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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Images of Occult Seals and Columns
Munich Congress Pentecost 1907
GA 284

Art and Its Future TaskAugust 24, 1923
Part I. The Munich Congress
Foreword by Hella Wiesberger
Extract from Rudolf Steiner's Autobiography (GA 28)
Extract from an article in Lucifer-Gnosis (GA 34)
Extract from an article in Lucifer-Gnosis (GA 34)
The Initiation of The RosicrucianMay 19, 1907
Planetary Evolution and the Evolution of HumanityMay 20, 1907
Notes on the Design and Decoration of the Congress HallMay 21, 1907
Report on the Congress in the Berlin BranchJune 12, 1907
Extract from a lecture (GA 101)September 16, 1907
Symbols and Signs as Effects of ChaosOctober 19, 1907
Report on the Congress at the Sixth General Assembly of the German Section of the Theosophical SocietyOctober 20, 1907
Images of Occult Seals and ColumnsOctober 1907
Extract from “The History of Our Society” by Marie Steiner1935
The Munich Conference by Mathilde Scholl1907
On the Munich Conference by Ludwig Kleeberg1928
Part II. Implications Following from the Munich Congress
Foreword by Hella Wiesberger
Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Model BuildingApril 5–6, 1909
On the Forerunners of the Goetheanum by E. A. Karl Stockmeyer
The Architectural Problem of the Munich Congress Hall and the Design of the Malsch Model by E. A. Karl Stockmeyer
From the Estate of E. A. Karl Stockmeyer
Foreword by Hella Wiesberger
The Inauguration of the New BranchMay 5, 1909
Foreword by Hella Wiesberger
The Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Stuttgart BuildingJanuary 3, 1911
The Dedication of the Stuttgart BuildingOctober 15 afternoon, 1911
The Building for Anthroposophy at Stuttgart From an Occult Point of ViewOctober 15 evening, 1911
In What Sense Are We Theosophists and In What Sense Are We Rosicrucians?October 16, 1911
Report on the inauguration of the Stuttgart Building by an Unknown Author