The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness
GA 189
These eight lectures, given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in February and March of 1919, are entitled, The Social Question as a Question of Consciousness, published in German as, Die Soziale Frage als Bewusstseinsfrage. Die geistigen Hintergruende der sozialen Frage. Band I.
Lecture I | February 15, 1919 | |
Lecture II | February 16, 1919 | |
Lecture III | February 21, 1919 | |
Lecture IV | March 01, 1919 | |
Lecture V | March 02, 1919 | |
Lecture VI | March 07, 1919 | |
Lecture VII | March 15, 1919 | |
Lecture VIII | March 16, 1919 |