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Occult Signs and Symbols
GA 101

15 September 1907, Stuttgart

III. The Symbolism of Numbers

The Mystics and the Time of Copernicus. Involution, Evolution and Creation out of Nothingness. The Number Four, the Sign of Creation.

Today we shall first occupy ourselves with a consideration of what is called the symbolism of numbers. When speaking of occult signs and symbols, it is necessary to mention the symbols that are expressed in numbers, even if only briefly. You may recall my elucidations of the day before yesterday in which I spoke of the numerical proportions in the universe, of the speed with which the single planets move and of the harmony of the spheres that comes about through these different speeds. Even from this you can see that numbers and numerical proportions have a certain meaning for the cosmos and the world. It is in numbers, we might say, that the harmony that wells through space is expressed. Now we shall turn our attention to a more intimate numerical symbolism, the meaning of which we can only touch upon, however. Were we really to immerse ourselves in it, many other things would have to be considered. Anyway, you will receive at least an idea of what is meant when it is said of the old occult Pythagorean School that it stressed the necessity of immersing oneself in the nature of numbers in order to gain an insight into the world.

To think about numbers may appear dry and dreary to many. To those who are affected by the materialistic culture of our times it will appear as mere playfulness if it is believed that, through a consideration of numbers, it is possible to gain knowledge of the nature of things. There was, however, a deep reason for the great Pythagoras to tell his pupils that knowledge concerning the nature of numbers would lead to the essence of things. But do not think it sufficient to reflect on the numbers 1, 3, or 7. Real occult teaching knows nothing of witchcraft and magic, nor of a superstitious meaning of some number. Its knowledge rests on deeper things, and from the short sketch I will give you, you will see that numbers can give you a clue to what is called meditation if you have the key to plunge deeply enough.

The number one must be our starting point. Later, in considering the other numbers, it will become clearer how far the number one symbolizes what I shall say. In all occultism the One has always designated the indivisible unity of God in the universe. God is indicated by the number one. We should not believe, however, that anything is to be gained by becoming engrossed in nothing but this number. You will see later how this absorption should rightfully come about, and it will be far more fruitful if we first consider the other numbers.

Two is called the number of revelation in occultism. This means that whatever appears to us in the world, whatever reveals itself, whatever is not in any way concealed, stands as a duality. Thereby we acquire ground under our feet, whereas with the number one we are groping in the unfathomable. Everywhere in nature you find that nothing reveals itself without being related to the number two. Light alone cannot reveal itself. There must also be shadow or darkness—that is, a duality. There could never be a world filled with manifest light were there not corresponding shadow. Thus it is with all things. It would never be possible for good to manifest if it did not have evil as shadow-picture. The duality of good and evil is a necessity in the manifest world. There are infinitely many dualities. They fit all life, but we must look for them at the right spots.

There is one important duality in life about which men might well reflect. Yesterday, we considered various conditions that a man experienced before he became an inhabitant of our present earth. We saw that on Saturn and on Sun he had a certain immortality in that he directed his body from outside, that he broke off pieces of this body and added new ones, so that he perceived nothing of fading and dying. Human consciousness at that time was not as it is today, but was dull. Men have wrestled through to a consciousness for the first time on our earth. It is here that a man first becomes a being who knew something of himself and could distinguish himself from objects. For this to occur, it was necessary not only that he direct his body from the outside, that he broke off pieces of this body and added new ones, so that he perceived nothing of fading and dying. Human consciousness at that time was not as it is today, but was dull. Men have wrestled through to a consciousness that is bound up with self-consciousness for the first time on our earth. It is here that a man first became a being who knew something of himself and could distinguish himself from objects. For this to occur, it was necessary not only that he direct himself from outside, but he also had to slip into this body, perceive himself therein, and say “I” to it. Only because a man finds himself completely in his body has he been able to achieve his full consciousness. Now, however, he also shares the destiny of his body. Earlier, when he still hovered over it, this was not the case. It was only when a man had achieved this degree of consciousness that he came into relation with death. At the moment when his body falls apart, he feels the suspension of his ego because he identifies himself with his body. Only gradually, through spiritual development, will he again achieve the old immortality. The body is here as the school through which to wrestle through to immortality with self-consciousness. Through death a man acquires immortality on a higher level. As long as he had not experienced death, so long was the world unrevealed to him because duality belongs to the revealed world—death and life.

Thus, we could point out dualities at every step in life. In physics you find positive and negative electricity, in magnetism, forces of attraction and repulsion. Everything appears in duality. Two, duality, is the number of appearance, of manifestation.

There is, however, no revelation save that the Divine holds sway behind the scenes. In this way, behind every duality a unity is hidden. Therefore, three is nothing but two and one, that is, the revelation and the existent divinity backing it.

Three is the number of the Divinity revealing itself. There is a statement in occultism that says that two can never be the number for the Divinity. One is a number for God, and also the three. The one who sees the world as a duality, sees it only in its revelation. Whoever claims that this duality is all is always in the wrong. Let us make this clear to ourselves with an example. Even in places where spiritual science is discussed, sinning often occurs against the statement of true occultism that two is the number of revelation but not the number of fullness or completeness. You will often hear it said in popular occultism by people who do not really know, that all development runs its course through involution and evolution, but we shall see the direction this really takes. First, however let's examine a plant, a fully developed plant with roots, leaves, stems, blossoms, fruit, etc. This is an evolution. But now observe the small seed from which the plant has arisen or can arise. In this tiny seed the entire plant is, in a sense, already contained. It is hidden within it, ensheathed, because the seed is taken from the whole plant, which has laid all its forces into the seed. Here we may therefore make a distinction between two processes—the one in which the seed's forces have unfurled themselves and unfolded into the plant, evolution, and the other in which the plant has folded itself up and, as it were, crept into the seed, involution.

The process that occurs when a being that has many organs so forms itself that nothing of these organs remains visible, so that they contract to a tiny part, is called an involution. The process of expansion and unfolding is an evolution. Everywhere in life this duality alternates but always only within the manifest. You can follow this up not only in the plant but also in higher realms of life. Let us trace in thought, for example, the development of European spiritual life from Augustine to Calvin, that is, roughly through the Middle Ages. You will find in Augustine a kind of mystical inwardness. No one can read the Confessions or his other writings without experiencing the deep inwardness of this man's feeling life. When we advance further, we come across wonderful characters such as Scotus Erigena, a monk from Scotland called the Scottish St. John, who later lived at the court of Charles the Bald. He did not get on well with the Church, and it is told that the brothers of his order tortured him to death with pins. Of course, this is not to be taken literally, but it is true that he was tortured to death. A splendid book was written by him, On the Divisions in Nature which reveals a great profundity of thought even though it is found wanting in many ways from the anthroposophical point of view.

Proceeding further, we find the German mystics in the region of the Rhine, through whom an inner warmth poured itself out over great numbers of people. Not only did the highest of the clergy experience it, but also those who worked on the land and in the smithies. They were all picked up by this current of the time. Further along the way we find Nicolaus Cusanus (1400–64), and so we can follow along in time until the end of the Middle Ages. Always we find that depth of feeling, that inwardness, that spreads itself over all strata of the population.

If we now compare this time with that following it, with the period that began in the sixteenth century and extends into our own, we notice a tremendous difference. At the outset, we find Copernicus who, through a comprehensive idea, effected a renewal of spiritual life, whose thought has become so incorporated into human thinking that whoever believes something else today is counted a fool. We see Galileo, who discovered the law of gravity by observing the swinging of a church lamp in Pisa. Step by step we follow the passage of time up to the present, and everywhere we find the opposite, the strict opposite, of the Middle Ages. Feeling steadily declines and inwardness disappears. The intellect comes steadily to the fore and men become more clever.

Spiritual science explains the difference between these two epochs and shows us that this change had to be. There is an occult statement that says that the period from Augustine to Calvin was one of mystical involution. What does this mean? From the time of Augustine to the sixteenth century there was an outward unfolding of mystical life; it was outside. But something else was also there—intellectual life hidden in germinal form. It was, as it were, like a sun buried in the spiritual earth that unfolded later after the sixteenth century. The intellect was involuted as the plant is in its seed. Nothing can come forth in the world that was not previously in such an involution. Since the sixteenth century, the intellect has been evolving, the mystical life withdrawing. Now the time has come when this mystical life must again appear, when through the Anthroposophical Movement it will be brought to unfolding, to evolution. In this way involution and evolution disclose themselves alternately everywhere in life.

Whoever stops here, however, is taking only the outer aspect into account. To reckon with the whole we must include a third aspect that stands behind these two. What is this third aspect? Imagine yourself facing a phenomenon in the outer world. You reflect over it. You are here, the outer world is there, and from within your thoughts arise. These thoughts were not there previously. When, for example, you form a thought about a rose, this thought first arises in the moment you make a connection with the rose. You were here, the rose there, and now the thought arises in you. When the image of the rose arises, something quite new has come about. This is also the case in other spheres of life. Imagine the artist, Michelangelo, arranging a group of models. Actually, he did this in the rarest of cases. Michelangelo is here, what he renders is there. Something new—the image—arises in his soul. This is a creation that has nothing to do with involution and evolution. It is something entirely new that arises from the intercourse between a being that can receive and a being that can give. Such new creations are always generated through intercourse of being with being, and such new creations are a beginning.

Recall what we considered yesterday, how thoughts are creative, how they can ennoble the soul, indeed, even work later on forming the body. Whatever a being once thinks, the thought creation, the concept creation, works and actively carries on further. It is a new creation, works and actively carries on further. It is a new creation and at the same time a beginning because it gives rise to consequences. If you have good thoughts today, they are fruitful into the remote future because your soul goes its own way in the spiritual world. Your body returns to the elements and decays. Even if everything through which the thought arose disintegrates, the effects of the thought remain.

Let us return to the example of Michelangelo. His glorious paintings have affected millions of people. These paintings, however, will one day fall into dust and there will be future generations who will never see his creations. But what lived in Michelangelo's soul before his paintings took outer form, what at first existed as new creations in his soul, lives on, remains, and will appear in future stages of development and be given form. Do you know why clouds and stars appear to us today? Because there were beings in preceding eras who had thoughts of clouds and stars. Everything arises out of thought creations.

There you have the number three! In revelation things alternate between involution and evolution. Behind this is a deeply hidden creation, a new creation born out of thought. Everything has arisen out of thought, and the greatest things in the world have gone forth from the thoughts of the Godhead. From what, then, do things arise since ideas are new creations? They arise out of nothing! Three different things are here connected: Creation out of nothingness, which always occurs when you have an idea; the manifestation of this creation; the course of its development in time through the two forms, involution and evolution. This is what is meant when certain religious systems speak of the world created out of nothingness. If today people deride this, it is only because they do not understand what is to be found in these documents.

In the world of manifestation, to sum it up once more, everything alternates between involution and evolution. At the root of this is a hidden creation out of nothingness that unites itself with the two (involution and evolution) to form a triad. This is a union of the Divine with the revealed.

So you can see how we can reflect on the number three. We should not take off and spin pedantic thoughts about it, but we must look for the duality and triad that is to be met at every turn. Then we consider the numerical symbols in the right way, in the Pythagorean sense, and can draw conclusions leading from one to the other. We could also say that light and shadow appear in the manifest world, and behind these lies a third, hidden element.

We come now to the number four. Four is the sign of the cosmos or of creation. As far as we can determine with our present organs, the present planetary condition of the earth is its fourth embodiment. Everything that is manifest to us on an earth such as ours presupposes that this creation is the fourth stage. This is but a special case for all creations that appear thus. They all stand under the sign of the four.

The occultist says that men today stand in the mineral kingdom. What does this mean? Because a man understands only the mineral kingdom, he can only control this kingdom. Using minerals, he can build a house, a clock, and other things because they are subject to mineral laws. For various other activities he does not have this capacity. He cannot, for example, form a plant from out of his own thinking. To be able to do this he would himself have to exist in the plant kingdom. Some time in the future this will be the case. Today men are creators in the mineral realm. Three other kingdoms, the elementary kingdoms, have preceded this; the mineral kingdom is the fourth. All told there are seven.

Men stand in the fourth kingdom. Only here do they reach their actual consciousness oriented to the outer world. On the Moon they were still operating in the third elementary kingdom, on the Sun in the second, and on Saturn in the first. In the future on Jupiter, they will be able to create plants as today they are able to construct a clock. Everything visible in creation stands in the sign of the four. There are many planets that are not to be seen with physical eyes, such as those in the first, second, and third elementary kingdoms. Only when such a planet within creation enters the mineral kingdom can it be seen. Four is, therefore, the number of the cosmos or of creation. With the entrance into the fourth condition a being becomes fully visible to eyes that can see external things.

Five is the number of evil. This will become clear to us if we again consider human beings. In their development men have become fourfold beings and thereby beings of the created world. Here on earth, however, the fifth member of their being, the spirit self, will be added. Were they to remain fourfold beings, they would be constantly directed by the gods—toward the good, of course—but they would never develop their independence. They have become free through the gift of their germinal fifth member, but it is also from this that they have received the ability to do evil. No being can do evil who has not arrived at “fivefoldness.” Wherever we meet with evil, such that it can actually adversely affect our own being, there a fivefoldness is at play. This is the case everywhere, including the outside world, but people are unaware of it, and our present materialistic world view has no conception of the fact that the world can be considered in this way. Actually, there is justification for speaking of evil only where fivefoldness appears. When, one day, medicine will make use of this, it will be able to influence beneficially the course of illness. Part of the treatment would be to study the illness in its development on the first and fifth days after its onset, on the separate days at the fifth hour past midnight, and again during the fifth week. Thus it is always the number five that determines when the physician can best intervene. Before that there is not much else he can do than to let nature take its course, but then he can intervene, helping or harming, because what can justifiably be called good or evil then flows into the world of reality. It is possible in many areas to show that the number five has meaning for outer events.

A man's life consists of periods of seven years—from birth until the change of teeth; puberty; seven or eight years later; toward thirty, followed by the seven year periods throughout the rest of his life. When, one day, he will take these periods into account and consider what had best come toward or stand aloof from him, he will come to know much about preparing a good old age for himself. He can thus bring about good or evil for the remainder of his life. In the early periods of life a great deal can be done by observing certain laws of education. Then, however, there comes an important turning point. This also may become a regression if he is turned loose in life with complete confidence too early. The accepted principle of today that sends young people out into life early is harmful; the fifth period should be passed before this happens. Such ancient occult principles are of great importance. This is why, in the past, at the direction of those who knew something of these things, the years of the apprentice and journeyman had to be completed before one could be called a master.

Seven is the number of perfection. Observation of man himself will make this clear. Today he is under the influence of the number five insofar as he can be good or evil. As a creature of the universe he lives in the number four. When he will have developed all that he holds at present as germ within him, he will become a seven-membered being, perfect in its kind. The number seven rules in the world of colour, in the rainbow; in the world of tone it is found in the scale. Everywhere, in all realms of life, the number seven can be observed as a kind of number of perfection. There is no superstition or magic in this.

Now let us look back again to the number one. Because we have considered other numbers, what is now to be said about one will appear in the right light. The essence of the number one is its indivisibility. Of course, it can be subdivided, for example, \(\frac{1}{3}\), \(\frac{2}{3}\), etc. but this can only be accomplished in thinking. In the world, especially in the spiritual world, when you take the two-thirds away, the one-third still remains a part of it. In the same sense it can be said that when some part of God is separated from Him and becomes manifest, the remainder exists as something that still belongs to it. In the Pythagorean sense we can say, “Divide the unity, but never otherwise than to have in your underlying thoughts the remainder connected with what has been separated.”

Take a thin golden plate of glass and look through it. The world will appear yellow because that is the colour that will be reflected. But in white light other colours are also contained. What happens to them? They are absorbed by the object. Hence, a red object appears red because it reflects the red rays and absorbs the rest. It is not possible to separate red from white light without leaving the other colours behind. With this we touch the edge of a world secret. You look at things in a certain way. You see, for instance, a red cloth spread out on the table and visualize at the same time that green is hidden in it. In this way you have accomplished what in the Pythagorean sense is called “The division of the One so that the rest is preserved.” If you carry this out meditatively, if you again and again unite separated parts into a unity, you have brought about a meaningful development through which you can attain spiritual heights.

Mathematicians have an expression for this that holds good in all occult schools:

$$1 = (2 + x) - (1 + x)$$

This is an occult formula that expresses how Oneness can be divided and the parts so arranged that the One results. It indicates that, as occultists, we should not think of Oneness simply as One, but as parts that we add together again.

So, in this lecture we have examined what is called number symbolism and learned that when we meditate on the world from the standpoint of numbers, we can penetrate deep world secrets.

To complete these remarks let it be said once more that in the fifth week, on the fifth day, or in the fifth hour we can find important things that can be missed or made good. In the seventh week, on the seventh day, or in the seventh hour (or in a definite relationship, say, 3 1/2 because seven is also in this number), something can happen through the thing itself. On the seventh day of an illness, for instance, a fever will take on a definite character; this might also occur on the fourteenth day. These things are always based on number relationships that point to the structure of the world.

Those who steep themselves in the right way in what, in the Pythagorean sense, we may call the “study of numbers,” will learn to understand life and the world in this number symbolism. Of this the lecture today was meant to give you roughly sketched thoughts.

Dritter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Das erste, was uns heute beschäftigen soll, ist eine Betrachtung über das, was man Zahlensymbolik nennt. Wenn man über okkulte Zeichen und Sinnbilder spricht, muß man wenigstens auch kurz jene Sinnbilder erwähnen, die sich in den Zahlen ausdrücken. Sie erinnern sich meiner vorgestrigen Ausführungen, wo die Rede war von den Zahlenverhältnissen im Universum, von den Geschwindigkeiten, mit denen sich die einzelnen Planeten bewegen. Wir haben gesehen, daß diese Zahlen und Zahlenverhältnisse sich ausdrücken in der Sphärenharmonie, die den Raum durchwogt, und daß sie eine gewisse Bedeutung haben für das Weltganze und für die Betrachtung der Welt.

[ 2 ] Heute soll uns nun eine intimere Zahlensymbolik beschäftigen, eine Symbolik, die wir freilich in ihrer Bedeutung nur streifen können, denn um uns wirklich in sie zu vertiefen, würden noch viele andere Dinge notwendig sein, auf die wir uns genauer einlassen müßten. Immerhin werden Sie wenigstens eine Idee davon erhalten, was damit gemeint ist, wenn zum Beispiel in der alten pythagoreischen Geheimschule gesagt wurde, daß man sich in die Zahlen und ihre Natur vertiefen müsse, um einen Einblick in die Welt zu gewinnen. Es mag manchem trocken und öde erscheinen, daß er über Zahlen nachdenken soll. Vor allem wird es denjenigen Menschen, die von der materialistischen Bildung unserer Zeit angekränkelt sind, wie eine Spielerei erscheinen, wenn man glaubt, durch die Betrachtung der Zahlen etwas über das Wesen der Dinge ergründen zu können. Dennoch ist es tief begründet, daß der große Pythagoras zu seinen Schülern sagte, das Wissen über die Natur der Zahlen führe tief hinein in das Wesen der Dinge. Man darf nur nicht glauben, daß es genüge, über die Zahl 1 oder 3 oder 7 nachzudenken. Der wirklichen Geheimlehre ist nichts von Hexerei und Zauberei eigen, auch nichts von einem Aberglauben über die Bedeutung irgendeiner Zahl; ihr Wissen beruht auf viel tieferen Dingen. Aus der kurzen Skizze, die Sie heute von mir erhalten sollen, werden Sie sehen, daß die Zahl einen gewissen Anhaltspunkt geben kann für das Sichvertiefen, das man auch Meditieren nennt, wenn man den Schlüssel dazu hat, sich richtig in die Zahl zu vertiefen.

[ 3 ] Wir müssen ausgehen von der Zahl Eins, von der Einheit. Inwiefern diese Zahl Eins wirklich das versinnbildlicht, was ich sagen werde, wird sich später bei der Betrachtung der anderen Zahlen noch deutlicher ergeben. In allem Okkultismus hat man immer mit der Zahl Eins die unzertrennliche Einheit Gottes in der Welt bezeichnet. Mit der Eins bezeichnet man den Gott. Nun darf man aber nicht glauben, daß man irgend etwas für die Welterkenntnis gewinnt, wenn man sich bloß in die Eins als Zahl vertieft; Sie werden sehen, in welcher Weise diese Vertiefung zu geschehen hat. Aber wir betrachten das weit fruchtbarer, wenn wir zunächst zu den anderen Zahlen übergehen.

[ 4 ] Die Zwei nennt man im Okkultismus die Zahl der Offenbarung. Mit der Zahl Zwei bekommen wir sozusagen schon etwas Boden unter die Füße, während wir bei der Zahl Eins noch ziemlich im Bodenlosen herumtappen. Wenn wir sagen: Zwei ist die Zahl der Offenbarung -, dann heißt das nichts anderes als: Alles, was uns in der Welt entgegentritt, was nicht in irgendeiner Beziehung verborgen ist, sondern heraustritt in die Welt, steht irgendwie in der Zweiheit. Sie werden nämlich die Zahl Zwei überall in der Natur verbreitet finden. Es kann sich nichts offenbaren, ohne die Zahl Zwei zu berühren. Licht kann sich niemals für sich allein als Einheit offenbaren. Wenn sich Licht offenbart, muß auch Schatten oder Dunkelheit dabei sein, es muß also eine Zweiheit da sein. Es könnte niemals eine Welt geben, die mit offenbartem Licht erfüllt wäre, wenn es nicht auch dementsprechenden Schatten gäbe. Und so ist es mit allen Dingen. Nie könnte sich das Gute offenbaren, wenn es nicht als Schattenbild das Böse hätte. Die Zweiheit von Gut und Böse ist eine Notwendigkeit in der offenbaren Welt. Solche Zweiheiten gibt es unendlich viele, sie erfüllen die ganze Welt, wir müssen sie nur an der richtigen Stelle aufsuchen.

[ 5 ] Eine wichtige Zweiheit, über die der Mensch viel nachdenken kann im Leben, ist folgende: Wir haben gestern die verschiedenen Zustände betrachtet, die der Mensch durchgemacht hat, bevor er ein Bewohner unserer heutigen Erde wurde. Wir sahen, daß er auf dem Saturn und der Sonne eine gewisse Unsterblichkeit dadurch hatte, daß er seinen Leib von außen dirigierte, daß Stücke dieses Leibes abbröckelten und neue sich wieder ansetzten, so daß der Mensch nichts von Tod und Vergehen empfand. Aber sein Bewußtsein war damals nicht so wie sein heutiges Bewußtsein, es war ein dumpfes, dämmerndes Bewußtsein. Erst auf unserer Erde hat sich der Mensch ein Bewußtsein errungen, das mit Selbstbewußtsein verbunden ist. Hier erst wurde er ein Wesen, das von sich selbst etwas wußte und sich von den Gegenständen unterscheiden konnte. Dazu mußte er nicht nur den Leib von außen dirigieren, sondern er mußte hineinschlüpfen in diesen Leib - abwechselnd -, sich in ihm empfinden, «Ich» zu ihm sagen. Nur dadurch, daß der Mensch ganz in seinem Leibe drinnensteckt, hat er sein volles Bewußtsein erringen können. Aber nun teilt er auch das Schicksal dieses Leibes. Früher, als er noch darüberstand, tat er das nicht. Erst dadurch, daß der Mensch diesen Grad des Bewußtseins errungen hat, ist er in Beziehung zu dem Tode getreten. In dem Augenblick, wo sein Leib zerfällt, fühlt er, daß sein Ich aufhört, weil er dieses mit seinem Leibe identifiziert hat. Erst allmählich, durch geistige Entwickelung, wird er sich die alte Unsterblichkeit wieder erringen, und der Leib ist da als Schule, um sie sich bewußt zu erringen. Niemals würde der Mensch auf höherer Stufe die Unsterblichkeit erringen können, wenn er sie nicht erkaufte durch den Tod, wenn er nicht die Zweiheit Leben und Tod erkennen würde. Solange der Mensch nicht Bekanntschaft gemacht hatte mit dem Tode, war ihm die Welt noch nicht offenbar, denn zur offenbaren Welt gehört die Zweiheit Leben und Tod. Und so könnten wir auf Schritt und Tritt Zweiheiten im Leben nachweisen. Sie finden in der Physik positive und negative Elektrizität, im Magnetismus Anziehungs- und Abstoßungskraft, alles erscheint in der Zweiheit. Die Zwei ist die Zahl der Erscheinung, der Offenbarung.

[ 6 ] Aber es gibt keine Offenbarung, ohne daß hinter ihr das Göttliche waltet. Daher ist hinter jeder Zweiheit noch eine Einheit verborgen. Die Zahl Drei ist deshalb nichts anderes als die Zwei und die Eins, nämlich die Offenbarung und die hinter ihr stehende Göttlichkeit. Eins ist die Zahl der Einheit Gottes, Drei ist die Zahl der sich offenbarenden Göttlichkeit. Es gibt einen Satz im Okkultismus, der lautet: Niemals kann die Zwei eine Zahl für die Göttlichkeit sein. Die Eins ist eine Zahl für das Göttliche, und die Drei ist eine Zahl für das Göttliche, denn wenn es sich offenbart, offenbart es sich in der Zweiheit, und dahinter ist die Einheit. Der Mensch, der die Welt in der Zweiheit sieht, sieht sie nur im Offenbaren. Wer also sagt, in den äußeren Erscheinungen ist eine Zweiheit, der hat Recht. Wer aber sagt, daß diese Zweiheit das Ganze sei, hat immer Unrecht. Wir wollen uns das einmal an einigen wenigen Beispielen klarmachen. Es wird vielfach, auch da, wo von Theosophie die Rede ist, gegen diesen Satz des wahren Okkultismus gesündigt, daß die Zahl Zwei nur die Zahl der Offenbarung, nicht aber die Zahl der Fülle, der Vollständigkeit sei. So können Sie im populären Okkultismus von Leuten, die ihn nicht wirklich kennen, oft sagen hören, daß alle Entwickelung in Involution und Evolution verlaufe. Wir werden sehen, wie sich das in Wirklichkeit verhält. Aber zunächst wollen wir einmal untersuchen, was Involution und Evolution bedeuten. Betrachten wir einmal eine Pflanze, eine vollentwickelte Pflanze mit Wurzel, Blättern, Stengel, Blüte, Frucht, kurz mit allen Teilen, die eine Pflanze nur haben kann. Das ist das eine. Und nun betrachten Sie das kleine Samenkorn, aus dem die Pflanze wiederum entstehen kann. Wer den Samen anschaut, sieht nur ein kleines Körnchen, aber in diesem kleinen Körnchen ist die ganze Pflanze schon enthalten; sie steckt gewissermaßen eingehüllt darin. Warum steckt sie darin? Weil das Korn genommen ist von der Pflanze, weil die Pflanze alle ihre Kräfte in das Samenkorn hineingelegt hat. Deshalb unterscheidet man im Okkultismus die beiden Vorgänge: Der eine besteht darin, daß sich das Samenkorn aufrollt und zur ganzen Pflanze entfaltet - Evolution; der andere, daß sich die Pflanze zusammenfaltet, so daß ihre Gestalt gewissermaßen hineinkriecht in das Samenkorn - Involution. Wenn also irgendein Wesen, das viele Organe hat, sich so heranbildet, daß von diesen Organen nichts mehr sichtbar ist, daß sie zusammengeschrumpft sind zu einem kleinen Teil, so nennt man das eine Involution, und das Auseinandergehen, das Sichentfalten eine Evolution. Überall im Leben wechselt diese Zweiheit, aber stets nur im Offenbaren. Nicht bloß bei der Pflanze können Sie das verfolgen, auch in den höheren Gebieten des Lebens verhält es sich so.

[ 7 ] Verfolgen Sie zum Beispiel einmal in Gedanken die Entwickelung des europäischen Geisteslebens von Augustinus bis Calvin bis über das Mittelalter hinaus. Wenn Sie den Blick schweifen lassen über das Geistesleben dieser Zeit, so werden Sie bei Augustinus selber eine gewisse mystische Innigkeit sehen. Niemand wird seine Schriften, besonders seine «Bekenntnisse» lesen, ohne zu empfinden, wie tief innig das Gefühlsleben dieses Menschen war. Und wenn wir dann weiter hinaufsteigen in der Zeit, so finden wir eine so wunderbare Erscheinung wie Scotus Erigena, einen Mönch, der aus Schottland stammte und daher auch der schottische Johannes genannt wurde, der am Hofe Karls des Kahlen lebte. In der Kirche hat er schlecht abgeschnitten; die Sage erzählt, daß seine Ordensbrüder ihn mit Stecknadeln zu Tode gemartert hätten. Wörtlich ist das freilich nicht zu nehmen; aber wahr ist, daß er zu Tode gemartert wurde. Ein herrliches Buch ist von ihm verfaßt worden: «De devisione naturae «Über die Einteilung der Natur» -, das eine ungeheure Tiefe aufweist. Weiter finden wir die Mystiker der sogenannten deutschen Pfaffengasse, wo diese Gefühlsinnigkeit ganze Volksmassen ergriffen hat. Es waren nicht nur die Spitzen der Geistlichkeit, sondern auch das Volk; die Menschen, die auf dem Acker oder in der Schmiede arbeiteten, sie alle wurden von jener Gefühlsinnigkeit ergriffen, die sich als ein Zug der Zeit in dieser Weise auslebte. Weiter hinauf finden wir Nicolaus Cusanus, der 1400-1464 lebte. Und so können wir die Zeit hinauf verfolgen bis zum Ende des Mittelalters; immer finden wir jene Gefühlstiefe, jene Innigkeit, die sich über alle Kreise hin ausbreitete. Wenn wir nun diese Zeit vergleichen mit der späteren, die sie ablöste, mit derjenigen, die im 16. Jahrhundert beginnt und bis zu uns herauf sich erstreckt, dann bemerken wir einen gewaltigen Unterschied. Am Ausgangspunkte sehen wir Kopernikus stehen, der durch einen umfassenden Gedanken eine Erneuerung des Geisteslebens bewirkt; der diesen Gedanken so der Menschheit einverleibt, daß heute für einen Narren gilt, wer etwas anderes glaubt. Wir sehen Galilei, der an den Schwingungen einer Kirchenlampe in Pisa die Pendelgesetze entdeckt. So können wir Schritt für Schritt den Gang der Zeit verfolgen, überall würden wir den strikten Gegensatz zum Mittelalter finden. Das Gefühl nimmt immer mehr und mehr ab, die Innigkeit schwindet; der Verstand, die Intellektualität kommt mehr und mehr heraus, die Menschen werden immer klüger und gescheiter. Da folgen zwei Zeitepochen aufeinander, die genau entgegengesetzten Charakter haben. Die Geisteswissenschaft gibt uns die Erklärung beider Zeitepochen. Es gibt ein okkultes Gesetz, das besagt, daß es so sein muß. In der Zeit von Augustinus bis Calvin war die Epoche mystischer Evolution und intellektueller Involution, und seither leben wir in einer Zeit intellektueller Evolution und mystischer Involution. Was bedeutet das? Von Augustinus bis zum 16. Jahrhundert war eine Zeit der äußeren Entfaltung des mystischen Lebens, da war es draußen. Aber etwas anderes war damals erst keimhaft vorhanden: das intellektuelle Leben. Es war wie ein Same gleichsam in der geistigen Erde verborgen, um sich nach dem 16. Jahrhundert nach und nach zu entfalten. Das intellektuelle Leben war also dazumal in der Involution, so wie die Pflanze im Samen drinnen ist. Nichts in der Welt kann entstehen, wenn es nicht vorher in einer solchen Involution war. Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert ist die Intellektualität in der Evolution, das mystische Leben ist zurückgetreten, es ist in der Involution. Und jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, wo dieses mystische Leben wieder heraustreten muß, wo es durch die theosophische Bewegung wieder zur Entfaltung, zur Evolution gebracht werden muß.

[ 8 ] So wechselt überall im Leben Involution und Evolution ab im Offenbaren. Aber wer dabei stehenbleibt, betrachtet nur die Außenseite. Will man das Ganze betrachten, so muß noch ein Drittes hinzukommen, das hinter diesen beiden steht. Was ist dieses Dritte? Denken Sie sich einmal, Sie stünden einer Erscheinung der Außenwelt gegenüber und Sie denken darüber nach. Sie sind da, die äußere Welt ist da, und in Ihnen entstehen Ihre Gedanken. Diese Gedanken waren früher nicht da. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel den Gedanken der Rose bilden, so entsteht dieser erst in dem Augenblick, wo Sie in Beziehung zu der Rose treten; Sie waren da, die Rose war da; und wenn nun in Ihnen der Gedanke, das Bild der Rose aufsteigt, so entsteht etwas ganz Neues, noch nicht Dagewesenes. Das ist auch auf anderen Gebieten des Lebens der Fall. Stellen Sie sich den schaffenden Michelangelo vor. Michelangelo hat ja beinah nie nach Modellen gearbeitet. Wir wollen uns aber einmal vorstellen, er habe eine Gruppe von Modellen zusammengestellt. Michelangelo war da, die Modelle waren da. Aber das Bild, das Michelangelo nun von dieser Gruppe in der Seele hat, das ist neu, das ist eine völlig neue Schöpfung. Das hat nichts zu tun mit Involution und Evolution. Das ist ein völlig Neues, das entsteht aus dem Verkehr eines Wesens, das empfangen kann, mit einem Wesen, das geben kann. Solche Neuschöpfungen entstehen immer durch den Verkehr von Wesen mit Wesen. Solche Neuschöpfungen sind ein Anfang. Erinnern Sie sich an das, was wir gestern hier betrachtet haben, wie die Gedanken schöpferisch sind, wie sie die Seele veredeln können, ja später sogar an der Formung des Körpers arbeiten. Dasjenige, was irgendein Wesen einmal denkt, die Gedankenschöpfung, die Vorstellungsschöpfung, die arbeitet, die wirkt weiter. Sie ist eine Neuschöpfung und zugleich ein Anfang, aber sie zieht Folgen nach sich. Wenn Sie heute gute Gedanken haben, so sind diese Gedanken fruchtbar für die fernste Zukunft, denn Ihre Seele geht ihren eigenen Weg in der geistigen Welt. Ihr Leib geht wieder in die Elemente zurück, er zerfällt. Aber wenn auch alles zerfällt, wodurch der Gedanke entstanden ist, die Wirkung des Gedankens bleibt, der Gedanke wirkt fort. Nehmen wir noch einmal das Beispiel von Michelangelo. Seine herrlichen Bilder haben auf Millionen von Menschen erhebend gewirkt. Aber diese Bilder werden einst zu Staub zerfallen, und es wird Generationen geben, die nichts mehr von seinen Schöpfungen sehen werden. Was in Michelangelos Seele gelebt hat, bevor seine Bilder äußere Gestalt angenommen haben, was zuerst als Neuschöpfung in seiner Seele war, das lebt fort, das bleibt, und das wird in künftigen Entwickelungsstufen hervortreten und Form gewinnen. Wissen Sie, weshalb uns heute Wolken und Sterne entgegentreten? Weil es in der Vorzeit Wesen gab, die den Gedanken der Wolken und der Sterne hatten. Alles entsteht aus Gedanken-Schöpfungen, und der Gedanke ist eine Neuschöpfung. Aus Gedanken ist alles entstanden, und die größten Dinge der Welt sind hervorgegangen aus den Gedanken der Gottheit.

[ 9 ] Da haben Sie das Dritte. Im Offenbaren wechseln die Dinge zwischen Evolution und Involution. Aber dahinter steht tief verborgen das Dritte, das erst die Fülle gibt, eine Schöpfung, die eine völlige Neuschöpfung ist, die aus dem Nichts hervorgegangen ist. Dreierlei gehört also zusammen: Die Schöpfung aus dem Nichts, und dann, wenn diese offenbar wird und in der Zeit verläuft, nimmt sie die Formen des Offenbaren an: Evolution und Involution.

[ 10 ] So ist es gemeint, wenn gewisse religiöse Systeme davon sprechen, daß die Welt aus dem Nichts geschaffen ist. Und wenn man heute darüber spottet, so geschieht das, weil die Menschen nicht verstehen, was in diesen Urkunden steht. Im Offenbaren - um es noch einmal zusammenzufassen - wechselt alles zwischen Involution und Evolution. Dem liegt zugrunde eine verborgene Schöpfung aus dem Nichts, die sich mit dieser Zweiheit zu einer Dreiheit vereinigt. Die Dreiheit ist die Verbindung des Göttlichen mit dem Offenbaren.

[ 11 ] So sehen Sie, wie man über die Zahl Drei nachdenken kann, man darf nur nicht pedantisch darüber spintisieren. Man muß hinter der Zweiheit, die einem überall begegnen kann, die Dreiheit aufsuchen. Dann betrachtet man das Zahlensymbol in der richtigen Art im pythagoreischen Sinne, wenn man hinter der Zwei die Drei sucht. Für alle Zweiheiten kann das verborgene Dritte gefunden werden. |

[ 12 ] Wir kommen jetzt zu der Zahl Vier. Die Vier ist das Zeichen des Kosmos oder der Schöpfung. Sie werden verstehen, warum man Vier die Zahl der Schöpfung nennt, wenn Sie sich daran erinnern, was schon früher gesagt wurde, daß unsere Erde - soweit wir es verfolgen können - sich in ihrer vierten Verkörperung befindet. Alles, was uns auf unserer Erde entgegentritt, auch das vierte Prinzip im Menschen, setzt voraus, daß diese Schöpfung in dem vierten Zustande ihrer planetarischen Entwickelung ist. Das ist nur ein besonderes Beispiel für alle hervortretenden Schöpfungen. Jede Schöpfung steht unter dem Zeichen der Vierheit. Im Okkultismus sagt man: Der Mensch ist heute im Mineralreich. - Was bedeutet das? Der Mensch versteht heute nur das Mineralreich, und er kann auch nur dieses beherrschen. Er kann durch Zusammenfügen von Mineralischem ein Haus bauen, eine Uhr konstruieren und anderes, weil diese Dinge den Gesetzen der mineralischen Welt unterliegen. Aber anderes vermag er noch nicht. Er kann zum Beispiel keine Pflanze aus eigenem Nachdenken heraus heute schon bilden; dazu müßte er selbst im Pflanzenreich stehen. Das wird später einmal der Fall sein. Heute ist der Mensch ein Schöpfer im Mineralreich. Diesem sind drei andere Reiche vorangegangen, man nennt sie die drei Elementarreiche; das Mineralreich ist das vierte. Im ganzen gibt es sieben solcher Naturreiche. So steht der Mensch heute in seinem vierten Reiche; da erlangt er sein eigentliches Bewußtsein nach außen hin. Auf dem Monde wirkte er noch im dritten Elementarreich, auf der Sonne im zweiten und auf dem Saturn im ersten. Auf dem Jupiter wird der Mensch im Pflanzenreich wirken können, er wird Pflanzen schaffen können, so wie er heute eine Uhr machen kann. Alles, was in der Schöpfung sichtbar hervortritt, steht im Zeichen der Vier. Es gibt viele Planeten, die Sie mit physischen Augen nicht sehen können; diejenigen Planeten, die im ersten, zweiten und dritten Elementarreiche stehen, sind für physische Augen nicht sichtbar. Erst wenn ein Planet in das vierte Reich, in das Mineralreich, eintritt, können Sie ihn erblicken. Deshalb ist Vier die Zahl des Kosmos oder der Schöpfung. Mit dem Eintritt in seinen vierten Zustand wird erst ein . Wesen voll sichtbar für Augen, die Äußeres sehen können.

[ 14 ] Fünf ist die Zahl des Bösen. Das können wir uns am besten klarmachen, wenn wir wieder den Menschen betrachten. Der Mensch hat sich zu einer Vierheit entwickelt, zu einem Wesen der Schöpfung, aber auf der Erde tritt zu ihm das fünfte Glied, das Geistselbst. Wäre der Mensch nur eine Vierheit geblieben, dann würde er immer von oben, von den Göttern, zum Guten dirigiert worden sein; zur Selbständigkeit hätte er sich niemals entwickelt. Er ist dadurch frei geworden, daß er auf der Erde die Keimanlage zu dem fünften Glied, dem Geistselbst, bekommen hat. Dadurch hat er die Möglichkeit erhalten, das Böse zu tun, dadurch aber ist er auch selbständig geworden. Kein Wesen, das nicht in der Fünfheit auftritt, kann das Böse tun, und überall, wo uns ein Böses begegnet, das tatsächlich aus sich selbst verderblich wirken kann, da ist eine Fünfheit im Spiele. Das ist überall, auch draußen in der Welt, der Fall. Der Mensch beobachtet das nur nicht, und die heutige materialistische Weltanschauung hat keinen Begriff davon, daß man die Welt in dieser Weise betrachten kann. An einem Beispiel können wir sehen, wie überall da, wo die Fünf uns entgegentritt, die Berechtigung sich ergibt, von einem Bösen in irgendeinem Sinne zu reden. Wie segensreich würde es sich auswirken, wenn die Medizin sich dies einmal zunutze machen und den Verlauf von Krankheiten danach studieren würde, wie sich eine Krankheit vom Ausbruch an bis zum fünften Tage entwickelt, oder wie an den einzelnen Tagen in der fünften Stunde nach Mitternacht oder in der fünften Woche. Denn immer beherrscht die Zahl Fünf dasjenige, wo der Arzt am fruchtbarsten eingreifen kann. Vorher kann er nicht viel anderes tun, als die Natur ihren Lauf gehen lassen; aber da kann er helfend eingreifen, wenn er das Gesetz der Zahl Fünf beachtet, weil da das Prinzip der Zahl Fünf in die Tatsachenwelt einfließt, das mit Berechtigung schädigend oder böse genannt werden kann. So können wir auf vielen Gebieten zeigen, wie die Zahl Fünf eine große Bedeutung für das äußere Geschehen hat.

[ 15 ] Es gibt sieben Perioden im Leben des Menschen: Die erste ist die, bevor er geboren wird, die zweite dauert bis zum Zahnwechsel, die dritte bis zur Geschlechtsreife, die vierte etwa sieben bis acht Jahre weiter, die fünfte etwa bis zum dreißigsten Lebensjahr, und so fort. Wenn die Menschen einmal wissen werden, was für diese Perioden alles in Betracht kommt und was gerade in der fünften Periode am besten herantreten soll an den Menschen oder ihm fernbleiben, dann werden sie auch viel darüber wissen, wie sie sich ein gutes Alter bereiten können. Da kann für das ganze übrige Leben Gutes oder Böses bewirkt werden. Bei den ersten Perioden kann man viel tun durch Erziehung nach diesen Gesetzen. Dann aber tritt ein Wendepunkt ein in der fünften Periode des Menschenlebens, der ausschlaggebend ist für das ganze weitere Leben. Dieser Wendepunkt in der fünften Periode des Menschenlebens muß mindestens überschritten werden, bevor der Mensch sozusagen mit voller Sicherheit auf das Leben losgelassen werden kann. Der heute herrschende Grundsatz, die Menschen schon sehr früh hinauszuschicken ins Leben, ist sehr schlecht. Es ist von großer Bedeutung, solche alten okkulten Grundsätze zu beachten. Deshalb hatte man früher, auf Anordnung solcher, die etwas davon wußten, die sogenannte Lehr- und Wanderzeit zu absolvieren, ehe man als Meister bezeichnet werden konnte.

[ 16 ] Die Sieben ist die Zahl der Vollkommenheit. Sie können wiederum sich das am Menschen selber klarmachen. Er ist in der Vierzahl als Geschöpf, und er ist in der Fünfzahl, insofern er ein gutes oder ein böses Wesen sein kann. Wenn er alles ausgebildet haben wird, was im Keime in ihm enthalten ist, dann wird er ein siebengliedriges, in seiner Art vollkommenes Wesen sein. Die Siebenzahl herrscht in der Welt der Farben, im Regenbogen, sie herrscht in der Welt der Töne, in der Skala. Überall, auf allen Gebieten des Lebens können Sie die Siebenzahl als eine Art von Vollkommenheitszahl darstellen. Es steckt weder Aberglaube noch Zauberei dahinter.

[ 17 ] Jetzt wollen wir noch einmal auf die Einheit zurückblicken. Dadurch, daß wir noch andere Zahlen betrachtet haben, wird das, was über die Einheit zu sagen ist, im richtigen Lichte erscheinen. Das Wesentliche der Einheit ist die Unteilbarkeit. In der Wirklichkeit kann man freilich die Einheit auch wieder teilen, zum Beispiel in 1/3 und 2/3. Nun gibt es aber etwas sehr Bedeutsames und Wichtiges, das Sie in Gedanken vollziehen können: In der geistigen Welt bleibt das Drittel, wenn Sie zwei Drittel wegnehmen, dazugehörig. Gott ist ein einheitliches Wesen. Wenn etwas von Gott herausgeteilt wird als Offenbarung, so bleibt der ganze Rest vorhanden als etwas, was dazugehört. Im pythagoreischen Sinne: Teile die Einheit, aber teile die Einheit nie anders, als daß du im Untergedanken den Rest dazu hast.

[ 18 ] Was heißt das eigentlich, die Einheit zu teilen? Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel ein Goldplättchen, und schauen Sie hindurch, dann erscheint Ihnen die Welt grün. Das Gold hat nämlich die Eigenschaft, wenn weißes Licht darauf fällt, die gelben Strahlen zurückzuwerfen. Wo aber kommen die anderen Farben hin, die noch im Weiß enthalten sind? Sie gehen in den Gegenstand hinein und durchdringen ihn. Ein roter Gegenstand ist deshalb rot, weil er die roten Strahlen zurückwirft und das übrige in sich aufnimmt. Man kann das Rot nicht aus dem Weißen herausziehen, ohne daß das übrige zurückbleibt. Damit streifen wir den Rand eines großen Weltgeheimnisses. Sie können die Dinge in einer bestimmten Weise anschauen. Wenn zum Beispiel das Licht auf ein rotes Tischtuch fällt, das über einen Tisch ausgebreitet ist, so empfinden wir die Farbe Rot. Die anderen im Sonnenlicht enthaltenen Farben werden «aufgesaugt», die grüne Farbe zum Beispiel wird von dem Tischtuch aufgenommen und nicht wiedergegeben. Wenn wir uns nun bemühen, gleichzeitig mit der Farbe Rot auch die Farbe Grün in unser Bewußtsein aufzunehmen, dann haben wir die Einheit wieder hergestellt. Wir haben im pythagoreischen Sinne die Einheit geteilt, so daß der Rest erhalten bleibt. Wenn man das meditativ durchführt, daß man das Geteilte stets wieder zur Einheit verbindet, so ist das eine bedeutungsvolle Arbeit, durch die man in der Entwickelung hoch aufsteigen kann. Es gibt in der Mathematik einen Ausdruck dafür, der in den okkulten Schulen überall gilt:

$$1 = (2 + x) - (1 + x)$$

[ 19 ] Das ist eine okkulte Formel, welche ausdrücken soll, wie man die Eins teilt, und wie man die Teile so darstellt, daß sie wieder die Eins ergeben. Der Okkultist soll die Teilung der Einheit so denken, daß er die Teile immer zur Einheit wieder zusammenfügt.

[ 20 ] So haben wir heute das, was man Zahlensymbolik nennt, einer Betrachtung unterworfen und daraus gesehen, daß, wenn man die Welt meditativ unter den Gesichtspunkt der Zahlen rückt, man tief in die Weltgeheimnisse eindringen kann. Zur Ergänzung sei noch einmal gesagt: In der fünften Woche, am fünften Tage oder in der fünften Stunde ist es wichtig, darauf zu achten, daß etwas verfehlt oder gutgemacht werden kann. In der siebenten Woche, am siebenten Tage oder in der siebenten Stunde oder in einem bestimmten entsprechenden Zahlenverhältnis, zum Beispiel 3 1/2, weil darin auch die Sieben steckt -, da geschieht immer etwas durch die Sache selbst, zum Beispiel wird das Fieber am siebenten Tage einer Krankheit einen bestimmten Charakter annehmen oder auch am vierzehnten Tage. Es liegen immer Zahlenverhältnisse zugrunde, die die Struktur der Welt angeben.

[ 21 ] Wer sich in richtiger Weise in dasjenige vertieft, was man im pythagoreischen Sinne heißt: Studiere die Zahl -, der lernt aus dieser Zahlensymbolik heraus das Leben und die Welt verstehen. Davon sollten die heutigen Ausführungen Ihnen einen skizzenhaften Gedanken geben.

Third Lecture

[ 1 ] The first thing we shall deal with today is a consideration of what is called number symbolism. When talking about occult signs and symbols, one must at least also briefly mention those symbols that express themselves in numbers. You will recall my remarks from the day before yesterday, when we talked about the numerical ratios in the universe, about the speeds at which the individual planets move. We saw that these numbers and numerical ratios express themselves in the harmony of the spheres that undulates through space, and that they have a certain significance for the whole world and for the contemplation of the world.

[ 2 ] Today we will deal with a more intimate symbolism of numbers, a symbolism that we can only touch on in its meaning, because to really delve into it, many other things would be necessary that we would have to engage with in more detail. At least you will get an idea of what is meant when, for example, it was said in the old Pythagorean secret school that one must delve into numbers and their nature in order to gain insight into the world. It may seem dry and dull to some that they should reflect on numbers. Above all, it will seem like a game to those people who have been affected by the materialistic education of our time, if one believes that one can fathom something about the essence of things by observing numbers. Nevertheless, there are profound reasons for the fact that the great Pythagoras said to his disciples that knowledge about the nature of numbers leads deep into the essence of things. One must not believe that it is enough to reflect on the number 1 or 3 or 7. The real secret doctrine has nothing to do with witchcraft or magic, nor with a superstition about the meaning of any number; its knowledge is based on much deeper things. From the brief sketch that I want you to receive today, you will see that the number can provide a certain point of reference for deepening, which is also called meditation, if you have the key to really delve into the number.

[ 3 ] We must start from the number One, from unity. The extent to which this number One really symbolizes what I am about to say will become even clearer later when we look at the other numbers. In all occultism, the number One has always been used to denote the inseparable unity of God in the world. The One is used to refer to God. However, one should not think that simply delving into the One as a number will help one to understand the world. You will see how this delving should be done. But we consider it far more fruitful to move on to the other numbers.

[ 4 ] The two is called the number of revelation in occultism. With the number two, we already get something solid under our feet, so to speak, while with the number one we are still groping around in the abyss. When we say that two is the number of revelation, we mean nothing other than that everything we encounter in the world, everything that is not hidden in some relationship but emerges into the world, exists somehow in duality. You will find the number two everywhere in nature. Nothing can reveal itself without touching the number two. Light can never reveal itself alone as a unit. When light reveals itself, there must also be shadow or darkness, so there must be a duality. There could never be a world filled with revealed light if there were no corresponding shadows. And so it is with all things. Good could never reveal itself if it did not have evil as its shadow. The duality of good and evil is a necessity in the revealed world. There are an infinite number of such dualities; they fill the whole world, we only have to look for them in the right place.

[ 5 ] An important duality, which man can reflect on a great deal in life, is the following: Yesterday we looked at the various conditions that man went through before he became an inhabitant of our present Earth. We saw that he had a certain immortality on Saturn and the Sun in that he directed his body from the outside, that pieces of this body crumbled away and new ones formed again, so that man felt nothing of death and decay. But his consciousness was not then like his present consciousness, it was a dull, dusky consciousness. It was only on our Earth that man has gained an awareness that is connected to self-awareness. Only here did he become a being that knew something about itself and could distinguish itself from objects. To do this, he not only had to direct the body from the outside, but he also had to slip into this body - alternately -, feel himself in it, say “I” to it. Only by being completely enclosed in his body has man been able to attain full consciousness. But now he also shares the fate of this body. In the past, when he was still above it, he did not. It is only by man having attained this degree of consciousness that he has entered into a relationship with death. At the moment when his body decays, he feels that his ego ceases to exist because he has identified it with his body. Only gradually, through spiritual development, will he regain the old immortality, and the body is there as a school to consciously gain it. Man would never be able to achieve immortality at a higher level if he did not pay for it with death, if he did not recognize the duality of life and death. As long as man had not made acquaintance with death, the world was not yet revealed to him, because duality of life and death belongs to the revealed world. And so we could prove dualities in life at every turn. You find positive and negative electricity in physics, attractive and repulsive force in magnetism, everything appears in duality. Two is the number of manifestation, of revelation.

[ 6 ] But there is no manifestation without the Divine behind it. Therefore, behind every duality there is still a unity hidden. The number three is therefore nothing other than the two and the one, namely the manifestation and the divinity behind it. One is the number of the unity of God, three is the number of the manifesting divinity. There is a sentence in occultism that reads: “The two can never be a number for divinity.” The one is a number for the divine, and the three is a number for the divine, because when it reveals itself, it reveals itself in duality, and behind it is unity. Man, who sees the world in duality, sees it only in the manifest. Therefore, anyone who says that there is duality in outer appearances is right. But anyone who says that this duality is the whole is always wrong. Let us try to understand this with the help of a few examples. Even where theosophy is concerned, this sentence from true occultism is often violated: the number two is only the number of revelation, but not the number of abundance, of completeness. In popular occultism, you can often hear people who do not really know it say that all development takes place in involution and evolution. We will see how this actually is. But first let us examine what involution and evolution mean. Let us look at a plant, a fully developed plant with roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruit, in short, with all the parts that a plant can have. That is one thing. And now look at the small seed from which the plant can arise again. If you look at the seed, you see only a small grain, but the whole plant is already contained in this small grain; it is, so to speak, enclosed in it. Why is it enclosed in it? Because the grain is taken from the plant, because the plant has put all its powers into the seed. That is why in occultism we distinguish between the two processes: one consists of the seed rolling up and unfolding into the whole plant – evolution; the other of the plant folding up so that its form, as it were, creeps into the seed – involution. So when any being that has many organs develops in such a way that none of these organs is visible anymore, that they have shrunk together into a small part, this is called an involution, and the spreading apart, the unfolding, an evolution. This duality changes everywhere in life, but always only in the manifest. You can observe this not only in plants, but also in the higher realms of life.

[ 7 ] For example, follow in your mind the development of European intellectual life from Augustine to Calvin to beyond the Middle Ages. If you let your gaze wander over the intellectual life of this time, you will see a certain mystical intimacy in Augustine himself. No one will read his writings, especially his “Confessions”, without feeling how deeply intimate this person's emotional life was. And if we then go further back in time, we find such a wonderful figure as Scotus Erigena, a monk who came from Scotland and was therefore also called the Scottish John, who lived at the court of Charles the Bald. He did poorly in the church; legend has it that his fellow monks martyred him to death with pins. This is not to be taken literally, of course; but it is true that he was martyred to death. He wrote a magnificent book: “De devisione naturae ‘On the Division of Nature’, which shows tremendous depth. Furthermore, we find the mystics of the so-called German Pfaffengasse, where this emotional intimacy took hold of entire masses of people. It was not only the clergy, but also the people; the people who worked in the fields or in the smithies, they were all seized by this emotional sentimentality, which, as a feature of the time, was expressed in this way. Further up we find Nicolaus Cusanus, who lived from 1400 to 1464. And so we can follow the trend upward through time to the end of the Middle Ages; always we find the same depth of feeling, the same intimacy, spreading throughout all circles. If we now compare this time with the later one that replaced it, with the one that begins in the 16th century and extends up to us, then we notice an enormous difference. At the starting point we see Copernicus, who, through a comprehensive idea, brings about a renewal of intellectual life; who incorporates this idea into humanity in such a way that today anyone who believes otherwise is considered a fool. We see Galileo discovering the laws of the pendulum by swinging a church lamp in Pisa. Step by step, we can follow the course of time and everywhere we would find the strict opposite of the Middle Ages. The feeling decreases more and more, the intimacy fades away; the mind, the intellectuality comes out more and more, people become ever wiser and cleverer. Two eras follow one another, which have exactly opposite characters. Spiritual science gives us the explanation of both eras. There is an occult law that says it must be so. The period from Augustine to Calvin was one of mystical evolution and intellectual involution, and since then we have been living in a time of intellectual evolution and mystical involution. What does that mean? From Augustine to the 16th century, there was a time of external development of the mystical life; it was external. But something else was only just beginning to take shape: the intellectual life. It was hidden like a seed in the spiritual soil, so to speak, in order to unfold little by little after the 16th century. So the intellectual life was in involution in those days, just as the plant is in the seed. Nothing in the world can come into being unless it has first been in such an involution. Since the 16th century, intellectuality has been in evolution; the mystical life has receded, it is in involution. And now the time has come when this mystical life must emerge again, when it must be brought to development, to evolution, again, through the theosophical movement.

[ 8 ] Thus in nature, as everywhere, evolution alternates with involution in manifestation. But he who stops at this, considers only the outer aspect. If one wishes to see the whole, a third factor must be added, which stands behind these two. What is this third factor? Imagine for a moment that you are standing before an appearance in the outer world and are thinking about it. You are there, the external world is there, and your thoughts arise within you. These thoughts were not there before. For example, when you form the thought of the rose, it arises only at the moment when you enter into relation to the rose; you were there, the rose was there; and when the thought, the image of the rose, now arises within you, something completely new, something that has not yet existed, arises. This is also the case in other areas of life. Imagine the creative Michelangelo. Michelangelo almost never worked from models. But let us imagine that he has put together a group of models. Michelangelo was there, the models were there. But the image that Michelangelo now has of this group in his soul is new, it is a completely new creation. It has nothing to do with involution and evolution. It is something completely new, which arises from the interaction of a being that can receive with a being that can give. Such new creations always arise from the interaction of beings with beings. Such new creations are a beginning. Do you remember what we looked at here yesterday, how thoughts are creative, how they can ennoble the soul, and later even work on forming the body? Whatever any being thinks at some point, the creation of thought, the creation of imagination, that continues to work and has an effect. It is a new creation and a beginning at the same time, but it has consequences. If you have good thoughts today, they will bear fruit in the most distant future, for your soul goes its own way in the spiritual world. Your body will disintegrate again into the elements. But even if everything that gave rise to the thought disintegrates, the effect of the thought remains, the thought continues to have an effect. Let us take the example of Michelangelo again. His magnificent paintings have had an uplifting effect on millions of people. But these pictures will one day crumble to dust, and there will be generations that will no longer see his creations. What lived in Michelangelo's soul before his pictures took on external form, what was first as a new creation in his soul, that lives on, that remains, and that will emerge in future stages of development and gain form. Do you know why we encounter clouds and stars today? Because in the distant past there were beings who had the thought of clouds and stars. Everything comes from thought-creations, and thought is a new creation. Everything has come into being from thoughts, and the greatest things in the world have emerged from the thoughts of the Godhead.

[ 9 ] There you have the third. In the manifested, things alternate between evolution and involution. But behind this, deeply hidden, is the third, which alone gives abundance, a creation that is a complete new creation, that has emerged from nothing. So three things belong together: the creation out of nothing, and then, when it becomes manifest and proceeds in time, it takes on the forms of the manifest: evolution and involution.

[ 10 ] This is what is meant when certain religious systems speak of the world being created out of nothing. And if people today scoff at this, it is because they do not understand what is written in these records. In the revealed, to summarize once again, everything alternates between involution and evolution. The basis for this is a hidden creation out of nothing, which unites with this duality to form a trinity. The trinity is the connection of the divine with the revealed.

[ 11 ] So you see how one can reflect on the number three, one must not just quibble over it pedantically. One must seek the trinity behind the dyad, which one can encounter everywhere. Then one regards the number symbol in the right way in the Pythagorean sense, when one seeks the three behind the two. The hidden third can be found for all dyads. |

[ 12 ] We now come to the number four. Four is the sign of Cosmos or Creation. You will understand why four is called the number of Creation if you remember what was said earlier, that our Earth is in its fourth embodiment, as far as we can tell. Everything we encounter on Earth, including the fourth principle in man, presupposes that this Creation is in the fourth state of its planetary development. This is only one particular example of all emerging creations. Every creation is under the sign of the four. In occultism it is said: Man is in the mineral kingdom today. - What does that mean? Man today only understands the mineral kingdom, and he can only rule over this. He can build a house by combining minerals, construct a clock and other things, because these things are subject to the laws of the mineral world. But he is not yet able to do anything else. For example, he cannot yet create a plant out of his own reflection; to do that, he would have to stand in the plant kingdom himself. That will be the case one day. Today, man is a creator in the mineral kingdom. This was preceded by three other kingdoms, which are called the three elemental kingdoms; the mineral kingdom is the fourth. In all there are seven such kingdoms of nature. Thus man stands today in his fourth kingdom; there he attains his true consciousness outwardly. On the Moon he still worked in the third elemental kingdom, on the Sun in the second and on Saturn in the first. On Jupiter, man will be able to work in the plant kingdom; he will be able to create plants just as he can make a watch today. Everything that visibly emerges in creation is under the sign of the four. There are many planets that you cannot see with your physical eyes; those planets that are in the first, second and third elemental realms are not visible to physical eyes. Only when a planet enters the fourth realm, the mineral realm, can you see it. Therefore, four is the number of the cosmos or creation. Only when it enters its fourth state does a being become fully visible to eyes that can see the outside world.

[ 14 ] Five is the number of evil. We can best realize this if we again consider the human being. Man has developed into a fourfold being, into a creature of creation, but on earth the fifth link, the spiritual self, joins him. If man had remained only a tetrad, he would always have been directed from above, by the gods, to do good; he would never have developed independence. He has become free through receiving on earth the germ of the fifth element, the spirit-self. Through this he has gained the possibility of doing evil, but through this also he has become independent. No being that does not appear in the pentad can do evil, and wherever we encounter evil that can actually have a corrupting effect of its own, a pentad is at work. This is the case everywhere, even out in the world. Man just does not observe this, and today's materialistic world view has no concept of the fact that one can look at the world in this way. We can see from the following example how, wherever we encounter the number five, there is justification for speaking of evil in some sense. How beneficial it would be if medicine were to make use of this and study the course of diseases according to how an illness develops from the onset to the fifth day, or how it develops on the individual days in the fifth hour after midnight or in the fifth week. For the number five always dominates where the doctor can intervene most fruitfully. Before that, he cannot do much except let nature take its course; but he can intervene to help if he observes the law of the number five, because that is where the principle of the number five flows into the world of facts, which can justifiably be called damaging or evil. Thus, we can show in many areas how the number five has a great significance for external events.

[ 15 ] There are seven periods in the life of a human being: the first is before he is born, the second lasts until the change of teeth, the third until sexual maturity, the fourth for about seven to eight years, the fifth until about the age of thirty, and so on. Once people know what needs to be taken into account during these periods and what should best be approached or avoided by people during the fifth period, they will also know a great deal about how to prepare for a good old age. Good or bad can be done for the rest of one's life. During the first periods, much can be done through education according to these laws. But then there is a turning point in the fifth period of a person's life, which is decisive for the whole of their future life. This turning point in the fifth period of a person's life must at least be crossed before the person can be let loose into life with complete security, so to speak. The prevailing principle today of sending people out into life very early on is very bad. It is of great importance to observe such old occult principles. That is why in the past, on the orders of those who knew something about it, one had to complete the so-called apprenticeship and traveling time before one could be called a master.

[ 16 ] The seven is the number of perfection. Again, you can see this in the human being himself. He is a creature in the number four, and he is in the number five, insofar as he can be a good or an evil being. When he has developed everything that is in him in the germ, then he will be a seven-membered being, perfect in his way. The number seven reigns in the world of colors, in the rainbow, it reigns in the world of sounds, in the scale. Everywhere, in all areas of life, you can represent the number seven as a kind of perfect number. There is neither superstition nor magic behind it.

[ 17 ] Now let us look back at unity again. The fact that we have looked at other numbers will help to put what needs to be said about unity in perspective. The essence of unity is indivisibility. In reality, however, unity can also be divided, for example into 1/3 and 2/3. But there is something very significant and important that you can do in your mind: In the spiritual world, when you take away two-thirds, the third remains part of it. God is a unified being. When something is taken out of God as a revelation, all the rest remains as something that belongs to it. In the Pythagorean sense: divide the unity, but never divide the unity in such a way that you do not have the rest in the subordinate thought.

[ 18 ] What does it actually mean to divide the unit? Take a gold plate, for example, and look through it, then the world appears green to you. This is because gold has the property of reflecting the yellow rays when white light falls on it. But what happens to the other colors that are also contained in white? They go into the object and permeate it. A red object is red because it reflects the red rays and absorbs the rest. You cannot extract the red from the white without the rest remaining behind. This brings us to the edge of a great world secret. You can look at things in a certain way. For example, when light falls on a red tablecloth spread over a table, we perceive the color red. The other colors contained in sunlight are “absorbed”; the green color, for example, is absorbed by the tablecloth and not reflected. If we now try to include the color green in our consciousness at the same time as the color red, we have restored the unity. We have divided the unity in the Pythagorean sense, so that the remainder remains. If one meditates on this, so that one always reconnects the divided to the unity, then this is a meaningful work, through which one can rise high in the development. There is an expression for this in mathematics, which applies everywhere in the occult schools:

$$1 = (2 + x) - (1 + x)$$

[ 19 ] This is an occult formula that is supposed to express how to divide one and how to represent the parts so that they add up to one again. The occultist should think of the division of the unit in such a way that he always reassembles the parts into the unit.

[ 20 ] Thus, today we have subjected to a consideration what is called number symbolism and have seen from it that if one meditatively shifts the world from the point of view of numbers, one can penetrate deeply into the secrets of the world. To complete the picture, it should be said once more: in the fifth week, on the fifth day or in the fifth hour, it is important to be aware that something can be missed or made good. In the seventh week, on the seventh day or in the seventh hour or in a certain corresponding numerical proportion, for example 3 1/2, because seven is also included, something always happens through the thing itself, for example, the fever on the seventh day of an illness will take on a certain character or also on the fourteenth day. There are always numerical proportions at the basis that indicate the structure of the world.

[ 21 ] Those who properly immerse themselves in what it means in the Pythagorean sense to study numbers will learn to understand life and the world from this numerical symbolism. Today's remarks should give you a sketchy idea of this.