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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

The Essence of Christianity
GA 68a

I.Theosophy and the Further Development of Religions (The Bible-Babel Question)April 15, 1903
II.The Major Theosophical TeachingsApril 17, 1903
III.Theosophy and the Scientific Spirit of the PresentApril 20, 1903
IV.The Essence of Man or The Spiritual ChemistryOctober 23, 1903
V.The Pilgrimage of the SoulNovember 20, 1903
VI.World Law and Human Destiny: A Christmas ReflectionDecember 11, 1903
VII,Theosophy, Buddhism, SpiritismFebruary 26, 1903
VIII.Theosophy in the Gospels — An Easter ReflectionMarch 25, 1904
IX.The Relationship of the Germanic Peoples to ChristianityJuly 26, 1904
X.Christian Mysticism — The Masters of Cologne: Eckhart, Albertus MagnusNovember 28, 1904
XI.On the Essence of ChristianityJanuary 23, 1905
XII.The Wisdom Teachings of ChristianityApril 17, 1905
XIII.The Kernel of Wisdom in ReligionsDecember 3, 1905
XIV.Answering QuestionsDecember 17, 1905
XV.The Kernel of Wisdom in ReligionsJanuary 19, 1906
XVI.Human FreedomFebruary 11, 1906
XVII.The Wisdom Teachings of ChristianityFebruary 21, 1906
XVIII.Germanic and Indian Secret DoctrineApril 22, 1906
XIX.Internal DevelopmentApril 23, 1906
XX.Germanic and Indian Secret DoctrineApril 24, 1906
XXI.On LuciferNovember 9, 1906
XXII.The Children of LuciferDecember 14, 1906
XXIII.The Bible and WisdomJanuary 14, 1907
XXIV.The Bible and WisdomJanuary 17, 1907
XXV.The Origin of EvilJanuary 18, 1907
XXVI.Esoteric ChristianityMarch 6, 1907
XXVII.Theosophy, Buddhism and ChristianityMarch 17, 1907
XXVIII.The Parable of the Unjust Steward. Luke 16April 9, 1907
XXIX.The Bible and WisdomApril 25, 1907
XXX.The Bible and Wisdom IMay 23, 1907
XXXI.The Bible and Wisdom IIMay 24, 1907
XXXII.The Bible and Wisdom IJune 8, 1907
XXXIII.The Bible and Wisdom IIJune 9, 1907
XXXIV.The Gospel of St. John and the Future of ChristianityDecember 14, 1907
XXXV.InitiationDecember 18, 1907
XXXVI.The Dangers of InitiationDecember 19, 1907
XXXVII.Religion, Science and TheosophyJanuary 31, 1908
XXXVIII.The Spirit of Truth from a Christian Point of ViewFebruary 21, 1908
XXXIX.The Gospel of John from a Theosophical Point of ViewApril 4, 1908
XL.The Bible and WisdomNovember 3, 1908
XLI.The Apostle Paul and TheosophyDecember 7, 1908
XLII.The Kernels of Wisdom in ReligionsFebruary 3, 1909
XLIII.The Significance of Christianity for the FutureFebruary 4, 1909
XLIV.The Ten CommandmentsFebruary 26, 1909
XLV.The Occult Significance of the Gospel of St. JohnFebruary 28, 1909
XLVI.The Entry of Christianity in the Western WorldMay 12, 1909
XLVII.The Higher Significance of the Gospel of St. JohnNovember 6, 1909
XLVIII.The GospelsNovember 17, 1909
XLIX.Christ and Spiritual ScienceNovember 30, 1909
L.The Three Millenia Before and After ChristFebruary 23, 1910
LI.The Nature of Human DestinySeptember 13, 1910
LII.Theosophy and the BibleSeptember 14, 1910
LIII.Theosophy and the BibleNovember 29, 1910