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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

The Spiritual Background of Human History
GA 174b

First LectureSeptember 13, 1914
Second LectureFebruary 13, 1915
Third LectureFebruary 14, 1915
Fourth LectureNovember 22, 1915
Fifth LectureNovember 23, 1915
Sixth LectureNovember 24, 1915
Seventh LectureMarch 12, 1916
Eighth LectureMarch 15, 1916
Ninth LectureMay 11, 1917
Tenth LectureMay 13, 1917
Eleventh LectureMay 15, 1918
Twelfth LectureFebruary 23, 1918
Thirteenth LectureFebruary 24, 1918
Fourteenth LectureApril 23, 1918
Fifteenth LectureApril 26, 1918
Sixteenth LectureMarch 21, 19211