The Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man
GA 102
29 February 1908, Berlin
Translator Unknown
Lecture IV
Today we shall deal with a subject that is connected with the vast far-reaching view into cosmic space that we entered upon in our last lecture. We shall go more closely into the spiritual evolution that lies within spatial and material evolution than we did before. In the last lecture we saw how spiritual beings guide those mighty evolutionary processes which ordinary physical science describes to us inaccurately, but Theosophy or spiritual science exactly and accurately.
We have seen how the separate planets, the separate bodies of our cosmic system, arise from a common original substance, and have recognized that spiritual beings of various kinds are active in all this evolution. We have pointed out too in former lectures how spiritual science does not see merely physical material objects in the bodies of our cosmic system, but linked with the physical and material, spiritual beings of various grades. These may be beings of the most exalted order who raise evolution, thus benefiting the whole system, or they may be spiritual beings of a lower kind who hinder and destroy. Yet we must be clear that what seems to be hindrance and destruction is in the long run again membered into the wisdom of the whole system. One might therefore say: When something apparently destructive, retarding and evil exists anywhere, then evolution in its whole course will be so wisely guided that even this evil, this destruction and hindrance will be reversed and changed into the good. Today however we want to bring about a living feeling of the existence of such spiritual beings as belong to the “creative beings”—considering first those of an exalted order. Man must work in evolution for a long time yet, before he ascends to the rank of a “creative” being. We will consider in particular those beings who participated in the structure of our cosmic system when the Earth began its evolution in our universe as Saturn.
The Earth began its evolution as Saturn and advanced through the Sun and Moon evolutions up to its present formation. Everything on that Saturn cosmic body was, however, quite different from the nature of our present earthly planet. On Saturn there were no solid rocky masses, what we call the mineral world in the modern sense, nor was there water in the modern sense, not even air; what was present at that time could only be compared with warmth among our elements today, with “fire,” as one says in occultism. You would certainly not get a right idea if you thought that this Saturn fire looked like the modern flame of gas or candle. To have the right conception you must call to mind what pulses up and down in your own body—you must recollect the fundamental difference existing between a lower creature of the animal world, which has preserved certain stages of evolution, and the human being. A lower creature has the warmth of its surroundings. An amphibian has no inner warmth of its own; it has the warmth of its surroundings. It is as cold or as warm as its surroundings. Man has his own internal, equable warmth, as indeed he must have. His organism must ensure that when it is cold outside, he can nevertheless maintain his warmth at a certain temperature, and you know that when disturbances such as fever etc. enter this warmth, the health of the whole body is disturbed as well. The point is that man has an inner degree of warmth and he must think of some underlying force that creates it. This force is not water, not the solid, not air, it is an element for itself, and this element alone was present on ancient Saturn, the first embodiment of our Earth. If you had gone for a walk at that time in universal space—naturally that is a phantasy but it helps to form an idea of the condition—you would not have seen Saturn, for in the earliest stage it sent out no light at all. To shed light the cosmic body must first become a sun, or be united with a sun and so become luminous. If you approached ancient Saturn you would have noticed in its neighborhood that there was warmth, you would think that there was a space filled with warmth, you would enter a space like an oven. The existence of ancient Saturn would have been realized through this force of warmth alone. It was a rarefied material sub-stance of which modern man can scarcely form a right idea—least of all a learned physicist—but it was present, a condition finer than gas, finer than air, and all that existed of man at that time, namely, the first rudiments of the physical body, consisted of this substance. If you could eliminate today everything except the warmth of your blood then you would have an idea of those first rudiments of the human being. That, however, could not be done, since one cannot live like that. Today with our mineral kingdom, fluid kingdom, etc., we cannot live as the human being lived on ancient Saturn. At that time one could do so. But today you must think away all that you have of juices, tissues, solid parts, even the air that you take in as oxygen. You must conceive solely and alone that which remains over—naturally in quite a different form—namely, the warmth contained in your blood: a physical body consisting only of warmth! It is a horrible idea for a modern natural scientist—but therefore one that is all the more correct and real.
Such was the rudimentary germ of man—his physical body. All the other beings which are on the earth today animals—plants—minerals—were not in existence on Saturn. Saturn at that time consisted solely of human germs which were clustered together like the tiny berries which form a blackberry. In this way the Saturn-globe was a great berry made up purely of tiny berries which were the human beings. If we were to examine the surroundings of Saturn somewhat as we test our earth's surroundings and find a mantle of air in which are structures of mist, clouds etc., we should find nothing of a material nature. We should find in the Saturn mantle spiritual substance, spiritual beings, and these were at a much higher level than man in his first rudiments.
We will now occupy ourselves with a definite order of beings who were linked with the Saturn existence. There we find the Spirits of Will, then the Spirits of Wisdom, Spirits of Movement, of Form, of Personality, and so forth. To-day we will turn our attention especially to the Spirits of Form for the reason that they have played an important role in the beginning of our evolution. From the whole ranks of spiritual beings who were present in the atmosphere and environment of Saturn, we will therefore select the Spirits of Form and be clear that they have gone through an evolution up to today, just as all beings go through an evolution. As man received his etheric body on the Sun, his astral body on the Moon, his ego on the Earth and has become more and more perfect, so have the Spirits of Form passed through their evolution.
These Spirits of Form had no physical body on Saturn, their lowest member was an etheric body which one can compare with the etheric body of man; thus we should have to think away completely the physical body in the Spirits of Form, and think of the lowest member of their being as the etheric body. Then these beings had an astral body, an ego, spirit-self or Manas, life spirit or Budhi, spirit man or Atma and an eighth member which is a stage higher than man can reach in the course of his evolution through the Earth's embodiments. These Spirits of Form therefore act externally on Saturn through their etheric body as man on Earth works externally through his physical body. They possess no hands through which they can work, no feet with which they can walk, for these are members of the physical body. But their etheric body manifests in such a way that they continuously ray in fructifying life-saps from the Saturn atmospheric mantle, which are of very rarefied matter. We can picture Saturn as we have described it, and from the environment—continuously and from all sides—fructifying life-saps streaming down like rain from the etheric bodies of the Spirits of Form. The nature of Saturn was such that it did not retain these fertilizing life-saps but rayed them back like a mirror. In this way arose the mirror pictures of Saturn of which I have spoken in earlier lectures, but now more exactly. You can picture the warmth sub-stance of Saturn perpetually receiving the rays of the etheric body of the Spirits of Form and raying these back again. We can form a rough picture of it, if we remember how the rain drips from the clouds down to earth, collects in the earth and rises up again as misty vapors. We must not however imagine this as having an interval of time, but picture the process as a continuous one; the rank luxuriant life-saps stream in and are reflected, so that the rudimentary physical bodies appear like mirror-pictures. They actually consist of mirror-pictures. You can form an idea of what was present on Saturn as the physical germ of man, if you imagine a person standing before you and you look into his eye; you send your light into the eye of the other, and your picture comes back to you rayed out of his eye. So it was with the Spirits of Form in the environment of ancient Saturn. They sent their life-bestowing saps down into the warmth masses of Saturn and their own form, their likeness, was reflected; this mirror likeness was the first rudiments of the human physical body. Man was thus, even on ancient Saturn, in the most literal sense a likeness of his Godhead.
If we now go on to the Sun which arose out of old Sat-urn, the advance was made through the fact that the Spirits of Form no longer have need of an etheric or life-body; they give up the etheric body. They no longer ray down the life-giving saps, they relinquish their etheric body and in this way the first physical germs of man were permeated with an etheric body. The etheric body which the human beings received on the Sun was formed, to begin with, from the etheric body of the Spirits of Form,—a portion of the etheric body of the Spirits of Form. These celestial beings mirrored themselves in the warm Saturn, and through the fact that they brought a sacrifice and created pictures, they have gradually grown more independent and capable of the greatest deed, namely, to lay aside their etheric body in sacrifice and to permeate with their own life-force that which they first formed as picture. If you could endow with life the reflection which rays to you from the eye of your fellow man, make it independent, so that it had its own life and could step out of the eye, then you would have a deed which the Spirits of Form accomplished in the transition from ancient Saturn to the Sun. This was a significant advance for our cosmic evolution.
You know of course—I will just mention this here—that all sagas and myths have a multiple meaning, and when we consider the true facts of world evolution in a spiritual sense, then the myths disclose their truth in a surprising way. This may be the case right here.
Let us look at the advance that took place from Saturn to Sun. On ancient Saturn the life-giving forces streamed in, were reflected and taken up again by the mantle, the atmosphere of Saturn. In the old Greek myth the warm globe of Saturn was called Gaea and the atmosphere Chronos. Now consider the myth: the life-giving forces of Chronos rayed in continually upon Gaea and were reflected and absorbed. It is Chronos continually swallowing his own children! One must feel the truth of such a myth; if it is not felt, one has not the right attitude to it. For just consider what it means: in hoary primitive ages of ancient Greece we find a myth that presents this truth to us in a wonderful picture. There is only one possible explanation of such a fact, namely, the most advanced individuals of mankind, who guided man's further development from the Mystery centres, had exactly the same knowledge of world evolution as we give out today in Theosophy. In the Ancient Mysteries they spoke of these things as we speak today; for the masses the truths were veiled in pictures and these pictures form what today we know as Mythology. In the face of such knowledge how extraordinary seem those people who believe that men have discovered truth only in the last forty years and that all knowledge possessed by men of earlier times is only childish fantasy. One must however describe it as a childish fantasy when it is emphasized again and again: “How marvellously advanced we are today!” That is the really childish picture!
So we advance from Saturn to Sun and consider the evolution of the Spirits of Form further. They have laid aside their etheric body, “exuded” it out of themselves and imparted it to the body of the Earth, inasmuch as the human bodies have permeated themselves with it. As the lowest member of their being they now have the astral body and their higher development means that they have not only one member above spirit-man or Atma, but a still further one. We must now describe their being as consisting of astral body, ego, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man, an eighth and a ninth member which are beyond what man can attain in his completed seven-membered development. What do the Spirits of Form present as an “outside”?
The Spirits of Form have “trickled,” so to speak, the life-rain down on to Saturn. On the Sun they manifest through instincts, desires and passions raying into the Sun, through all that is anchored in the astral body. If someone had sat there and looked out into cosmic space, he would not have seen lightning flash or heard thunder pealing, but round him in the astral light he would have perceived the passions of spiritual beings—everywhere, all around him, passions, and you must not at all imagine only lower passions. These passions and emotions now worked creatively on the planet from without. If we consider the myths further we see the creative Titans within our earthly evolution, the creative passions which worked from out-side, from the spiritual airy circles of the Sun when this was a planet.
Now we advance to the Moon—the Sun is metamorphosed into the Moon. In the course of evolution this signifies that the Spirits of Form now lay aside their astral body also and that their lowest member is the ego. To describe their nature we should say: as the human being has the physical body for lowest member, so these Spirits of Form in the environment of the Moon have the ego as lowest member, then they have spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man, an eighth, ninth, and a tenth member. Thus they pre-sent their ego to the outer world. It is very remarkable, but so it is: they present externally pure ‘I’s, pure egos; they simply displayed sheer egos to the outside world. The whole activity in the surroundings of the Moon was as if one met with beings who revealed their whole character and individuality—and this was from the Moon's atmosphere inwards. Just imagine all your egos which are here in your physical bodies being suddenly freed from that and from etheric and astral body, imagine only your egos there as the lowest member, and that they could manifest them-selves through space. Think of yourselves on the old Moon and your egos outside in the universe, but in such a way that they were embedded in the spiritual substances, only the lowest members of the Spirits of Form working in out of the air, then you will have a picture of how the Spirits of Form express themselves as sheer egos out of space. They have given up to the human beings the astral body which they still had on the Sun, so that on the Moon man now consisted of physical body, etheric body and astral body.
We will now picture the human being of Saturn who has the first rudiments of the physical body. We must visualize hovering above him beings who are the Spirits of Form and have an etheric body, astral body, I, spirit-self, life-spirit, spirit-man, to the eighth member. Now we must think of the next stage. In the Sun-human-being we have the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body had been instilled into man by the Spirits of Form, keeping their astral body, so that they had their astral body, their I, up to the ninth member. Then we pass on to the Moon.
We have man consisting of the physical, etheric, astral bodies. The astral body has been sacrificed to man by the Spirits of Form who then have as lowest member the I, and spirit-self, and so forth, up to the tenth member. All that we call ‘man’ has gradually flowed down out of the environment of the planet, has been put together, so to speak, from outside. All that is within was once outside, has entered into man from without.
Let us now follow evolution on the Earth itself: at the beginning man has the rudiments of his physical body, then his etheric, and astral bodies. The Spirits of Form came over from the Moon. Their lowest member is the I or ego. This they now sacrifice as well and with it fructify the human being in his rudimentary stage, so that the ego, as it appears on Earth, is a fertilizing force which streams out from the Spirits of Form, and these beings have now Spirit-Self or Manas as their lowest member.
If we wish to describe them we must say: Above us in the Earth's atmosphere there rule the Spirits of Form, their lowest member is Spirit-Self or Manas; in this they live and weave and they have sacrificed what they still possessed on the Moon—the ego working towards all sides, that ‘trickled’ down and fertilized the human being.
We will now follow the progress of man on the Earth itself. There one can point to the spot in man where the ego was trickled in, but today we will consider it only schematically. Man receives his ego. It comes in contact first of course with the astral body which surrounds him like an auric sheath, there the ego first flows in, interpenetrates the astral body. This takes place in what we call the Lemurian Age, in the middle of earthly evolution. In the Lemurian Age, in the course of long periods of time, different for each different human being, the ego drew into the astral body and fructified it. Let us picture this developing human being.
The physical body at that time did not consist of flesh and blood as it does today; it was a quite soft structure, even without cartilage, and was penetrated as if by magnetic currents. Then there was the etheric body and then the astral body which was fructified by the ego. We must imagine this fructification as being something like an indentation which occurred in the astral body, like a turned-in aperture. That is what actually took place, something like an opening arose at the top of the astral body through the inflowing of the ego, an opening as far as to the etheric body. (Fig. 1.) This was of great significance and produced an important result; the consequence was that the first dim perception of a physical outer world appeared. In earlier conditions man had perceived nothing but that which lived in him inwardly; he was as if hermetically sealed towards the outside. He was aware only of himself and what went on in him internally. Now for the first time there opened to him the sight of a physical outer world. But man was not yet quite independent, much was still regulated for him by other divine beings with whom he stood in connection. He could not immediately see all that was around him, as we do now; since only his astral body was opened he perceived only with that body. It was a quite dim clairvoyance, and when in this ancient primeval time the human being moved over the earth he perceived what was outside his body, he perceived if this were sympathetic or unsympathetic, beneficent or harmful. He perceived a color picture when he so moved about, a glaring-red, for instance, that arose as an auric color-picture, for it was his astral body that first opened. He knew that when a red picture appeared there was a being in the neighborhood that was dangerous to him. If a blue-red color met him, he knew that he could go towards it; thus he took his direction from these dim clairvoyant perceptions. He perceived only the soul elements, he could not perceive, for instance, what is present in the plants of today. He perceived only the soul-nature in the other human beings and in the animals, and the Group-souls, too. That was the first fertilizing with the ego.
The ego was gradually further developed and the fructifying element that entered the astral body began to permeate it more deeply so that the ego was increasingly present in the feelings of likes and dislikes. According as the ego expanded in this way in the astral body there arose what has been called in the book Theosophy the sentient soul. It is as if the fructifying ego spread its forces over the whole astral body, thereby producing the sentient soul. Here we still have to incorporate an important fact.
We have now seen a fairly normal advance of evolution. We have seen how the Spirits of Form on the Moon rayed in their lowest member, the ego, and how, when the Earth had arisen out of the Moon condition, they gave up the ego and fructified man with it. Now we know that certain beings on the Moon remained behind, beings who did not complete their development. What does that mean? It means that they had not advanced to the stage where they could let their ego stream out and fructify the human being. That they could not do. They still stood at the old Moon stage, when they worked with their ego into the atmosphere of the earth. There were laggard beings around man who worked on the earth as the Spirits of Form had done on the Moon. Man was surrounded in the earth's atmosphere by ego-beings who had not yet relinquished their egos. These beings now strove to accomplish on the earth what they had failed to do finally on the Moon. Man was thus exposed to influences that were not in the normal course of his evolution. These influences of the ego-spirits rayed into his astral body. While his astral body was molded through the in-trickling ego of the Spirits of Form, the ego-spirits, who were not at the stage of the Spirits of Form, rayed lower forces to him at the same time, lower than should have entered him in normal evolution. These lower forces brought it about that man divided into a higher and a lower part. Thus from the Spirits of Form an ego was instilled with the propensity to selflessness, whereas the laggard ego-spirits instilled into man the ego with the propensities towards selfishness, egotism. That is the ego which will still not free itself from instincts, desires, and passions. They press into the astral body and interpenetrate it—so that in man's astral body there is a twofold nature: selfless impulses that aspire to rise higher and those passions which are imbued with selfishness and have entered man through the influences of the ego-spirits and have anchored themselves in him.
Now we will further consider evolution itself. We have seen how the astral body has been entirely permeated by the force of the incoming ego. The next stage is when the etheric body too is seized by this force, so that here too a kind of aperture towards the outer world arises. To sketch this (Fig. 2) we must put in the middle a physical body, then an etheric body which is broken through and entirely filled with the force of the ego and then the astral body which is also entirely full of this force. So in the etheric body we now have a force desiring to expand; the etheric body opens to the outside world.
We have come in the formation of man practically into the first and second third of the Atlantean Age. There still existed an old clairvoyance which no longer saw in picture merely the beneficial and harmful, the sympathetic and unsympathetic, but a kind of living dream pictures arose before man which lasted a long time. For the etheric body is the bearer of memory and since these human beings had as yet no disturbance from the physical body, such pictures coming from outside were held for a long time. Memory at that time was an outstanding force of the soul. You can read in The Akashic Record1See: Rudolf Steiner, Cosmic Memory, Rudolf Steiner Publications, Englewood, N.J. what man was at that time in respect of memory. There was not of course as yet complete observation of the external world, but a kind of dim clairvoyance. This was, however, more comprehensive than perception through the astral body. It caused everything to arise in mighty pictures, definitely formed, like a dream, but with a correspondence to the external objects, whereas formerly the pictures only served to guide man in taking his direction.
Now we advance to the last third of the Atlantean time. And now the physical body too is gripped by the force of the ego (Fig. 3). Rudiments of an indentation arise in the physical body, it becomes indented and around it we have the etheric and astral bodies. We will merely imagine the whole schematically now; in the course of succeeding lectures we shall get to know the realities. In a certain way, however, such a kind of indenting had appeared, the physical body took up the ego into itself. The point where the ego was taken in lies between the eyebrows, as I have often explained. The opening that comes about through the penetration of the ego into the physical body is to be thought of particularly as the opening of the physical senses. The ego presses through the eye, through the hearing—which is not merely an opening but a whole series of openings. All this takes place in the last third of Atlantean times and the human body was so transformed that it has become what it is today.
We call the etheric body as it was transformed at the beginning of the Atlantean Age the intellectual or mind soul and the transformed physical body we call the consciousness soul. So that what is described in my Theosophy as the position today, we have now followed as a consequence of evolution. You see here how things come about gradually.
After the physical body too is opened to the outside, man for the first time learnt to know the external world. And now begins the conscious transforming of the astral body. It was a more or less unconscious transformation before the beginnings of the consciousness soul. To picture this condition, we must think of it schematically like this: the astral body, etheric body and physical body opened, and through the fact that man comes in connection with the outside world he forms in himself an enclosure. This represents all that the ego develops in intercourse with the outer world, all that the ego “learns” through external contacts. Now imagine that the whole of what the ego develops in this way becomes greater and greater, and that this new structure, which has been gradually developed, lays itself round the astral body here. Although this is all schematic it corresponds to the actual process, and the new structure unites with man's astral body and in course of evolution transforms it into the human Manas or spirit-self. (Fig. 4.) Man is at work on this today, when through what he ac-quires in his intercourse with the external world he is transforming his astral body into Manas or spirit-self. We are in the midst of this process at the present time.
Since, however, the Spirits of Form have given up their ego, letting it trickle down into man, we are surrounded everywhere by these beings whose lowest member is of a Manasic nature, the spirit-self. If we want to seek in our surroundings for these Spirits of Form, for their lowest member, then we find it in that which we ourselves gradually develop as our fifth member. What we develop as human wisdom by which we must become wiser and wiser, that we should find manifested in our surroundings as the lowest member of the Spirits of Form. We have indeed often spoken of this. Let us look at what surrounds us, at what has been done by more exalted beings around us and in which we have taken no share. Let us look at what I have often mentioned, a piece of the thigh bone, in which the lattice work which goes to and fro is combined to such a wonderful scaffolding, that we must confess: Here with the minimum amount of material the maximum strength is attained! We see secreted in this structure what man will gradually learn—though it is impossible today—how to build bridge-scaffoldings through his engineering art that will be as wisely constructed as the thigh bones which carry the human upper body like pillars. The whole human body is thus wisely arranged, it is an expression of wisdom and when we go out into Nature this same wisdom meets us everywhere. Let us go, for example, to the dams which the beavers make. We see how the beavers collect at certain times of the year when the water has acquired a greater fall, in order to construct a dam in the water at a definite angle which will hold up the water and produce a new fall. Everywhere in our surroundings we find everything permeated with wisdom,—as we shall be permeated with it when we have developed Manas in full measure. The wisdom that we meet with everywhere belongs to the Spirits of Form. As the physical body is our lowest member so is the wisdom which we find all around us the lowest member of the Spirits of Form, then they have Budhi, Atma, where we have our etheric and astral bodies and then they have the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh members. We have to do here, as you see, with highly exalted beings to whom we look up; and when we see the wisdom in our surroundings, we see only the lowest member of these exalted beings. In comparison with these beings we are like a creature, a lower being, that creeps about on man and sees only the outside of his physical body. We creep about on the earth and see the wisdom, which for the Spirits of Form is what the physical body is for us. Such a being is a “creative spirit” as regards man, for this creative spirit has instilled his ego into him.
Precisely as we raise ourselves to Manas, so in the further course of evolution we shall someday acquire the life-spirit, Budhi, through the transforming of our etheric body. In our environment we have Manas or spirit-self as the wisdom impregnated into the world. That is the lowest member of the Spirits of Form, but there are also other beings linked with the earth whose lowest member is not our fifth, Manas, but our sixth, i.e. the life-spirit or Budhi. Around us is the atmosphere for beings whose lowest member—as member of higher beings—is equivalent to our life-spirit. And just as truly as at the beginning of the earthly evolution an external deed instilled the ego into man, so at a definite point of time there came the first impression and influence of the beings who little by little instil the full strength of Budhi. Two thousand years after the time in the ancient hoary past when the ego was poured down, there was still not much to be seen of such egos in the human bodies. That all came about gradually, only in the course of many millennia did the ego reach full manifestation. One must never imagine that the instilling of the ego was an event of which someone could say: “Nothing special happened; I do not acknowledge it, that is simply an event as others have been before!” If any particularly “enlightened” persons had lived on earth 2000 years after the instilling of the ego, and had perhaps represented the materialism of the time, they would have said: “Oh, there are certain among us who maintain that a special force has come down from heaven and brought all mankind forward. But that is a dualism of the worst kind, as Monists we must explain that that is something which was already there long ago!” These things appeared slowly and gradually.
Just as at the beginning of the Lemurian Age a powerful impulse forwards was given through the inflowing of the ego, which has later made possible the development of spirit-self or Manas, even so there has been an event of fundamental importance through which man will become capable with his whole being of developing not only Manas, but life-spirit or Budhi. And this event is the Deed on Golgotha. This event is the appearance of Christ on earth! It may be that some people will deny that to-day, but this event was just as much a force coming out of the environment as that other was. Thus we see that we grasp the evolution of the world from its spiritual aspect when we look into the depths of the world. We learn gradually not to look merely to a material existence, but we discover, wherever we look into cosmic space, spiritual beings and their deeds. Through what we call Theosophy we learn to know of these deeds, we live and weave and have our being within the spiritual beings and their deeds.
In our next lecture we will go more exactly into the human organism and indicate how the development has taken place, after today having dealt with it more schematically.

Vierter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Wir werden heute einen Gegenstand behandeln, der in Zusammenhang steht mit den großen, umfassenden Ausblicken in das Gebiet des Weltenraumes, die wir das letzte Mal unternommen haben. Wir werden dabei intimer auf die geistige Entwickelung innerhalb der mehr räumlichen und materiellen Entwickelung eingehen, als es das letzte Mal geschehen ist. Das letzte Mal haben wir gesehen, wie geistige Wesenheiten jenen mächtigen Entwickelungsprozeß dirigieren und leiten, von dem uns die äußere physische Wissenschaft ungenau, die Theosophie oder Geisteswissenschaft genau erzählt.
[ 2 ] Wir haben das letzte Mal gesehen, wie die einzelnen Planeten, die einzelnen Körper unseres Weltensystems, aus einem gemeinsamen Urstoff sich herausheben und haben im allgemeinen vorausgesetzt, daß bei all dieser Entwickelung tätig sind geistige Wesenheiten der verschiedensten Art. Wir haben auch in anderen Vorträgen darauf hingewiesen, wie wir auf dem Gebiete der Geisteswissenschaft in den einzelnen Körpern unseres Weltensystems nicht bloß physische, materielle Dinge sehen, sondern Physisches und Materielles verknüpft mit höheren und niederen geistigen Wesenheiten, mit Wesenheiten erhabenster Art, die zum Heile des ganzen Systems die Entwickelung heben, und ebenso mit geistigen Wesenheiten niederer Art, welche hemmend und zerstörend eingreifen. Freilich müssen wir uns klar sein, daß dasjenige, was irgendwo wie Hemmung und Zerstörung erscheint, im großen und ganzen doch wiederum der Weisheit des ganzen Systems eingegliedert ist. Man möchte daher sagen: Wenn etwas scheinbar Zerstörendes, Hemmendes und Böses irgendwo existiert, so wird durch den Gang des Ganzen die Evolution so weise geleitet, daß auch dieses Zerstörende, Hemmende und Böse im Ganzen umgelenkt, umgeleitet wird zum Guten, zum Besten. Was wir aber heute als Empfindung lebhaft vor unsere Seele stellen wollen, ist das Dasein solcher geistigen Wesenheiten - und zunächst wollen wir ins Auge fassen geistige Wesenheiten erhabener Art —, die zu den schöpferischen Wesenheiten gehören; während der Mensch noch lange in der Evolution wird arbeiten müssen, bis er zum Range einer schöpferischen Wesenheit aufsteigt. Wir wollen insbesondere eine Klasse derjenigen Wesenheiten ins Auge fassen, die an dem Aufbau unseres Weltsystems beteiligt waren, als die Erde als Saturn ihre Entwickelung in unserer Welt begann.
[ 3 ] Unsere Erde begann als Saturn ihre Entwickelung und ging durch die Sonnen- und Mondentwickelung vorwärts bis zu ihrer heutigen Gestaltung. Damals, als unsere Erde Saturn war, da war allerdings auf diesem Saturn-Weltenkörper alles ganz anders als auf unserem heutigen Erdenplaneten. Auf dem Saturn war das nicht vorhanden, was wir feste Gesteinsmassen, mineralische Welt im heutigen Sinne nennen; es war aber auch kein Wasser im heutigen Sinne vorhanden, nicht einmal Luft, sondern das, was von den heutigen Elementen der Erde damals vorhanden war, läßt sich nur vergleichen mit der Wärme, mit dem «Feuer», wie wir im Okkultismus sagen. Zwar würden Sie auch keine richtige Vorstellung bekommen, wenn Sie sich denken würden, dieses Saturnfeuer habe ausgesehen wie eine heutige Kerzenflamme oder wie eine Gasflamme. Eine richtige Vorstellung erhalten Sie, wenn Sie sich besinnen, was in Ihrem eigenen Leibe auf und ab pulsiert, wenn Sie sich darauf besinnen, welcher Grundunterschied in dieser Beziehung besteht zwischen einem niederen Tierwesen, welches gewisse Stufen der Entwickelung bewahrt hat, und dem Menschen. Ein niederes Tierwesen hat die Wärme seiner Umgebung. Ein Amphibium hat keine eigene innerliche Wärme, sondern es hat die Wärme seiner Umgebung, es ist so kalt oder so warm wie seine Umgebung. Der Mensch hat seine eigene innerliche, gleiche Wärme, wie er sie haben muß. Sein Organismus muß dafür sorgen, daß wenn es äußerlich kalt ist, er trotzdem seine Wärme auf einer gewissen Höhe erhalten kann, und Sie wissen, wenn Störungen eintreten in dieser eigenen Wärme wie Fieber und so weiter, daß da auch eine Störung der Gesundheit des physischen Körpers vorliegt. Sie wissen, es handelt sich darum, daß der Mensch innerlich das Maß seiner Wärme hat, und er muß dieser innerlichen Wärme zugrundeliegend etwas wie eine Kraft denken, die diese Wärme erzeugt. Diese Kraft ist nicht Wasser, nicht Erde, nicht Luft, sondern ein Element für sich, und dieses Element war allein auf dem alten Saturn, der ersten Verkörperung unserer Erde, vorhanden. Wenn Sie dazumal im Weltenraum spazieren gegangen wären — das ist natürlich eine Phantasie, aber sie ist gut, um sich eine Vorstellung zu bilden, wie es war —, hätten Sie den Saturn nicht gesehen; denn Licht hat er in seinem ältesten Zustand gar nicht verbreitet. Dazu müssen die Weltenkörper erst eine Sonne werden oder mit einer Sonne in eine Verbindung treten, um leuchtend zu werden. Wenn Sie sich dem alten Saturn genähert hätten, so würden Sie in seiner Nähe bemerkt haben: da ist Wärme! Sie würden an irgendeiner Stelle bemerkt haben, daß es warm würde, und Sie würden denken, da ist irgendein Raum mit Wärme erfüllt; wie in einen Backofen hinein würden Sie gehen. Allein durch diese Kraft der Wärme hätte sich das Dasein des alten Saturn angekündigt. Das ist ein feiner materieller Zustand, von dem sich der heutige Mensch kaum, am wenigsten ein gelehrter Physiker eine richtige Vorstellung machen kann; aber er ist vorhanden, ein Zustand, feiner als ein Gas, feiner als die Luft, und alles, was damals vom Menschen vorhanden war, nämlich die ersten Anlagen zum physischen Leibe, bestand aus diesem Stoff. Wenn Sie heute alles von sich entfernen könnten außer Ihrer Blutwärme, dann würden Sie jene ersten Anlagen des Menschen wieder vor sich haben. Aber das könnte nicht sein, weil man so nicht leben kann. Heute ist es nicht möglich, mit diesem Mineralreich, Wasserreich und so weiter so zu leben, wie der Mensch auf dem alten Saturn gelebt hat. Damals konnte man es. So müssen Sie sich also heute alles dasjenige entfernt denken, was Sie zum Beispiel an Säften, an Geweben, an festen Bestandteilen an sich haben, müssen auch absehen von dem, was Sie als Sauerstoff von der Luft einsaugen. Sie müssen sich denken, daß von Ihnen einzig und allein die Wärme, die in Ihrem Blute enthalten ist, übrigbleibt, natürlich auch in einer ganz anderen Gestalt: ein physischer Mensch, der nur aus Wärme besteht! Es ist eine grauenhafte Vorstellung für einen heutigen Naturforscher, aber darum eine um so richtigere und realere!
[ 4 ] So war die Anlage des Menschen, seines physischen Leibes. Auf diesem Saturn waren alle anderen Wesen, die heute auf der Erde sind, wie Tiere, Pflanzen und Mineralien, nicht vorhanden. Der Saturn bestand dazumal aus lauter Menschenanlagen, die so zusammengeballt waren, wie die kleinen Beerchen einer Brombeere eine größere bilden: ebenso war die Saturnmasse eine große Beere, aus lauter Beerchen zusammengesetzt, die Menschen waren. Eine solche Kugel war dieser alte Saturn. Wenn wir nun die Umgebung dieses Saturn prüfen würden, wie wir etwa die Umgebung unserer Erde prüfen, und finden, daß sie umgeben ist von einem Luftmantel, in dem Gebilde vorkommen wie Nebel, Wolken und so weiter, so würden wir in der Umgebung des Saturn nicht Dinge materieller Art finden; aber wir würden in dem Saturnmantel geistige Substanzen, geistige Wesenheiten finden, die durchwegs höherer Art sind, als der Mensch auf dem Saturn dazumal in seiner ersten Anlage war.
[ 5 ] Wir wollen uns nun beschäftigen mit einer bestimmten Art von Wesenheiten, die mit dem Saturndasein verknüpft waren. Da finden wir die Geister des Willens, dann die Geister der Weisheit, Geister der Bewegung, der Form, der Persönlichkeit, die Geister der Söhne des Feuers und die Geister der Söhne des Zwielichts. Wir wollen heute insbesondere die Geister der Form ins Auge fassen, weil sie, wie wir sehen werden, eine wichtige Rolle im Beginne unserer jetzigen Erdenentwickelung gespielt haben. Aus der ganzen Reihe der geistigen Wesenheiten, die in der Atmosphäre und in der Umgebung des Saturn vorhanden waren, wollen wir also die Geister der Form herausheben und uns klar sein, daß diese Geister der Form bis heute ebenso eine Entwickelung durchgemacht haben, wie alle Wesen eine Entwickelung durchmachen. Wie der Mensch auf der Sonne den Ätherleib, auf dem Monde den Astralleib, auf der Erde das Ich erhalten hat und dadurch immer vollkommener geworden ist, so haben auch die Geister der Form ihre Entwickelung durchgemacht.
[ 6 ] Diese Geister der Form hatten auf dem Saturn keinen physischen Leib. Sie waren dort so beschaffen, daß sie als unterstes Glied ihrer Wesenheit einen Ätherleib hatten, den man vergleichen kann mit dem Ätherleib des Menschen. Den physischen Leib müßten wir uns also vollständig wegdenken und uns bei den Geistern der Form als unterstes Glied ihrer Wesenheit den Ätherleib vorstellen. Dann haben diese Wesenheiten einen astralischen Leib, ein Ich, Geistselbst oder Manas, Lebensgeist oder Buddhi, Geistesmensch oder Atman, und ein achtes Glied, das um einen Grad höher ist als dasjenige, was der Mensch im Laufe seiner Entwickelung durch die Erdenverkörperungen hindurch erreichen kann. Diese Geister der Form wirken also nach außen auf dem Saturn geradeso durch ihren Ätherleib, wie der Mensch auf der Erde nach außen wirkt durch seinen physischen Leib. Sie haben nicht Hände, durch die sie auf dem Saturn arbeiten, nicht Füße, mit denen sie gehen können und so weiter; denn das alles sind Glieder des physischen Leibes. Aber ihr Ätherleib äußert sich so, daß sie von dem Saturnmantel herein fortwährend in sehr feiner Materie befruchtende Lebenssäfte hereinstrahlen. Wir können uns den Saturn vorstellen, wie wir ihn beschrieben haben, und aus der Umgebung - fortwährend und von allen Seiten —, aus den Ätherleibern der Geister der Form befruchtende Lebenssäfte wie einen Regen hereinstrahlend auf den Saturn. Der Saturn selber hatte eine solche Eigenschaft, daß er diese befruchtenden Lebenssäfte nicht etwa behielt, sondern daß er sie wie ein Spiegel fortwährend zurückstrahlte. Dadurch entstehen — jetzt beschreibe ich genauer dasjenige, was ich in früheren Vorträgen schon erwähnt habe jene Spiegelbilder des Saturn, von denen ich Ihnen gesprochen habe. Sie können sich die warme Materie des Saturn vorstellen, wie sie fortwährend die Strahlen der Ätherleiber der Geister der Form empfängt, und diese wieder zurückstrahlt. Grob können wir uns ein Bild davon machen, wenn wir uns vorstellen, wie der Regen aus den Wolken auf die Erde herniederträufelt, in der Erde sich wiederum sammelt und als Dünste wieder hinaufsteigt. Wir müssen uns dies-aber nicht so vorstellen, daß wir eine Zeit dazwischen haben, sondern uns diesen Vorgang ohne eine Zeit dazwischen vorstellen: wie die üppig wuchernden Lebenssäfte hineinströmen und wieder zurückgespiegelt werden, so daß sich die Bildungen des Saturn, die ersten Anlagen der menschlichen physischen Leiber, wie Spiegelbilder ausnehmen. Sie sind eigentlich aus Spiegelbildern bestehend. Es ist ein gutes Bild für das, was als die physische Anlage des Menschen auf dem Saturn vorhanden war, wenn Sie sich einen Menschen vor sich stehend vorstellen und ihm ins Auge schauen: Sie senden Ihr Licht in das Auge des anderen, und Ihr Bild kommt Ihnen aus seinem Auge entgegengestrahlt. So war es mit den Geistern der Form in der Umgebung des alten Saturn. Sie sandten ihre lebenspendenden Säfte herunter in die Wärmemasse des Saturn, und es spiegelte sich ihre eigene Gestalt, ihr Ebenbild in dieser Wärmemasse; und dieses Spiegelebenbild waren die ersten Anlagen des menschlichen physischen Leibes. Schon auf dem alten Saturn war der Mensch im wörtlichsten Sinne ein Ebenbild seiner Gottheit.
[ 7 ] Wenn wir nun weiterschreiten bis zur Sonne, die aus dem alten Saturn entstand, dann geschieht diese Weiterbildung dadurch, daß die Geister der Form einen Äther- oder Lebensleib nicht mehr nötig haben; sie geben den Ätherleib ab. Sie strahlen nun nicht mehr herunter die befruchtenden Lebenssäfte, sondern sie geben den Ätherleib ab, und dadurch durchdringen sich die ersten physischen Anlagen der Menschen mit dem Ätherleib. Der Ätherleib, den die Menschen auf der Sonne bekommen haben, ist zunächst aus dem Ätherleibe der Geister der Form herausgebilder, ein Stück des Ätherleibes der Geister der Form. Diese himmlisch-geistigen Wesenheiten haben sich in dem warmen Saturn gespiegelt und sind allmählich dadurch, daß sie ihm Opfer gebracht haben und Bilder geschaffen haben, selbständiger geworden, sind zu der größeren Tat fähig geworden, ihren Ätherleib abzulegen, ihn hinzuopfern, und das, was sie zuerst als Bild gestaltet haben, jetzt mit Leben, mit eigener Lebenskraft zu durchdringen. Wenn Sie das Spiegelbild, das Ihnen aus dem Auge IhresMitmenschen entgegenstrahlt, mit Leben begaben könnten, es selbständig machen, so daß es eigenes Leben hätte und hinaustreten könnte aus dem Auge, so würden Sie eine Tat haben, die die Geister der Form vollbrachten beim Übergang vom alten Saturn zur Sonne. Es war dies ein bedeutsamer Fortschritt für unsere kosmische Entwickelung.
[ 8 ] Sie wissen ja — ich will dies hier nur einflechten —, daß alle Sagen und Mythen immer eine vielfache Bedeutung haben, und wenn wir die wahren Tatsachen der Weltenentwickelung im geistigen Sinne uns vor das Auge stellen, so treten uns die Mythen in einer überraschenden Weise in ihrer Wahrheit entgegen. So kann es auch jetzt geschehen mit einer Mythe.
[ 9 ] Betrachten wir den Fortschritt, der geschieht vom Saturn zur Sonne herüber. Auf dem alten Saturn war es so, daß die lebenspendenden Kräfte einstrahlten, zurückgeworfen wurden und wieder aufgenommen wurden von dem Mantel, von der Atmosphäre des Saturn. In der alten griechischen Mythe hat man die warme Kugel des Saturn «Gäa» genannt und die Atmosphäre den «Kronos». Betrachten Sie jetzt die Mythe: Fortwährend strahlen hinein die lebenspendenden Kräfte von Kronos auf die Gäa, auf den Saturn, und gehen wieder zurück, werden aufgesogen. Es ist Kronos, der fortwährend seine eigenen Kinder verschlingt! Es muß eine solche Wahrheit einer Mythe gefühlt werden. Fühlt man sie nicht, so hat man gar nicht die richtige Stellung dazu. Denn bedenken Sie nur einmal, was es heißt, daß wir in der grauen Vorzeit des alten Griechenland einen Mythos finden, der uns diese Wahrheit in wunderbarer Weise im Bilde darstellt! Es gibt nur eine einzige Möglichkeit für die Erklärung einer solchen Tatsache, und das ist die: Die vorgeschrittensten Individuen der Menschheit, die in den Mysterien die Fortentwickelung der Menschheit leiteten, wußten genau dasjenige von der Weltentwickelung, was wir heute in der Theosophie verkündigen. Genauso wie wir hier reden über diese Dinge, so wurde in den alten Mysterien Griechenlands geredet, und für die großen Massen wurden diese Wahrheiten in Bilder gehüllt, und diese Bilder bildeten dasjenige, was wir heute als Mythos kennen. Sonderbar nehmen sich einer solchen Erkenntnis gegenüber die Menschen aus, die da glauben, daß erst in den letzten vierzig Jahren die Wahrheit von den Menschen entdeckt worden ist, und daß alles das, was frühere Zeiten gekannt haben, nur die Begriffe einer kindlichen Phantasie sind. Aber als eine kindliche Vorstellung muß man es gerade bezeichnen, wenn immer wieder betont wird: Wie wir es heute so herrlich weit gebracht haben. - Das ist die wahrhaft kindliche Vorstellung!
[ 10 ] So schreiten wir also vor von dem Saturn zur Sonne und betrachten die Entwickelung der Geister der Form weiter. Ihren Ätherleib haben sie abgelegt, von sich «ausgespritzt» und dem Körper der Erde mitgeteilt, indem sich die Menschenleiber mit dem Ätherleib der Geister der Form durchsetzt haben. Sie selbst haben als niederstes Glied ihrer Wesenheit jetzt den astralischen Leib, und ihre Höherentwickelung bedeutet, daß sie nicht nur ein Glied über dem Geistesmenschen oder Atman haben, sondern noch ein weiteres Glied; so daß wir jetzt ihre Wesenheit bezeichnen müssen mit Astralleib, Ich, Geistselbst, Lebensgeist, Geistesmensch, ein achtes Glied und ein neuntes Glied, die erhaben sind über das, was der Mensch zunächst in seiner vollständigen siebengliederigen Entwickelung erlangen kann.
[ 11 ] Was bieten die Geister der Form für eine «Außenseite»? Die Geister der Form um den Saturn herum haben sozusagen den «Lebensregen» auf den Saturn herabgeträufelt. Die Geister der Form auf der Sonne äußern sich durch die auf die Sonne einstrahlenden Triebe, Begierden, Leidenschaften, durch alles dasjenige, was im astralischen Leibe verankert ist. Wer auf der Sonne gesessen und hinausgesehen hätte in den Weltenraum, er würde nicht Blitze haben zucken sehen und Donner rollen hören, sondern er würde um sich herum in astralischem Lichte die Leidenschaften geistiger Wesenheiten wahrgenommen haben - ringsherum überall Leidenschaften -, und Sie müßten sich nicht etwa nur niedrige Leidenschaften vorstellen. Diese Leidenschaften, diese Affekte ringsherum schufen nun von außen herein weiter an dem Planeten. Wenn wir die Mythe weiter betrachten, so sehen wir förmlich innerhalb unserer Erdentwickelung die schaffenden «Titanen», die schaffenden Leidenschaften, die von außen herein wirken, von den geistigen Luftkreisen der Sonne, als diese ein Planet war.
[ 12 ] Nunmehr schreiten wir weiter zum Mond - die Sonne verwandelt sich in den Mond. Das bedeutet im Laufe der Entwickelung, daß die Geister der Form nun auch ihren astralischen Leib ablegen und daß ihr niederstes Glied das Ich ist. Wenn wir ihr Wesen beschreiben wollten, würden wir sagen: Wie der Mensch als niederstes Glied den physischen Leib hat, so haben diese Geister der Form, die um den Mond herum leben, als niederstes Glied das Ich, haben dann Geistselbst, Lebensgeist, Geistesmenschen, ein achtes, ein neuntes Glied und dann noch ein zehntes Glied. So bieten sie also nach außen hin ihr Ich dar. Es ist sehr merkwürdig, aber es ist so: sie bieten nach außen hin lauter Iche dar; sie strotzen förmlich von lauter Ichen nach außen. Alle Betätigung in der Umgebung des Mondes ist so, wie wenn Sie Wesen gegenüberträten, die Ihnen alle ihre Individualität, alle ihre Eigenheit äußern. Das geschah von der Atmosphäre des Mondes her. Denken Sie sich einmal, alle Ihre Iche, die in Ihren physischen Leibern hier sind, würden plötzlich befreit vom physischen Leibe; der physische Leib, der Ätherleib, der astralische Leib wären weg, nur Ihre Iche wären da als das niederste Glied, und sie könnten sich durch den Raum hindurch äußern. Denken Sie sich selbst auf dem alten Monde und Ihre Iche draußen in der Welt, aber so, daß diese Iche eingebettet wären in die geistigen Substanzen, nur die niedersten Glieder der Geister der Form aus der Luft herein wirkend: dann würden Sie eine Vorstellung haben, wie die Geister der Form sich als lauter Iche äußern aus dem Raum herein. Ihren astralischen Leib, den sie auf der Sonne noch hatten, haben sie an die Menschen abgegeben, so daß der Mensch jetzt auf dem Monde besteht aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und astralischem Leib.
[ 13 ] Wir wollen uns, damit wir uns in diese Sache gut hineinversetzen, einmal eine kleine Skizze in folgender Art davon machen. Wir wollen uns vorstellen, daß dies der Saturnmensch sei, der Saturnmensch, der die ersten Anlagen des physischen Leibes hat. Über ihm schwebend müssen wir uns Wesenheiten denken, die die Geister der Form sind, die einen Ätherleib, Astralleib, Ich, Geistselbst, Lebensgeist, Geistesmensch haben, bis hinauf zum achten Glied.

[ 14 ] Jetzt müssen wir uns den nächsten Zustand denken. Beim Sonnenmenschen haben wir den physischen Leib und den Ätherleib. Der Ätherleib war dadurch in den Menschen hineingekommen, daß die Geister der Form ihren Ätherleib ausgegossen haben und nur ihren Astralleib behalten haben, so daß die Geister der Form ihren Astralleib haben, ihr Ich, und weiter hinauf bis zum neunten Gliede.

[ 15 ] Dann gehen wir zum Mond. Wir haben den Menschen aus physischem Leib, Ätherleib und Astralleib bestehend, und der astralische Leib ist nur dadurch entstanden, daß die Geister der Form ihren astralischen Leib hingeopfert und jetzt als ihr unterstes Glied das Ich haben, dann Geistselbst und so weiter bis hinauf zum zehnten Glied. Dadurch ist alles dasjenige, was wir «Mensch» nennen, allmählich heruntergeflossen aus der Umgebung des Planeten, von außen her zusammengesetzt worden. Alles, was innen ist, war einmal außen und hat sich in den Menschen hineinbegeben.
[ 16 ] Verfolgen wir jetzt die Entwickelung auf der Erde selber: Im Beginn der Erdenentwickelung hat der Mensch seinen physischen Leib als Anlage, dann seinen Ätherleib und astralischen Leib. Die Geister der Form kommen herüber vom Monde. Ihr niederstes Glied ist das Ich; dieses Ich opfern sie jetzt auch noch hin und befruchten den Menschen in seiner Anlage mit dem Ich, so daß das Ich, wie es auf der Erde auftritt, eine befruchtende Kraft ist, die jetzt ausströmt von den Geistern der Form; und die Geister der Form behalten als niederstes Glied ihrer Wesenheit das Geistselbst oder Manas. Wenn wir sie also beschreiben wollten, müßten wir sagen: Über uns walten in unserer Umgebung in der Erdenatmosphäre die Geister der Form. Ihr niederstes Glied ist Geistselbst oder Manas, in dem leben und weben sie, und geopfert haben sie dasjenige, was sie noch auf dem Monde hatten, das nach allen Seiten wirkende Ich. Das träufelte herunter und befruchtete den Menschen.
[ 17 ] Nun wollen wir einmal diesen Gang des Menschen auf der Erde selbst verfolgen. Man kann am Menschen die Stelle angeben, wo das Ich eingeträufelt wird; wir wollen das aber heute nur schematisch betrachten. Der Mensch empfängt sein Ich. Es trifft natürlich dieses Ich zuerst seinen astralischen Leib, der ihn ja wie eine aurische Hülle umgibt; da fließt es zunächst ein, durchdringt diesen astralischen Leib. Das ist zu der Zeit, die wir die «lemurische» nennen. In der lemurischen Zeit, im Laufe langer Zeiträume, verschieden bei verschiedenen Menschen, zieht dieses Ich zuerst in den astralischen Leib ein und befruchter ihn. Stellen wir uns also jetzt einmal diesen fortentwickelten Menschen vor.
[ 18 ] Der physische Leib hat damals durchaus nicht so wie heute aus Knochen, Fleisch und Blut bestanden, sondern es war eine ganz weiche Anlage, auch noch ohne Knorpel, und durchzogen wurde dieser Leib wie von magnetischen Strömen. So war der physische Leib da, dann war da der Ätherleib als der nächste, und dann der astralische Leib, der mit dem Ich befruchtet wird. Diese Befruchtung müssen wir uns so vorstellen, daß etwas wie ein Loch, wie ein Einschnitt am astralischen Leib entsteht, wie eine Einstülpung. Das ist tatsächlich auch der Fall, daß so etwas wie eineÖffnung oben am astralischen Leib entsteht durch den Hineinfluß des Ich, eine Offnung bis auf den Ätherleib (siehe Zeichnung S. 74). Das hat eine große Bedeutung und eine große Wirkung gehabt, und die Folge davon ist, daß die erste dämmerhafte Wahrnehmung einer physischen Außenwelt auftritt. In früheren Zuständen nahm der Mensch nichts anderes wahr, als was in seinem Inneren lebte; er war wie hermetisch nach außen abgeschlossen. Nur sich selbst nahm er wahr, und was in seinem Inneren vorging. Jetzt erst öffnete sich ihm der Blick auf eine physische Außenwelt. Ganz selbständig war aber der Mensch noch nicht. Vieles wurde für ihn noch reguliert von anderen, göttlichen Wesenheiten, mit denen er im Zusammenhang stand. Es war noch nicht so, daß der Mensch gleich alles sehen konnte, was um ihn herum war, so wie es heute der Fall ist; sondern weil nur sein astralischer Leib geöffnet war, nahm er auch nur mit diesem Leibe wahr. Es war das ein ganz dämmerhaftes Hellsehen, das darin bestand, daß wenn in dieser alten Vorzeit der Mensch sich hinbewegte über die Erde, er dasjenige wahrnahm, was außer seiner Körperlichkeit war, und zwar, insofern es ihm sympathisch oder unsympathisch, nützlich oder schädlich war. Er nahm, wenn er sich so hinbewegte, zum Beispiel ein grellrotes Farbenbild wahr, das als ein aurisches Farbenbild aufstieg; denn es war erst sein astralischer Leib geöffnet. Jetzt wußte er, wenn da ein rotes Farbenbild aufstieg: da ist ein Wesen in der Nähe, das mir gefährlich ist! Und wenn ein blau-rotes Farbenbild ihm entgegentrat, wußte er, daß er da hingehen konnte. So richtete er sich nach diesen dämmerhaften hellseherischen Wahrnehmungen. Nur das Seelische nahm er wahr; dasjenige, was zum Beispiel in den heutigen Pflanzen vorhanden ist, nahm er noch nicht wahr. Nur das, was als Seelisches in anderen Menschen und in den Tieren vorhanden war, und allerdings auch die Gruppenseelen, nahm er wahr. Das war also die erste Befruchtung mit dem Ich.
[ 19 ] Dieses Ich gestaltete sich allmählich immer weiter, und zwar so, daß das, was als Befruchtungselement hineinkam in den astralischen Leib, diesen immer mehr durchzog; so daß das Ich immer mehr in den Gefühlen der Lust und der Unlust des astralischen Leibes vorhanden war. Indem so das Ich sich ausbreitete im astralischen Leibe, entstand das, was man in meinem Buche «Theosophie» als Empfindungsseele bezeichnet findet. Das ist die Empfindungsseele, die da entstand. Es ist so, wie wenn das befruchtende Ich seine Kraft ausbreitete über den ganzen astralischen Leib und dadurch die Empfindungsseele bewirkte.

[ 20 ] Nun werden wir hier eine wichtige Sache noch einzufügen haben. Wir haben jetzt einen ziemlich normalen Gang der Entwickelung gesehen. Wir haben gesehen, wie auf dem alten Mond die Geister der Form ihr niederstes Glied, ihr Ich, hineingestrahlt haben, und wie sie, als aus dem Mond die Erde geworden war, dieses Ich abgegeben haben und dadurch den Menschen befruchtet haben mit dem Ich. Nun wissen wir, daß auf dem Monde gewisse Wesenheiten zurückgeblieben sind, welche mit ihrer Entwickelung auf dem Monde nicht fertig geworden sind. Was heißt das? Das heißt, sie sind nicht bis zu der Stufe vorgeschritten, daß sie die Fähigkeit erlangt haben, ihr Ich ausströmen zu lassen und damit den Menschen zu befruchten. Das konnten sie nicht. Sie standen noch auf der alten Mondenstufe, als sie mit ihrem Ich hineinwirkten in die Atmosphäre der Erde. Es waren in der Umgebung des Menschen zurückgebliebene Wesenheiten, die so wirkten, wie die Art der Geister der Form auf dem Monde war; so wirkten diese zurückgebliebenen Wesen auf der Erde. Der Mensch war in der Armosphäre der Erde umgeben von Ich-Wesenheiten, die noch nicht ihre Iche abgegeben hatten. Diese Wesenheiten streben jetzt danach, das letzte, was sie auf dem Monde tun mußten, jetzt auf der Erde tun zu können. Dadurch war der Mensch Einflüssen ausgesetzt, die hier in der normalen Entwickelung nicht zu ihm gehört hätten. Diese Einflüsse der Ich-Geister strahlten ein in seinen astralischen Leib. Während durch das eingeträufelte Ich der Geister der Form sein astralischer Leib umgestaltet wurde, strahlten ihm zu gleicher Zeit die Ich-Geister, die es nicht bis zum Standpunkte der Geister der Form gebracht hatten, niedrigere Kräfte zu, als ihm in normaler Entwickelung hätten eingestrahlt werden müssen. Diese niedrigeren Kräfte bewirkten, daß der Mensch zerfiel in einen höheren und in einen niederen Teil. So haben wir durch das Einträufeln des Ich von seiten der Geister der Form das zur Selbstlosigkeit angelegte Ich, und durch das, was durch die zurückgebliebenen Ich-Geister eingeträufelt wird, das andere, zur Selbstigkeit, zum Egoismus veranlagte Ich. Das ist das Ich, das noch nicht los will von den Instinkten, Begierden und Leidenschaften. Die dringen darin ein und durchsetzen den astralischen Leib, so daß im menschlichen astralischen Leib zweierlei vorhanden ist: selbstlose Triebe, solche, die höher hinauf wollen, und solche Leidenschaften, die von Selbstsucht durchsetzt sind; die sind in den Menschen durch den Einfluß der Ich-Geister hineingekommen und verankern sich in ihm.
[ 21 ] Nun wollen wir die Entwickelung selbst weiter betrachten. Wir haben gesehen, wie der astralische Leib von der Kraft des herabgeträufelten Ich ganz durchsetzt worden ist. Das nächste ist nun, daß der Ätherleib auch von dieser Kraft ergriffen wird, so daß im Ätherleib ebenfalls eine Art Loch nach der Außenwelt entsteht. Wenn wir das zeichnen wollen, so müssen wir das so tun, als ob wir in der Mitte einen physischen Leib haben, dann einen durchbrochenen Ätherleib, der von der Kraft des Ich ganz ausgefüllt wird, und dann den astralischen Leib, der ja auch von der Kraft des Ich ausgefüllt wird. So haben wir jetzt im Ätherleib die Kraft, die nach außen will: der Ätherleib öffnet sich der Außenwelt (siehe Zeichnung).

[ 22 ] Wir stehen jetzt ungefähr bei der Gestaltung des Menschen im ersten und zweiten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit. Da war noch ein altes Hellsehen vorhanden, aber nicht so, daß nur das Nützliche und Schädliche, das Sympathische und Unsympathische in Bildern gesehen wurde; sondern es traten so etwas wie lebendige Traumbilder vor dem Menschen auf, die lange stehenblieben. Denn der Ätherleib ist der Träger des Gedächtnisses, und da diese Menschen noch keine Störung von seiten des physischen Leibes hatten, haben sie solche Bilder, die sie von außen aufnahmen, ungeheuer lange behalten. Das Gedächtnis war damals eine ganz besonders hervorragende Seelenkraft. Sie können in «Aus der Akasha-Chronik» lesen, was die Menschen in dieser Beziehung damals waren. Es ist zwar noch immer nicht ein vollständiges Anschauen der Außenwelt, sondern eine Art dämmerhaften Hellsehens. Dieses ist aber umfassender als die Wahrnehmung durch den astralischen Leib. Es umfaßt mehr, läßt alles in gewaltigen Bildern, die deutlich geformt sind, erstehen wie ein Traum, aber schon den äußeren Gegenständen entsprechend; während früher die Bilder nur dazu dienten, dem Menschen zu sagen, wie er sich verhalten sollte, ob er diese oder jene Richtung nehmen sollte. Die äußeren Gegenstände wurden aber noch nicht gesehen.
[ 23 ] Jetzt schreiten wir noch weiter und kommen in das letzte Drittel der atlantischen Zeit. Jetzt wird nicht nur der astralische Leib und der Ätherleib, sondern auch der physische Leib von der Kraft des Ich ergriffen (siehe Zeichnung). Es entsteht im physischen Leibe die Anlage zu einer Ausbuchtung. Der physische Leib wird ausgebuchtet, und um ihn herum haben wir den Ätherleib und den astralischen Leib. Wir wollen uns das ganze jetzt schematisch vorstellen; im Laufe der nächsten Vorträge werden wir die Wirklichkeiten dafür kennenlernen. In einer gewissen Weise war also eine solche Art von Ausbuchtung eingetreten. Der physische Leib nahm das Ich in sich auf. Zwischen den Augenbrauen liegt der Punkt — ich habe Ihnen öfter davon gesprochen —, wo das Ich aufgenommen wird. Bei dieser Offnung, die durch die Durchdringung des physischen Leibes mit dem Ich zustande kommt, müssen wir besonders denken an das Öffnen der physischen Sinne. Das Ich durchdringt das Auge, das Gehör; das ist nicht bloß eine Offnung, sondern es sind eine ganze Reihe von Öffnungen. Das alles geschieht im letzten Drittel der atlantischen Zeit, und dadurch erst wird der physische Menschenleib so umgestaltet, daß er zu dem wird, was er heute ist.

[ 24 ] Wir nennen nun den umgestalteten Ätherleib, wie er sich in der ersten atlantischen Zeit gebildet hat, die «Verstandesseele» oder «Gemütsseele», und den umgestalteten physischen Leib nennen wir die «Bewußtseinsseele». Da haben Sie also als eine Folge der Evolution dargestellt, was Sie in meiner «Theosophie» geschildert finden, so wie es heute ist. Hier sehen Sie, wie die Dinge sich nach und nach gebildet haben.
[ 25 ] Jetzt ist auch der physische Leib nach außen geöffnet und der Mensch lernt jetzt die Außenwelt erst wirklich kennen, und nun beginnt die bewußte Umgestaltung des astralischen Leibes. Vorher war alles mehr oder weniger eine unbewußte Umgestaltung; denn die Bewußtseinsseele ist jetzt erst da. Wollen wir uns diesen Zustand vorstellen, so müssen wir ihn uns schematisch so denken: aufgeschlossen den astralischen Leib, den Ätherleib und den physischen Leib, und dadurch, daß der Mensch mit der Außenwelt in Beziehung tritt, bildet er in sich hinein einen Einschlag. Das ist alles dasjenige, was das Ich am Verkehr mit der Außenwelt entwickelt, was das Ich lernt während des Verkehrs mit der Außenwelt. Denken Sie sich nun, das Ganze, was das Ich so entwickelt, wird immer größer und größer, und es ist tatsächlich so- es ist das zwar schematisch, aber durchaus dem wirklichen Vorgang entsprechend —, daß dieses neue Gebilde, das der Mensch nach und nach entwickelt, sich hier herumlegt um seinen astralischen Leib und sich mit seinem astralischen Leib vereinigt und dann im Laufe der Entwickelung diesen selber umgestaltet zu dem eigentlichen menschlichen

[ 26 ] Manas oder Geistselbst (siehe Zeichnung). Bei dieser Arbeit ist der Mensch heute, indem er durch das, was er durch seinen Verkehr mit der Außenwelt erlangt, seinen astralischen Leib zu Manas oder Geistselbst umgestaltet. In diesem Prozeß stehen wir noch gegenwärtig darinnen. Überall aber sind wir dadurch, daß die Geister der Form das Ich abgegeben und dem Menschen eingeträufelt haben, mit diesen Geistern der Form umgeben als mit Wesenheiten, deren niederstes Glied ein manasisches, das Geistselbst, ist. Wenn wir also in unserer Umgebung nach diesen Geistern der Form, nach ihrem niedersten Gliede suchen wollen, so finden wir es in dem, was wir selbst als das fünfte Glied nach und nach entwickeln. Was wir als menschliche Weisheit entwickeln, wodurch wir immer weiser und weiser werden müssen, das müßten wir als niederstes Glied der Geister der Form in unserer Umgebung geäußert finden. Betrachten wir einmal, was erhabenere, höhere Wesenheiten um uns gemacht haben, woran wir noch keinen Anteil haben. Sehen wir uns, ich habe es schon oft erwähnt, ein Stück Oberschenkelknochen an, worin Balkenlagen, die hin- und hergehen, zu einem wunderbaren Gerüst zusammengefügt sind, so daß wir uns sagen müssen: weisheitsvoll ist hier mit dem kleinsten Ausmaß des Stoffes das größte Maß von Kraft erreicht! Was der Mensch allmählich in seiner Weisheit erlangt, das sehen wir da hineingeheimnißt. Der Mensch wird allmählich lernen — was er heute noch nicht kann -, durch seine Ingenieurkunst Brückengerüste zu bauen, die Weisheitsformen sein werden, die so weise eingerichtet sein werden, wie die Oberschenkelknochen als Pfeiler den menschlichen Oberkörper tragen. So weise ist auch der ganze menschliche Leib eingerichtet, ein Ausdruck und eine Offenbarung der Weisheit, und wenn wir hinausgehen in die Natur, tritt uns überall diese Weisheit entgegen. Gehen wir zum Beispiel zu den Bauten, welche sich die Biber anlegen. Da sehen wir, wie sich die Biber in gewissen Jahreszeiten zusammenfinden, wenn das Wasser ein größeres Gefälle erreicht, um unter einem bestimmten Winkel im Wasser einen Bau aufzuführen, wodurch sie das Wasser aufhalten und ein neues Gefälle einrichten, alles technisch so richtig angelegt, als wenn ihnen alle Hilfsmittel der Mathematik und sonstigen Wissenschaften dabei zu Gebote gestanden hätten. Überall in unserer Umgebung finden wir alles angefüllt und imprägniert mit Weisheit, mit dem, womit wir selbst imprägniert sein werden, wenn wir Manas im vollen Umfange entwickelt haben werden. Diese Weisheit, die wir überall finden, ist etwas, was zu den Gliedern der Geister der Form gehört. Wie unser niederstes Glied der physische Leib ist, so ist die Weisheit, die wir um uns herum finden, das unterste Glied der Geister der Form. Dann haben diese Geister der Form Buddhi, Atman, wo wir unseren Ätherleib und astralischen Leib haben, und dann noch das achte, neunte, zehnte und elfte Glied. Sie sehen also, wir haben es hier zu tun mit hoch erhabenen Wesenheiten, zu denen wir aufschauen, und wenn wir die Weisheit in unserer Umgebung sehen, sehen wir nur das letzte Glied dieser hoch erhabenen Wesenheiten. Wir sind gegenüber diesen erhabenen Wesenheiten so wie ein Tier, ein niederes Wesen, das am Menschen herumkriecht und nur den physischen Leib an seiner Außenseite sieht. Verzeihen Sie mir das Bild, den Vergleich! Wir kriechen auf der Erde herum und sehen die Weisheit, die für die Geister der Form so ist wie für uns der physische Leib. Solch ein Wesen ist dasjenige, was wir den schöpferischen Geist dem Menschen gegenüber nennen; denn dieser schöpferische Geist hat ihm sein Ich eingeflößt.
[ 27 ] Genau ebenso wie wir uns zu dem Manas erheben auf die geschilderte Art, so werden wir uns einstmals erheben im weiteren Verlauf der Entwickelung durch die Umgestaltung des Ätherleibes: wir gliedern uns den Lebensgeist, die Buddhi, ein. Wir haben in unserer Umwelt Manas oder das Geistselbst als die in der Welt imprägnierte Weisheit. Wie das ein niederstes Glied geistiger Wesenheiten, der Geister der Form, ist, so sind auch andere Wesenheiten verknüpft mit der Erde, deren unterstes Glied nicht unser fünftes, Manas, sondern unser sechstes Glied ist, das heißt der Lebensgeist oder die Buddhi. In unserem Umkreis ist die Atmosphäre für solche Wesenheiten, deren letztes Glied -- als das Glied höherer Wesenheiten — unserem Lebensgeist gleichkommt. Und so wahr es ist, daß im Beginne der Erdentwickelung eine äußere Tat dem Menschen das Ich eingeträufelt hat, so wahr ist es, daß in einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Erdentwickelung der erste Eindruck und Einfluß derjenigen Wesenheiten auftrat, welche dem Menschen nach und nach die volle Kraft der Buddhi einträufeln. In der Zeit, in der das Ich herunterträufelte in alter, grauer Vorzeit, da war noch nach zweitausend Jahren nicht viel von solchen Ichen zu bemerken, die in den Menschenleibern waren. Das alles ging nach und nach. Im Laufe von vielen Jahrtausenden kam erst diese Kraft des Ich voll zur Geltung. Niemals darf man sich vorstellen, daß die Einträufelung des Ich ein solches Ereignis war, von dem jemand sagen könnte: Da ist nichts Besonderes geschehen, das erkenne ich nicht an; das ist ein Ereignis, wie es sie auch vorher gegeben hat! - Wenn da irgendwelche sonderbar «aufgeklärte» Geister zweitausend Jahre nach der Einträufelung des Ich auf der Erde gelebt und damals etwa einen Materialismus begründet hätten, so würden sie gesagt haben: Ach, da gibt es unter uns einzelne, die behaupten, eine besondere Kraft sei vom Himmel gekommen und habe alle Menschen vorwärts gebracht; aber das ist ein Dualismus verwerflichster Art; wir müssen als Monisten erklären, daß das etwas ist, was schon früher da war! — Diese Dinge traten allmählich und langsam auf.
[ 28 ] Ebenso wie im Beginne der lemurischen Zeit ein gewaltiger Ruck vorwärts durch die Einträufelung des Ich stattgefunden hat, wodurch erst später die Möglichkeit geworden ist, das Geistselbst oder Manas auszubilden, ebenso gibt es ein Ereignis, welches eine grundlegende Bedeutung hat, wodurch der Mensch fähig sein wird, innerhalb des ganzen Menschen nicht nur Manas auszubilden, sondern den Lebensgeist oder Buddhi. Und dieses Ereignis ist die Tat von Golgatha, ist die Erscheinung des Christus auf der Erde! Es mag sein, daß diese oder jene Leute das heute leugnen werden; aber dieses Ereignis ist ebenso eine Wirkung aus der Umgebung, wie das andere eine Wirkung aus der Umgebung war. So sehen wir, daß wir den Weltengang von seiner geistigen Seite aus begreifen, wenn wir in die Tiefen dieser Welt hineinsehen. Wir lernen allmählich unseren Blick nicht nur zu einem materiellen Dasein erheben; sondern wir entdecken überall, wo wir hineinschauen in den Weltenraum, geistige Wesen und ihre Taten, und durch das, was wir Theosophie nennen, lernen wir die Taten dieser geistigen Wesenheiten kennen. Wir leben, weben und sind innerhalb der geistigen Wesenheiten und ihrer Taten.
[ 29 ] So wollen wir das nächste Mal noch etwas genauer auf den menschlichen Organismus eingehen und wollen auf die Punkte hinweisen, wie sie sich wirklich herausgebildet haben, nachdem wir sie heute mehr schematisch betrachtet haben.
Fourth Lecture
[ 1 ] Today we will deal with a subject that is related to the broad, comprehensive outlooks into the realm of cosmic space that we undertook last time. We will take a closer look at the spiritual development within the more spatial and material development than we did last time. Last time, we saw how spiritual entities direct and guide that mighty developmental process, which external physical science tells us about in an imprecise way, but theosophy or spiritual science tells us about in detail.
[2] Last time, we saw how the individual planets, the individual bodies of our solar system, are formed out of a common primordial substance and we generally assumed that spiritual beings of the most diverse kinds are active in all this development. We have also pointed out in other lectures how, in the field of spiritual science, we see in the individual bodies of our world system not only physical, material things, but physical and material things combined with higher and higher and lower spiritual entities, with the most exalted kinds of entities that work for the good of the whole system, and also with spiritual entities of a lower kind that intervene to hinder and destroy. Of course, we must be clear that whatever appears to be hindering and destructive is, on the whole, incorporated in the wisdom of the whole system. Therefore, one would like to say: If something seemingly destructive, inhibiting and evil exists somewhere, then through the course of the whole, evolution is so wisely guided that even this destructive, inhibiting and evil is redirected, diverted for the good, for the best. But what we want to vividly present to our minds today is the existence of such spiritual beings – and first of all we want to consider spiritual beings of a sublime nature – who belong to the creative beings; while man will have to work for a long time in evolution before he ascends to the rank of a creative being. We will particularly consider a class of those entities that were involved in the construction of our solar system when the Earth began its evolution as Saturn in our world.
[ 3 ] Our Earth began its development as Saturn and progressed through the evolution of the sun and moon to its present form. At that time, when our Earth was Saturn, everything on this world body of Saturn was quite different from our present Earth planet. What we call solid rock masses, the mineral world in the modern sense, did not exist on Saturn. But there was also no water in the modern sense, not even air. Rather, what was present of the modern elements of the earth at that time can only be compared with warmth, with “fire”, as we say in occultism. You would not get a correct idea if you thought that this Saturn fire looked like a modern candle flame or a gas flame. You get a correct idea if you consider what pulsates up and down in your own body, if you reflect on the fundamental difference in this respect between a lower animal being, which has retained certain stages of development, and the human being. A lower animal being has the warmth of its surroundings. An amphibian has no internal warmth of its own, but has the warmth of its surroundings; it is as cold or as warm as its surroundings. Man has his own internal warmth, which must be the same as he needs it to be. His organism must ensure that when it is cold outside, he can still maintain his warmth at a certain level, and you know that when disturbances occur in this own warmth, such as fever and so on, that there is also a disturbance in the health of the physical body. You know, the point is that man has the measure of his warmth inside, and he must think of this inner warmth as being based on something like a power that produces this warmth. This power is not water, not earth, not air, but an element in itself, and this element alone was present on the old Saturn, the first embodiment of our Earth. If you had gone for a walk in space back then – this is of course a fantasy, but it is good for forming an idea of what it was like – you would not have seen Saturn; for in its oldest state it did not even spread light. For this, the world bodies must first become a sun or enter into a connection with a sun in order to become luminous. If you had approached the old Saturn, you would have noticed in its vicinity: there is warmth! You would have noticed at some point that it was getting warm, and you would think that there was some space filled with warmth; you would enter as if into an oven. The existence of old Saturn would have been announced by this power of warmth alone. This is a fine material state, of which today's man, least of all a learned physicist, can hardly form a correct idea; but it exists, a state finer than a gas, finer than air, and everything that was present in man at that time, namely the first structures of the physical body, consisted of this substance. If you could remove everything from yourself today except for the warmth of your blood, then you would have those first human faculties again in front of you. But that could not be, because you cannot live like that. Today it is not possible to live with this mineral kingdom, water kingdom and so on, as man lived on ancient Saturn. In those days you could. So today you have to think of everything that you have in terms of juices, tissues, and solid components, for example, and you also have to disregard what you absorb from the air as oxygen. You have to imagine that the only thing left of you is the warmth contained in your blood, which is of course also in a completely different form: a physical human being that consists only of warmth! It is a gruesome idea for a modern-day naturalist, but all the more correct and real for that!
[ 4 ] Such was the structure of man, of his physical body. On this Saturn, all the other creatures that are on Earth today, such as animals, plants and minerals, were not present. In those days, Saturn consisted entirely of human beings, which were clumped together like the small berries of a blackberry that form a larger one. Likewise, the mass of Saturn was a large berry, composed of tiny berries that were human beings. This old Saturn was such a sphere. If we were to examine the surroundings of this Saturn, as we examine the surroundings of our Earth, and find that it is surrounded by an atmosphere in which formations such as fog, clouds and so on occur, we would not find things of a material nature in the not find material things in the environment of Saturn; but we would find spiritual substances, spiritual entities in the atmosphere of Saturn, which are consistently of a higher nature than man was on Saturn at that time in his first creation.
[ 5 ] We now want to deal with a particular kind of being that was associated with the existence of Saturn. There we find the Spirits of Will, then the Spirits of Wisdom, Spirits of Movement, of Form, of Personality, the Spirits of the Sons of Fire and the Spirits of the Sons of Twilight. Today, we will focus in particular on the Spirits of Form, because, as we shall see, they played an important role at the beginning of our present evolution on Earth. From the whole series of spiritual beings present in the atmosphere and surroundings of Saturn, we want to single out the Spirits of Form and be aware that these Spirits of Form have undergone a development to this day, just as all beings undergo a development. Just as man has received the etheric body on the sun, the astral body on the moon, and the I on the earth, and has thereby become more and more perfect, so have the spirits of form also undergone their development.
[ 6 ] These spirits of form had no physical body on Saturn. They were constituted there in such a way that they had an etheric body as the lowest link of their being, which can be compared to the etheric body of a human being. We would therefore have to completely imagine away the physical body and imagine the etheric body as the lowest link of their being. Then these beings have an astral body, an ego, spirit self or manas, life spirit or buddhi, spirit man or atman, and an eighth member that is one degree higher than what a human being can achieve in the course of his development through earthly embodiments. These spirits of form thus work outwardly on Saturn through their etheric body in exactly the same way as a human being on Earth works outwardly through his physical body. They do not have hands with which they can work on Saturn, nor feet with which they can walk, and so on; for these are all members of the physical body. But their etheric body expresses itself in such a way that they continually radiate fertilizing life juices into the Saturn mantle in the form of very fine matter. We can imagine Saturn as we have described it, and from the surrounding area - continually and from all sides - fertilizing life juices radiating onto Saturn like rain from the etheric bodies of the spirits of form. Saturn itself had a property whereby it did not retain these fertilizing life juices, but continually reflected them like a mirror. This is how the mirror images of Saturn that I have already mentioned in earlier lectures arise. You can imagine the warm matter of Saturn continually receiving the rays of the etheric bodies of the spirits of form, and reflecting them back. We can get a rough idea of this if we imagine how rain from the clouds trickles down to the earth, collects in the earth and rises again as vapors. We must not imagine this to have a time in between, but rather imagine this process without a time in between: how the luxuriantly proliferating life juices flow in and are reflected back again, so that the formations of Saturn, the first structures of the human physical body, resemble mirror images. They are actually made up of mirror images. It is a good image for what was present as the physical makeup of man on Saturn, if you imagine a person standing in front of you and look into his eye: you send your light into the other's eye, and your image comes radiating towards you from his eye. So it was with the spirits of form in the environment of ancient Saturn. They sent their life-giving juices down into the warmth of Saturn, and their own form, their image, was reflected in this warmth; and this reflected image was the first formation of the human physical body. Even on ancient Saturn, man was literally in the image of his deity.
[ 7 ] When we now proceed to the sun, which arose from the old Saturn, this further development takes place in that the spirits of form no longer need an etheric or life body; they give up the etheric body. They no longer radiate the fertilizing life juices downwards, but they give off the etheric body, and thus the first physical Anlagen of human beings permeate with the etheric body. The etheric body that human beings have received on the sun is initially formed out of the etheric bodies of the spirits of form, a piece of the etheric body of the spirits of form. These celestial spiritual entities have mirrored themselves in the warm Saturn and have gradually become more independent by sacrificing to it and creating images, becoming capable of the greater deed of laying down their etheric body, sacrificing it, and now permeating with life, with their own life force, what they first shaped as an image. If you could endow the reflection that radiates back at you from the eye of your fellow human being with life, make it independent, so that it would have its own life and could step out of the eye, you would have an act that the spirits of form performed during the transition from the old Saturn to the sun. This was a significant advance for our cosmic development.
[ 8 ] You know, of course, that all legends and myths always have multiple meanings. If we visualize the true facts of world evolution in a spiritual sense, the myths present themselves to us in a surprising way in their truth. This can also happen now with a myth.
[ 9 ] Let us consider the progress that takes place from Saturn to the Sun. On ancient Saturn, the life-giving forces radiated in, were reflected back and were absorbed again by the mantle, by the atmosphere of Saturn. In the old Greek myth, the warm sphere of Saturn was called “Gaea” and the atmosphere “Cronus”. Now consider the myth: the life-giving forces of Cronus continually radiate into Gaea, into Saturn, and are absorbed again. It is Cronus who continually devours his own children! Such a truth of a myth must be felt. If you do not feel it, you do not have the right attitude towards it. Just think about what it means that in the dim and distant past of ancient Greece we find a myth that presents this truth to us in a wonderful way! There is only one possible explanation for such a fact, and that is that the most advanced individuals of humanity, who guided the development of humanity in the mysteries, knew exactly that about the development of the world that we proclaim today in Theosophy. Just as we speak about these things here, so it was spoken of in the old mysteries of Greece, and for the great masses these truths were clothed in images, and these images formed that which we know today as myth. Strange are those people who believe that only in the last forty years truth has been discovered by men, and that all that earlier times knew is only the product of a childish imagination. But it must be called a childish notion when it is emphasized again and again how wonderfully far we have come today. That is the truly childish notion!
[ 10 ] Thus we pass from Saturn to the Sun and continue to consider the evolution of the Spirits of Form. They have laid aside their etheric body, which they have poured out and given to the body of the earth, while the human body has been permeated by the etheric body of the Spirits of Form. They themselves now have the astral body as the lowest link of their being, and their higher development means that they not only have a link above the spiritual man or Atman, but another link as well; so that we must now describe their being with astral body, I, spirit self, life spirit, spiritual man, an eighth member and a ninth member, which are exalted above what man can attain in his complete seven-membered development.
[ 11 ] What kind of “outside” do the spirits of form offer? The Spirits of Form around Saturn have, so to speak, trickled the 'rain of life' down onto Saturn. The Spirits of Form on the Sun express themselves through the impulses, desires and passions that radiate onto the Sun, through everything that is anchored in the astral body. If someone had sat on the sun and looked out into space, they would not have seen lightning flash and heard thunder roll, but they would have perceived the passions of spiritual beings around them in astral light - passions all around, and you would not have to imagine only base passions. These passions, these affects all around, continued to create the planet from the outside in. If we look at the myths further, we literally see the creative “titans” within our evolution of the earth, the creative passions that work from the outside in, from the spiritual air circles of the sun when it was a planet.
[ 12 ] Now we are moving on to the moon - the sun is transforming into the moon. This means in the course of development that the spirits of form now also discard their astral body and that their lowest link is the ego. If we wanted to describe their nature, we would say: just as the human being has the physical body as its lowest link, so these spirits of form, which live around the moon, have the I as their lowest link, then have a spiritual self, a life spirit, spiritual people, an eighth, a ninth link and then a tenth link. So they offer their ego to the outside world. It is very strange, but it is so: they offer nothing but egos to the outside world; they are literally bursting with egos on the outside. All activity in the environment of the moon is as if you were facing beings who express all their individuality, all their peculiarity to you. This happened from the atmosphere of the moon. Imagine that all the I's within you, which are here in your physical body, were suddenly released from the physical body; the physical body, the etheric body, the astral body would be gone, only your I's would be there as the lowest link, and they could express themselves through space. Imagine yourself on the old moon and your selves out in the world, but in such a way that these selves would be embedded in the spiritual substances, only the lowest members of the spirits of form from the air: then you would have an idea of how the spirits of form express themselves as nothing but selves from space. They have given up their astral body, which they still had on the sun, to humans, so that the human being on the moon now consists of a physical body, an etheric body and an astral body.
[ 13 ] In order to put ourselves in this matter well, let us make a small sketch of it in the following way. We will imagine that this is the Saturn human being, the Saturn human being who has the first rudiments of the physical body. Floating above him, we must think of beings who are the spirits of form, who have an etheric body, an astral body, an ego, a spirit self, a life spirit, a spiritual human being, up to the eighth link.

[ 14 ] Now we have to think of the next state. In the case of the sun man, we have the physical body and the etheric body. The etheric body had come into being when the spirits of form poured out their etheric body and retained only their astral body, so that the spirits of form have their astral body, their ego, and so on up to the ninth link.

[ 15 ] Then we go to the moon. We have the human being consisting of a physical body, etheric body and astral body, and the astral body has only come into being because the spirits of form sacrificed their astral body and now have the ego as their lowest link, then the spirit self and so on up to the tenth link. In this way, everything that we call “human” has gradually flowed down from the surroundings of the planet, being assembled from the outside. Everything that is inside was once outside and has entered the human being.
[ 16 ] Let us now follow the development on earth itself: at the beginning of the development of the earth, man has his physical body as an attachment, then his etheric body and astral body. The Spirits of Form come over from the moon. Their lowest link is the I; this I they now also sacrifice and fertilize the human being in his disposition with the I, so that the I, as it appears on earth, is a fertilizing power that now emanates from the Spirits of Form; and the Spirits of Form retain as the lowest link of their being the spirit-self or Manas. If we wanted to describe them, we would have to say: The Spirits of Form rule over us in our environment in the earth's atmosphere. Their lowest link is spirit-self or manas, in which they live and weave, and they have sacrificed what they still had on the moon, the self that works on all sides. That trickled down and fertilized man.
[ 17 ] Now let us follow this process of human development on earth itself. We can indicate the point in the human being where the I is instilled; but today we will only look at this schematically. The human being receives his I. Naturally, this I first encounters the astral body, which surrounds it like an auric sheath; it first flows into this and permeates the astral body. This is at the time we call the 'Lemurian'. In the Lemurian period, over long periods of time that vary for different people, this I first enters and fertilizes the astral body. So let us now imagine this evolved human being.
[ 18 ] The physical body at that time did not consist of bones, flesh and blood as it does today, but was a very soft structure, even without cartilage, and this body was permeated as if by magnetic currents. So the physical body was there, then there was the etheric body as the next, and then the astral body, which is fertilized with the ego. We have to imagine this fertilization in such a way that something like a hole, like an incision, arises in the astral body, like an invagination. It is actually the case that something like an opening arises at the top of the astral body through the influence of the I, an opening down to the etheric body (see drawing on p. 74). This had a great significance and a great effect, and the consequence of it is that the first dim perception of an external physical world occurs. In earlier states, the human being perceived nothing but what lived within him; he was as if hermetically sealed from the outside. He perceived only himself and what was going on within him. Only now did his view open up to an external physical world. But man was not yet completely independent. Many things were still regulated for him by other divine beings with whom he was connected. It was not yet the case that man could immediately see everything around him, as is the case today; but because only his astral body was open, he also only perceived with this body. It was a very dim kind of clairvoyance, which consisted in the fact that when man moved over the earth in this ancient past, he perceived that which was outside his physicality, and indeed insofar as it was sympathetic or unsympathetic, useful or harmful to him. When he moved about in this way, he perceived, for example, a garish red color image that arose as an auric color image; for it was only his astral body that had been opened. Now, when a red color image arose, he knew: there is a being nearby that is dangerous to me! And when a blue-red color image approached him, he knew that he could go there. He only perceived the soul; he did not yet perceive what is present in today's plants, for example. He only perceived what was present as soul in other people and in animals, and indeed also the group souls. So that was the first fertilization with the ego.
[ 19 ] This I gradually took shape more and more, and in such a way that what came into the astral body as a fertilizing element permeated it more and more; so that the I was more and more present in the feelings of pleasure and displeasure of the astral body. As the I spread out in the astral body, what is called the sentient soul in my book 'Theosophy' arose. That is the sentient soul that arose. It is as if the fertilizing I spread its power over the entire astral body and thereby brought about the sentient soul.

[ 20 ] Now we will have to insert an important thing here. We have now seen a fairly normal course of evolution. We have seen how the spirits of form beamed their lowest link, their I, into the old moon, and how, when the moon became the earth, they gave up this I and thereby fertilized man with the I. Now we know that certain entities remained on the moon that did not complete their development on the moon. What does that mean? It means that they did not progress to the stage where they acquired the ability to let their I flow out and thus fertilize human beings. They could not do that. They were still at the old moon level when they worked with their I into the atmosphere of the earth. They were entities that had remained in the vicinity of the human being and worked in the same way as the spirits of form on the moon; this is how these remaining entities worked on earth. In the atmosphere of the earth, the human being was surrounded by I-beings that had not yet given up their I. These entities now strive to do on earth the last thing they had to do on the moon. As a result, the human being was exposed to influences that would not have belonged to him in the normal course of development here. These influences of the I-spirits radiated into his astral body. While the instilled I of the spirits of form was transforming his astral body, at the same time the I-spirits, which had not reached the point of view of the spirits of form, radiated lower forces to him than would have had to be radiated to him in normal development. These lower forces caused the human being to disintegrate into a higher and a lower part. Thus, through the instillation of the I on the part of the spirits of form, we have the I that is predisposed to selflessness, and through what is instilled by the retarded I-spirits, we have the other I that is predisposed to selfhood, to egoism. This is the I that does not yet want to let go of instincts, desires and passions. They penetrate it and permeate the astral body, so that two things are present in the human astral body: selfless instincts, those that want to go higher, and those passions that are permeated with selfishness; these have entered into man through the influence of the I-spirits and are anchoring themselves in him.
[ 21 ] Now let us continue to observe the development itself. We have seen how the astral body has been completely permeated by the power of the instilled I. The next step is that the etheric body is also seized by this power, so that a kind of hole to the outside world also arises in the etheric body. If we want to draw this, we have to do it as if we have a physical body in the middle, then a perforated ether body, which is completely filled by the power of the ego, and then the astral body, which is also filled by the power of the ego. So now we have the power in the etheric body that wants to go outwards: the etheric body opens up to the outside world (see drawing).

[ 22 ] We are now roughly in the first and second third of the Atlantean period in the formation of the human being. Ancient clairvoyance still existed, but not in the sense that only the useful and harmful, the sympathetic and unsympathetic were seen in images; rather, something like living dream images appeared before the person that remained for a long time. For the etheric body is the vehicle of memory, and since these human beings had not yet had any disturbance from the physical body, they retained such images, which they absorbed from outside, for an extremely long time. In those days memory was a particularly outstanding power of the soul. You can read in “From the Akashic Records” what people were like in this respect at that time. It is still not a complete view of the outside world, but a kind of dim clairvoyance. However, this is more comprehensive than perception through the astral body. It encompasses more, allowing everything to arise in powerful images that are clearly formed, like a dream but already corresponding to the external objects; whereas before, the images only served to tell the person how to behave, whether to take this or that direction. But the external objects were not yet seen.
[ 23 ] Now we are going further and arrive at the last third of the Atlantean era. Now not only the astral body and the etheric body, but also the physical body is seized by the power of the ego (see drawing). The disposition for a bulge arises in the physical body. The physical body becomes bulged, and around it we have the etheric body and the astral body. Let us now visualize this schematically; in the course of the next lectures we will get to know the realities of it. So in a sense, such a kind of bulge had occurred. The physical body took up the I within itself. Between the eyebrows lies the point — I have often spoken to you about it — where the I is received. With this opening, which comes about through the penetration of the physical body with the I, we must particularly think of the opening of the physical senses. The I permeates the eye, the sense of hearing; this is not just one opening, but a whole series of openings. All this is happening in the last third of the Atlantean era, and only through this is the physical human body being transformed into what it is today.

[ 24 ] We now call the transformed etheric body, as it was formed in the first Atlantean period, the “mind soul” or “emotional soul”, and the transformed physical body we call the “conscious soul”. So you have presented what you find described in my Theosophy as a consequence of evolution, as it is today. Here you can see how things have gradually formed.
[ 25 ] Now the physical body is also open to the outside and man is only now really getting to know the outside world, and now the conscious transformation of the astral body begins. Before that, everything was more or less an unconscious transformation; for the consciousness soul is only now present. If we want to visualize this state, we have to think of it schematically: the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body are unlocked, and through the fact that the human being enters into a relationship with the outside world, he forms an impact within himself. That is all that the I develops through contact with the outside world, that the I learns during contact with the outside world. Now imagine that the whole thing that the ego develops in this way becomes bigger and bigger, and it is actually the case – admittedly schematically, but entirely in line with the real process – that this new structure, which the human being develops little by little, wraps itself around his astral body and unites with his astral body and then, in the course of evolution, transforms it into the actual human

[ 26 ] Manas or spirit self (see drawing). Man is now in this work, in that he is transforming his astral body into Manas or spiritual self through what he acquires through his contact with the outside world. We are still in the midst of this process. But because the Spirits of Form have abandoned the I and instilled it into man, we are surrounded by these Spirits of Form as entities whose lowest link is a manasic, the spirit-self. If we want to look for these Spirits of Form, for their lowest link, in our environment, we find it in what we ourselves gradually develop as the fifth link. What we develop as human wisdom, by means of which we must become ever wiser and wiser, we should find expressed in our environment as the lowest form of the spirits of form. Let us consider what more exalted, higher entities have done around us, in which we do not yet share. Let us look, as I have often done before, at a piece of thigh bone, in which beams, going back and forth, are joined together into a wonderful scaffold, so that we have to say to ourselves: here, with the smallest amount of material, the greatest measure of strength has been achieved! What man gradually attains in his wisdom, we see here in a mysterious way. Man will gradually learn - what he is not yet able to do today - to build bridge structures through his engineering skills that will be forms of wisdom, which will be as wisely designed as the thighbones support the human torso as pillars. The entire human body is designed so wisely, an expression and a revelation of wisdom, and when we go out into nature, we encounter this wisdom everywhere. Take, for example, the beaver lodges. We see how the beavers gather in certain seasons, when the water reaches a greater gradient, to build a lodge at a certain angle in the water, thereby holding back the water and creating a new gradient, all technically correct and as if they had all the tools of mathematics and other sciences at their disposal. Everywhere around us we find everything imbued and impregnated with wisdom, with that with which we ourselves will be imbued when we have developed manas to its full extent. This wisdom, which we find everywhere, is something that belongs to the members of the spirits of form. Just as our lowest link is the physical body, so the wisdom that we find around us is the lowest link of the spirits of form. Then these spirits of form have buddhi, atman, where we have our etheric body and astral body, and then the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh links. So you see, we are dealing here with highly exalted beings, to whom we look up, and when we see wisdom in our environment, we only see the last link of these highly exalted beings. We are to these exalted beings like an animal, a lower being, that crawls around on humans and only sees the physical body on its outside. Forgive me for the image, the comparison! We grovel on the earth and see the wisdom that is for the spirits of form as the physical body is for us. Such a being is what we call the creative spirit in relation to man, for this creative spirit has instilled his ego into him.
[ 27 ] Just as we rise to the Manas in the way described, so we will rise in the further course of development through the transformation of the etheric body: we incorporate the life spirit, the Buddhi. We have in our environment Manas or the spirit self as the wisdom impregnated in the world. Just as this is the lowest link of spiritual entities, the spirits of form, other entities are also linked to the earth, the lowest link of which is not our fifth, Manas, but our sixth link, that is, the spirit of life or Buddhi. In our environment, the atmosphere is for such entities whose last link, as the link of higher entities, corresponds to our spirit of life. And just as it is true that at the beginning of the evolution of the earth an external act instilled the ego into man, so it is true that at a certain point in the evolution of the earth the first impression and influence of those entities occurred which gradually instilled the full power of the Buddhi into man. In the time when the I was instilled in ancient, gray prehistory, after two thousand years there was still not much to be seen of such I's in human bodies. All this happened gradually. It took many millennia for the power of the I to fully develop. Never should one imagine that the instillation of the I was such an event that someone could say: “Nothing special happened, I do not recognize it; this is an event like the ones that happened before!” If any peculiarly “enlightened” minds had lived on earth two thousand years after the instillation of the ego and had founded a materialism at that time, they would have said: Oh, there are some among us who claim that a special power came from heaven and brought all people forward; but that is a dualism of the most reprehensible kind; we, as monists, must declare that this is something that was there before! — These things occurred gradually and slowly.
[ 28 ] Just as at the beginning of the Lemurian period a mighty forward leap occurred through the instillation of the ego, which only later made it possible of developing the spirit-self or manas, so there is an event of fundamental significance whereby man will be able to develop not only manas within the whole human being, but the spirit of life or buddhi. And this event is the deed of Golgotha, is the appearance of Christ on earth! It may be that some people will deny this today; but this event is just as much an effect of the environment as the other was an effect of the environment. Thus we see that we understand the course of the world from its spiritual side when we look into the depths of this world. We gradually learn to raise our gaze not only to a material existence; but we discover spiritual beings and their deeds everywhere we look into space, and through what we call theosophy, we get to know the deeds of these spiritual entities. We live, weave and are within the spiritual entities and their deeds.
[ 29 ] Next time, we want to take a closer look at the human organism and point out the points as they have really developed, after we have looked at them more schematically today.