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Karmic Relationships IV
GA 238

23 September 1924, Dornach

Translated by George Adams

Lecture X

[ 1 ] From our last lecture you will at any rate have seen that the man of to-day, constituted as he is in his bodily nature and by education, cannot easily bring into his present incarnation such spiritual contents as are seeking to enter in from former incarnations. He cannot even do so when this present incarnation is so strange and unusual a one as that of which I spoke last Sunday. For, in effect, we are living in the age of evolution of the conscious, spiritual soul. This is an evolution of the soul which evolves most especially the intellect, i.e., that faculty of the soul which governs the whole of life to-day, no matter how often people may be crying out for heart and sentiment and feeling. It is the faculty of the soul which is most able to emancipate itself from the elementarily human qualities, from that which man bears within him as his deeper being of soul.

[ 2 ] A certain consciousness of this emancipation of the intellectual life does indeed find its way through when people speak of the cold intellect in which men express their egoism, their lack of sympathy and compassion with the rest of mankind, nay even with those who are nearest to them in their life. Speaking of the coldness of the intellect one has in mind the following of all those paths which lead, not to the ideals of the soul, but to the planning of one's life on utilitarian principles and the like.

[ 3 ] In all these things people give expression to a feeling of how the element of intellect and rationalism emancipates itself within the human being from what is truly human. And indeed if one can fully see the extent to which the souls of to-day are intellectualised, one will understand also in every single case how karma must carry into the souls of to-day the high spirituality which these souls have passed through in former epochs. [ 4 ] For I ask you to consider the following.—Let us take quite a general case. I showed you a special example last time, but let us now take the general case of a soul that lived in the centuries before the Mystery of Golgotha or even after the Mystery of Golgotha in such a way as to take the spiritual world absolutely as a matter of course. Let us think of a human being who in such a life could speak of the spiritual world out of his own experience as of a world that is no less real and present than the many-coloured warm and cold world of the senses.

[ 5 ] All these things are there within the soul. And in the interval between death and a new birth, or in repeated intervals of this kind, all these things have entered into relationship with the spiritual worlds of higher Hierarchies. Many and manifold things have been worked out in such a soul.

[ 6 ] But now, let us say through other karmic circumstances, such a soul has to incarnate in a body which is altogether attuned to intellectualism, a body which can receive from the civilisation of to-day only the current conceptions which relate, after all, only to external things. In such a case this alone will be possible, for the present incarnation: the spirituality that comes over from former times will withdraw into the subconscious. And such a personality will reveal in the intellect which he evolves perhaps a certain idealism, a tendency to all manner of good and beautiful and true ideals. But he will not come to the point of lifting up from the subconscious into the ordinary consciousness the things that are there latent in his soul. There are many such souls to-day. And for him who is truly able to observe with a trained eye for spiritual things, many a countenance to-day will contradict what openly comes forth in him who wears it. For the countenance says: in the foundations of the soul there is much spirituality, but as soon as the human being speaks, he speaks not of spirituality at all. In no age was it the case in such a high degree as it is to-day, that the countenances of men contradict what they themselves say and declare.

[ 7 ] We must understand that strength and energy, perseverance and a holy enthusiasm are necessary in order to transform into spirituality the intellectualism which after all belongs to the present age. These things are necessary that the thoughts and ideas of men to-day may rise into the spiritual world and that man may find the path of ideas upward to the Spirit no less than downward into Nature. And if we would understand this, then we must fully realise that intellectualism to begin with offers the greatest imaginable hindrance to the revelation of any spiritual content that is present within the soul. Only when we are really aware of this, only then shall we, as Anthroposophists, find the true inner enthusiasm. Then shall we receive on the one hand the ideas of Anthroposophy which must indeed reckon with the intellectualism of the age, which must remain, so to speak, the garment of contemporary intellectualism. Then shall we also become permeated with the consciousness that with the ideas of Anthroposophy, relating as they do, not to the mere outer world of sense, we are destined really to take hold of that to which they do relate, namely, the spiritual. To enter deeply and perseveringly into the ideas of Anthroposophy—it is this in the last resort which will most surely guide the man of to-day upward into spirituality, if only he is willing.

[ 8 ] But what I have said in this last sentence, my dear friends, can truly only be said since about the last two or three decades. Previously one could not have said it. For although the dominion of Michael began already with the end of the seventies, nevertheless it was formerly the case that the ideas which the age provided were so strongly and exclusively directed to the world of sense that even for the idealist to rise from intellectualism to spirituality was possible only in rare, exceptional cases in the seventies, eighties and nineties of the last century.

[ 9 ] To-day I will give you an example to reveal the outcome of this fact. I will show you by an example how strong and inevitable a force is working in this age to drive back and dam up the spiritual contents which are surging forth from former times in human souls. Nay, at the end of last century such spiritual contents had to withdraw and give way to intellectualism if they were to be able to reveal themselves in any way at all.

[ 10 ] Please understand me rightly. Let us assume that some personality living in the second half of the 19th century bore within him a strong spirituality from former incarnations. Such a personality lives and finds his way into the culture and education of this present time (or of that time) which is intellectualistic, thoroughly intellectualistic. In the personality whom I now mean, the after-working of former spirituality is still so strong that it is really determined to come forth, but the intellectualism will not suffer it. The man is educated intellectually. In the social intercourse which he enters into, in his calling or profession, everywhere he experiences intellectualism. Into this intellectualism what he bears within his soul cannot enter. Such a human being would be one of whom we might say that Anthroposophy would truly have been his calling. But he cannot become an Anthroposophist, though the very thing which he bears within him from a former incarnation, if it could enter into the intellect, would have become Anthroposophy. It cannot become Anthroposophy; it stops short; it recoils as it were from intellectualism. What else can such a personality do? At most he will treat intellectualism again and again as a thing into which he does not really want to enter, so that in one incarnation or another what he bears within his soul may be able to come forth. Of course it will not come forth completely, for it is not according to the age. It will very likely be a kind of stammering; but it will be visible in such a man how he recoils and shrinks again and again from going too far, from being touched too closely by the intellectualism of the age.

[ 11 ] I want to give you an example of this very thing to-day. To begin with I will remind you of a personality of ancient time whom we have mentioned here again and again in all manner of connections, I mean Plato. In Plato the philosopher of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C. there lives a soul who forestalls many of the things that mankind ponders on for centuries to come. You will remember when I drew your attention to the great spiritual contents of the School of Chartres, how I referred to the Platonic spirit which had been living for a long time in the development of Christianity. And in a certain sense it was in the great teachers of Chartres that this Platonic spirit found its true development according to the possibilities of that time.

[ 12 ] We must realise that the spirit of Plato is devoted in the first place to the world of Ideas. We must not, however, conceive that the “Ideas” in Plato's works are the abstract monster which ideas are for us to-day, if we are given up to the ordinary consciousness. For Plato, the “Ideas” were to some extent almost what the Persian Gods had been, the Amschaspands who as active genii assisted Ahura Mazdao. Active genii attainable only in imaginative vision—such in reality were the Ideas in Plato. They had a quality of being, only he no longer described them with the vividness with which such things had been described in former times. He described them as it were like the shades of beings. Indeed this is how abstract thoughts henceforth evolved: the Ideas were taken by human beings in an ever more and more shadow-like way. But Plato, as he lived on, nevertheless grew deeper in a certain way, so that one might say: well-nigh all the wisdom of that time poured itself out into his world of Ideas. We need only take his later Dialogues, and we shall find matters astronomical, astrological, cosmological, psychological, the last named expressed in a most wonderful way, and matters concerning the history of nations. All these things were found in Plato in a kind of spirituality which, if I may so describe it, refines and shadows down the spiritual to the form of the Idea.

[ 14 ] But in Plato everything is alive, and in Plato above all this perception is alive: that the Ideas are the foundations of all things present in the world of sense. Wherever we turn our gaze in the world of sense, whatever we behold, it is the outward expression and manifestation of Ideas.

Withal there enters into Plato's world of conception yet another element which has indeed become well known to all the world in a catchword much misunderstood and much misused—I mean the catchword of Platonic love. The love that is spiritual through and through, that has laid aside as much as possible of that egoism which is so often mingled with love—this spiritualised devotion to the world, to life, to man, to God, to the Idea, is a thing that permeates the Platonic conception of life through and through. It is a thing which afterwards recedes in certain ages only to light up again repeatedly. For Platonism is absorbed by human beings ever and again. Again and again at one place or another it becomes the staff by which men draw themselves upward. And Platonism, as we know, entered most significantly into all that was taught in the School of Chartres.

[ 14 ] Plato has often been regarded as a kind of precursor of Christianity. But to imagine Plato as a precursor of Christianity is to misunderstand the latter, for Christianity is not a doctrine, it is a stream of life which takes its start from the Mystery of Golgotha. It is only since the Mystery of Golgotha that we can speak of a real Christianity. We can however say that there were Christians before the Mystery of Golgotha in this sense, that they revered as the Sun Being and recognised in the Sun Being the sublime Figure who was subsequently recognised as the Christ within the earthly life of mankind. If, however, we speak of precursors of Christianity in this sense we must apply the term to many pupils of the ancient Mysteries, among whom we may indeed include Plato. Only we must then understand the thing aright.

[ 15 ] Now I already spoke at this place some time ago of a young artist who grew up while Plato was still living, not exactly in Plato's School of the Philosophers but under Plato's influence. Indeed I mentioned this matter already many years ago. Having passed through other incarnations in the meantime this individuality was reborn, not out of the Platonic philosophy but out of the Platonic spirit. He was reborn as Goethe, having karmically transformed in the Jupiter region what came to him from former incarnations, and notably from the one in which he partook of the Platonic stream, so that it became that kind of wisdom which does indeed permeate all the contents of Goethe's work. Thus we can indeed turn our gaze to a noble and pure relationship between Plato and this—I will not say “disciple”—but follower of Plato. For as I said, he was not a philosopher but an artist in that Grecian incarnation. Nevertheless Plato's eye did fall upon him and perceived the infinite promise that lay within this youth.

[ 16 ] Now it was truly hard for Plato to carry through the following epochs, through the super-sensible world, what he had borne within his soul in his Plato incarnation. It was very hard for him. For although Platonism lit up here and there, when Plato himself looked down upon the Platonism that evolved here on the earth, it was for him only too frequently a dreadful disturbance in his super-sensible life of soul and spirit.

[ 17 ] I do not mean that that which lived on as Platonism was therefore to be condemned or harshly criticised. Needless to say the soul of Plato carried over livingly into the following epochs piece by piece and ever more and more, what lay within him. But Plato above all, Plato who was still united with the Mysteries of antiquity, of whom I said that his Doctrine of Ideas contained a certain ancient Persian impulse—Plato found the greatest difficulty in entering a new incarnation. When he had absolved the time between death and a new birth—and in his case it was a fairly long time—he found real difficulty in entering the Christian epoch into which, after all, he had to enter. Thus although in the sense I just explained we may describe Plato as a forerunner of Christianity, nevertheless the whole orientation of his soul was such as to make it extraordinarily difficult for him, when ready to descend to earth again, to find a bodily organism into which he might carry his former impulses in a way that they might now come forth again with a Christian colouring.

Moreover Plato was a Greek. He was a Greek through and through, with all those oriental impulses which the Greeks still had, which the Romans had not at all. Plato was in a certain sense a soul who carried philosophy upwards into the higher poetic realm. The Dialogues of Plato are works of art. Everywhere is the living soul, everywhere the Platonic love which we need only understand in the true sense and which also bears witness to its oriental origin.

[ 18 ] Plato was a Greek, but the civilisation within which alone he could incarnate, now that he was ripe for incarnation, now that he had grown old for the super-sensible world—this civilisation was Roman and Christian.

Nevertheless, if I may put it so, he must take the plunge. And to repress the inner factors of opposition, he must gather together all his forces. For it lay in Plato's being to reject the prosaic, matter-of-fact and legalistic Roman element, nay indeed to reject all that was Roman.

[ 19 ] And there was also a certain difficulty for his nature to receive Christianity, for he himself represented in a certain sense the highest point of the pre-Christian conception of the world. Moreover even the external facts revealed that the real Plato-being could not easily dive down into the Christian element. For what was it that dived down into Christianity here in the world of sense? It was Neo-Platonism, but this was something altogether different from true Platonism. We remember how there evolved a kind of Platonising Gnosis and the like but there was no real possibility of taking over into Christianity the immediate essence of Plato. Thus it was difficult for Plato himself, out of all the activity which he bore within him as the Plato-being and the results of which he must now bring with him into the world—it was difficult for him to dive down in any way. He had as it were to reduce all this activity.

[ 20 ] And so it was that he reincarnated in the 10th century in the Middle Ages as the nun Hroswith—Hroswitha, that forgotten but great personality of the 10th century, who did indeed receive Christianity in a truly Platonic sense and who carried into the Mid-European nature very, very much of Plato.

She belonged to the Convent of Gandersheim in Brunswick and carried infinitely much of Platonism into the Mid-European nature. This in truth it was only possible at that time for a woman to do. Had not Plato's being appeared with a feminine character and colouring it could not have received Christianity into itself in that age. But the Roman element too was strong in all the culture of that time which had to be received. Perforce, if I may put it so, it had to be received. And so we see the nun Hroswitha evolving into the remarkable personality she was, writing Latin dramas in the style of the Roman poet Terence, dramas which are of extraordinary significance.

[ 21 ] You see, it is appallingly easy to misrepresent Plato wherever he approaches one. I often described how Friedrich Hebbel made notes of a play—it never got beyond the plan—Friedrich Hebbel made notes of a play in which he would give a humorous treatment of the following theme.—Plato reincarnated sits on the benches of a grammar school.—A mere poetic fancy, needless to say, but this was Hebbel's idea.—Plato is reincarnated as a schoolboy while the schoolmaster puts him through the Platonic Dialogues and Plato himself, reincarnated, receives the very worst criticism with respect to the interpretation of the Platonic Dialogues. These things Hebbel noted down as the subject for a play which he never elaborated. Nevertheless it shows, it is like a divination of how easy it is to misunderstand Plato. Now this is a feature which interested me most especially in tracing the stream of Plato. For this very misunderstanding is extraordinarily instructive in finding the right paths of the further life and progress of the Platonic individuality.

[ 22 ] It is indeed highly interesting. There was a German philosopher (I do not remember his name, it was some Schmidt, or Müller), who with all his scholarship “proved” up to the hilt that the nun Hroswitha wrote not a single play, that nothing was due to her, that it was all a forgery by some Counsellor of the Emperor Maximilian. All of which proof is of course nonsense, but there you have it. Plato cannot escape misunderstanding.

[ 23 ] And so we see arising in the individuality of the nun Hroswitha of the 10th century, a truly intensive Christian and Platonic spiritual substantiality united with the Mid-European-Germanic spirit. And in this woman there was living so to speak the whole culture of that time. She was indeed an astonishing personality. And she among others partook in those super-sensible developments of which I told you. I mean the passage of the teachers of Chartres into the spiritual world, the descent of those who were then the Aristotelians, and the discipleship of Michael. But she took part in all these things in a most peculiar way. One may say: here was the masculine spirit of Plato and the feminine spirit of the nun Hroswitha wrestling with one another, inasmuch as they both of them had their results for the spiritual individuality. If the one incarnation had been of no significance, as is generally the case, such an inward wrestling could not afterwards have taken place. But in this individuality it did take place and indeed it went on for the whole succeeding time.

[ 24 ] And at length we see the individuality ripe to return to earth once more in the 19th century. He became an individuality of the very kind I described above as a hypothetical case. For the whole spirituality of Plato is held back, recoils and shrinks back in the face of the intellectuality of the 19th century which it will not come near.

And to make this process the easier the feminine capacity of the nun Hroswitha has been instilled into the same soul. Thus as the soul appears on the scene, all that it had received from its incarnation as a woman, great and radiant as she was, makes it the more easy to repel the modern intellectualism wherever it is not liked.

[ 25 ] Thus the individuality stands upon earth anew in the 19th century. He grows up into the intellectuality of the 19th century but lets it come near him only to a certain extent, externally, while inwardly he is perpetually shrinking back from it. Platonism comes forward in his consciousness not in an intellectualistic way, for again and again, wherever he can, he speaks of how Ideas are living in all things.

The life in Ideas became an absolute matter of course to this personality. Yet his body was such that one continually had the following impression: the head simply cannot give expression to all the Platonism that is seeking to come forth in him. But on the other hand there could spring forth in him in a beautiful way, nay in a glorious way, that which is hidden behind the word “Platonic Love.”

[ 26 ] Nay more, in his youth this personality had something like a dream-intuition of how Mid-Europe cannot and may not after all be truly Roman. For indeed he himself had lived as the nun Hroswitha. Thus in his youth he represented Mid-Europe as a modern Greece. Here we see his Platonism striking through. And he represented the rougher region that had stood over against ancient Greece, namely Macedonia, as the present East of Europe. There were strange dreams living in this personality, dreams from which one could see, and this was very interesting, how he wanted to conceive the modern world in which he himself was living, like Greece and Macedonia. Again and again, especially in his youth, there arose the impulse to conceive the modern world—Europe on a large scale—as Greece and Macedonia magnified.

[ 27 ] The personality of whom I am speaking is none other than Karl Julius Schröer. With the help of all that I have now brought together you need only take Karl Julius Schröer's writings. From the very beginning he speaks in a thoroughly Platonic way. But this is so strange: with a kind of feminine coyness, I might say, he takes good care not to enter into intellectualism wherever he has no use for it.

[ 28 ] When he spoke of Novalis, Schröer was often fond of saying: Novalis—he is a spirit whom one cannot understand with this modern intellectualism which knows only that twice two is four.

[ 29 ] Karl Julius Schröer wrote a history of German poetry in the 19th century. In this history, wherever one can approach a thing with Platonic feeling, it is very good, but wherever one requires intellectualism it is suddenly as though the lines were to sink away into nothingness. He is not a bit like a professor. He writes many pages about some who are passed over in silence by the ordinary histories of literature, while about the famous ones he sometimes writes only a few lines.1There is a gap in the stenograph here. According to some who attended the lecture, Rudolf Steiner spoke of Christian Oeser, the father of Karl Julius Schröer, as being the reincarnation of Socrates.
See the discussion which follows the corresponding German text and alternate English translation available by clicking the 'Show German' at the top of the page.

When this history of literature was first published, how the literary pundits did wring their hands! One of the most eminent among them at that time was Emil Kuh, who declared: this history of literature is not written by a head at all; it simply flowed out of a wrist.

Karl Julius Schröer also published an edition of Faust. A professor—in Graz—for the rest a very good fellow—wrote such a dreadful review of it that I believe no less than ten duels were fought out among the students at Graz pro and contra Schröer.

There was indeed much grievous misunderstanding, failure of recognition. This poor estimate of Schröer went so far that on one occasion at a social gathering in Weimar where I was present, the following thing happened. In that circle Erik Schmidt was a highly respected personality and dominated everything when he was present. Conversation turned on the question, which of the princesses and princes at the Weimar Court were wise and which were stupid. This was being seriously discussed and Erik Schmidt declared: the Princess Reuss (she was one of the daughters of the Grand Duchess Reuss)—the Princess Reuss is not a clever woman for she considers Schröer a great man.—This was his reason!

[ 30 ] But you must go through all his works, down to that most beautiful little book Goethe und die Liebe, for there you will really find what one can say without intellectualism about Platonic Love in immediate and real life. Something extraordinary is given to us in the style and tone of this little book Goethe und die Liebe. It came to me beautifully on one occasion when I was discussing the book with Schröer's sister. She called the style “völlig süss vor Reife”, fully sweet unto ripeness—a pretty expression. And such indeed it is. It is all—I cannot say in this sense so concentrated—but it is all so fine, so delicate in its form. Refinement indeed was a peculiar quality of Schröer's.

[ 31 ] And yet this Platonic spirituality, repelling intellectualism, this Platonic spirituality that did not want to enter into this body made at the same time a quite peculiar and strong impression, for in seeing Schröer one had the distinct perception: this soul is not quite fully there within the body. And then when he grew older one could see how the soul, not being really willing to enter into the body of that time, withdrew little by little out of that body. To begin with the fingers grew swollen and thick. Then the soul withdrew ever more and more, and as we know, Schröer ended in the feeblemindedness of old age. [ 32 ] Certain features of Schröer, not the whole individuality, but certain features, were taken over into my character Capesius, Professor Capesius, in the Mystery Plays.

Here indeed we have a remarkable example of the fact that the spiritual currents of antiquity can only be carried over into the present time under certain conditions. And one may well say that in Schröer the recoiling from intellectuality showed itself characteristically. Had he attained intellectuality, had he been able to unite it with the spirituality of Plato, Anthroposophy itself would have been there.

[ 33 ] And so we see in his karma how his paternal love for his follower Goethe, if so I may describe it, becomes transformed. It had arisen in the way I told you, for in that ancient time Plato had indeed loved him in a paternal way. We see this love karmically transmuted; Schröer becomes a warm admirer of Goethe. Thus it emerges once again.

[ 34 ] There was something extraordinarily personal in Schröer's reverence for Goethe. In his old age he wanted to write a biography of Goethe. Before I left Vienna at the end of the eighties he told me about it and afterwards he wrote me about it. But of this biography of Goethe which he would have liked to write he never wrote in any different vein than this.—He said: Goethe is continually visiting my soul. It always had this personal character which was indeed karmically predestined as I have now indicated.

[ 35 ] The biography of Goethe was never written, for Schröer fell into the feeble-mindedness of old age. But we can indeed find a luminous interpretation of the whole character of his writings if we know the antecedent which I have now explained.

[ 36 ] Thus in the well-nigh forgotten character of Schröer, we see how Goetheanism came to a standstill before the threshold of intellectualism transformed into spirituality. And if I may put it so, one could really do no other, having once been stimulated by Schröer, than carry Goetheanism forward into Anthroposophy. There was no other course to take. And again and again this deeply moving picture (for so it was for me) stood before the eye of my soul: Schröer carrying the ancient spirituality of Goethe, pressing forward in it up to the point of intellectuality. And I understood how Goethe must be grasped again with modern intellectualism, lifted up into the spiritual domain. For only so shall we fully understand him. Nor did this picture by any means make things easy for me. For owing to the fact that that which Schröer was could not directly and fully be received, again and again there was mingled in the striving of my soul, a certain element of opposition against Schröer.

[ 37 ] Thus, for example, when at the Technical University in Vienna Schröer conducted practice classes in lecturing and essay writing, I once gave a pretty distorted interpretation of Mephisto merely to refute my instructor Schröer with whom at that time I was not yet on such intimate and friendly terms. There was indeed a certain opposition stirring within me.

But as I said, what else could one do than loose the congestion that had taken place and carry Goetheanism really onward into Anthroposophy!

[ 38 ] Thus you see how world-history really takes its course. For it takes its course in such a way that we may recognise: whatever we possess in the present day emerges with great hindrances and difficulties. Yet on the other hand it is well prepared.

Read the wonderful hymn-like descriptions of womanhood in Karl Julius Schröer's writings. Read the beautiful essay which he wrote as an appendix to his History of Literature, his History of German Poetry in the 19th Century. Read his essay on Goethe and his relation to women. If you take all these things together you will say to yourselves: truly here is living something of a feeling of the worth and character of womanhood which is an echo of what the nun Hroswitha had lived as her own being. These two preceding incarnations harmonise and vibrate together wonderfully in Schröer's life, so much so that the breaking of the thread became indeed a deeply moving tragedy. And yet in Schröer of all people there enters into the end of the 19th century a world of spiritual facts, immensely illuminating towards an answer to this question: How shall we bring spirituality into the life of the present time.

[ 39 ] Herewith I wished to round off this cycle of lectures.

Zehnter Vortrag

[ 1 ] Aus den Betrachtungen am letzten Sonntag werden Sie jedenfalls dieses gesehen haben, daß der Mensch, wie er körperlich und durch die Erziehung in der Gegenwart gestaltet ist, nicht leicht hereinbringt in die gegenwärtige Inkarnation, selbst wenn sie so merkwürdig liegt wie diejenige, von der ich am letzten Sonntag gesprochen habe, das, was an spirituellem Inhalte aus früheren Inkarnationen hereinwill. Denn wir leben nun einmal in dem Zeitalter der Bewußtseinsseelen-Entwickelung, jener Seelenentwickelung, welche ganz besonders ausbildet den Intellekt, der ja heute das ganze Leben beherrscht, wenn man auch oftmals nach dem Gefühle und Gemüte schreit; diejenige Seelenfähigkeit, die sich am meisten emanzipieren kann von dem elementarisch Menschlichen, von dem, was der Mensch als sein tieferes seelisches \Wesen in sich trägt.

[ 2 ] Das Bewußtsein von dieser Emanzipation des Intellektuellen kommt ja dann durch, wenn gesprochen wird von dem kalten Verstande, in dem die Menschen ihren Egoismus äußern, in dem die Menschen ihre Anteilnahmslosigkeit, ihre Mitleidlosigkeit mit der anderen Menschheit, selbst oftmals mit Nahestehenden äußern. Mit dem kalten Verstande bezeichnet man das Verfolgen all derjenigen Wege, die nicht auf die Ideale der Seele gehen, sondern die darauf hinauslaufen, nach Nützlichkeitsgründen sich die Lebenswege vorzuzeichnen und so weiter.

[ 3 ] In diesen Dingen drückt sich eine Empfindung dafür aus, wie das Verständige, das Intellektualistische, das Rationalistische sich vom Menschlichen im Menschen drinnen emanzipiert. Und wer ganz durchschaut, in welch hohem Grade die heutigen Seelen intellektualisiert sind, der begreift dann auch in jedem einzelnen Falle, wie Karma gerade in jetzige Seelen dasjenige hineintragen muß, was auch an hoher Spiritualität in abgelaufenen Zeitaltern von diesen Seelen durchgemacht worden ist.

[ 4 ] Denn bedenken Sie nur das Folgende. Nehmen wir jetzt ganz im allgemeinen — ein spezielles Beispiel habe ich Ihnen das letzte Mal gezeigt —, aber nehmen Sie jetzt ganz im allgemeinen eine Seele, welche in den Jahrhunderten vor dem Mysterium von Golgatha oder in den Jahrhunderten nach dem Mysterium von Golgatha so gelebt hat, daß ihr die geistige Welt eine Selbstverständlichkeit war, daß sie nach ihren eigenen Erfahrungen von der geistigen Welt reden konnte wie von einer Welt, die ebenso vorhanden ist wie die farbige, die warme oder kalte Welt der Sinne.

[ 5 ] Das alles liegt in der Seele drinnen. Das alles steht zwischen dem Tod und einer neuen Geburt oder in wiederholten solchen Zeiträumen im Verhältnis mit den geistigen Welten der höheren Hierarchien. Mannigfaltiges ist in dieser Seele ausgearbeitet worden.

[ 6 ] Aber nun soll ja gerade wiederum durch andere karmische Zusammenhänge, sagen wir, eine solche Seele in einem Leib sich inkarnieren, der ganz auf Intellektualismus hin gestimmt ist, der also aus der Zivilisation der Gegenwart nur allein die gangbaren Begriffe, die sich ja eigentlich nur auf Äußerliches beziehen, aufnimmt. Es ist dann nur das eine möglich, daß für diese Inkarnation dasjenige in das Unterbewußtsein sich zurückzieht, was da an Spiritualität herüberkommt, und daß eine solche Persönlichkeit in dem Intellekt, den sie entwickelt, vielleicht einen gewissen Idealismus zeigt, ein Hinneigen zu allerlei schönen, guten, wahren Idealen, aber doch nicht dazu kommt, die Dinge, die in der Seele liegen, aus dem Unterbewußten in das gewöhnliche Bewußtsein heraufzuheben. Solche Seelen gibt es viele heute. Und für denjenigen, der in der richtigen Weise mit einem auf das Spirituelle geschulten Auge die Welt anzuschauen vermag, für den widerspricht heute so manches Antlitz dem, was bei den betreffenden Menschen zutage tritt. Das Antlitz sagt: Da ist auf dem Grunde der Seele viel Spiritualität. Sobald der Mensch aber spricht, redet er gar nicht von Spiritualität. Daher hat es in keiner Zeit eigentlich das in einem so hohen Grade gegeben, daß die Gesichter demjenigen widersprochen haben, was der Mensch ausspricht, als eben in der heutigen Zeit.

[ 7 ] Wer verstehen will, daß Kraft und Energie und Ausdauer und heilige Begeisterung notwendig sind, um das, was nun schon einmal für das heutige Zeitalter gehört: Intellektualismus, umzuwandeln in Spiritualität, so daß die Gedanken, die Ideen sich erheben in die geistige Welt und man mit Ideen ebenso zum Geiste hinauf den Weg finden kann wie hinunter zu der Natur, wer das verstehen will, der muß eben sich klar sein darüber, daß zunächst der Intellektualismus die denkbar stärksten Hemmnisse bietet für das Sichoffenbaren eines in der Seele befindlichen Spirituellen. Und nur dann, wenn man gewissermaßen aufmerksam darauf ist, wird man als Anthroposoph den innerlichen Enthusiasmus finden, die Ideen der Anthroposophie aufzunehmen, die ja nun schon einmal mit dem Intellektualismus des Zeitalters rechnen müssen, die sozusagen das Kleid des zeitgenössischen Intellektualismus annehmen müssen. Aber ein solcher Mensch wird auch durchdrungen werden können davon, daß er mit den ja nicht auf die äußere Sinnenwelt bezüglichen Ideen der Anthroposophie ausersehen ist dazu, dasjenige zu erfassen, worauf sich diese Ideen beziehen: das Geistige. Es bleibt das Sichversenken in die Ideen der Anthroposophie dennoch dasjenige, was den heutigen Menschen, wenn er nur will, am sichersten hinaufleiten kann in die Spiritualität.

[ 8 ] Das, was ich jetzt als letzten Satz ausgesprochen habe, meine lieben Freunde, das kann man eigentlich erst aussprechen vielleicht seit zwei bis drei Jahrzehnten. Vorher war das noch nicht möglich. Denn vorher, trotzdem schon Ende der siebziger Jahre die MichaelHerrschaft begonnen hat, vorher war es doch so, daß die Ideen, welche die Zeit jemandem entgegentrug, selbst bei den Idealisten, so stark nur auf die Sinneswelt gerichtet waren, daß ein Erheben vom Intellektualismus zur Spiritualität in den siebziger, achtziger, neunziger Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts nur in Ausnahmefällen eben möglich war.

[ 9 ] Was diese Tatsache bewirkte, möchte ich Ihnen heute an einem Beispiel zeigen. Ich möchte Ihnen zeigen, daß es in diesem Zeitalter, in das die Anthroposophie als die Anschauung vom Spirituellen hineingestellt werden muß aus den Gründen, die ich ja gerade in diesem Vortragszyklus für Mitglieder entwickelt habe, außerordentlich stark so ist, daß jenes Spirituelle, das von früher herauf in die Seelen kommt, zurückgestaut ist und zurückgestaut werden muß. Ja, am Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts mußte es sich, ohne sich überhaupt in irgendeiner Weise offenbaren zu können, zurückziehen vor dem Intellektualismus.

[ 10 ] Verstehen Sie recht, was ich meine. Nehmen wir an, irgendeine Persönlichkeit lebte in der zweiten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts und hätte in sich gehabt eine starke Spiritualität aus früheren Inkarnationen: Sie lebt sich herein in die gegenwärtige Bildung, die damals gegenwärtige Bildung; die ist intellektualistisch, durch und durch intellektualistisch. Nun ist aber in der Persönlichkeit, die ich meine, die Nachwirkung der Spiritualität noch so stark, daß diese heraus will, richtig heraus will. Aber der Intellektualismus verträgt das nicht. Die Persönlichkeit wird intellektualistisch erzogen, die Persönlichkeit erlebt im gesellschaftlichen Umgange, in den sie hineinkommt, im Beruf, überall Intellektualismus; dahinein in diesen Intellektualismus kann das nicht, was sie in der Seele trägt. Es würde das eine Persönlichkeit sein, von der man sagen kann: Die wäre eigentlich zur Anthroposophie wie berufen. — Aber sie kann nicht Anthroposoph werden, weil gerade das, wenn es in den Intellekt schon hätte hinein können aus der Spiritualität der früheren Inkarnation, Anthroposophie geworden wäre. Es kann nicht Anthroposophie werden, bleibt zurück, bekommt gewissermaßen einen Schock vor dem Intellektualismus. Was kann die Persönlichkeit anderes tun, als höchstens den Intellektualismus überall als etwas behandeln, an das sie nicht heranwill, damit das, was in ihrer Seele ist, herauskommen kann in irgendeiner Inkarnation. Es wird dann natürlich nicht vollkommen herauskommen, weil es dem Zeitalter nicht entspricht. Es wird vielleicht sogar wie ein Stammeln sein; aber man wird der Persönlichkeit ansehen, daß sie überall davor zurückzuckt, gar zu weit zu gehen, von dem Intellektualismus des Zeitalters berührt zu werden.

[ 11 ] Dafür möchte ich Ihnen eben ein Beispiel anführen. Ich möchte zunächst erinnern an eine hier auch oftmals und immer wieder für die verschiedensten Dinge genannte Persönlichkeit des Altertums, Plato. Plato, der Philosoph des fünften und vierten vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts, lebt eigentlich wie eine Seele, die vieles von dem vorausnimmt, was dann in Jahrhunderten die Menschheit sinnt. Und ich habe ja, als ich auf die großen geistigen Inhalte der Schule von Chartres hinwies, darauf hingewiesen, daß platonischer Geist seit langer Zeit in der Entwickelung des Christentums lebte und daß er in einer gewissen Weise gerade in diesen großen Lehrern der Schule von Chartres seine Ausgestaltung gefunden hat, so wie er eben damals hat ausgestaltet werden können.

[ 12 ] Man muß sich nur klar sein darüber: Platos Geist ist zunächst der Ideenwelt zugewendet. Allein man darf sich nicht vorstellen, meine lieben Freunde, daß Idee bei Plato dasselbe abstrakte Ungetüm ist, was für uns heute Ideen sind, wenn wir dem gewöhnlichen Bewußtsein huldigen. Für Plato war die Idee fast etwas von dem, was die persischen Götter Amschaspands waren, die dem Ahura Mazdao als wirkende Genien zur Seite standen; wirkende Genien, die in imaginativer Anschauung nur erreichbar waren, das waren für Plato eigentlich die Ideen: wesenhaft. Nur schilderte er sie schon nicht mehr mit der Lebendigkeit, mit der man in früheren Zeiten solche Dinge geschildert hat. Er schildert sie wie Schatten, könnte man sagen, von Wesenheiten. Und dadurch entstehen ja dann die abstrakten Gedanken, daß die Ideen immer schattenhafter und schattenhafter von den Menschen genommen werden. Aber Plato, indem er weiterlebt, vertieft sich doch in einer Weise, so daß man sagen möchte, in seine Ideenwelt ergießt sich fast die ganze Weisheit der damaligen Zeit. Man braucht bloß seine späteren Dialoge zu nehmen und man wird Astrologisch-Astronomisches, man wird Kosmologisches, wunderbar Psychologisches, Völkerhistorisches bei Plato finden, alles in einer Art von Spiritualität, welche das Spirituelle eben bis zur Idee, ich möchte sagen, verfeinert, verschattenhaftet.

[ 13 ] Aber es lebt alles in Plato. Und es lebt vor allen Dingen in Plato die Anschauung: Die Ideen sind die Gründe von alledem, was in der Sinneswelt vorhanden ist. Überall, wo wir hinblicken in der Sinneswelt, was wir auch schauen, es ist der äußere Ausdruck, die äußere Offenbarung von Ideen. — Dabei tritt in Platos Weltanschauung ein anderes Element noch herein, das ja auch der Welt bekanntgeworden ist in einem Schlagworte, das viel mißverstanden und auch viel mißbraucht worden ist: in dem Schlagworte der platonischen Liebe. Die durchgeistigte Liebe, die möglichst viel von dem abgelegt hat, was der Liebe oftmals noch beigemischt ist von Egoismus, diese durchgeistigte Hingabe an Welt, Leben, Mensch, Gott, Idee, das ist ja etwas, was die platonische Lebensauffassung durchaus durchzieht. Und das ist dasjenige, was in gewissen Zeitaltern zurücktritt, was aber dann immer wiederum aufleuchtet. Denn der Platonismus wird immer wieder aufgenommen, bildet da und dort wiederum dasjenige, an dem sich die Menschen hinaufranken, bildete eben auch den Einschlag für das, was gelehrt worden ist in der Schule von Chartres.

[ 14 ] Nun, man hat oftmals schon in Plato eine Art Vorläufer des Christentums gesehen. Allein zu meinen, daß Plato ein Vorläufer des Christentums gewesen sei, das heißt das Christentum mißverstehen. Denn das Christentum ist nicht eine Lehre, sondern das Christentum ist eine Lebensströmung, welche an das Mysterium von Golgatha anknüpft, und vom wirklichen Christentum kann man erst seit dem Mysterium von Golgatha sprechen. Man kann aber davon sprechen, daß es Christen gegeben hat in dem Sinne, daß sie vor dem Mysterium von Golgatha jene Gestalt, die dann innerhalb des Erdenlebens der Menschheit als Christus erkannt wurde, als Sonnenwesenheit verehrt haben, dieselbe Wesenheit im Sonnenwesen gesehen haben. Wenn man in diesem Sinne von Vorläufern des Christentums sprechen will, muß man aber von vielen Mystetienschülern als solchen Vorläufern sprechen; dann kann man auch von Plato als einem Vorläufer des Christentums sprechen. Aber man muß natürlich die Sache nur richtig verstehen.

[ 15 ] Nun habe ich ja schon vor einiger Zeit hier davon gesprochen, daß, als Plato noch lebte, nicht gerade in Platos Philosophenschule, aber unter Platos Einfluß — ich habe es sogar schon vor Jahrzehnten erwähnt —, herangewachsen ist ein Künstler, nicht aus platonischer Philosophie, aber aus platonischem Geiste heraus, der dann, nachdem er durch andere Inkarnationen gegangen ist, als Goethe wiedergeboren worden ist, und der karmisch dasjenige, was aus den früheren Inkarnationen, namentlich aber aus der Plato-Strömung kam, in der Jupiter-Region umgewandelt hat, so daß es diejenige Art von Weisheit werden konnte, die eben bei Goethe alles durchdringt. Wir können also schon hinblicken auf ein edles Verhältnis Platos gerade zu diesem — nicht Plato-Zögling, aber Plato-Folger; denn er ist nicht Philosoph, wie gesagt, sondern Künstler im griechischen Zeitalter. Aber Platos Auge fiel noch auf ihn, nahm auf das ungeheuer Vielversprechende dieses Jünglings, der hier gemeint ist.

[ 16 ] Nun, Plato hatte es eigentlich schwer, hindurchzutragen durch die folgenden Zeiten, durch die übersinnliche Welt dasjenige, was er in seiner Plato-Inkarnation in seiner Seele trug. Er hatte es sehr schwer. Denn obzwar der Platonismus da und dort aufleuchtete: wenn Plato heruntersah auf dasjenige, was sich unten als Platonismus entwickelte, so bedeutete das für ihn vielfach eine furchtbare Störung seines übersinnlichen Seelen- und Geisteslebens.

[ 17 ] Nicht als ob man dasjenige, was als Platonismus fortlebte, deshalb verurteilen oder abkritisieren wollte. Selbstverständlich, die Seele des Plato lebte Stück für Stück immer mehr und mehr dasjenige in die folgenden Zeitalter hinüber, was eben in ihr lag. Aber gerade Plato, der ja noch verbunden war mit allen Mysterien des Altertums, von dem ich sagen konnte, daß seine Ideenlehre ja eine Art persischen Einschlags hatte, gerade Plato hatte es schwer, als er die Zeit absolviert hatte — es war bei ihm sogar eine ziemlich lange Zeit —, um zu einer neuen Inkarnation zu kommen, er hatte es eigentlich schwer, in die christliche Kultur einzutreten, in die er doch eintreten mußte. Und so kann man sagen: Trotzdem man in dem Sinne, wie ich es eben ausgesprochen habe, Plato dennoch als einen Vorläufer des Christentums bezeichnen kann, lag die ganze Seelen-Orientierung Platos so, daß es ihm außerordentlich schwer wurde, als er reif war zum Wiederheruntersteigen auf die Erde, eine Organisation, einen Leib zu finden, um in ihn das Frühere so hineinzutragen, daß es mit christlicher Schattierung, mit christlicher Nuancierung jetzt erschien. Und außerdem war Plato durch und durch Grieche mit all dem orientalischen Einschlag, den die Griechen hatten und den die Römer gar nicht hatten. Plato war in gewissem Sinne eine Seele, welche hinauftrug bis in das höherpoetische Reich die Philosophie, und künstlerisch sind die philosophischen Dialoge Platos. Überall ist Seele und überall drinnen eben die in wahrem Sinne zu verstehende platonische Liebe, die auch den orientalischen Ursprung durchaus verrät.

[ 18 ] Plato ist Grieche. Die Zivilisation, innerhalb welcher er sich allein verkörpern kann, als er reif ist zur Verkörperung, als er sozusagen für die übersinnliche Welt alt geworden ist, diese Zivilisation ist römisch und christlich. Ich möchte sagen, wenn ich mich trivial ausdrücken darf: Da muß er nun hinein. Da muß er auch alle Kräfte zusammennehmen, um zurückzudrängen das Widerstrebende. Denn in Platos Wesen liegt Zurückweisung des prosaischnüchtern Römischen, des juristisch Römischen, eigentlich die Zurückweisung von allem Römischen.

[ 19 ] Und in Platos Wesen liegt auch eine gewisse Schwierigkeit, das Christentum anzunehmen, weil er ja gerade den Höhepunkt der vorchristlichen Weltanschauung in gewissem Sinne darstellt und es sich auch an Äußerlichkeiten zeigte, daß das eigentliche PlatoWesen nicht in das Christentum leicht untertauchen konnte. Denn was tauchte dann unter in das Christentum hier in der sinnlichen Welt? Der Neuplatonismus. Der war aber etwas ganz anderes als der wirkliche Platonismus. Zwar bildete sich heraus, nicht wahr, eine Art von platonisierender Gnosis und so weiter, aber eben eine Möglichkeit, das unmittelbare Plato-Wesen ins Christentum herüberzunehmen, bestand nicht. Und so war es auch für Plato schwierig, aus all der Aktivität, die er als Plato-Wesen in sich trug und jetzt in den Ergebnissen wieder hereinbringen mußte, in die Welt irgendwie unterzutauchen. Er mußte die Aktivität zurückstellen.

[ 20 ] Und so verkörperte er sich im zehnten Jahrhundert des Mittelalters als die Nonne Hroswitha, jene ja vergessene, aber grandiose Persönlichkeit des zehnten Jahrhunderts, die das Christentum in einem wirklich platonischen Sinne eigentlich aufgenommen hat, die im Grunde genommen ungeheuer viel vom Platonismus in das mitteleuropäische Wesen hineingetragen hat. Sie gehörte dem Kloster Gandersheim im Braunschweigischen an, trug ungeheuer viel hinein in das mitteleuropäische Wesen vom Platonismus. Das konnte im Grunde genommen damals nur eine Frau tun. Würde nicht mit dem Frauenkolorit Platos Wesen erschienen sein, es hätte nicht das Christentum annehmen können in dieser Zeit. Aber auch das Römertum, das ja damals in aller Bildung war, mußte aufgenommen werden, ich möchte sagen, zwangsmäßig aufgenommen werden. So sehen wir denn diese Nonne zu jener merkwürdigen Persönlichkeit sich entwickeln, die lateinische Dramen schreibt in terenzischem Stil, im Stil des römischen Dichters Terenz, die wirklich außerordentlich bedeutend sind.

[ 21] Ja, sehen Sie, man möchte sagen, es liegt fast furchtbar nahe, Plato zu verkennen, wenn er irgendwie herankommt. Ich habe öfter erwähnt, wie Friedrich Hebbel sich ein Drama notiert hat — es ist der Plan nur als Notiz vorhanden —, worinnen er humoristisch behandeln wollte, wie in einer Gymnasialklasse der wiederverkörperte Plato sitzt. Das ist dichterische Phantasie natürlich, aber Hebbel wollte das darstellen: wie in einer Gymnasialklasse der wiederverkörperte Plato sitzt und die platonischen Dialoge von dem Lehrer, dem Gymnasiallehrer, durchgenommen werden und die schlechtesten Zensuren in bezug auf die Interpretationen der platonischen Dialoge der wiederverkörperte Plato bekommt. Das hat sich Hebbel notiert als Dramenstoff. Er hat es dann nicht ausgearbeitet. Aber es ist sozusagen eine Ahnung, wie leicht überhaupt Plato zu verkennen ist. Er kann leicht verkannt werden. Das ist so ein Zug, möchte ich sagen, der mich besonders interessiert hat in der Verfolgung der Plato-Strömung, weil dieses Verkennen eigentlich außerordentlich instruktiv ist, um die richtigen Wege zu finden für das Weitergehen der platonischen Individualität.

[ 22 ] Es ist ja schon höchst interessant, daß sich ein deutscher Philologe gefunden hat, der den wissenschaftlichen Nachweis geführt hat — ich weiß jetzt den Namen nicht, irgendein Schmidt oder Müller —, den unumstößlichen Beweis erbracht hat, daß die Nonne Hroswitha kein einziges Drama geschrieben hat, überhaupt nichts von ihr herrührt, sondern daß irgendein Ratgeber des Kaisers Maximilian das alles gefälscht habe — was natürlich ein Unsinn ist. Aber an Plato hängt eben die Verkennung.

[ 23 ] Und so sehen wir denn wirklich intensive christlich-platonische Geistessubstantialität, verbunden mit mitteleuropäisch-germanischem Geist, in dieser Individualität der Nonne Hroswitha aus dem zehnten Jahrhundert. Es lebt in dieser Frau sozusagen die ganze Bildung der damaligen Zeit. Es ist eine staunenswerte Frau in Wirklichkeit. Und gerade diese Frau macht nun mit diejenigen übersinnlichen Entwickelungen, von denen ich Ihnen gesprochen habe: den Übergang der Lehrer von Chartres in die geistige Welt, das Herunterkommen derjenigen, die dann Aristoteliker sind, die MichaelSchulung. Aber eben doch in einer ganz merkwürdigen Art macht sie das mit. Man möchte sagen, hier streiten miteinander der männliche Geist Platos und der weibliche Geist der Nonne Hroswitha, die beide ihre Ergebnisse für die geistige Individualität hatten. Wäre die eine Inkarnation unbedeutend gewesen, was ja meistens der Fall ist, so würde ein solches innerliches Streiten dann nicht stattgefunden haben. Aber hier bei dieser Individualität hat dieses innerliche Streiten eigentlich die ganze Zeit über gedauert.

[ 24 ] So daß wir sehen, daß die Individualität, als sie wiederum auf die Erde zu kommen reif ist im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, daß diese Individualität sich zu einer solchen ausbildet, wie ich sie hypothetisch schon gerade vorher beschrieben habe: Die ganze Spiritualität Platos wird zurückgehalten, staut sich vor der Intellektualität des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, will nicht heran. Und damit das leichter wird, sitzt ja die Frauenkapazität der Nonne Hroswitha in derselben Seele. So daß diese Seele in der Weise auftritt, daß ihr alles dasjenige, was sie aus ihrer Fraueninkarnation, aus ihrer bedeutenden, leuchtenden Fraueninkarnation hat, es leicht macht, den Intellektualismus doch da, wo es ihr gefällt, abzustoßen.

[ 25 ] Und so entsteht neu in dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert auf Erden diese Individualität, die hineinwächst in die Intellektualität des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, aber diese Intellektualität eigentlich nur immer von außen etwas an sich herankommen läßt, innerlich aber ein gewisses Zurückzucken davor hat; dafür aber in einer nicht intellektualistischen Weise den Platonismus vorschiebt im Bewußtsein und überall, wo sie nur kann, davon redet, daß Ideen in allem leben. Dieses Leben in Ideen wurde dieser Persönlichkeit etwas ganz Selbstverständliches. Aber der Körper war so, daß man immer das Gefühl hatte: Der Kopf kann eigentlich nicht das alles ausprägen, was da an Platonismus herauswill. Auf der anderen Seite konnte diese Persönlichkeit in einer schönen, in einer herrlichen Weise dasjenige aufleben lassen, was sich hinter der platonischen Liebe verbirgt.

[ 26 ] Aber noch weiter. In der Jugend hatte diese Persönlichkeit etwas wie Träume davon, daß doch nicht richtig römisch sein dürfe Mitteleuropa, wo sie ja gelebt hat als Nonne Hroswitha, sie stellte sich dieses Mitteleuropa als ein neues Griechenland vor — da schlägt der Platonismus durch — und stellte dasjenige, was als rauhere Gegend Griechenland gegenüberstand, Mazedonien, als den europäischen Osten vor. Merkwürdige Träume waren es, die in dieser Persönlichkeit lebten, denen man eigentlich ansah, daß sie die moderne Welt, in der sie selbst drinnen lebte, vorstellen wollte wie Griechenland und Mazedonien. Immer wieder tauchte gerade in der Jugend dieser Persönlichkeit der Drang auf, die moderne Welt, Europa im Großen, als das vergrößerte Griechenland und Mazedonien vorzustellen. Es ist sehr interessant.

[ 27 ] Nun, diese Persönlichkeit, von der ich da spreche, ist Karl Julius Schröer. Und Sie brauchen ja nur mit dem, was ich Ihnen nun zusammengetragen habe, Karl Julius Schröers Schriften durchzugehen: von allem Anfange an redet er eigentlich ganz platonisch. Aber er hütet sich — es war etwas ganz Merkwürdiges —, er hütet sich, ich möchte sagen mit frauenhafter Zimperlichkeit, vor dem Intellektualismus da, wo er ihn nicht brauchen kann.

[ 28 ] Er sagte immer gern, wenn er über Novalis sprach: Ja, Novalis, das ist eben ein Geist, den man nicht begreifen kann mit dem modernen Intellektualismus, welcher ja nichts kennt, als daß zwei mal zwei vier ist.

[ 29 ] Und Karl Julius Schröer hat eine Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung im neunzehnten Jahrhundert geschrieben. Schauen Sie sich das an: Überall wo man mit dem Platonismus gefühlsmäßig herankommen kann, ist sie sehr gut; da wo man Intellektualismus braucht, da wird’s plötzlich so, daß die Zeilen versiegen. Er ist gar nicht professorenhaft. So schreibt er auch über Sokrates, der bei der neueren Inkarnation äußerlich in der Welt gar nicht berücksichtigt wurde, über den die übrigen Literaturgeschichten schweigen, viele Seiten; 1Der vorangehende Satz konnte nach einer nochmaligen gründlichen Prüfung der Originalstenogramme korrigiert werden. Näheres darüber siehe in «Beiträge zur Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe» Nr. 99/100, Ostern 1988, Seite 68-69. über diejenigen, die berühmt sind, da schreibt er manchmal ein paar Zeilen. Als diese Literaturgeschichte erschienen ist, oh, da haben alle literarischen Knöpfe die Hände über dem Kopf zusammengeschlagen! Ein ganz berühmter Knopf war dazumal Emil Kuh. Der sagte: Diese Literaturgeschichte ist überhaupt nicht von einem Kopf geschrieben, sondern bloß aus einem Handgelenk herausgeflossen. — Karl Julius Schröer hat auch eine Faust-Ausgabe gemacht. Ein Grazer Professor, der übrigens sonst ein netter Mann war, hat eine so abscheuliche Rezension darüber geschrieben, daß, ich glaube, zehn Duelle unter den Grazer Studenten pro und kontra Schröer ausgefochten worden sind. Es war schon ein arges Verkennen da. Das ging so weit, daß mir einmal diese geringe Schätzung Schröers eigentümlich in einer Gesellschaft in Weimar entgegentrat, wo Erich Schmidt eine hochangesehene Persönlichkeit war und über alles dominierte, wenn er unter anderen war. Da war die Rede davon, welche Prinzessinnen und Prinzen am Hofe zu Weimar gescheit sind und welche töricht sind. Das wurde da auseinandergesetzt. Und Erich Schmidt sagt: Ja, die Prinzessin Reuß — das war ja eine der Töchter der Großherzogin von Weimar — ist keine kluge Frau, denn sie hält den Schröer für einen großen Mann. Das war sein Grund.

[ 30 ] Nun, sehen Sie, verfolgen Sie das alles, bis zu dem wunderschönen Büchelchen «Goethe und die Liebe»: da finden Sie drinnen wirklich, was einer ohne Intellektualismus über die platonische Liebe im unmittelbaren Leben sagen kann. Daß da etwas Außerordentliches in Stil und Haltung gegeben ist in diesem Büchelchen «Goethe und die Liebe», das trat mir einmal so schön entgegen, als ich über dieses Büchelchen mit der Schwester Schröers sprach. Die nannte den Stil «völlig süß vor Reife». Das ist er auch. Es ist ein schöner Ausdruck: völlig süß vor Reife. Es ist alles so — man kann da in diesem Falle nicht sagen konzentriert, sondern alles so vornehm fein ausgestaltet. Vornehmheit überhaupt ist ihm besonders eigen.

[ 31 ] Nun aber, diese platonische Spiritualität mit dem Zurückstoßen des Intellektualismus, platonische Spiritualität, die in diesen Körper hineinwill, das machte auch einen ganz besonderen, einen merkwürdigen Eindruck. Man sah Schröer so, daß man ganz deutlich wahrnahm: ganz ist diese Seele nicht in dem Körper drinnen. Und als er dann älter wurde, da konnte man sehen, wie diese Seele, weil sie doch eigentlich nicht recht in den Körper der damaligen Gegenwart hineinwollte, sich Stück für Stück aus diesem Körper zurückzog. Zunächst wurden die Finger geschwollen und dick, dann zog sich das Seelische immer weiter zurück, und Schröer endete ja in Altersschwachsinn.

[ 32 ] Nicht die ganze Individualität, aber gerade einige Züge von Schröer sind dann auf meinen Capesius in den Mysterien übergegangen, den Professor Capesius. Man kann schon sagen: Wir haben da ein glänzendes Beispiel für die Tatsache, daß in die Gegenwart herein nur unter gewissen Bedingungen die spirituellen Strömungen des Altertums getragen werden können. Und man möchte schon sagen: In Schröer zeigte sich das Zurückschrecken vor der Intellektualität. Hätte er die Intellektualität erreicht und sie vereinigen können mit der Spiritualität des Plato: Anthroposophie wäre gekommen.

[ 33 ] So aber sehen wir in seinem Karma, wie sich seine, ich möchte sagen, väterliche Liebe zu dem Folger Goethe — sie ist ja auf die Weise gekommen, wie ich es Ihnen gesagt habe, und Plato hatte dazumal für ihn eine väterliche Liebe —, wie sich diese umgestaltet und wie Schröer ein glühender Goethe-Verehrer wird. Das kommt in dieser Form wiederum herauf. Die Goethe-Verehrung Schröers hatte etwas außerordentlich Persönliches.

[ 34 ] Er wollte in seinem Alter eine Goethe-Biographie schreiben. Er erzählte mir davon, bevor ich Ende der achtziger Jahre von Wien wegging. Dann schrieb er mir davon. Er schrieb aber niemals anders von dieser Goethe-Biographie, die er schreiben wollte, als so, daß er sagte: Goethe besucht mich immer in meiner Stube. — Es hatte etwas so Persönliches, was ja in dieser Weise karmisch vorausbestimmt war, wie ich es angedeuter habe.

[ 35 ] Die Goethe-Biographie ist ja nicht zustande gekommen, weil Schröer eben dann in Altersschwachsinn verfiel. Aber man kann schon für den ganzen Duktus seiner Schriften eine lichtvolle Interpretation finden, wenn man diese Antezedenzien, die ich eben auseinandergesetzt habe, kennt.

[ 36 ] So sehen wir, wie in dem eigentlich ganz vergessenen Schröer der Goetheanismus vor dem Tore des in Spiritualismus verwandelten Intellektualismus stehengeblieben ist. Was konnte man denn eigentlich anderes tun, wenn man, ich möchte sagen, von Schröer angeregt ist, als weiter fortzuführen den Goetheanismus in die Anthroposophie hinein! Es blieb einem ja sozusagen nichts anderes übrig. Und oftmals stand dieses für mich ergreifende Bild vor meinem seelischen Auge, wie Schröer die alte Spiritualität an Goethe heranträgt, darinnen bis zum Intellektualismus vordringen kann, und wie Goethe wieder erfaßt werden muß mit dem ins Spirituelle erhobenen modernen Intellektualismus, um ihn nun eigentlich vollständig zu verstehen. Dieses Bild ist mir selber gar nicht besonders leicht geworden; denn immer mischte sich wiederum — weil das, was Schröer war, nicht unmittelbar aufgenommen werden konnte — in mein Seelenstreben etwas von Opposition gegen Schröer.

[ 37 ] Ich habe zum Beispiel, als Schröer in Wien an der Hochschule Übungen gehalten hat im mündlichen Vortrage und in der schriftlichen Darstellung, einmal eine ziemlich verdrehte Mephisto-Interpretation gegeben, bloß um Schröer zu widerlegen, den Lehrer, mit dem ich dazumal noch nicht so intim befreundet war. Und so regte sich schon einige Opposition. Aber, wie gesagt, was konnte man anderes tun, als die Stauung, die da eingetreten war, beheben und den Goetheanismus wirklich in die Anthroposophie hinüberführen!

[ 38 ] So sehen Sie, wie nun der Gang der Weltgeschichte in Wirklichkeit verläuft. Er verläuft schon so, daß man sieht: Dasjenige, was man in der Gegenwart hat, das kommt zwar herauf mit Hemmnissen, Hindernissen, aber auf der anderen Seite auch wohl präpariert. Und eigentlich, wenn Sie dieses wunderbare, hymnenartige Darstellen der Frauenwesenheit bei Karl Julius Schröer lesen, wenn Sie seinen schönen Aufsatz, den er als Anhang zu seiner Literaturgeschichte, «Die deutsche Dichtung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts», geschrieben hat: «Goethe und die Frauen», — wenn Sie dieses alles nehmen, ja, dann werden Sie sich sagen: Darinnen lebt wirklich etwas von Empfindung für Frauenwert und Frauenwesen, das ein Nachklang dessen ist, was die Nonne Hroswitha als ihr eigenes Wesen gelebt hat. Diese zwei vorangehenden Inkarnationen, diese gerade schwingen bei Schröer so wunderbar zusammen, daß einem dann das Abreißen gewiß tragisch ergreifend erscheint. Aber auf der anderen Seite auch stellt sich gerade in Schröer eine geistige Tatsachenwelt in das Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts hinein, die im ungeheuersten Sinne aufklärend wirkt für dasjenige, was die Frage beantworten kann: Wie bringen wir Spiritualität in das Leben der Gegenwart herein?

[ 39 ] Das ist dasjenige, wodurch ich diesen Zyklus von Vorträgen abrunden wollte.

Eine kleine Textkorrektur mit überraschenden Folgen

Zum Karmavortrag vom 23. September 1924

(in «Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge» Band IV, GA 238)

In diesem Vortrag über die Individualität Karl Julius Schröers macht Rudolf Steiner auch eine Andeutung über die Beziehung Schröers zu einer «neueren Inkarnation» von Sokrates. Die Stelle lautet in der bisherigen Fassung (1981, S. 162):

«Und Karl Julius Schröer hat eine Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung im neunzehnten Jahrhundert geschrieben. Schauen Sie sich das an: Überall, wo man mit dem Platonismus gefühlsmäßig herankommen kann, ist sie sehr gut; da, wo man Intellektualismus braucht, da wird’s plötzlich so, daß die Zeilen versiegen. Er ist gar nicht professorenhaft. So schreibt er auch über Sokrates, der bei der neueren Inkarnation äußerlich in der Welt gar nicht berücksichtigt wurde. Über manche, von welchen die übrigen Literaturgeschichten schweigen, schreibt er viele Seiten; über diejenigen, die berühmt sind, da schreibt er manchmal ein paar Zeilen.»

Daraus läßt sich nicht eindeutig erkennen, um wen es sich handelt. Es muß aber heißen:

«So schreibt er auch über Sokrates, der bei der neueren Inkarnation äußerlich in der Welt gar nicht berücksichtigt wurde, über den die übrigen Literaturgeschichten schweigen, viele Seiten; über diejenigen, die berühmt sind, da schreibt er manchmal ein paar Zeilen.»

Was folgt daraus? Rudolf Steiner schildert hier, wie Karl Julius Schröer in seinem Buch «Die deutsche Dichtung des 19. Jahrhunderts in ihren bedeutenderen Erscheinungen. Populäre Vorlesungen» (Leipzig 1875) diese «neuere Inkarnation» behandelt. Dabei trifft die Charakterisierung einzig zu auf Chr. Oeser, Pseudonym (gebildet durch Umstellung von S-chr-oe-er) für Tobias Gottfried Schröer (1791–1850), den Vater Karl Julius Schröers. Es sind ihm nämlich in diesem Werk neun Seiten gewidmet, ebensoviele wie Johann Peter Hebel, Jean Paul und Tieck; mit mehr Seiten sind nur vertreten Kotzebue (zwölf Seiten), August Wilhelm Schlegel (elf Seiten) und Friedrich Schlegel (zehn Seiten). Nur kurz dargestellt sind Eichendorff und Hamerling (je zweieinhalb Seiten), Chamisso und Jordan (je eine Seite), Mörike, Jeremias Gotthelf und Gottfried Keller (je eine halbe Seite).

Nun haben schon vor etwa vierzig Jahren, also mehr als zwanzig Jahre nach dem Vortrag, zwei Hörer desselben, die Stenographin Helene Finckh (1883–1960) und der langjährige Mitarbeiter Marie Steiners Günther Schubert (1899–1969) den beiden Mitarbeitern der Rudolf Steiner-Nachlaßverwaltung Hella Wiesberger und Robert Friedenthal mitgeteilt, von Rudolf Steiner den Hinweis auf Chr. Oeser als diese «neuere Inkarnation» gehört zu haben. Eine entsprechende Fußnote findet sich seit 1960 in der Gesamtausgabe und wurde 1981 durch einen Hinweis ergänzt. Bisher wurde angenommen, Rudolf Steiner habe den Namen im Vortrag an der betreffenden Stelle genannt, er sei aber im Stenogramm nicht festgehalten worden. Nun muß aber, nach der neuesten Überprüfung der Textunterlagen, wonach das Originalstenogramm hier keinerlei Anzeichen von Lückenhaftigkeit aufweist, die Frage, bei welcher Gelegenheit Rudolf Steiner diese Mitteilung gemacht haben könnte, offen bleiben. Wichtig ist jedenfalls die Übereinstimmung von mündlicher Überlieferung und neuem Befund.

Zur technischen Seite dieser Textkorrektur ist folgendes zu sagen: Es liegt hier der für stenographische Aufnahmen nicht ungewöhnliche, für die betreffende Stenographin aber seltene und nach bisheriger Erfahrung an Gewicht einmalige Fall eines Übertragungsfehlers vor. Das heißt, ein richtig gehörtes und richtig notiertes Wort ist wegen der Mehrdeutigkeit des entsprechenden Zeichens im Originalstenogramm, welche ihrerseits bedingt ist durch die beim rasanten Tempo des Schreibvorganges unvermeidliche Verzerrung der Schriftzüge, bei der Übertragung in Langschrift nicht richtig gelesen worden. Die Korrektur konnte mit Hilfe eines erst kürzlich zugänglich gewordenen Parallelstenogramms vorgenommen werden. Dieses stammt von einem Laienstenographen und ist von minderer Qualität als das der Herausgabe zugrunde gelegte. Es ist aber in einem anderen stenographischen System aufgenommen, in dem nun gerade das Schlüsselwort dieser Stelle, das rückbezügliche Fürwort «den», eindeutig zu lesen ist. Die unrichtige Übertragung «manche» statt «den» hatte dann die unrichtige Gliederung der Sätze – diese muß ja der Stenograph bei der Übertragung selber vornehmen – und die Glättung der entstandenen sprachlichen Unstimmigkeit zur Folge.

Uber Tobias Gottfried Schröer spricht Rudolf Steiner ausführlich in zwei öffentlichen Vorträgen in Berlin während des Krieges, am 9. Dezember 1915 im Vortrag «Bilder aus Österreichs Geistesleben im neunzehnten Jahrhundert» und am 10. Februar 1916 im Vortrag «Österreichische Persönlichkeiten in den Gebieten der Dichtung und Wissenschaft» (beide im Band «Aus dem mitteleuropäischen Geistesleben», GA 65), und dann in seinem die Hauptmotive der öffentlichen Vorträge dieser Zeit aufgreifenden Buch «Vom Menschenrätsel. Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen, Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und österreichischer Persönlichkeiten», Berlin 1916, im Kapitel «Bilder aus dem Gedankenleben Österreichs» (GA 20). Als Biographie liegt vor: «Chr. Oeser’s – Tobias Gottfried Schröer’s Lebenserinnerungen. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte, zusammengefaßt von seinem Sohne Karl Julius Schröer und herausgegeben von seinen Enkelsöhnen Arnold und Rudolf Schröer und Robert Zilchert», Stuttgart 1933.

Michel Schweizer

Tenth Lecture

[ 1 ] From last Sunday's reflections, you will have seen that the human being, as he is shaped physically and by education in the present, does not easily bring into the present incarnation, even if it is as strangely situated as the one I spoke of last Sunday, what wants to come in from earlier incarnations in terms of spiritual content. For we live now in the age of the development of the consciousness soul, that soul development which particularly cultivates the intellect, which indeed rules life today, even though one often cries out for feeling and mind; that soul faculty which can emancipate itself most from the elementary human, of what the human being carries within as his deeper spiritual being.

[ 2 ] Awareness of this emancipation of the intellectual comes when people speak of the cold intellect in which people express their egoism, in which people express their lack of sympathy, their lack of compassion for other people, and even often for those close to them. The cold mind is characterized by pursuing all those paths that do not follow the ideals of the soul, but that instead aim to map out life's paths according to utilitarian reasons and so on.

[ 3 ] In these things, a feeling is expressed of how the rational, the intellectual, the rationalistic emancipates itself from the human in man. And anyone who fully understands the high degree to which today's souls have been intellectualized will also grasp in each individual case how karma must bring into present-day souls precisely that which, in past ages, these souls have also gone through in terms of high spirituality.

[ 4 ] For just consider the following. Let us now take, in very general terms – I showed you a specific example last time – but now, in very general terms, a soul who, in the centuries before the Mystery of Golgotha or in the centuries after the Mystery of Golgotha, lived in such a way that the spiritual world was a matter of course to him, that he could speak of the spiritual world from his own experience as if it were as real as the colored, warm or cold world of the senses.

[ 5 ] All this is within the soul. All this stands between death and a new birth or in repeated such periods in relation to the spiritual worlds of the higher hierarchies. Much has been worked out in this soul.

[ 6 ] But now, through other karmic connections, let us say, such a soul is to incarnate in a body that is tuned entirely to intellectualism, which therefore only absorbs the viable concepts from present-day civilization, which actually only relate to external matters. In this case, the only possibility is that the spirituality that comes across withdraws into the subconscious for this incarnation, and that such a personality may show a certain idealism in the intellect that it develops, a leaning towards all kinds of beautiful, good, true ideals, but does not come to lifting the things that lie in the soul from the subconscious up into the ordinary consciousness. There are many such souls today. And for the one who is able to look at the world in the right way, with an eye trained for the spiritual, for that person many a countenance today contradicts what comes to light in the people concerned. The face says: There is much spirituality at the bottom of the soul. But as soon as the person speaks, he does not speak of spirituality at all. Therefore, at no time has there actually been such a high degree of contradiction between faces and what people express than in today's world.

[ 7 ] Whoever wants to understand that strength and energy and stamina and holy enthusiasm are necessary to transform what now belongs to the present age: intellectualism, in order to transform it into spirituality, so that thoughts and ideas can rise up into the spiritual world and one can find one's way up to the spirit with ideas just as one can down to nature. Anyone who wants to understand this must be clear about the fact that, at first, intellectualism offers the strongest conceivable obstacles to the revelation of the spiritual within the soul. And only when one is, as it were, attentive to this will one, as an anthroposophist, find the inner enthusiasm to take up the ideas of anthroposophy, which, after all, have to reckon with the intellectualism of the age and have to take on the guise of contemporary intellectualism, so to speak. But such a person can also be imbued with the idea that the ideas of anthroposophy, which are not related to the external sense world, are intended to grasp that to which these ideas relate: the spiritual. Nevertheless, immersion in the ideas of anthroposophy remains the one thing that can most surely lead today's man, if he only wants to, up into spirituality.

[ 8 ] What I have now expressed as the last sentence, my dear friends, can actually only be expressed perhaps for two to three decades. It was not possible before. Because before that, even though the Michael reign had already begun at the end of the 1970s, it was still the case that the ideas of the time, even among the idealists, were so strongly directed only at the sensory world that an elevation from intellectualism to spirituality in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s of the last century was only possible in exceptional cases.

[ 9 ] What this fact brought about, I would like to show you today with an example. I would like to show you that in this age, in which anthroposophy must be placed as a view of the spiritual for the reasons that I have developed for members in this lecture cycle, it is extremely strong that the spiritual that comes up from the past into the souls is dammed up and must be dammed up. Yes, at the end of the last century, it had to withdraw before intellectualism without being able to reveal itself in any way at all.

[ 10 ] Do you understand what I mean? Let us assume that some personality lived in the second half of the nineteenth century and had a strong spirituality from previous incarnations: He immerses himself in the current education, the then-current education; it is intellectualistic, thoroughly intellectualistic. But in the personality I mean, the after-effect of spirituality is still so strong that it wants out, really wants out. But intellectualism cannot tolerate this. The personality is educated in an intellectualistic way, the personality experiences intellectualism everywhere in the social circles into which it enters, in the profession; what it carries in its soul cannot enter into this intellectualism. It would be the one personality of whom one could say: She would actually be called to anthroposophy. But she cannot become an anthroposophist because, if it had been able to enter the intellect from the spirituality of the earlier incarnation, it would have become anthroposophy. It cannot become an anthroposophist, is left behind, and experiences a kind of shock at the intellectualism. What else can the personality do but at most treat intellectualism everywhere as something it does not want to approach, so that what is in its soul can come out in some incarnation. Of course, it will not come out completely because it does not correspond to the age. It may even be like a stammer; but you will see from the personality that it shrinks from going too far, from being touched by the intellectualism of the age.

[ 11 ] I would like to give you an example of this. I would first like to remind you of a personality from antiquity who is often mentioned here again and again for the most diverse things, Plato. Plato, the philosopher of the fifth and fourth centuries BC, actually lives like a soul that anticipates much of what mankind then ponders over the centuries. And I have already pointed out, when I referred to the great spiritual content of the School of Chartres, that Platonic spirit has been alive for a long time in the development of Christianity and that, in a certain way, it has found its expression precisely in these great teachers of the School of Chartres, in just the way it could be expressed at that time.

[ 12 ] We must only be clear about one thing: Plato's spirit is initially turned towards the world of ideas. But, my dear friends, we must not imagine that an idea for Plato is the same abstract monster that ideas are for us today when we pay homage to ordinary consciousness. For Plato, the idea was almost something like what the Persian gods Amschaspands were, who stood by the Ahura Mazdao as active geniuses; active geniuses, which were only accessible in imaginative contemplation, for Plato these were actually the ideas: essential. Only he no longer described them with the vividness with which such things were described in earlier times. He describes them as shadows, one might say, of entities. And that is how abstract thoughts arise, that the ideas are taken more and more shadow-like and shadow-like by people. But Plato, by living on, does delve into it in a way that one might say that almost all of the wisdom of the time is poured into his world of ideas. One need only take his later dialogues to find astrological and astronomical, cosmological, wonderfully psychological, and ethnological material in Plato, all in a kind of spirituality that refines the spiritual to the point of the idea, I might say, making it shadow-like.

[ 13 ] But it all lives in Plato. And above all, it is the vision that lives in Plato: the ideas are the reasons for everything that exists in the sensory world. Wherever we look in the world of the senses, whatever we see is the outer expression, the outer manifestation of ideas. — In Plato's world view, another element enters in, which has also become known to the world in a catchword that has been much misunderstood and also much misused: in the catchword of platonic love. Spiritualized love, which has discarded as much as possible of the selfishness that often still attaches to love, this spiritualized devotion to the world, life, man, God, idea, is something that permeates the Platonic view of life. And that is what recedes in certain ages, but then always lights up again. For Platonism is taken up again and again, forming here and there that by which people clamber up, and also formed the impetus for what was taught at the school of Chartres.

[ 14 ] Now, Plato has often been seen as a kind of forerunner of Christianity. But to think that Plato was a forerunner of Christianity is to misunderstand Christianity. For Christianity is not a doctrine, but a current of life that is linked to the Mystery of Golgotha, and one can only speak of real Christianity since the Mystery of Golgotha. But one can speak of the fact that there have been Christians in the sense that before the Mystery of Golgotha they revered that form, which was then recognized within the earthly life of humanity as Christ, as a sun being, and saw the same essence in the sun being. If one wishes to speak of forerunners of Christianity in this sense, then one must speak of many of the disciples of Mystetus as such forerunners; then one can also speak of Plato as a forerunner of Christianity. But of course one must understand the matter correctly.

[ 15 ] Now, I already mentioned here some time ago that, when Plato was still alive, not exactly in Plato's school of philosophy, but under Plato's influence — I even mentioned it decades ago — an artist grew up, not out of Platonic philosophy, but out of the Platonic spirit, who then, after going through many incarnations, was reborn as Goethe, and who karmically transformed that which came from his earlier incarnations, namely from the Plato current, in the Jupiter region, so that it could become the kind of wisdom that permeates everything in Goethe. We can therefore already see a noble relationship between Plato and this man, who was not a disciple of Plato but a follower; for he is not a philosopher, as I said, but an artist in the Greek age. But Plato's eye still caught him, took in the tremendous promise of this young man, who is meant here.

[ 16 ] Now, Plato actually had a hard time getting through to the following ages what he carried in his soul in his Plato incarnation. He had a very hard time. For although Platonism flared up here and there, when Plato looked down at what developed below as Platonism, it often meant a terrible disturbance of his supersensible soul and spiritual life.

[ 17 ] Not that one wanted to condemn or criticize what survived as Platonism. Of course, Plato's soul gradually came to contain more and more of what was in it and passed this on to the following ages. But Plato, who was still connected with all the mysteries of antiquity, and whose theory of ideas I could say had a kind of Persian influence, had a hard time after he had passed away – and it was quite a long time for him – to come to a new incarnation. And so one can say: Although Plato can still be described as a forerunner of Christianity in the sense I have just expressed, Plato's entire orientation of the soul was such that when he was ready to descend back to earth, it was extremely difficult for him to find an organization, a body, into which he could carry his earlier work that it now appeared with a Christian shade, with a Christian nuance. And besides, Plato was a thoroughly Greek soul with all the oriental touch that the Greeks had and that the Romans did not have at all. Plato was in a sense a soul that carried philosophy up into the realm of higher poetry, and Plato's philosophical dialogues are artistic. Everywhere there is soul and everywhere within it there is Platonic love, which can be understood in the true sense, and which also betrays the oriental origin.

[ 18 ] Plato is Greek. The civilization in which he can embody himself, when he is ripe for embodiment, when he has grown old, so to speak, for the supersensible world, is Roman and Christian. I would like to say, if I may express myself trivially: He must now enter into it. There he must also gather all his strength to push back what resists. For in Plato's nature lies the rejection of the prosaically sober Roman, the legally Roman, actually the rejection of everything Roman.

[ 19 ] And it is also in Plato's nature to find a certain difficulty in accepting Christianity, because he represents the pinnacle of the pre-Christian world view in a certain sense and it was also evident from external appearances that the actual essence of Plato could not easily be submerged in Christianity. For what then submerged into Christianity here in the world of the senses? Neoplatonism. But that was something quite different from the real Platonism. It is true that a kind of Platonizing gnosis and so on developed, but there was no possibility of taking the direct essence of Plato over into Christianity. And so it was also difficult for Plato to somehow disappear into the world from all the activity that he carried within him as a Plato being and now had to bring back in the results. He had to put the activity aside.

[ 20 ] And so, in the tenth century of the Middle Ages, he embodied himself as the nun Hroswitha, that forgotten but magnificent personality of the tenth century who actually received Christianity in a truly Platonic sense and who, in essence, brought an enormous amount of Platonism into the Central European being. She belonged to the Gandersheim monastery in Braunschweig, and contributed an enormous amount to the Central European essence of Platonism. Basically, only a woman could have done that at the time. If Plato's essence had not appeared with the color of a woman, Christianity could not have been accepted at that time. But even Romanism, which was so prevalent in education at the time, had to be adopted, I would say adopted by force. So we see this nun developing into this remarkable personality, who writes Latin dramas in the style of Terence, the Roman poet, and who is truly extraordinarily significant.

[ 21 ]Yes, you see, one is almost tempted to say that it is terribly easy to misunderstand Plato when he comes close. I have often mentioned how Friedrich Hebbel made notes for a drama—the plan only exists as a note—in which he wanted to humorously depict Plato reincarnated in a high school classroom. This is poetic fantasy, of course, but it is what Hebbel wanted to depict: how the reincarnated Plato sits in a high school class and the Platonic dialogues are taught by the teacher, the high school teacher, and how the reincarnated Plato gets the worst grades in relation to the interpretations of the Platonic dialogues. Hebbel noted this down as drama material. He then did not elaborate on it. But it is, so to speak, an inkling of how easy it is to misunderstand Plato. It can easily be misunderstood. This is a trait, I would say, that particularly interested me in my pursuit of the Plato thread, because this misunderstanding is actually extremely instructive for finding the right way for the Platonic individuality to move forward.

[ 22 ] It is indeed highly interesting that a German philologist has been found who has provided the scientific proof – I don't know the name now, some Schmidt or Müller – has provided irrefutable proof that the nun Hroswitha did not write a single drama, that nothing at all comes from her, but that some advisor to Emperor Maximilian forged it all – which is nonsense, of course. But Plato is the source of the misunderstanding.

[ 23 ] And so we see a truly intense Christian-Platonic spiritual substance, combined with a Central European-Germanic spirit, in this individuality of the tenth-century nun Hroswitha. The whole education of the time lives, so to speak, in this woman. She is truly an amazing woman. And it is precisely this woman who is now involved in the supersensible developments of which I have spoken to you: the transition of the teachers of Chartres into the spiritual world, the descent of those who are then Aristotelians, the Michael training. But she participates in it in a very remarkable way. One would like to say that here the male spirit of Plato and the female spirit of the nun Hroswitha are arguing with each other, both of whom had their results for the spiritual individuality. If the one incarnation had been insignificant, which is usually the case, then such an inner struggle would not have taken place. But here with this individuality, this inner struggle has actually lasted the whole time.

[ 24 ] So we see that when the individuality is ripe to come to earth again in the nineteenth century, this individuality develops into one that I have just hypothetically described: all of Plato's spirituality is held back, dammed up in front of the intellectuality of the nineteenth century, unwilling to approach. And to make this easier, the female capacity of the nun Hroswitha sits in the same soul. So that this soul appears in such a way that everything she has gained from her female incarnation, from her significant, luminous female incarnation, makes it easy for her to repel intellectualism after all, where she pleases.

[ 25 ] And so this individuality arises anew on earth in the nineteenth century, growing into the intellectuality of the nineteenth century, but actually only ever allowing something of this intellectuality to approach it from the outside, inwardly however shrinking back from it; But in a non-intellectual way it puts forward Platonism in consciousness and wherever it can, talks about ideas living in everything. This life in ideas became something quite natural for this personality. But the body was such that one always had the feeling: the head cannot actually express everything that Platonism wants to express. On the other hand, this personality was able to revive in a beautiful, glorious way what is hidden behind Platonic love.

[ 26 ] But even further. In her youth, this personality had dreams that Central Europe, where she lived as the nun Hroswitha, should not be allowed to be truly Roman. She imagined this Central Europe as a new Greece – this is where Platonism comes through – and imagined that which stood as a rougher area opposite Greece, Macedonia, as the European East. The dreams that lived in this personality were strange, and it was clear that he wanted to imagine the modern world, in which he himself lived, as Greece and Macedonia. Time and again, this personality's urge to imagine the modern world, Europe on a large scale, as an enlarged Greece and Macedonia, emerged in his youth. It is very interesting.

[ 27 ] Now, this personality I am talking about is Karl Julius Schröer. And you just need to go through Karl Julius Schröer's writings with what I have gathered for you now: from the very beginning, he actually speaks quite platonically. But he guards himself—it was something quite remarkable—he guards himself, I would say with womanly squeamishness, from intellectualism where he cannot use it.

[ 28 ] He always liked to say when he talked about Novalis: Yes, Novalis, that is precisely a mind that cannot be grasped with modern intellectualism, which, after all, knows nothing but that two times two is four.

[ 29 ] And Karl Julius Schröer wrote a history of German poetry in the nineteenth century. Take a look at it: wherever you can approach Platonism emotionally, it is very good; where you need intellectualism, it suddenly becomes so that the lines dry up. He is not at all professorial. He also writes many pages about Socrates, who in his more recent incarnation has not been taken into account at all in the world, about whom the other literary histories are silent; 1The preceding sentence could be corrected after a further thorough examination of the original stenographic notes. For more details, see “Beiträge zur Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe” No. 99/100, Easter 1988, pp. 68-69. See below:—About those who are famous, he sometimes writes a few lines. Oh, when this literary history was published, all the literary pundits threw their hands up in horror! One very famous pundit at the time was Emil Kuh. He said: This literary history was not written by a mind at all, but just flowed out of a wrist. — Karl Julius Schröer also made an edition of Faust. A professor in Graz, who was otherwise a nice man, wrote such a hideous review that I believe ten duels were fought between students in Graz on both sides of the argument for and against Schröer. There was a real misunderstanding there. It went so far that I once encountered this low opinion of Schröer in a society in Weimar, where Erich Schmidt was a highly respected personality and dominated everything when he was among others. There was talk about which princesses and princes at the court of Weimar are clever and which are foolish. And Erich Schmidt says: Yes, Princess Reuss – who was one of the daughters of the Grand Duchess of Weimar—is not a clever woman, because she thinks Schröer is a great man. That was his reason.

[ 30 ] Now, you see, follow all this up to the wonderful booklet “Goethe and Love”: there you will really find what someone without intellectualism can say about platonic love in real life. That there is something extraordinary in style and attitude in this little book 'Goethe and Love' was something that struck me so beautifully when I talked about this little book with Schröer's sister. She called the style 'completely sweet with maturity'. And it is. It is a beautiful expression: completely sweet with maturity. It is all so — one cannot say concentrated in this case, but all so elegantly refined. Nobility in general is particularly characteristic of it.

[ 31 ] But now, this Platonic spirituality with the repulsion of intellectualism, Platonic spirituality, that wants to get into this body, that also made a very special, a strange impression. You saw Schröer in such a way that you perceived very clearly: this soul is not completely inside the body. And as he grew older, one could see how this soul, because it did not really want to enter the body of the present time, withdrew from this body bit by bit. First the fingers became swollen and thick, then the soul withdrew further and further, and Schröer ended up in senile dementia.

[ 32 ] Not all of Schröer's individuality, but some of his traits were transferred to my Capesius in the Mysteries, Professor Capesius. It can be said that we have a shining example of the fact that the spiritual currents of antiquity can only be carried into the present under certain conditions. And one would like to say: In Schröer, there was a shrinking away from intellectuality. Had he reached intellectuality and been able to unite it with the spirituality of Plato, anthroposophy would have come into being.

[ 33 ] But in his karma we see how his, I would say fatherly love for the follower Goethe — it came in the way I told you, and Plato had a fatherly love for him in his time — how this transforms and how Schröer becomes an ardent admirer of Goethe. That comes up again in this form. Schröer's veneration of Goethe had something extraordinarily personal about it.

[ 34 ] He wanted to write a biography of Goethe in his old age. He told me about it before I left Vienna at the end of the 1980s. Then he wrote to me about it. But he never wrote about this Goethe biography that he wanted to write in any other way than by saying: Goethe always visits me in my room. — There was something so personal about it, which was karmically predetermined in this way, as I have indicated.

[ 35 ] Goethe's biography did not come about because Schröer then fell into senile dementia. But one can find a light-filled interpretation for the whole style of his writings if one is familiar with the antecedents that I have just discussed.

[ 36 ] Thus we see how Goetheanism, in the actually quite forgotten Schröer, stopped at the gate of intellectualism transformed into spiritualism. What else could one do, if one was inspired, I might say, by Schröer, than to continue to carry Goetheanism into anthroposophy! There was no other way, so to speak. And often this moving image was before my mind's eye, how Schröer brings the old spirituality to Goethe, how she can penetrate into it to the point of intellectualism, and how Goethe must be grasped again with the modern intellectualism elevated to the spiritual, in order to understand him fully. This picture has not been particularly easy for me either, because, because Schröer's work could not be directly absorbed, something of opposition to Schröer kept mixing in with my soul's striving.

[ 37 ] For example, when Schröer was teaching oral presentation and written presentation at the School of Spiritual Science in Vienna, I once gave a rather twisted interpretation of Mephisto just to refute Schröer, the teacher, with whom I was not yet so intimately friends at the time. And so some opposition arose. But, as I said, what could be done other than to resolve the impasse that had arisen and to really lead Goetheanism into anthroposophy!

[ 38 ] So you see how world history is really unfolding. It is unfolding in such a way that you can see that what you have in the present comes up with obstacles and hindrances, but on the other hand it is also well prepared. And actually, when you read this wonderful, hymn-like description of the female presence in Karl Julius Schröer, when you read his beautiful essay, which he wrote as an appendix to his literary history, 'Die deutsche Dichtung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts', 'Goethe and Women' – when you take all this, yes, then you will say to yourself: In it, there really is something of a feeling for the value and nature of women that is an echo of what the nun Hroswitha lived as her own nature. These two previous incarnations, they resonate so wonderfully in Schröer that the break seems tragically poignant. But on the other hand, Schröer also presents a world of spiritual facts at the end of the 19th century, which has an enlightening effect in the most tremendous sense for the question of how to bring spirituality into present-day life.

[ 39 ] This is what I wanted to use to round off this cycle of lectures.

A small textual correction with surprising consequences

Regarding the lecture on karma given on September 23, 1924 (in “Esoteric Reflections on Karmic Connections” Volume IV, GA 238)

In this lecture about the individuality of Karl Julius Schröer, Rudolf Steiner also makes an allusion to Schröer's relationship to a “recent incarnation” of Socrates. The passage reads in the previous version (1981, p. 162):

"And Karl Julius Schröer wrote a history of German poetry in the nineteenth century. Look at that: wherever one can approach Platonism emotionally, it is very good; but where one needs intellectualism, it suddenly becomes so that the lines dry up. He is not professorial at all. He also writes about Socrates, who in his newer incarnation has not been taken into account at all in the world. He writes many pages about some of whom the other literary histories are silent; about those who are famous, he sometimes writes a few lines."

It is not possible to tell from this who is meant. However, it must read:

“He also writes many pages about Socrates, who in his later incarnation has been completely ignored by the world and about whom the other literary histories are silent; about those who are famous, he sometimes writes a few lines."

What follows from this? Rudolf Steiner describes here how Karl Julius Schröer deals with this ‘later incarnation’ in his book ”German Literature of the 19th Century in its more significant manifestations. Popular Lectures” (Leipzig 1875) treats this ‘newer incarnation’. The characterization applies only to Chr. Oeser, pseudonym (formed by rearranging S-chr-oe-er) for Tobias Gottfried Schröer (1791-1850), the father of Karl Julius Schröer. Nine pages of this work are devoted to him, the same number as to Johann Peter Hebel, Jean Paul and Tieck; only Kotzebue (twelve pages), August Wilhelm Schlegel (eleven pages) and Friedrich Schlegel (ten pages) are represented with more pages. Only briefly presented are Eichendorff and Hamerling (two and a half pages each), Chamisso and Jordan (one page each), Mörike, Jeremias Gotthelf and Gottfried Keller (half a page each).

Now, about forty years ago, more than twenty years after the lecture, two of its listeners, the stenographer Helene Finckh (1883-1960) and Günther Schubert (1899-1969), who worked with Steiner for many years, told Hella Wiesberger and Robert Friedenthal, two employees of the Rudolf Steiner Estate Administration, that they had heard Rudolf Steiner refer to Chr. Oeser as this “newer incarnation”. A footnote to this effect has been in the Complete Edition since 1960 and was supplemented by a note in 1981. Until now, it was assumed that Rudolf Steiner had mentioned the name at the relevant point in the lecture, but that it had not been recorded in the shorthand. But now, after the latest examination of the text documents, according to which the original stenographic note shows no signs of incompleteness here, the question of when Rudolf Steiner might have made this statement must remain open. In any case, the agreement between the oral tradition and the new finding is important.

Regarding the technical side of this text correction, the following should be said: This is a case of a transcription error, which is not unusual for stenographic recordings, but rare for the stenographer in question and, based on previous experience, of unique significance. This means that a word that was heard and noted correctly was not read correctly in longhand due to the ambiguity of the corresponding sign in the original stenograph, which in turn is caused by the inevitable distortion of the writing due to the rapid pace of the writing process. The correction could be made with the help of a recently accessible parallel stenograph. This was written by an amateur stenographer and is of inferior quality to the one on which the publication was based. However, it was recorded in a different stenographic system, in which the key word of this passage, the back-referential pronoun “den”, can be clearly read. The incorrect transcription 'manche' instead of 'den' then resulted in the incorrect structuring of the sentences – the stenographer has to do this herself during the transcription – and the smoothing over of the linguistic discrepancies that arose.

Rudolf Steiner speaks at length about Tobias Gottfried Schröer in two public lectures in Berlin during the war, on December 9, 1915 in the lecture “Images from Austria's Intellectual Life in the Nineteenth Century” and on February 10, 1916 in the lecture “Austrian Personalities in the Fields of Poetry and Science” (both in the volume “Aus dem mitteleuropäischen Geistesleben”, GA 65), and then in his book “Vom Menschenrätsel. Ausgesprochenes und Unausgesprochenes im Denken, Schauen, Sinnen einer Reihe deutscher und österreichischer Persönlichkeiten”, Berlin 1916, in the chapter “Bilder aus dem Gedankenleben Österreichs” (GA 20), which takes up the main motifs of the public lectures of this period. The following biography is available: “Chr. Oeser's – Tobias Gottfried Schröer's Lebenserinnerungen. A contribution to German literary and cultural history, summarized by his son Karl Julius Schröer and edited by his grandsons Arnold and Rudolf Schröer and Robert Zilchert”, Stuttgart 1933.

Michel Schweizer