennenlernen.
[ 6 ] Erinnern muß ich Sie dabei an die oft wiederholte Tatsache, daß unsere Erde, bevor sie «Erde» wurde, frühere Verkörperungen, andere planetarische Zustände absolviert hat: den Saturnzustand, den Sonnenzustand und den Mondzustand — und nach dem Durchgang durch diese erst zu ihrem heutigen Erdenzustand vorgedrungen ist. Nun stellen Sie sich einmal lebendig vor die Seele den uralten, in urferner Vergangenheit im Raume schwebenden Saturn, der die erste Verkörperung unserer Erde war. Dieser Saturn hat innerhalb seiner ganzen Wesenheit eigentlich noch gar nichts von dem, was wir heute rings herum sehen als unsere Pflanzen, Mineralien und Tiere. Im Anfang bestand dieser Saturn nur aus der allerersten Anlage des Menschen. Wir sprechen gar nicht anders von diesem alten Saturn als etwa von einem Konglomerat von Menschen. Der Mensch war damals auch nur in der ersten Anlage zu seinem physischen Leib vorhanden. Aus lauter einzelnen physischen Menschenleibern war dieser alte Saturn zusammengesetzt, etwa so wie heute eine Maulbeere oder eine Brombeere aus lauter einzelnen Beerchen zusammengesetzt ist. Und umgeben war dieser alte Saturn, wie heute unsere Erde von Luft, von einer Atmosphäre; aber die war im Verhältnis zu dem, was wir heute als Atmosphäre kennen, geistig. Sie war ganz geistartig, und innerhalb der Saturnentwickelung entwickelte sich der Mensch in seinem Anfang. Dann kam eine Zeit, in der der Saturn in eine ähnliche Lage kam wie heute ein Mensch, wenn er zwischen Tod und einer neuen Geburt in einem devachanischen Zustand ist. Man nennt diesen Zustand, in den ein Weltenkörper kommt, ein Pralaya. Der Saturn ging also durch eine Art von devachanischem Zustand durch und tauchte dann, indem er wieder in eine Art von äußerlich wahrnehmbarem Dasein eintrat, als der zweite planetarische Zustand unserer Erde, als Sonne wiederum auf. Dieser Sonnenzustand brachte den Menschen wieder weiter. Gewisse Wesenheiten, die zurückgeblieben waren, machten sich jetzt als ein zweites Reich auf der Sonne neben dem Menschenreich geltend, so daß wir jetzt zwei Reiche haben. Dann kommt wieder ein devachanischer Zustand der Sonne, ein Pralaya, und dann verwandelt sich der ganze Planet in den Mondzustand; und so geht es wieder durch ein Pralaya hindurch, bis der Mond übergeht in unsere Erde.
[ 7 ] Als unsere Erde aus dem rein geistigen, devachanischen Zustand hervortrat, als sie zum erstenmal eine Art von äußerlich wahrnehmbarem Dasein erhielt, wat sie nicht so, wie sie heute ist; sondern da war sie so, daß sie, äußerlich angesehen, wirklich etwa wie ein großer Urnebel aufgefaßt werden könnte, wie ihn die äußere, physische Wissenschaft schildert. Nur müssen wir uns diesen Urnebel groß, weit größer als die heutige Erde denken, und daß er weit über die äußersten Planeten hinausreichte, die heute zu unserem Sonnensystem gehören, bis weit über den Uranus hinaus. Geisteswissenschaftlich stellen wir uns die Sache so vor, daß das, was wir hervorkommen sehen aus einem geistigen Zustand, nicht lediglich eine Art physischer Urnebel ist. Wer das, was da hervorkommt, als eine Art physischen Urnebel und als sonst nichts weiter schildert, ist etwa ebenso weise wie ein Mensch, der einen anderen Menschen gesehen hat und nun, wenn er gefragt wird, was er gesehen hat, sagt: Muskeln, die an Knochen hängen, und Blut habe ich gesehen! — der also nur das Physische beschreibt. Denn in dem Urnebel sind eine Fülle von geistigen Kräften und geistigen Wesenheiten enthalten. Die gehören dazu, und was in dem Urnebel geschieht, ist eine Folge der Taten der geistigen Wesenheiten. Alles, was der Physiker beschreibt, ist so, wie wenn er sich einen Stuhl in den Weltenraum hinausstellt und die ganze Geschichte sich anschaut. Er beschreibt wirklich so wie jener Beobachter, der den Zorn und die Leidenschaft, die eine Ohrfeige hervorrufen, leugnet und nur die sich bewegende Hand sieht. In Wahrheit ist das, was da geschieht, das Heraustreten von Weltkörpern und Weltkugeln, Tat von geistigen Wesenheiten; so daß wir in dem Urnebel das Kleid, die äußere Offenbarung einer Fülle von geistigen Wesenheiten sehen.
[ 8 ] Da sind geistige Wesenheiten darinnen, die auf den verschiedensten Stufen der Entwickelung stehen. Diese geistigen Wesenheiten kommen da nicht aus dem Nichts heraus, sondern sie haben eine Vergangenheit, sie haben die Saturn-, Sonnen- und Mondvergangenheit hinter sich. Die haben sie alle einmal durchgemacht, und jetzt stehen sie davor, das, was sie durchgemacht haben, anzuwenden als Taten, zu tun, was sie auf Saturn, Sonne und Mond gelernt haben. Und sie stehen auf den verschiedensten Entwickelungshöhen. Es sind Wesenheiten darunter, die schon auf dem alten Saturn so weit waren, wie der Mensch heute auf der Erde ist. Diese haben ihre Menschheitsstufe schon auf dem Saturn durchgemacht, stehen also wesentlich höher als der Mensch im Anfange der Erdentwickelung; sie stehen weit über dem Menschen. Andere Wesenheiten sind da, die ihre Menschheitsstufe auf der Sonne, andere, die sie auf dem Monde durchgemacht haben. Der Mensch wartet darauf, seine Menschheitsstufe auf der Erde durchzumachen. Wenn wir also nur diese viergliedrige Hierarchie von Wesenheiten betrachten, haben wir schon eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Wesenheiten auf verschiedenen Entwickelungsstufen.
[ 9 ] Wir nennen nun die Wesenheiten, die auf der Sonne ihre Menschenstufe durchgemacht haben, die «Feuergeister». Sie dürfen sich aber nicht vorstellen, daß diese Feuergeister, die auf dem alten Sonnenplaneten Menschen waren, damals äußerlich so ausgesehen haben wie die heutigen Menschen. Sie haben ihre Menschenstufe in einer anderen äußeren Gestalt durchgemacht. Der alte Sonnenplanet hatte eine außerordentlich feine, leichte Materie, viel leichter als unsere heutige Materie. Damals gab es das Feste und das Flüssige noch gar nicht, sondern nur das Gasförmige, und die Körper der Feuergeister waren, trotzdem sie Menschenrang hatten, nur gasförmig. Man kann die Menschheitsstufe in der kosmischen Entwickelung in den verschiedensten Formen durchmachen. Im Fleische macht sie nur der Erdenmensch auf der Erde durch. In einer Art wäßrigem Zustand machten sie diejenigen Wesen durch, die auf dem Mond Menschenrang hatten, und die auch auf dem Mond schon über den Menschen erhaben waren.
[ 10 ] Mit jenem Urnebel also, der da am Ausgangspunkt unseres Sonnensystems liegt, waren diese Geister und noch eine ganze Fülle anderer Geister verbunden. So zum Beispiel können Sie sich leicht vorstellen, daß das, was für den Menschen auf dem Saturn begonnen hat, auf der Sonne für andere Wesenheiten in irgendeiner Weise begann. So wie auf dem Saturn die erste Anlage zu dem physischen Leib begann, so kamen auf der Sonne andere Wesenheiten nach, wie in der Schule ja auch immer wieder ABC-Schützen nachkommen. Die haben es heute nur so weit gebracht, daß sie jetzt, physisch verkörpert, in unseren heutigen Tieren sind. Auf dem Mond kamen diejenigen Wesenheiten hinzu, die in den heutigen Pflanzen vorhanden sind, und unsere heutigen Mineralien sind überhaupt erst auf der Erde hinzugekommen. Das sind also die jüngsten Genossen unserer Entwickelung, deren Schmerzen und Freuden ich Ihnen in einem vorhergehenden Vortrag geschildert habe. So waren also nicht nur vorgeschrittene Wesenheiten in diesem Urnebel darinnen, sondern auch Wesenheiten, die noch nicht auf der Menschenstufe waren.
[ 11 ] Zu denen, die ich Ihnen jetzt aufgezählt habe, kommen solche Wesenheiten, von denen wir gesagt haben, daß sie auf gewissen Stufen der kosmischen Entwickelung sitzengeblieben sind. Nehmen wir einmal die Feuergeister. Die Feuergeister haben auf der Sonne schon ihr Menschenstadium vollendet. Jetzt, auf der Erde, sind sie hoch erhabene Wesenheiten, zwei Stufen über den Menschen hinaus. So weit sind sie, daß der Mensch, erst wenn er durch das Jupiter- und Venusdasein hindurch zum Vulkandasein aufgestiegen sein wird, zu einem solchen Dasein reif sein wird, wie die erhabenen Sonnengeister es hatten, als die Erde ihre Entwickelung begann. Nun gibt es aber Wesenheiten, welche zurückgeblieben sind, das heißt solche, die auf der Sonne so weit hätten kommen können wie die Feuergeister, die aber - es gibt gewisse Gründe, warum sie zurückgeblieben sind -, sich nicht bis zu der vollen Höhe entwickeln konnten, auf der die Feuergeister angekommen waren, als die Erde im Beginne ihrer Entwickelung stand.
[ 12 ] Sie erinnern sich alle, daß die Erde in einem gewissen Zustand ihrer Entwickelung, ganz im Anfang — und das können Sie leicht mit der Theorie des Urnebels vereinigen — noch mit der Sonne und mit dem Mond ein Körper war. Wenn Sie also die drei Himmelskörper Erde, Sonne und Mond in einem riesigen kosmischen Topf durcheinanderrühren würden, so bekämen Sie einen Körper, der einmal da war. Dann kam die Zeit, wo die Sonne sich herauszog und Erde plus Mond zurückließ, und dann kam eine Zeit, wo-auch der Mond sich herauszog und unsere Erde so wurde, wie sie heute ist, auf der einen Seite von der Sonne, auf der anderen Seite von dem Mond umgeben.
[ 13 ] Nun fragen wir uns: Warum geschah denn das, daß da aus einem Körper drei Körper entstanden? Sie werden leicht einsehen, warum das geschah, wenn Sie bedenken, daß solche hoch entwickelten Wesenheiten in dem Urnebel vorhanden waren — mit dem äußeren Dasein des Urnebels verknüpft -, die zwei Stufen höher standen als der Mensch. Die hätten auf einem Weltkörper wie unsere heutige Erde unmittelbar nichts zu tun gehabt; sie brauchten einen Wohnplatz mit ganz anderen Eigenschaften. Dagegen hätte der Mensch in diesem Dasein sozusagen verzehrt werden müssen, wenn er mit der Sonne verbunden geblieben wäre. Er brauchte ein abgeschwächteres, abgemildertes Dasein. Es mußte also durch die Tat der Feuergeister die Sonne aus der Erde herausgehoben und zu ihrem Schauplatz gemacht werden. Das ist nicht ein bloßes physisches Ereignis; sondern das haben wir aufzufassen als die Tat der Feuergeister selber. Sie haben sich ihren Wohnplatz und alles, was sie brauchten an Substanzen, aus der-Erde herausgelöst und die Sonne zu ihrem Schauplatz gemacht. Sie können es vermöge ihres Wesens vertragen, jene riesenhafte Schnelligkeit in ihrer Entwickelung durchzumachen. Wenn der Mensch dieser riesenhaften Schnelligkeit in der Entwickelung ausgesetzt wäre, so würde er, kaum daß er jung war, schon gleich wieder alt sein. Alle Entwickelung ginge im Sturmschritt vorwärts. Nur solche Wesenheiten, die schon zwei Stufen höher stehen als der Mensch, können ein solches Dasein, wie es das Sonnendasein ist, vertragen. Sie haben sich mit der Sonne abgetrennt und haben die Erde mit dem Mond zurückgelassen.
[ 14 ] Nun können wir auch die Frage beantworten, warum sich der Mond von der Erde trennen mußte. Wenn der Mond mit der Erde verbunden geblieben wäre, dann hätte der Mensch auf der Erde sein Dasein auch wieder nicht vollziehen können. Der Mond mußte ausgestoßen werden; denn er hätte die ganze Entwickelung der Menschen mumifiziert. Die Menschen hätten nicht eine so rasche Entwickelung durchgemacht, wie wenn die Sonne dageblieben wäre. Sie würden nicht so rasch alt werden, aber sie wären verholzt, zu Mumien vertrocknet, ihre Entwickelung wäre eine so langsame geworden, daß sie mumifiziert worden wären. Damit gerade das für den Menschen dienliche Maß der Entwickelung herauskam, mußte der Mond mit seinen Kräften und seinen untergeordneten Wesenheiten herausexpediert werden. Daher sind auch mit dem Mond jene Wesenheiten verbunden, welche von mir beschrieben worden sind als solche, die zeitlebens auf einer Stufe stehen bleiben, die heute auf der Erde etwa ein siebenjähriges Kind erreicht. Da sie nur ein Dasein durchmachen wie der Mensch in der Zeit bis zum siebenten Lebensjahr, wo nur der physische Leib sich entwickelt, so brauchten sie einen Schauplatz, wie der Mond es ist. Wenn Sie dazu die Tatsache nehmen, daß nicht nur diese verschiedenen Wesenheiten mit dem Urnebel verbunden waren, sondern noch eine ganze Reihe von Wesenheiten, die auf den verschiedensten Stufen der Entwickelung stehen, dann werden Sie begreifen, daß sich aus dem Urnebel nicht nur diese Weltkörper, wie Erde, Sonne und Mond, herausballten, sondern auch noch die anderen Weltkörper; und zwar ballten sich alle heraus, weil Schauplätze entstehen mußten für die entsprechenden Entwickelungsstufen der verschiedenen Wesenheiten. So waren Wesenheiten da, die im Anfange, als unsere Erdentwickelung begann, kaum geeignet waren, die weitere Entwickelung mitzumachen, die noch so jung waren in ihrer ganzen Entwickelung, daß jeder weitere Schritt ihnen Verderben gebracht hätte. Sie mußten sozusagen einen Schauplatz erhalten, auf dem sie sich ihre vollständige Jugendlichkeit bewahren konnten. Alle anderen Schauplätze sind dazu da, denen Wohnstätten zu geben, die schon weiter sind. Für die Wesenheiten, die zuallerletzt während des Monddaseins entstanden, und die deshalb auf einer sehr frühen Entwickelungsstufe stehengeblieben waren, mußte ein Schauplatz abgeballt werden, der deshalb auch nur geringen Zusammenhang mit unserem Erdendasein hat: es ballte sich derjenige Weltkörper ab, den wir als den Uranus bezeichnen. Das ist ein Schauplatz geworden für solche Wesenheiten, die auf einer sehr weit zurückgebliebenen Stufe stehenbleiben mußten.
[ 15 ] Dann ging die Entwickelung weiter. Alles, was, abgesehen vom Uranos, in unserem Weltensystem ist, ist jetzt in einer urbreiigen Masse enthalten. Die griechische Mythologie nennt das, was da war, bevor sich dieser Uranos herausgestaltet hat, das «Chaos», Jetzt ist der Uranos herausgestaltet; das andere ist sozusagen noch im Chaos zurückgeblieben. Damit sind jetzt noch Wesenheiten verbunden, die in ihrer damaligen Entwickelung gerade auf der Stufe standen, auf der wir Menschen gestanden haben, als unsere Erde durch den Saturnzustand durchgegangen war. Und für diejenigen, die eben deshalb, weil sie auf dieser Stufe standen, weil sie ihr Dasein erst begonnen hatten, alles j spätere nicht mitmachen konnten, für sie wurde ein besonderer Schauplatz «Saturn» geschaffen. Es spaltete sich also ein zweiter Weltkörper ab, der Saturn, den Sie heute im Himmelsraum noch sehen. Er entstand dadurch, daß Wesenheiten da waren auf der Stufe, auf der die Menschen gestanden haben zur Zeit des Saturndaseins der Erde. Während also dieser Saturn als ein besonderer Weltkörper entstand, war außer ihm alles andere, was zu unserem heutigen Planetensystem gehört, vorhanden. Auch die Erde mit allen ihren Wesen war in dieser urbreiigen Masse noch darinnen. Nur Uranus und Saturn waren schon draußen.
[ 16 ] Das nächste, was geschah, war, daß sich wieder ein Planet abspaltete, der der Schauplatz für eine gewisse Entwickelungsstufe werden mußte. Das ist jetzt der «Jupiter», der dritte Planet, der sich herausspaltet aus der Nebelmasse, die für uns eigentlich die Erde ist. Während der Jupiter und die anderen Planeten, die wir schon kennen, draußen sind, sind Sonne und Mond mit der Erde immer noch vereint. Diese Planeten waren in der Tat abgespalten aus dem Chaos, als in der Erde noch das vorhanden war, was heute auch in unserer Sonne ist, als unsere Erde noch ganz mit der Sonne und dem Mond eins war. Damals, als der Jupiter sich abgespalten hat, entstanden nach und nach die Vorläufer der heutigen Menschheit, das heißt, es kamen die heutigen Menschen wieder heraus, so wie eine neue Pflanze aus dem Samen herauskommt. Diese Menschensamen hatten sich nach und nach während des alten Saturnzustandes, während des alten Sonnenzustandes und während des alten Mondzustandes gebildet. Jetzt - noch war die Sonne mit der Erde verbunden — kamen diese Menschensamen wieder heraus.
[ 17 ] Nun hätten sich aber die Menschen so nicht weiter entwickeln können; sie konnten dieses Tempo nicht vertragen, als die Erde noch mit der Sonne zusammen war. Und jetzt geschieht etwas, was wir dann gut verstehen, wenn wir uns darüber klar sind, daß diejenigen Wesenheiten, welche wir angesprochen haben als «Feuergeister», sich ihren Schauplatz aus der Erde herausnehmen. Die Sonne drängt sich aus der Erde heraus, und wir haben nun Sonne und dann Erde und Mond zusammen. Während dieser Zeit ist auf irgendeine Art, die jetzt nicht genauer beschrieben werden soll, weil das zu weit führen würde, wiederum als ein Schauplatz für besondere Wesenheiten der «Mars» übriggeblieben, der dann tatsächlich in dem weiteren Fortgang durch Erde und Mond durchgeht, und, während er durchgeht, in der Erde mit dem Mond das zurückläßt, was wir heute als Eisen kennen. Daher ist er auch der Veranlasser alles dessen, was als Eisenteile in den lebendigen Wesen abgelagert ist, also im Blut. Nun könnte jemand sagen: Eisen ist überall, auch in der Sonne und so, weiter. — Das ist ja nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn geradeso wie andere Körper in dem Urnebel waren, so war auch der Mars überall darin mit seinem Eisen, das er zurückgelassen hat; das ist auch in allen anderen Planeten! Auch hier liegt wieder die Tatsache vor, daß die Wissenschafter heute schon wunderbare Belege dafür bringen, daß die Sache sich so verhält, wie es hier von der geisteswissenschaftlichen Lehre dargestellt wird. Sie erinnern sich wohl, daß ich Ihnen einmal dargestellt habe, wie man symbolisch übergeht von dem grünen Pflanzensaft, dem Chlorophyll, zum Blut des Menschen. Die Pflanzen sind als solche entstanden, bevor dieser Marsdurchgang stattgefunden hat, und haben ihre Eigenschaft bewahrt. Dann hat sich in die Wesen, die heute höher organisiert sind als die Pflanzen, das Eisen eingelagert, das das rote Blut erfüllt. Es ist durchaus übereinstimmend mit diesen geisteswissenschaftlichen Tatsachen, wenn kürzlich in einem Berner Laboratorium gefunden worden ist, daß das Blut nicht verglichen werden kann mit dem Chlorophyll. Das ist eben, weil es später eingelagert ist. Wir dürfen uns nicht vorstellen, daß das Blut etwa von der Substantialität des chemischen Elementes «Eisen» abhängt. Ich sage das ganz besonders deshalb, weil jemand sagen könnte, daß man gar nicht von einem Zusammenhange des Chlorophyll mit dem Blute reden könne. Heute macht die Wissenschaft die Entdeckung, daß das Blut auf das Element «Eisen» zurückzuführen ist, während das Chlorophyli gar kein Eisen enthält. Es ist aber doch im vollsten Einklange mit dem, was die Geisteswissenschaft zu sagen hat; es handelt sich nur darum, daß man die Dinge in dem richtigen Lichte betrachten muß.
[ 18 ] Nun sondert sich, aus Gründen, die wir schon erwähnt haben, der «Mond» ab, so daß wir die Erde für sich haben und den heutigen Mond als ihren Nebenplaneten. Zur Sonne sind alle Wesenheiten hingezogen, die im wesentlichen höherer Art sind als der Mensch und die wir die Feuergeister genannt haben. Nun sind aber gewisse Wesenheiten da, die nicht so hoch gestiegen sind, daß sie das Sonnendasein wirklich ertragen können. Machen Sie sich klar, was das für Wesenheiten sind: es sind Wesenheiten, die sehr erhaben über den Menschen sind, die aber doch nicht so weit gekommen sind, daß sie, wie die Feuergeister, auf der Sonne leben können. Für diese Wesenheiten mußten Schauplätze geschaffen werden. Alle die anderen Schauplätze hätten ihnen nicht gedient; denn die sind für andersgeartete Wesenheiten, die durchaus nicht das immerhin hohe Alter derjenigen Wesenheiten erreicht haben, die zwar zu den Feuergeistern zu zählen sind, jedoch den kosmischen Kursus nicht ganz absolviert haben. In der Hauptsache waren es zwei Gattungen von Wesenheiten, die zurückgeblieben waren; für diese wurden dadurch zwei besondere Schauplätze geschaffen, daß sich zwei andere Planeten von der Sonne abspalteten, «Merkur» und «Venus». Merkur und Venus sind zwei Planeten, die von der Sonne sich abgespalten haben als die Schauplätze für diejenigen Feuergeister, die weit erhaben sind über menschliches Dasein, die aber das Sonnendasein nicht hätten ertragen können. So haben Sie den Merkur in der Nähe der Sonne als Schauplatz für diejenigen Wesenheiten, die nicht auf der Sonne mit den Feuergeistern hätten leben können, und die Venus als Schauplatz für Wesenheiten, die in gewisser Beziehung hinter den Merkurwesenheiten zurückgeblieben waren, die aber noch weit über dem Menschen standen.

[ 19 ] So haben Sie aus inneren Gründen, aus geistig wirkenden Tätigkeiten diese verschiedenen Weltenkörper aus dem Urnebel heraus entstehen sehen. Sie haben daraus entnehmen können, daß, wenn man sich nur an das Physische hält, es ja so verläuft, wie es uns die heutige Wissenschaft erzählt; aber es handelt sich darum, die geistigen Gründe wirklich kennenzulernen, warum das so geworden ist. Innerhalb des Urnebels haben sich die Wesen selbst die Wohnungen geschaffen, in denen sie leben konnten. Nun sind diese verschiedenen Wesenheiten, die sozusagen einträchtig nebeneinander waren, solange sich noch nicht alles herausgespalten hatte, nicht ohne Zusammenhang geblieben, sondern sie wirken durchaus durcheinander. Von einem ganz besonderen Interesse ist die Wirkung der Merkur- und der Venuswesenheiten auf die Erde. Versetzen Sie sich zurück in die Zeit, in welcher die Sonne sich gerade herausspaltete aus der Erde, der Mond sich herausspaltete und der Mensch sein Dasein in der heutigen Form begann. Dieses Dasein in der heutigen Form hat der Mensch dadurch erlangt, daß sich einer der Sonnengeister herbeiließ — wenn ich mich so ausdrücken darf -, sein ferneres Dasein nicht auf der Sonne zu haben, sondern mit dem Mond sich zu verknüpfen. Dadurch entstand ein erhabener Regent vom Mond aus. Auf dem Monde waren sonst niedere Wesenheiten, aber einer der Sonnengeister verband sich mit dem Mondendasein. Dieser Sonnengeist, der mit dem Monde sich verband, der also eigentlich im Weltenall ein versetzter Sonnengeist ist, ist als göttliches Wesen, als geistiges Wesen «Jahve» oder «Jehovar, der Regent des Mondes. Wir werden einsehen, warum das geschehen ist, wenn wir uns der folgenden Überlegung hingeben.
[ 20 ] Wir haben gesehen, daß, wenn die Sonne mit der Erde verbunden geblieben wäre, der Mensch sich in der raschen Folge der Entwickelung verzehrt haben würde; würde bloß der Mond mit seinen Kräften wirken, würde der Mensch mumifiziert werden. Gerade durch den Zusammenklang von Sonnen- und Mondkräften entstand jenes Gleichgewicht, das den Menschen in seinem heutigen Entwickelungstempo erhält. Als die Erde herübergekommen war von dem alten Mond, hatte der Mensch von dem Saturn her seinen physischen Leib, von der Sonne her seinen Ätherleib und vom Mond her seinen astralischen Leib. Aber weil der Mensch die drei Leiber hatte, und jetzt der Same mit den drei Leibern aufging, hatte er eine ganz andere Gestalt. Sie würden große Augen machen, wenn ich Ihnen die schildern wollte; denn die Gestalt, die der Mensch heute hat, entstand ganz langsam und allmählich von dem Zeitpunkte der Mondentrennung an. Aber die schlechten, minderwertigen Kräfte des Mondes hätten dem Menschen nicht die heutige Gestalt geben können. Gestalt hätten sie ihm schon geben können, aber eine minderwertige. Wenn die Mondkräfte mit der Erde verbunden geblieben wären, hätten sie den Menschen in einer Gestalt festgehalten. Daraus sehen Sie schon, daß von dem Monde die Kräfte ausgehen müssen, die die Gestalt geben, während von der Sonne die Kräfte ausgehen, die fortwährend die Gestalt verändern. Aber damit der Mensch seine heutige Gestalt erhalten konnte, mußte ein Gestaltenbildner vom Mond aus wirken. Das war gar nicht anders möglich. So geht dazumal die Entwickelung des Ich-Menschen an. Das vierte Glied der menschlichen Wesenheit beginnt, und Jahve gibt dem Menschen den Keim zu einer solchen Gestalt, daß der Mensch ein Ich-Träger werden kann.
[ 21 ] Jetzt ist aber der Mensch noch nicht fähig, diejenige Arbeit zu leisten, von der ich Ihnen gesprochen habe. Ich habe Ihnen gesagt, daß der Mensch von seinem Ich aus zunächst seinen astralischen Leib, dann seinen Ätherleib und dann seinen physischen Leib umarbeitet. Das kann der Mensch erst nach und nach in Angriff nehmen. Wie das Kind heute noch Lehrer braucht, so brauchte der Mensch, als er schon zubereitet war, ein Ich-Mensch zu werden, eine Anregung auf unserer Erde, um weiterzukommen; und es gab da für den Menschen zwei Anreger. Sie können sich aus der ganzen kosmischen Entwickelung denken, woher sie gekommen sind.
[ 22 ] Diejenigen Wesenheiten, die dem Menschen am nächsten standen, waren die Venus- und Merkurwesenheiten. Bis der Mensch am Ende der atlantischen Zeit die ersten schwachen Versuche machen konnte, um von seinem Ich aus-selbständig auf die drei Leiber zu wirken — denn das ist erst am Ende der atlantischen Zeit möglich -, mußte er «Lehrer» haben, die noch weit über diese atlantische Zeit hinaus wirkten. Und diese Lehrer waren diejenigen Wesenheiten, die auf Venus und Merkur wirkten. Aber diese Wesenheiten sind nicht so zu denken, wie heute Lehrer sind; sondern Sie müssen sich vorstellen, daß die Venuswesen diejenigen Wesen sind, die den Menschen begaben mit seiner Intellektualität. Die Menschen wußten äußerlich gar nichts davon, daß diese Venuswesenheiten auf sie wirkten, ebensowenig wie sie wußten, daß vom Monde aus gewisse Wesenheiten in bezug auf ihre äußere Gestalt auf sie einwirkten. So wie ich Ihnen gezeigt habe, wie die verschiedenen Säfte auf den Menschen wirken, so wirkten die Kräfte dieser Wesenheiten auf den Menschen ein, bis er selbständig seine Leiber bearbeiten konnte. Was wir heute beim Menschen als Intelligenz finden, wurde dem Menschen vermittelt durch die Geister, die als Feuergeister minderer Sorte auf der Venus zurückgeblieben sind. Außerdem gab es noch andere Lehrer, die in der Tat von den ersten hellsehenden Menschen bewußt als Lehrer wahrgenommen wurden: die Lehrer der großen Mysterien in den alten Zeiten. In den Vorzeiten gab es nicht bloß jene umfassenden Einflüsse der Venusgeister, die mehr oder weniger auf die ganze Menschheit wirkten, sondern es gab auch Mysterienstätten, in denen die damals vorgeschrittensten Menschen auf geistige Art Unterricht bekamen von höheren Wesenheiten, von den Feuergeistern. In den Mysterien lehrten sie selbst, die erhabenen Feuergeister des Merkur. Da erschienen sie zunächst, wenn wir so sagen dürfen, in einer geistigen Verkörperung und waren die Lehrer der ersten Eingeweihten. So wie die ersten Eingeweihten die Lehrer der großen Menschenmassen wurden, so wirkten als die Lehrer der ersten Eingeweihten die Merkurwesenheiten. Auf diese Art sehen Sie zu gleicher Zeit, wie recht wahrnehmbar die Wesenheiten anderer Gestirne auf den Menschen einwirken; aber diese Einwirkungen sind sehr komplizierter Natur. Das können Sie aus folgendem sehen.
[ 23 ] Sie erinnern sich aus meiner «Theosophie», daß es nur eine grobe Einteilung ist, wenn wir sagen, der Mensch besteht aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib, astralischem Leib, Ich, Geistselbst, Lebensgeist und Geistesmensch. Sie wissen, daß die richtigere Einteilung diese ist: Physischer Leib, Ätherleib, astralischer Leib, und daß wir dann, das, worin das Ich aufgeht, unterscheiden als Empfindungsseele, Verstandes- oder Gemütsseele und Bewußtseinsseele, und daß wir darin erst das Geistselbst oder Manas haben, dann den Lebensgeist oder Buddhi, und zuletzt den Geistesmenschen oder Atman. Das Seelenhafte des Menschen erscheint also eingeschaltet als Empfindungsseele, Verstandesseele und Bewußtseinsseele. Wenn wir die Entwickelung des Menschen auf der Erde verfolgen, so können wir auch sagen: Es entwickelt sich zuerst zu den drei Bestandteilen, die vom Monde herübergebracht werden, die Empfindungsseele hinzu, dann entsteht die Verstandesseele, und die Bewußtseinsseele entsteht im Grunde genommen erst gegen das Ende der atlantischen Zeit, als der Mensch zum erstenmal lernte, «Ich» zu sich zu sagen. Da erst kann der Mensch lernen, bewußt von innen heraus an den Gliedern seiner Wesenheit zu arbeiten. Wenn wir also den Menschen einteilen in Leib, Seele und Geist, so haben wir die Seele wiederum einzuteilen in Empfindungs-, Verstandes- und Bewußtseinsseele. Die entwickeln sich erst nach und nach; die Bewußtseinsseele kann noch keinen Einfluß haben, denn sie entsteht erst als das letzte. So müssen diese Glieder auch wieder von außen angefacht werden. Dabei sind nun wieder Wesenheiten von außen tätig, und zwar ist es so, daß der Mars mit seinen Wesenheiten auf die Empfindungsseele wirkt. Als die Verstandesseele entstehen soll, ist der Merkur schon abgespalten und wirkt mit seinen Wesenheiten auf die Entstehung der Verstandesseele, und der längst vorhandene Jupiter wirkt auf die Entstehung der Bewußtseinsseele.
[ 24 ] So haben Sie also in dem Seelischen des Menschen die Tätigkeit der drei Weltkörper: das Walten des Mars in der Empfindungsseele, des Merkur in der Verstandesseele, des Jupiter in der Bewußtseinsseele; und indem das Geistselbst in die Bewußtseinsseele hineingedrängt wird, ist die Venus mit ihren Wesenheiten tätig. Für die ersten Eingeweihten ist auch wieder der Merkur tätig, so daß also die Merkurwesen eine zweifache Tätigkeit ausüben: zunächst eine dem Menschen ganz unbewußte, indem sie seine Verstandesseele entwickeln; sodann sind sie die ersten Lehrer der Eingeweihten, wobei sie auf eine ganz bewußte Art wirken. Die Merkurwesen haben also stets eine doppelte Tätigkeit, etwa so wie manche Landlehrer die Kinder unterrichten und außerdem den ihnen zugeteilten Acker bebauen müssen. So haben die Merkurwesen die Verstandesseele zu entwickeln und außerdem noch die großen Schullehrer der großen Eingeweihten zu sein. Alle diese Dinge können Sie auch rein logisch begreifen.
[ 25 ] Nun können Sie vielleicht fragen, warum denn gerade Jupiter auf die Bewußtseinsseele wirkt, da er doch ein so weit rückständiger Planet ist. Aber erforscht werden diese Dinge eben nicht durch logische Gründe, sondern so, daß man die Tatsachen der geistigen Welten erforscht. Da würden Sie in der Tat sehen, daß die Bewußtseinsseele angefacht wird von den Jupiterwesen, denen auf der anderen Seite zurückgebliebene Venuswesenheiten zu Hilfe kommen. Im kosmischen Wirken ist es so, daß die Dinge nicht äußerlich-schematisch genommen werden dürfen, sondern man muß sich klar sein, daß wenn ein Planet einmal schon eine Aufgabe erfüllt hat, seine Wesenheiten später noch eine andere Aufgabe erfüllen können. Während der Menschheit der zweiten Menschenrasse haben die Jupiterwesenheiten mitgewirkt an der Ausbildung des Ätherleibes; dann gingen sie selbst ein Stück Wegs weiter, und als der Mensch so weit war, daß sich seine Bewußtseinsseele entwickeln konnte, mußten sie wiederum eingreifen und seine Bewußtseinsseele mitentwickeln. So wirkt dasjenige, was im Raum wirkt, in der mannigfaltigsten Weise ineinander, und man kann durchaus nicht schematisch von dem einen auf das andere übergehen.
[ 26 ] So sehen Sie, wie der Physiker, wenn er hinausschaut in den Weltenraum, nur die rein äußeren Körper geistiger Organismen sieht, und wie uns dann die Geisteswissenschaft hineinführt in die geistigen Untergründe, die das, was der Physiker sieht, erst bewirken. Ich möchte sagen: jetzt haben wir uns nicht der Täuschung hingegeben, welcher derjenige sich hingibt, der das Olkügelchen nimmt und vergißt, daß er es selber dreht. Wir haben die Wesenheiten selber aufgesucht, die das Abgeballte so machten, wie es eben ist. Wir haben uns nicht der Illusion hingegeben, daß, wenn wir nicht da sind, das Ganze sich weiter dreht; sondern wir haben den «Dreher» gesucht, denjenigen, der als die eigentlich geistig-wirksame Wesenheit dahintersteht, so daß man immer mehr den vollen Einklang finden kann zwischen dem, was die Geisteswissenschaft sagt, und dem, was die äußere Wissenschaft findet. Nur können Sie niemals aus den Tatsachen der äußeren Wissenschaft ableiten, was die Geisteswissenschaft sagt. Da werden Sie höchstens zu einer Analogie kommen. Wenn dagegen die geistigen Tatsachen mit den okkulten Mitteln gefunden werden, dann werden sie, wenn Sie absehen von dem, was von der äußeren Wissenschaft erst noch gefunden werden muß, jederzeit übereinstimmen mit dem, was auch der Physiker zu sagen hat. So wird der 'Theosoph jederzeit dem Physiker standhalten können. Er weiß sehr wohl, daß wenn irgend etwas im Physischen geschieht, es ganz gut so sein kann, wie es der Physiker beschreibt. Aber es gibt trotzdem immer noch dazu den geistigen Vorgang. Das hindert nicht, daß mancher Wissenschafter, der sich hoch erhaben fühlt, den Theosophen für einen Dummkopf oder für etwas noch Schlimmeres hält. Aber die Theosophie kann ruhig zusehen. Schon in fünfzig Jahren wird das ganz anders sein; denn der Fortbestand der bloß materialistischen Wissenschaft würde dem Heil und der Gesundheit der Menschheit sehr schlecht bekommen - wenn die Dinge wirklich so bleiben würden, wie sie heute sind -, wenn nicht die Geisteswissenschaft der Sache entgegenwirken würde.
Third Lecture
[ 1 ] These Monday lectures aim to uplift more advanced theosophists, that is, those who have been immersed in the theosophical worldview for some time and, even more importantly, have adopted a theosophical way of thinking and attitude, to ever higher and higher levels of understanding. Therefore, if we really pursue this goal in these lectures, it will become increasingly difficult for those who come as stragglers, so to speak, to follow. They may still be able to follow intellectually, but it will become increasingly difficult to regard what is presented from the higher parts of Theosophy as something reasonable and healthy. Therefore, it will take a great deal of goodwill, especially for those who have been here for a shorter period of time, to follow these branch lectures with their understanding of feelings and emotions. However, it must be emphasized again and again that we would not make any progress if we did not have the opportunity to shine a light into the higher realms of spiritual existence in some places. That is what these lectures are intended to do.
[ 2 ] In the last lecture, I gave you an outlook on the development of our entire planetary system. This was preceded by a look at this planetary system itself, insofar as the individual planets are inhabited by all kinds of beings, which in turn have an influence on our human body. What is to be presented today will follow on from these two previous considerations. We will broaden our view of the planetary system and in doing so, learn many secrets of our existence from a spiritual point of view.
[ 3 ] If you consider any of the many common representations of the origin of our planetary system, you will initially be led back to a kind of primeval nebula , a nebulous, vast structure from which our sun and the planets orbiting around it have, as it were, coagulated. And as driving forces in this coagulation, as a rule only physical forces are taken into account. You know that this is called the – today widely modified – Kant-Laplacean theory, and you also know that those who have come so far in their understanding that they have grasped the gradual formation of the individual planets out of the primeval nebula to the state in which the planets, namely the Earth, are now, are very proud of this insight, and that they always emphasize how it is actually a rather inadequate way of looking at our tremendous progress, to speak of spiritual forces and spiritual entities when the individual heavenly bodies are released from the primeval nebula. You know that there are also popular books that describe such talk as the most backward and superstitious that can possibly exist. Now, the mind of a theosophist would be sufficient to understand everything that is presented in these fields in the right way. But it extends a little further. It is clear to him that the physical forces of attraction and repulsion and so on are not enough, that all sorts of other things are at play. Today, Theosophy still has to put up with being denounced by the usual official science, which could perhaps also be called “anti-sophy”, as a great stupidity and terrible superstition. But we live in an age that is, one might say, curiously hopeful for the theosophist. One might say that the theories, views and insights that today's science draws from its own facts seem like small, gasping, dwarfish entities, running after the facts from a great distance, puffing and panting. For the facts of today's science are actually far ahead of what today's science “believes”. They are such that with them new and new confirmations of theosophical truths are constantly emerging. Of course, they are not seen through as such. I would just like to point out that the effect of the astral body during the night has often been mentioned here: how the physical body and the etheric body are worn out during the day, and how the astral body is the one that has a repairing and building effect during the night, and removes the fatigue substances. To express this sentence in this form would be considered by today's science as something not at all presentable. But the facts speak for themselves: if, for example, we can read in an American magazine today that a researcher has put forward the theory that sleep activity in humans is an involving, constructive activity, while in contrast, activity during waking is a dismantling one, then here we have a scientific fact behind which the theories of natural science gasp like the little dwarves who cannot keep up, while in the spiritual scientific world view you have the bright, great views that are taken from a spiritual world view.
[ 4 ] If we look at the genesis of our present solar system from a spiritual-scientific point of view, we have no need whatever to contradict what is put forward by physical science, any more than we do in other fields. For there is nothing about what physical science seeks to understand – what our eyes could have seen in the course of evolution – that Theosophy objects to. If someone had placed a chair out in space at the time of the primeval nebula, and had sat on it, had a sufficiently long lifespan, and had watched how the individual balls had clumped together, then with physical eyes he would have seen nothing other than what this physical science has established. But that would be the same as if two people were standing in front of you and one of them slapped the other one, and then an observer came along and said: 'The one had a passionate anger against the other, and that made him swing his hand, and that's how the other one got slapped.' While the second person would say: You are fantasizing, I saw nothing of anger and passion, I only saw the hand move and deliver a blow; as a result, the other person received a slap in the face. That is the external, materialistic description, the method applied by modern science. It does not contradict the spiritual investigation of the facts. Only the person who believes that this materialistic description of the facts is the only one, naturally feels himself in his scientific sublimity very far above everything that spiritual research has to offer. So what is called the modified Kant-Laplace theory may well be considered an external event. But within this whole agglomeration, this whole crystallization of the individual worlds, spiritual forces and spiritual entities were at work.
[ 5 ] The experimenter today shows us very nicely how all this can happen according to the Kant-Laplace theory. You only need to take a relatively small oil globule floating in water: You can easily attach a small cardboard circle to it at the level of the equator and stick a needle through the center. If you now turn the needle very quickly, small oil globules will separate out. This is a very good way to visualize a miniature world system and to show how a world system is distributed in space. But in this picture the experimenter is forgotten, namely that he himself was present and made the necessary preparations, that he then turned the needle around, and that in the great cosmos cannot happen by itself, which also does not happen by itself in the small. Out there it should happen by itself! These things are not that difficult to see; but the correct physical principles have been so overused that those who do not want to see them really do not need to see them. So spiritual forces and spiritual beings were at work in all this planetary formation, and we now want to get to know some of them.
[ 6 I must remind you of the often-repeated fact that our Earth, before it became “Earth”, has completed previous embodiments, other planetary conditions: the Saturn condition, the Sun condition and the Moon condition – and only after passing through these has it progressed to its present Earth condition. Now imagine the ancient Saturn, which was the first embodiment of our Earth, floating in space in the distant past. This Saturn actually has nothing within its entire being of what we see around us today as our plants, minerals and animals. In the beginning, this Saturn consisted only of the very first human being. We speak of this old Saturn only as a conglomeration of human beings. At that time, the human being also existed only in the first form of his physical body. This old Saturn was composed of nothing but individual human physical bodies, just as a mulberry or a blackberry is composed of nothing but individual berries. And this old Saturn was surrounded, as our Earth is today, by air, by an atmosphere; but in relation to what we know as an atmosphere today, it was spiritual. It was completely spirit-like, and within the evolution of Saturn, man developed in his beginning. Then came a time when Saturn came to be in a similar situation to that of a human being today, when he is in a devachanic state between death and a new birth. This state of a world body is called a pralaya. Saturn thus passed through a kind of devachanic state and then emerged again into a kind of outwardly perceptible existence as the second planetary state of our earth, the sun. This state of the sun brought man further again. Certain entities that had remained behind now asserted themselves as a second kingdom on the sun, alongside the human kingdom, so that we now have two kingdoms. Then comes another devachanic state of the sun, a pralaya, and then the whole planet transforms into the lunar state; and so it goes through another pralya until the moon passes into our earth.
[ 7 ] When our earth emerged from the purely spiritual, devachanic state, when it first acquired some kind of externally perceptible existence , it was not as it is today; rather, it was such that, when viewed externally, it could truly be understood as a large primeval nebula, as described by modern physical science. We just have to think of this primeval nebula as large, far larger than the present Earth, and that it extended far beyond the outermost planets that belong to our solar system today, far beyond Uranus. In spiritual scientific terms, we imagine that what we see emerging from a spiritual state is not merely a kind of physical primeval nebula. Anyone who describes what is emerging as a kind of physical primeval nebula and nothing more is about as wise as a person who has seen another person and, when asked what he has seen, says: “Muscles attached to bones, and I saw blood!” — who thus describes only the physical. For in the Primordial Mist are contained a wealth of spiritual powers and spiritual entities. These belong to it, and what happens in the Primordial Mist is a consequence of the actions of the spiritual entities. Everything the physicist describes is as if he were to place a chair out in space and observe the whole thing. He really describes it as that observer who denies the anger and passion that cause a slap and only sees the moving hand. In truth, what is happening is the emergence of world bodies and globes, the action of spiritual entities; so that in the Primordial Nebula we see the garment, the outer manifestation of a host of spiritual entities.
[ 8 ] There are spiritual entities within it that are at the most diverse stages of development. These spiritual entities do not come from nothing, but they have a past, they have the Saturn, Sun and Moon past behind them. They have all gone through them once, and now they are on the verge of applying what they have gone through, of doing as deeds what they have learned on Saturn, Sun and Moon. And they stand at the most diverse levels of development. There are entities among them that were already as far advanced on old Saturn as man is today on earth. These have already passed through their human stage on Saturn, and are therefore considerably higher than man was at the beginning of the development of the earth; they are far above man. There are other entities that have passed through their human stage on the sun, and others that have done so on the moon. Man is waiting to pass through his stage of humanity on earth. If we therefore only consider this fourfold hierarchy of beings, we already have a multitude of different entities at different stages of development.
[ 9 ] We now call the entities that have undergone their human stage on the sun the “fire spirits”. However, you must not imagine that these fire spirits, who were human beings on the old sun planet, looked the same as present-day humans. They went through their human stage in a different outer form. The old sun planet had an extraordinarily fine, light matter, much lighter than our present matter. At that time, the solid and the liquid did not yet exist, only the gaseous, and the bodies of the fire spirits were only gaseous, although they had the rank of humans. One can pass through the stage of humanity in cosmic evolution in the most diverse forms. On earth, it is only experienced by terrestrial human beings in the flesh. Beings on the moon experienced it in a kind of watery state, and even on the moon they had already risen above the human stage.
[ 10 ] So these spirits and a whole host of other spirits were connected with that primeval nebula that lies at the starting point of our solar system. For example, you can easily imagine that what began for man on Saturn began in some way for other entities on the sun. Just as the first germ of the physical body began on Saturn, so other entities followed on the Sun, just as in schools there are always new children joining the ABC class. Today they have only come so far that they are now, physically embodied, in today's animals. On the Moon, those entities were added that are present in today's plants, and our present-day minerals were only added on Earth. These are the youngest companions in our development, whose pains and joys I described to you in a previous lecture. So not only advanced entities were present in this primeval mist, but also entities that were not yet at the human level.
[ 11 ] In addition to those I have listed for you now, there are such entities of which we have said that they remained at certain stages of cosmic development. Take the fire spirits, for example. The fire spirits have already completed their human stage on the sun. Now, on earth, they are exalted beings, two stages beyond human beings. They have reached such a stage that only when man has ascended through the Jupiter and Venus existence to the Vulcan existence will he be ripe for such an existence as the exalted sun spirits had when the earth began its evolution. Now there are entities that have remained behind, that is, those that could have reached the same level on the sun as the fire spirits, but for certain reasons were unable to develop to the full height that the fire spirits had reached when the earth was at the beginning of its development.
[ 12 ] You all remember that at a certain stage of its development, right at the beginning – and you can easily combine this with the nebula theory – the Earth was still one body with the Sun and the Moon. If you were to stir the three celestial bodies, Earth, Sun and Moon, in a huge cosmic pot, you would get a body that was once there. Then came the time when the sun withdrew, leaving the earth and the moon, and then came a time when the moon also withdrew, leaving our earth as it is today, surrounded on one side by the sun and on the other by the moon.
[ 13 ] Now we ask ourselves: Why did this happen, that three bodies emerged from one body? You will easily understand why this happened when you consider that such highly developed entities were present in the primeval nebula – connected with the outer existence of the primeval nebula – that were two levels higher than man. They would have had nothing to do on a world body like our present Earth; they needed a dwelling place with very different properties. In contrast, man would have had to be consumed in this existence, so to speak, if he had remained connected to the Sun. He needed a weaker, more moderate existence. So the Sun had to be lifted out of the Earth by the action of the fire spirits and made their arena. This is not a mere physical event; rather, we must conceive of it as the deed of the fire spirits themselves. They have released their dwelling place and all the substances they need from the earth and made the sun their arena. They are able to withstand this gigantic speed in their development by virtue of their nature. If man were exposed to this gigantic speed in his development, he would be old again almost as soon as he was young. All development would proceed at a double pace. Only those beings who are already two levels higher than man can tolerate such an existence as that of the sun. They separated themselves from the sun and left the earth with the moon.
[ 14 ] Now we can also answer the question of why the moon had to separate from the earth. If the moon had remained connected to the earth, then man would not have been able to fulfill his existence on earth either. The moon had to be expelled because it would have mummified the entire development of man. Men would not have undergone such a rapid development as when the sun remained. They would not have grown old so quickly, but they would have become wooden, dried up like mummies; their development would have become so slow that they would have become mummified. In order that just the right measure of development for man should come about, the Moon with its forces and subordinate entities had to be sent out. That is why those entities which I have described as remaining at one stage all their lives, which today on earth a seven-year-old child reaches, are also connected with the Moon. Since they only go through one existence, like a person does in the time up to the seventh year, when only the physical body develops, they need a setting like the moon is. If you add to this the fact that not only these various entities were connected with the primeval nebula, but also a whole series of entities at the most diverse stages of development, then you will understand that primordial nebula not only these world bodies, such as the earth, sun and moon, were formed out of it, but also the other world bodies; and all of them were formed out of it because scenes had to arise for the corresponding stages of development of the various entities. Thus there were entities that were hardly suited to participate in the further development when our earth's development began, that were still so young in their entire development that every further step would have brought them ruin. They had to be given, so to speak, a scene where they could retain their complete youthfulness. All the other scenes are there to provide dwellings for those who are already further along. For the entities that emerged last of all during the moon's existence, and which had therefore remained at a very early stage of development, a setting had to be formed that therefore has little connection with our earthly existence: the world body that we call Uranus was formed. This has become a scene for such entities that had to remain at a very low level of development.
[ 15 ] Then the development continued. Everything that, apart from Uranus, is in our world system, is now contained in a primeval pulpy mass. Greek mythology calls that which was there before Uranus emerged, “Chaos”. Now Uranus has emerged; the other, so to speak, has remained behind in Chaos. Entities are still connected to it that, in their development at that time, were at the same stage that we humans were at when our earth had passed through the state of Saturn. And for those who, precisely because they were at this stage, because they had only just begun their existence, could not experience everything that came later, a special realm, Saturn, was created for them. So a second world body split off, Saturn, which you can still see in the sky today. It came into being because there were entities at the stage that human beings had reached at the time of Saturn's existence on Earth. So while Saturn was emerging as a separate world body, everything else that belongs to our present planetary system was already present. The Earth, with all its creatures, was still in this primeval pulpy mass. Only Uranus and Saturn were already outside.
[ 16 ] The next event was the separation of another planet, which was bound to become the arena for a certain stage of development. This is now “Jupiter”, the third planet, which splits out of the nebulous mass that is actually the Earth for us. While Jupiter and the other planets that we already know are outside, the Sun and the Moon are still united with the Earth. These planets were indeed split off from the chaos when the Earth still had what is also present in our Sun today, when our Earth was still completely one with the Sun and the Moon. At that time, when Jupiter split off, the forerunners of today's humanity gradually emerged, that is, today's people came out again, just as a new plant comes out of the seed. These human seeds had gradually formed during the old Saturn state, during the old sun state and during the old moon state. Now - the sun was still connected to the earth - these human seeds came out again.
[ 17 ] Now, however, people could not have developed any further; they could not tolerate this pace when the earth was still with the sun. And now something happens that we understand well when we realize that the entities we have referred to as “fire spirits” take their scene out of the earth. The sun forces its way out of the earth, and we now have the sun and then the earth and moon together. During this time, in some way that will not be described in detail here because it would lead too far, the “Mars” is again left over as a setting for special beings, which then actually passes through the earth and moon in the further progression, and as it passes through, it leaves behind in the earth with the moon what we know today as iron. Therefore, it is also the cause of everything that is deposited as iron parts in living beings, thus in the blood. Now someone might say: iron is everywhere, even in the sun and so on. — That is not surprising, because just as other bodies were in the primeval nebula, so was Mars everywhere in it with its iron, which it left behind; that is also in all the other planets! Here again we have the fact that scientists today are already providing wonderful evidence that the matter is as it is presented here by spiritual science. You will remember that I once explained how one symbolically passes from the green plant sap, chlorophyll, to the blood of man. Plants originated as such before this Mars transit took place, and have retained their characteristic. Then, in the beings that are now more highly organized than plants, iron has been stored, filling the red blood. It is entirely consistent with these spiritual facts that it was recently found in a Bern laboratory that blood cannot be compared to chlorophyll. This is precisely because it is stored later. We must not imagine that blood depends on the substantiality of the chemical element “iron”. I say this in particular because someone might say that one cannot speak at all of a connection between chlorophyll and blood. Today, science is discovering that blood can be traced back to the element 'iron', while chlorophyll does not contain any iron at all. But it is nevertheless in complete harmony with what spiritual science has to say; it is only a matter of looking at things in the right light.
[ 18 ] Now, for reasons we have already mentioned, the “moon” separates itself, so that we have the earth on its own and the present moon as its minor planet. All entities that are essentially higher than man and that we have called the fire spirits are drawn to the sun. Now there are certain entities that have not risen so high that they can really endure the existence on the sun. Imagine what these entities are like: they are entities that are far superior to human beings, but have not yet reached the point where they, like the fire spirits, can live on the sun. A place of existence had to be created for these entities. All the other scenes would not have served them; for they are for entities of a different nature, which have not at all reached the advanced age of those entities, which are indeed to be counted among the fire spirits, but have not quite completed the cosmic course. There were two main types of entities that had been left behind; for them, two special locations were created when two other planets split off from the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Mercury and Venus are two planets that broke away from the Sun as the settings for those fire spirits that are far above human existence, but who could not have endured the solar existence. So you have Mercury near the Sun as the setting for those beings who could not live on the Sun with the fire spirits, and Venus as the setting for beings who, in some respects, were less evolved than the Mercury beings, but who were still far above humans.

[ 19 ] Thus you have seen these different world bodies emerging from the primeval nebula for inner reasons, through spiritually active activities. You have been able to deduce from this that if you only stick to the physical, it turns out as today's science tells us; but the point is to really get to know the spiritual reasons why it has become so. Within the nebula, the beings created their own dwellings in which they could live. Now these various entities, which were, so to speak, harmoniously side by side as long as not everything had split off, have not remained without connection, but they are working quite mixed up. The effect of the Mercury and Venus entities on Earth is of particular interest. Imagine yourself back in the time when the Sun was just splitting apart from the Earth, the Moon was splitting apart and human beings began their existence in today's form. Man attained his present existence by the fact that one of the sun spirits condescended, if I may use such an expression, to have his further existence not on the sun but to link himself with the moon. From this was formed an exalted ruler of the moon. On the moon there were otherwise lower entities, but one of the sun spirits united with the moon existence. This sun spirit, who united with the moon, who is actually a displaced sun spirit in the universe, is as a divine being, as a spiritual being, “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”, the regent of the moon. We will understand why this happened when we consider the following:
[ 20 ] We have seen that if the sun had remained connected to the earth, man would have consumed himself in the rapid succession of evolution; if only the moon were to work with its powers, man would be mummified. It was precisely the harmony of the forces of the sun and moon that created the balance that sustains man at his present pace of development. When the earth was transferred from the old moon, man had his physical body from Saturn, his etheric body from the sun, and his astral body from the moon. But because man had the three bodies, and now the seed sprouted with the three bodies, he had a completely different form. You would be amazed if I were to describe it to you, for the form that man has today developed very slowly and gradually from the time of the separation of the moon. But the bad, inferior forces of the moon could not have given man his present form. They could have given him a form, but an inferior one. If the lunar forces had remained connected with the earth, they would have held man in one form. From this you can see that the forces that give form must come from the moon, while the forces that continually change form come from the sun. But in order for man to have acquired his present form, a shaper of forms had to work from the moon. There was no other way at all. Thus began the evolution of the human being. The fourth link in the human entity begins, and Yahweh gives man the germ of a form such that he can become a vehicle for the I.
[ 21 ] But now man is not yet able to do the work of which I have spoken to you. I have told you that man, starting from his I, first reworks his astral body, then his ether body and then his physical body. Man can only tackle this step by step. Just as the child still needs teachers today, so man, when he was already prepared, needed an I-being to become, a stimulus on our earth, in order to progress; and there were two inspirers for man. You can imagine from the whole cosmic development where they came from.
[ 22 ] The beings that were closest to man were the Venus and Mercury beings. Until man was able to make the first weak attempts at the end of the Atlantean period to work independently from his ego on the three bodies - for this is only possible at the end of the Atlantean period - he had to have “teachers” who continued to work far beyond this Atlantean period. And these teachers were the same entities that worked on Venus and Mercury. But these entities are not to be thought of in the same way as teachers are today; rather, you must imagine that the Venus beings are the ones who endowed man with his intellectuality. Outwardly, people knew nothing about the fact that these Venusian entities were working on them, just as little as they knew that certain entities from the moon were influencing them in terms of their outer form. Just as I have shown you how the various humors affect man, so the forces of these entities affected man until he could work on his bodies independently. What we today find in man as intelligence was imparted to man by the spirits, which as fire spirits of an inferior order remained behind on Venus. Besides, there were still other teachers who were in fact consciously perceived as teachers by the first clairvoyant people: the teachers of the great mysteries in ancient times. In the early days there were not only the all-embracing influences of the Venus spirits, which affected more or less all of humanity, but there were also mystery centres where the most advanced people of the time received spiritual instruction from higher beings, from the fire spirits. In the mysteries, they themselves taught, the exalted fire spirits of Mercury. There they appeared, if we may say so, in a spiritual embodiment and were the teachers of the first initiates. Just as the first initiates became the teachers of the great masses of people, so the Mercury beings were the teachers of the first initiates. In this way you see at the same time how perceptibly the entities of other stars affect man; but these influences are of a very complicated nature. You can see this from the following.
[ 23 ] You remember from my 'Theosophy' that it is only a rough classification when we say that man consists of a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body, the I, the spirit self, the life spirit and the spiritual man. You know that the more correct division is this: physical body, etheric body, astral body, and that we then distinguish, that in which the I is absorbed, as sentient soul, mind or emotional soul and consciousness soul, and that we have the spirit self or manas in it first, then the life spirit or buddhi, and finally the spirit man or atman. The soul-like element in man thus appears in three stages: the sentient soul, the intellectual soul and the consciousness soul. If we follow the development of man on earth, we can also say: First the sentient soul develops in addition to the three components brought over from the moon, then the mind soul arises, and the consciousness soul arises only towards the end of the Atlantean period, when man first learned to say “I” to himself. Only then can man learn to consciously work on the limbs of his being from within. So if we divide man into body, soul and spirit, we must further subdivide the soul into the sentient soul, the intellectual soul and the consciousness soul. These develop only gradually; the consciousness soul cannot yet have any influence because it is the last to arise. So these members must also be kindled from the outside again. In this process, entities from the outside are again active, and it is the case that Mars, with its entities, acts on the sentient soul. When the mind soul is to arise, Mercury is already split off and, with its entities, acts on the formation of the mind soul, and Jupiter, which has long been present, acts on the formation of the consciousness soul.
[ 24 ] Thus, in the soul of man, you have the activity of the three world bodies: the rule of Mars in the sentient soul, Mercury in the mind soul, and Jupiter in the consciousness soul; and as the spirit self is pushed into the consciousness soul, Venus with her beings is active. For the first initiates Mercury is also active again, so that the Mercury beings also have a twofold activity: first, one of which man is quite unaware, in that they develop his mind-soul; then they are the first teachers of the initiates, in which they work in a quite conscious way. The Mercury beings therefore always have a dual activity, somewhat like some country teachers who have to teach the children and also cultivate their allotted field. Thus the Mercury beings have to develop the mind soul and also be the great school teachers of the great initiates. You can understand all these things purely logically.
[ 25 ] Now you may ask why Jupiter of all planets should influence the consciousness soul, since it is such a backward planet. But these things are not investigated by logical reasoning, but by investigating the facts of the spiritual worlds. There you would indeed see that the consciousness soul is kindled by the Jupiter beings, which are helped on the other side by the retarded Venus entities. In cosmic activity, things must not be taken in an external and schematic way. It must be realized that when a planet has once fulfilled a task, its entities can later fulfill another task. During the time of the second human race, the Jupiter entities were involved in the formation of the etheric body; then they went a step further, and when the human being had reached the point where his consciousness soul could develop, they had to intervene again and help develop his consciousness soul. Thus that which works in space intervenes in the most manifold ways, and one cannot schematically pass from one to the other.
[ 26 ] So you see how the physicist, when he looks out into space, sees only the purely external bodies of spiritual organisms, and how spiritual science then leads us into the spiritual foundations that the physicist sees. I would like to say: now we have not given ourselves over to the illusion that the person who takes the oil globule and forgets that he himself turns it. We have sought out the entities themselves, which made what was made as it is. We did not succumb to the illusion that when we are not there the whole thing will continue to turn; instead we sought the 'turner', the one who is actually behind it as the spiritually effective entity, so that one can more and more find complete harmony between what spiritual science says and what external science finds. But you can never deduce from the facts of external science what spiritual science says. At most, you will come to an analogy. If, on the other hand, the spiritual facts are found by occult means, then they will always agree with what the physicist has to say, apart from what still has to be found by external science. So the theosophist will always be able to stand up to the physicist. He knows very well that when something happens in the physical world, it may very well be as the physicist describes it. But nevertheless there is always a spiritual process as well. This does not prevent some scientists, who feel highly exalted, from considering the theosophist a fool or something even worse. But Theosophy can look on calmly. In fifty years' time, things will be quite different; for the continued existence of mere materialistic science would be very detrimental to the welfare and health of mankind - if things really remained as they are today - if spiritual science did not counteract it.