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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Lessons for the Participants of
Cognitive-Cultic Work 1906–1924
GA 265a

29 August 1911, Munich

Translated by Steiner Online Library

Sign, Gesture and Word

Notes from the estate of Günther Wagner Fourth degree

Salve Frater
Rosae et Aurae

Benedictus Deus qui dedit nobis signum

Symbol Handle Word Password
Neck 1. Ankle J A K I M Tubalcain
Heart 2 B O A S Schibboleth =
ears of corn
Navel (under V) Makbena נָ Giblim
Casting out
the paw
into the H
v. hand in
1st -root
Adonai Jabulon

Hand above
thumb to the forehead resurrectus
chapter mark

Zeichen, Griff Und Wort

München, Dienstag, 29. August 1911

Notizen aus dem Nachlass von Günther Wagner Vierter Grad

Salve Frater
Rosae et Aurae

Benedictus Deus qui dedit nobis signum

Zeichen Griff Wort Passwort
Hals 1. Knöchel J A K I M Tubalkain
Herz 2 B O A S Schibboleth =
Nabel (unter V) Makbena נָ Giblim
der Pranke
in die H-
v. Hand in
1. -wurzel
Adonai Jabulon

Hand oben
Daumen an die Stirn resurrectus