Foundation Course
Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action
GA 343
3 October 1921 p.m., Dornach
XV. Ordination and Transubstantiation
[ 1 ] My dear friends! I agree with Licentiate Bock who suggested it would be best to take up yesterday's reflections plus those of the afternoon and orientate ourselves toward questions that had arisen.
[ 2 ] Yesterday I tried to present a kind of overview of the seven sacraments. I tried to show how the sacraments either determine a kind of value of involution to an evolution value, or the reverse. In the questions which have been asked, there is a wish for something to be said about the sacrament of priest ordination. We have looked at how five sacraments essentially are arranged along the developmental line of each individual human being, how this line connects from birth up to death. We have seen how both the sacraments of priest ordination and marriage in the Christian sense fall away from the other (five) sacraments, and how the priest ordination ceremony points out the evolutionary element which is present in each human being as an involutionary process, namely the mysterious connection each individual human being has with the Divine.
[ 3 ] Now let us first of all try to place the concept of this sacrament of ordination in front of us according to its development, how its Christian content has gone over into Christian ceremonies and gradually crystallized life in Catholicism as the culmination of all ceremonies.
[ 4 ] We must very clearly understand that the connection of human beings with the Divine in the sense of the epoch in which the Mystery of Golgotha took place, was such that it certainly existed way back, behind the consciousness of modern man today. If we go back far into the cultural development of humanity, we discover another kind of selection for the priesthood than what was later the case, and of the kind we actually want to talk about here. You must clearly understand that ceremonies, rituals and sacraments only become comprehensible within the entire relationship of human evolution, because the Christian sacraments are a kind of transformation of older sacraments. So, regarding priesthood, the relationship is different compared to olden times. In earlier times the one who was taken up into the mysteries by leaders of the mysteries was elected according to his soul characteristics; his entire human development was regarded as being worthy—if today we could select an apt term we would say: 'to be chosen'. This is a concept which has so much more meaning, the further we look back in human evolution. The point of view that people are equal is a modern-day opinion; it is actually essentially something that only emerged from the consciousness of the epoch around the Mystery of Golgotha. By contrast they believed that in fact, in olden times, one person was more worthy of being chosen than another, so that those who were worthy to be inducted into the Mysteries—or to be initiated, as one can clearly impress the imagination with other expressions—was to be discovered within the masses of people. When these individuals were in this or that way discovered, which was believed as predestination for a priestly calling, he had to go through with the initiation. This process of initiation meant that the person was brought into a situation where he had to manage another state of consciousness other than merely the one he experienced in the outer world. In olden times another state of consciousness prevailed, quite different from what it is today. Today quite a different state of consciousness is needed to be able to manage Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition. So when I take today's second kind of consciousness as a start, perhaps it can lead to greater understanding, in such a way that the usual daily consciousness still remains complete. A person should not for a moment—without falling sick—be somehow impaired by exercises or the like, as I have described in my book "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds"; a person should not be impaired in the management of his daily consciousness, it must be present. The other consciousness which lacks real freedom which consist in managing Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition must be there as something which can always change quickly, in an instant change to ordinary daily consciousness, like sleep can be changed into the waking state, only that this changing between seeing consciousness and ordinary day consciousness would be completely situated within human capriciousness. This is certainly something which can only be attained after practice and needs to be examined in all its being, in order to talk about this at all.

[ 5 ] It is precisely this other consciousness which presents a completely different world compared with the world developed out of the senses and understood with the mind, aspects which feed back into the being of the human I, to stick to the human ego. The human I is present in the other consciousness with great power, one doesn't have something which is merely permeated with a single imagination or feeling, but one has an image. One has the possibility of looking at it and knows, this I is something in which one not merely lives, but it is present as an objectivity. The other thing about this higher consciousness is that one doesn't gain any insight into the mineral kingdom—the mineral kingdom belongs only to ordinary human daily consciousness—by contrast it is fully aware towards anything plant-like, animal-like and the human self. One really lives in another world. What is between these two worlds is called the threshold; it must be crossed over but can only be crossed over after preparations have been achieved, after one has really faithfully practiced the exercises which I have presented in my book "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment." If one has not really prepared for this crossing, one could, through the acquisition of this new consciousness, slip down into physicality. (During the following presentation a central drawing is made on the blackboard.)
I would like to sketch it in the following way. Let's accept that this daily consciousness is connected to human physicality. This higher consciousness is now lifted from it and one sees a completely new world. However, now one has to retain this higher consciousness; it must be purely soul-spiritual. It can't happen however, if one has not previously developed the strength through exercises—it can't happen if not accomplished in a lively way; what I'm implying is more of a hypothesis—so, when one has not acquired the strength through exercises, it can all collapse into physicality. This means one is not living in a free soul-spiritual consciousness but the processes in human organs will reveal what this consciousness observes; then one has to do with dreams, one does not really have actual objective imaginations full of content. The objective, content-filled imagination exists as a result of, what one experiences, not being impregnated with bodily processes, but processes of the supersensible world. This must be achieved through exercises and by having achieved this, being able to step over the boundary between the sensual and supersensible which is designated as the threshold. This is the case today. Today our ordinary consciousness contains content known to everyone, but we have another content—which of course can be described as I have done now again from a certain point of view - which is certainly described as the content of a higher world as opposed to that of the ordinary world.
If we now go back to the times of human earthly development which I want to speak to you about here, in which the chosen ones were inaugurated, then we find they also sought another condition of consciousness but it was different to that of today in as far as the condition of consciousness which we regard as the normal human consciousness, was most extraordinary in each mystery pupil, and a certain image-rich imagination, observing the Divine in all the individual things, was the norm. So, what at that time in the old Mysteries was indicated as the threshold lay in quite a different place to where the threshold is situated for us today. We can even see this in outer things. [ 6 ] You see, today there is something which a child already learns at school, and that is the heliocentric world system. The heliocentric world system—you can find this actually historically handed down—has passed into literature through a kind of betrayal. The heliocentric world system already existed in Greek times, it was already clearly present earlier; it was taught in the Mysteries. What an ordinary child learns today at school, which forms their attitude towards the view of the world, this was taught in olden times only in the Mysteries. In outer normal consciousness people of that time had an image-rich consciousness. We can really say: in comparison to olden times, today every human being who has gone through school, has gone beyond the threshold. Those in the old Mysteries would regard it quite dangerous for people who have not gone through a regular initiation but through some or other elementary experience, to have gone over the threshold, for example by not adhering to the geocentric system—that the earth remains stationary and the sun and stars move—but believe in the immobility of the sun as the initiated students believed in olden times. People said you had to be prepared to tolerate what lies, for example, in the heliocentric world system or what lies, for example, in our current biology or psychology, and so on. This seems like a paradox to people today, yet it was so. One can say that historically human kind as such in the time of the Mystery of Golgotha crossed over the threshold which in earlier epochs in the Mysteries had to be artificially crossed in order to reach initiation. At that time those to be initiated learnt what every child learns today. Today we again learn to gain insight into Higher Worlds which later would be the norm. So it is with the evolution of humanity. It is not recognised through examples from olden writings that it was a given—for human consciousness was image-rich—in such a way that things were not seen outwardly but that all things were perceived for their inner spirituality. One must be aware that the words of these ancient writers are to be read in a different way to the way today's ancient language researchers or cultural historians or anthropologists and their equivalents read, because the consciousness at that time was image-rich. We could therefore say, in olden times the initiate was led towards the world we know today.
[ 7 ] I would like to still add one more detail. When we go back to olden Greek times, we find people couldn't clearly perceive the colour blue as we can today. They had no sensual experience of the colour blue, they had much more of a sense developed towards the other side, towards vital colours, red and so on, so that for the Greeks blue appeared more green than it is for us today. From this point of view, one must understand everything as the ancients did. We must clearly understand that active thinking is connected to humankind's development towards an experience of blue. If blue is mentioned in ancient scriptures it is always in error, because those people didn't have the experience of blue as we have in today's active experience of understanding. Those people, upon looking at blue, didn't have the ability to be objective, for the out-flowing of the I as an objective, they had far more the experience of what stirred in red, which goes from the objective towards the subjective, which is outwardly active and touches and is sensed, where the awareness of the Divine lay in the objects.
[ 8 ] So this initiation was already something quite definite, it involved the initiation being carried out in these olden times by the fact that man himself had to do things which he had to endure physically which to a certain extent formed a kind of inner sacrament. The sacraments in olden times were more inward. Take for instance some outer events which throw a person into a state of fear, caused by these external actions. For example, in Greece there existed Mysteries in which one of the most important processes consisted in a person being placed in total darkness, where he has to live into this darkness, and then suddenly the room was lit up completely—this is the perception he would have been given. What it meant at that time was the transformation of the state of consciousness from being in the darkness, in the blackness, to going into the light. Something happened in a person, fine processes took place inside. These fine processes which were happening in people, I can describe in the following manner.
When a human being, after he has for some time experienced this transformation out of the darkness into the light, salt is separated in him—depending on his individual nature - which is deposited. Salt deposits actually took place as a result of the transfer of going from a dark state to a light state, taking place during the change. These processes became something of which a person became completely aware as being accompanied by the feeling very similar to fear. These salt deposits were observed by a person; he was inwardly observing an interrelation taking place inside himself. At that moment when it happened in him through an external action, man had gone through an initiation process because in olden times initiation consisted in a person experiencing such processes out of himself. What is important now however, was what accompanied such a process of salt deposits within him. Such a salt depositing process within was accompanied by the person's consciousness being impregnated by the process of light perception, not merely of the light perception but from the inner light containing spirituality; he was thus taking in the light which contained spirituality. By the salt coagulating in his inner being, a person felt this coagulation of salts as a penetration of the Divine. To make these conditions conscious was the art of initiation in ancient times. A person could speak quite differently, in them the life of light was not a mere observation by the senses but it was a penetration of light, so that he could say: 'By me living in the light, matter coagulates in me'. With that which is contained in ordinary matter, in a certain sense he directly perceived the effect of that which lies above the substance of ordinary matter.
[ 9 ] Now we will not understand these things, my dear friends, if we don't know that the entire constitution of people in older times was different to what it became later. Such a process, which I have sketched for you, you can observe today when waking up or going to sleep. When physical development reaches puberty, the conditions are such that you won't be able to do these things any longer. The influence on the human being is no longer possible in this intense way; people have hardened more in themselves. Today it doesn't happen for these fine spiritual processes which are taking place there, to be observed just like that. In this respect it will even change the human race. As a result, it has happened that what had taken place within, during earlier times, now is to be looked for outwardly. To a certain extent the opposite of the inner process is performed as a ceremony.
The old process of initiation, the process through which a person allows the spirit to reign, this process is now performed outwardly. The priest ordination was in olden times not at all the weakened process of today, but a process, despite it being performed outwardly, still making a deep impression on people. In later times, still in the time of the Mystery of Golgotha and afterwards, the act of baptism, for example, was at least performed as a deed which still accomplished something in people themselves. Those being baptised were immersed in water and thus brought in the same situation as someone being drowned, who sees the retrograde perspective of their life processes flash through them in a spiritual vision. This was part of baptism in earlier times; a person's past life was brought before his soul, so that he learned to see spiritually in a certain way. Later on the sacrament of baptism was temporarily postponed and so it could not be performed in this way, but only symbolically. It is the same with the priest ordination.
The priest ordination in itself is to a certain extent an outer process for that which earlier was evoked inwardly in those going through initiation, through the inversion of outer processes; it is what in fact places the human being in another world. A person is then made aware—I can depict this even more precisely—of certain interrelationships in the cosmos, which can't be studied in the outer world. A person is made aware that physical processes are taking place which do not coincide with the usual outer sensually perceptible processes and he becomes attentive to what is actually sacramental. He learns to see for instance, in dissolving salt in water, that something is happening which isn't created in a physical-chemical process of dissolution, but what happens in salt dissolving in water is actually something inward, I could call it, something radiant. He learns to recognise how processes happen which are only conceivable through the spirit in man. This becoming transported into the world of such revelations which can't be seen with the outer senses or understood with ordinary minds, essentially belongs to the priest consecration. Therefore, through the priest ordination the person will as much be penetrated by this world of the Divine, as the person in olden times was initiated through not merely sensing the penetration of his physicality with light, but that he feels permeated also with the soul-spiritual of the light.
[ 10 ] So, I can put it like this: through priest ordination human consciousness is brought into such a condition that a person can with total inner conviction say: the world around us is actually only a fragment of the world; it is there to hide many things from us, namely hiding spiritual processes, from us. We see spiritually in the processes when we are prepared in the appropriate way to do so. Priest ordination involves such preparation which would allow for spiritual perception, to see, everywhere, the sense perceptible as well as the spiritual processes. Let's take a concrete example.
We can look at the development of leaves on a plant, the development of the flowers, the ovary, the stamens and see the ovary mature. (He draws on the blackboard, left.) We then observe how the pollen flies around, how it fertilises the flowers. If you only observe outwardly then you will evaluate according to the sense perceptible outer processes which you then combine in your mind. Someone who has become mature in spiritual seeing, must see a supersensible weaving which expands as a kind of wavering transmission over plant growth and all that is involved in plant fertilization. Through this however, the earth in which the plants have their roots, is brought into a reciprocal relationship with the spiritual environment of the earth.
[ 11 ] A renewed way of looking must be introduced through priest ordination. Only then, when you have been introduced to this spiritual observing through the priest ordination, will you learn to recognise how the human word evolves in the world, how the human word is not a mere material movement of air but that the word carries spirit on physical air movement, how this spirit permeates certain substances which are fleeting, like for instance the smoke. So being a priest means: seeing how the expressed word grip the smoke, how the smoke weaves the matter, the words, and how through this, that it penetrates the words, how the words tinged with smoke envelops the matter in the words, changing the words themselves, just like in fact evolution continues, how a real, a spiritual reality is there in what happens in the outer world, in phenomena of the world. So being consecrated also means: to be able to perform actions which, besides their physical meaning, also have a spiritual meaning.
[ 12 ] This is of course something—I always must stress this—which lies extraordinarily far from modern consciousness, but unbelievably close to that consciousness which was available at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha. During that time people stood in the middle, between the old and the new, they still knew about seeing the Divine-spiritual in everything natural, either through tradition or through atavistic vision, and they lived in fear of the conditions which would arrive when what is natural would no longer be regarded as natural and as a result the Divine-spiritual would be only be understood as a derived abstraction. At that time people still understood the weaving of the spiritual with the sense perceptible. The disciples of Christ Jesus simply knew that this being-in-his-presence meant something different than being in the presence of one another. They knew that he was the carrier of a supersensible being, they felt moved by this supersensible being, and this togetherness with him was for them without doubt the glow of supersensible consciousness.
[ 13 ] Let's think about this. We see a number of people around Christ Jesus in a world, who say: When one is in his presence, one is brought into a world where one can see the Divine-spiritual.—Now, in connection with this, I want to call your attention to important concepts necessary for the understanding of the earliest Christian times. Those individuals who could still call themselves the apostles of the Lord, who, for the affirmation of their mission, did not only refer to the fact that they had heard his words. Having heard his words didn't really carry as much weight as we would experience today when we listen to some or other speech, or a teaching. The teaching of Christ Jesus was something that was felt to be completely charitable in his environment, but it wasn't the first thing you would consider as the most important. It was far more important for them to stress the results: we have lain our hands in his wounds, we have participated in looking at his Being.—The direct togetherness with Christ Jesus is something in particular which I ask you to please consider seriously.
[ 14 ] You see, you will reach a conclusion of what actually is at a soul foundation when I say to you: you need to first sense the difference between what you experience when you place your one hand on an outer object, or on your own hand, or when you place it on some part of your body. You must come to the conclusion that you sense a difference, that there is a difference. You must also be able to feel something else; you must be able to feel you possess two eyes with two lines of vision which meet and cross. (He draws on the blackboard, right.) These two lines of sight which cross at what we are looking at—it is quite like when I hug myself with my two arms encircling myself. Just think about the difference between man and animal. An animal has, to a much reduced degree, the possibility to experience what we for instance experience when our one hand touches the other. Just look at the position of particular animal eyes; you can clearly distinguish how strong the egoism of an animal is, according to its eye positions. Animals which have eye positions with eye axes which can't cross are unable to develop egoism, because the experience, the sense of having an I, depends on a person being able to "grasp" his I, and that the right gaze of the eye can meet the left gaze by crossing. On this the sense of the I is dependant.
[ 15 ] The disciples knew themselves to be so connected to the Christ that in a certain sense it was as similar as feeling their own hands, when they touched his wounds. So this direct connection with the Christ was something which gave them the awareness that they lived with him in a higher world. This was actually what the disciples felt, it was as if a spiritual island surrounded them and their Lord, and when they felt that their Lord had gone away and they had now become the teachers, they called themselves teachers, training for this how-to-be-together-with-him.
Then again, the disciples of the Apostles in turn depended on the imagery which they had experienced; you can even read this in individual letters. When some or other apostolic disciple, Polycarp of Smyrna for instance, could describe what some or other person who had taught him, looked like, the description was unbelievably more important than the communication of mere words. What is most essential here, was recalling the feeling of being-together-with everything in connection with the Christ, so that one can say the Apostles sensed the succession, but they could no longer inwardly experience every transformation which had been experienced in the old initiation mysteries. Don't misunderstand me, I don't suggest that the apostles or apostle disciples have made such deliberations, but their soul constitution was so that they could make such deliberations and it was characteristic of their soul constitution to formulate such deliberations. When they were asked to formulate their soul constitution, they would have said: Yes, we couldn't go through with it in the same way as was still possible in the earlier Mysteries, for instance experiencing the transformation of light to darkness; we can no longer experience how one is anointed with oil and so on, and we can no longer experience the inner pain through recalling; but here a God has incarnated in the form of Jesus who was here, and with whom we have relations and when we really in our consciousness take it up, not merely with intellectual grasping but when in all concreteness we live in it, then something lifts us up into the supersensible world.
[ 16 ] With the apostles it was the direct living-in-community with the Christ, with the apostle disciples it was the community living-with-him, being carried over to them, who had laid their hands on those who had still been touched by the Lord, and transmitted to those in the third generation who had again laid their hands on someone who had had the Lord touch them. They would get a sense of apostolic succession when they would recall what I've just said, and they would also get a feeling for what it meant to stand inside a world which is spiritually, as it were, like standing in a physical line of ancestors. The physical line of ancestors flows through from birth. The spiritual ancestral line however, must go up to the spiritual father ancestor, the Christ Jesus, it flows through the ongoing, continuous fulfilment of consecrated ceremonies, which lead to the Christ, which certainly must always become more and more outward, because it must ever more make an intensive impression on people. As a result, besides the laying on of hands, other ceremonies were recorded in the next centuries, to make the outer impressions even stronger. A process of internalisation existed with those surrounding Christ Jesus: here Christ Jesus was performing a ritual himself. My dear friends, why was this necessary?
The life of Christ Jesus was the ritual for that which was around him, that which was accomplished in reality, that was the ritual/cult: the great offering of mass was fulfilled on Golgotha. Here we are led back to the first fulfilment of the ritual: at least this is what lives in Christian consciousness. This was followed by outward signs: it required the necessity for an outward imprint of activity, like remembrance, to show the eyes and to impress it on the soul in prayer, which could not be as alive as it had been with the apostles and the apostle disciples.
[ 17 ] I know that many people who hear such things with today's consciousness say: Why don't you simply express it in a short and sweet answer, shaped in sharply outlined terms, this or that is apostolic succession?—If someone wants such sharply outlined concepts, his argument is inwardly untruthful. One only speaks truth when it introduces the view of something that has been experienced. Such a thing can't be understood in sharply outlined concepts.
[ 18 ] Apostolic succession is something experienced first and then one knows that actually something is being experienced in a spiritual line of ancestors leading back to Christ, just like the ancestral line flowing through the blood links to the natural ancestral line, to any of the ancestors. This spiritual blood lies in the continuous fulfilment of the priestly ordination ceremony. It forms therefore the direct connection, for those who become priests, to the spiritual world. It is consecrated by someone who have themselves received such a consecration, and these, to those, and so on, up to the point where the supersensible descended into a human body and in this way for the first time brought a new, substantial fructification in the earth, which had become old.
[ 19 ] We will want to develop the particular format of the priest ordination, into a ritual form. I would like, still today, to point out that you could eventually find something which remains incomprehensible in the priest ordination. Now, by me saying something like this you will understand, also in connection with the regular previous lectures up to this morning, that in fact a complete break had to take place regarding the understanding of such things, when the changed consciousness appeared from the middle of the 15th century. In me expressing these things, I'm using words, which actually for the general consciousness could only have been fully understood before the middle of the 15th century. Then people actually stopped having a real sense for the meaning of these words. It is basically only through the trust you have been able to put in me, that you can hear something here in the manner and way it happened in former times when the soul constitution experienced things in quite a different way. Then came the time when less importance was attached to a concrete connection, when people who still knew how to attach importance to this concrete connection, became rare. Now, the most importance was attributed to the comprehensible content of the Gospels, to the comprehensible content of religion as such. Thus, gradually it took on particular importance to discuss the content of the Gospels, to discuss the content of the sacraments and to a certain extent particularly look into the teaching material, at the teaching content. The teaching content gradually became the most important. Not actually the concrete, but the abstract, became the most important, that is the essential thing. While for the catholic consciousness—I don't mean merely the roman catholic, but the catholic Christian consciousness—the priest ordination placed the chosen one in a spiritual ancestry up to Christ, which actually for the modern person made everything quite comprehensible, from definitions to declarations which places nothing into a reality. However, we must be very clear about it, that we live again in a time where we need deepening again in that direction.
[ 20 ] Well, the catholic consciousness has basically always acted quite consistently according to these prerequisites; quite consistently. In order not to be misunderstood regarding what follows, I would like to introduce it like this. When today we want to prepare someone—in fact, I mean for something which we see as a new ritual—when we, today, want to prepare someone to perform ceremonial actions, then we would for those who stand outside Catholicism in the world, no longer with full inner devotion be able to integrate a person into the apostolic succession. As I've mentioned to you, there have been remarkable Theosophists like Leadbeater and similar ones, who have likewise tried to place themselves in the apostolic succession, but that's going to resist any man who's honest with the world, if he is not imbued with Catholic consciousness.
[ 21 ] We need to look for something else. We need to fully understand that a reality is not something which is spoken about, something abstract. We must also learn to understand the sacramental. We must learn to understand, throughout, that the content of the teaching does not contain the essential but that something must be added from real processes and in such a way that these actual processes are carried on the waves of reality as the weaving of the Divine. There have only been single individuals, like Novalis, who understood this—do read his Aphorisms, then you'll see. He spoke about magical idealism; he knew this wasn't alive in outer sensory worlds, but within people, there lived the soul—spiritual. Then there was Schelling—in his old age, that's why he was hardly understood—for whom it was quite absurd to believe that the essence of Christianity consisted in the acceptance of what Christ taught; rather, Schelling recognised the essential much more according to the account of Jesus going through the process of the entire Golgotha drama, in the description of actions which took place around Golgotha. However, there are individuals who tend towards the reality, who in turn want to enter into actual experiences connected to the spiritual. In totality one could say that the way Catholicism experiences it, is something quite antiquated which can't be introduced into modern consciousness any longer. For this reason we mustn't only search for a renewal of old rituals but we must search for a ritual which we can create out of ourselves, but created in such a way that it creates the Divine in us in the sense we have spoken about, so that the words of Paul become the truth—in Gospel interpretation, and in all religious activities: Not I, but Christ in me.
[ 22 ] Catholicism, as Roman Catholicism, has actually always known how to act consistently. To a certain extent it has turned out, lifted out, from general humanity, all those who were descendants of Christ Jesus himself and so a sharp awareness has come about, separating the priestly spiritual generation, meaning those people connected to consecration, from all other people who had not attended consecration. Like a member of the nobility who for instance connects his bloodline back to the 18th ancestor and knows who carry this blood in their veins, their ancestral connection differs from that of the rest of humanity, in the same way there's a difference from those consecrated into the apostolic succession up to Christ himself, who have continuously and consistently received consecration, right down to those who had not received it. They felt themselves placed in this connection and felt others were different; that's why it was quite necessary during a certain time period that certain things were presented to people. A person gradually absorbed what had more or less consciously existed in his awareness and allowed this to be expressed in his actions. After this, because of the ever-increasing sharper awareness related to the Christ developed, came the necessity for greater withdrawal for the uninitiated: celibacy. The celibate already had his inner foundation and there where the celibate was dogmatised it was found throughout that the priest had to withdraw from connecting to all others, was a human personality who found it far more important to practice the priest consecration as a conscious inheritance of the father of his ancestors and because he was placed in this ancestral blood of a spiritual ancestry, he could not be in contact with that world from which he was taken out by the consecration ceremony. The moment a person strongly experienced this particular situation of priesthood in relation to the world, the necessity for celibacy was added, and of course there's no denying that one could also feel the political usefulness for Rome, and so on. However, you can be quite certain that during the time when celibacy was introduced—it was a time when the celibate person came from the monk priesthood—in the unconscious impulses was the urge for a certain honesty and truthfulness. It was certainly the case that the creation of celibacy was understood in the way I have presented it now. Just as in the 19th century, in a kind of natural way—as I said—the consequential process living in the Catholic consciousness resulted in the dogma of immaculate conception and how this resulted in the infallibility dogma, so at a certain time causes led to the consequences of celibacy.
[ 23 ] Well, if you take all of this in then we already come to what is of particular importance today. Of particular importance today for us is to again return to the ritual, to ceremonies. You are experiencing, at least many of you have said you experience it like this: you are actually experiencing necessities based on what has come out of, and is given by, this time. Of course we can't undo events, we can't go back to untruths for instance, we can't reverse an untruth, such as taking something which no longer feels alive were to be changed externally, like being ordained by an olden-time Catholic priest. That would be contradictory to those who have already ignited the Protestant consciousness too strongly in themselves because for the Protestant consciousness this possibility doesn't exist; in their experience one can't oppose something which has been created out of quite other circumstances.
[ 24 ] What you need to arrive at, if reality is at all part of your striving, is what can flow out of the spiritual world itself, which can be seen as flowing directly from Christ Jesus. We must strengthen ourselves in the words of Jesus: I am with you until the end of earthly days.—
These words out of the Gospels also announce such a process of the Christ impulse will be found on the earth for so long, that it will last until the end of the earth comes about. For this reason, one must firstly announce this as a postulate to a certain extent, that it must be possible—as a reality—to come to Christ, like with the Catholic consciousness, through the apostolic succession historically the spiritual family tree is searched for, reaching right to Christ. It must be able to find Him again, in a moment in the present; a connection to the Divine, a connection to the Christianized Divine as it was historically found by the Catholics in the apostolic succession right up to the Christian ancestors of this apostolic succession. That is why it must take place this way, that we find the spiritual again, not only in words about the Christian aspect, but so that we actually connect with what is real in the Christian aspect. Then we can create the ritual out of this, like the ritual was created within the apostolic succession. However, we need to penetrate it with an understanding which goes far beyond the understanding of the time.
[ 25 ] We must indeed move towards an understanding that can be expressed—I want to first formulate it as follows: In the world and in ordinary human thinking we experience the phenomenal: we however want to experience the nominal, we want to try and enter into the essential and out of this essence find the ritual. If you really want to find the ritual, then it must finally be so that this ritual is discovered as it had been during the second century, where gradually, what used to exist in simpler forms—only a few of which have been recorded—has now been transferred to the forms of later rituals. [ 26 ] How was the ritual experienced? A person was caught up in it, just like a person who smokes knows what he is doing by smoking; he knows he can express what he wants to, only by smoking. So you must again learn to feel that you, when you perform some or other ceremony, know for yourself: the ceremony must be performed in this way. A person knows what he has to say today when he turns to other people, he knows how to clothe his inner life with words. My dear friends, there is a moment in life, where one inwardly experiences that it is impossible to continue using words, where what you want to say no longer translates into words, where you have to stop with words or at most continue with words by carrying out the sacred act by starting to not merely letting the word sound out but where, for instance, the development of smoke must take place, where in particular one of the other actions must be carried out imaginatively. Where the words connect with a particular action, by coming into the original consciousness, where also, like your soul content, being enlivened by the Divine, pours into the words, now your soul content will no longer be merely a phenomenal one but a nominal one, then you will be lifted out of what the outer world comprises, there you will gradually enter into the sacramental.
[ 27 ] Somewhat in this way, I've tried to clarify how one must enter into the sacramental. It actually makes no sense, let's say, in simply transforming holy water as is often done today by subordinate clerics. There is simply no point in performing the transubstantiation in this way, as is done by many subordinate clerics today, who are left in the dark in relation to the esoteric consecration of the Catholic Church. Regarding the old soul constitutions, it had made sense to be fully aware of one's actions when a certain word was spoken over the salt substance, and that they knew the salt substance had changed as a result.
Today experiments have already been done to make the gentle sensitivity of a flame visible, by placing a flame somewhere and a person speaking rhythmically at a distance from it, to see the flame copy the rhythm. Here a rhythm is being copied by something inorganic. If I know the right words in the right word correlation over the salt substance, then the salt substance will change. If I now allow this salt substance which has been permeated, to enter into water, then I have kindled a process, which, if I understand it, when I have performed it in spirit, is a sacramental act. We must be able, once again, to look at the nominal as such. This we will address tomorrow. [ 28 ] I think, in any case, my dear friends, that many questions could be conjured out of the soul by me speaking about these things, and I would love it if the questions, while you are all here, not in general, could also be formulated concretely so that no doubt remains. I completely understand that with earnestness your small circle has turned to me with the clear intention to really work toward a renewal of the religious life. It is not possible to do so by merely changing the teaching content; it is only possible when you enter with a changed soul constitution. We are now entering more deeply into things and, triggered through your questions we will become ever more acquainted with these things so that you're actually going to understand what I mean to convey.
Fünfzehnter Vortrag
[ 1 ] Meine lieben Freunde! Es wird also, wie mir eben auch Herr Lizentiat Bock sagt, das beste sein, wenn wir anknüpfen an das Gestrige und die Betrachtungen von gestern nachmittag hinorientieren zu den Fragen, die aufgetaucht sind.
[ 2 ] Ich habe gestern versucht, zunächst eine Art von Übersicht zu geben über die sieben Sakramente; ich habe versucht zu zeigen, wie die Sakramente entweder darstellen eine Art von Involutionswert zum Evolutionswert oder umgekehrt. Nun liegt ja in den Fragen, die gestellt worden sind, vorzugsweise auch der Wunsch, etwas zu hören über das Sakrament der Priesterweihe. Wir haben ja gesehen, wie fünf Sakramente im wesentlichen zugeordnet sind der Entwikkelung eines jeden einzelnen Menschen, wie sie zusammenhängen mit dem, was der Mensch durchmacht zunächst von der Geburt bis zum Tode. Und wir haben gesehen, wie die beiden Sakramente, die Priesterweihe und die Ehe im christlichen Sinne, herausfallen aus den fünf [anderen] Sakramenten, und wie die Priesterweihe eine Zeremonie darstellt, die hinweist als das Evolutorische auf das, was in jedem Menschen als Involutorisches vorhanden ist, nämlich die geheimnisvolle Verbindung eines jeden individuellen Menschen mit dem Göttlichen.
[ 3 ] Nun wollen wir zunächst einmal einfach versuchen, dieses Sakrament der Priesterweihe seinem Begriff nach vor uns hinzustellen, so wie es sich entwickelt hat, indem der Inhalt des Christentums überhaupt übergegangen ist in die christlichen Zeremonien und sich allmählich kristallisiert hat das Leben im Katholizismus als die Summe der Zeremonien.
[ 4 ] Da müssen wir uns zunächst klar sein darüber, daß die Verbindung des Menschen mit dem Göttlichen im Sinne der Epoche, in die das Mysterium von Golgatha hineinfiel, eine solche war, die durchaus sich weit hinter das Bewußtsein der [heutigen] Menschen zurückgezogen hat. Wenn wir in der Kulturentwickelung der Menschen weit zurückgehen, so finden wir da eine andere [Art der] Auswahl zum Priesterstand als die spätere und als diejenige, von der wir hier eigentlich zu sprechen haben. Man muß sich darüber klar sein, daß Zeremonien, Rituale, Sakramente nur zu verstehen sind im ganzen Zusammenhang der Menschheitsentwickelung, weil ja die christlichen Sakramente doch eine Art Umwandlung älterer Sakramente sind. Nun, es stand also anders in älteren Zeiten in bezug auf das Priesterwerden. In älteren Zeiten wurde derjenige durch die Führer der Mysterien aufgenommen in die Mysterien, den man durch seine seelischen Eigenschaften, durch seine ganze menschliche Entwickelung für würdig hielt - wir würden heute sagen, wenn wir einen treffenden Ausdruck dafür gebrauchen: den man für auserwählt hielt. Das ist ein Begriff, der um so mehr Bedeutung hat, je weiter wir zurückblicken in der Menschheitsentwickelung. Die Anschauung, daß die Menschen gleich sind, ist eben durchaus eine Anschauung der neueren Zeit, sie ist eigentlich im wesentlichen etwas, was erst aus dem Bewußtsein der Epoche um das Mysterium von Golgatha herum hervorgegangen ist. Dagegen glaubte man ja tatsächlich in älteren Zeiten, daß der eine Mensch mehr als der andere auserwählt ist, daß also diejenigen, die würdig waren, in die Mysterien eingeweiht zu werden — oder initiiert zu werden, wie man mit einem anderen Ausdruck ziemlich deutlich die Vorstellung treffen kann -, herausgefunden werden müssen aus der Masse der Menschen. Und wenn man auf diese Weise den einen oder anderen herausgefunden hatte, den man für prädestiniert hielt für das priesterliche Amt, so mußte er die Einweihung eben durchmachen. Dieses Durchmachen der Einweihung bedeutet ja, daß der Mensch in die Lage gebracht wurde, tatsächlich einen anderen Bewußtseinszustand zu handhaben als bloß denjenigen, den man in der äußeren Welt hat. Ein anderer Bewußtseinszustand war wiederum etwas anderes für die älteren Zeiten, als es heute ist. Heute ist ja eigentlich das auch ein anderer Bewußtseinszustand, wenn man in der Lage ist, Imagination, Inspiration und Intuition zu handhaben. Wenn ich also, weil das vielleicht am meisten zum Verständnis führen kann, von dem heutigen zweiten Bewußtsein ausgehe, so ist das so, daß dabei vollständig bestehen bleiben muß das gewöhnliche Tagesbewußtsein. Der Mensch darf nicht einen Augenblick — ohne krank zu werden — irgendwie beeinträchtigt werden durch Übungen oder dergleichen, wie ich sie in meinem Buche «Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten?» beschrieben habe; er darf nicht beeinträchtigt werden in der Handhabung seines Tagesbewußtseins, das muß also da sein. Und das andere Bewußtsein, dem ja die eigentliche Freiheit mangelt, das in der Handhabung von Imagination, Inspiration und Intuition besteht, das muß durchaus als etwas dastehen, das schnell wechseln kann, das im Augenblick wechseln kann mit dem gewöhnlichen Tagesbewußtsein, so wie der Schlafzustand mit dem Wachzustand wechseln kann, nur daß dieser Wechsel zwischen schauendem Bewußtsein und dem gewöhnlichen Tagesbewußtsein in die völlige menschliche Willkür gestellt werden muß. Das ist allerdings etwas, was erst nach Übung erlangt werden kann, und was durchschaut werden muß in seiner ganzen Wesenheit, um überhaupt über die Sache sprechen zu können.

[ 5 ] Nun ist aber tatsächlich dieses andere Bewußtsein etwas, was eine ganz andere Welt gibt, als diejenige ist, die sich vor den Sinnen ausbreitet und die mit dem Verstand erfaßt wird, die jeden Augenblick zurückführt zu der Wesenheit des menschlichen Ichs, zum Halten an das menschliche Ich. Das menschliche Ich ist in dem anderen Bewußtsein zunächst in einer größeren Stärke vorhanden, man hat es da nicht bloß als etwas, das alle einzelnen Vorstellungen und Gefühle durchsetzt, sondern man hat es als ein Bild. Man hat die Möglichkeit es anzuschauen, man weiß, dieses Ich ist etwas, in dem man nicht bloß lebt, sondern es ist als eine Objektivität vorhanden. Das Andere dieses höheren Bewußtseins ist das, daß man keine Anschauung erlangt von dem, was das mineralische Reich ist — das mineralische Reich gehört nur dem gewöhnlichen menschlichen Tagesbewußtsein an —, dagegen ändert sich völlig die Anschauung des Pflanzlichen, des Tierischen und des Menschlichen selbst. Man lebt also tatsächlich in einer anderen Welt. Man nennt dasjenige, was zwischen diesen beiden Welten ist, die Schwelle, die überschritten werden muß und die überschritten werden darf, nachdem man dazu vorbereitet ist, und die Vorbereitung schafft man sich wirklich in dem getreulichen Üben dessen, was ich angeführt habe in «Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten?». Denn wenn man nicht richtig vorbereitet wäre dazu, so könnte dasjenige, was man sich da als ein neues Bewußtsein erwirbt, herunterrutschen in die Körperlichkeit. (Während der folgenden Ausführungen wird an die Tafel gezeichnet, Mitte.) Ich will das so zeichnen: Nehmen wir an, das wäre das Tagesbewußtsein, das ja gebunden ist an die menschliche Leiblichkeit. Dieses höhere Bewußtsein ist nun herausgehoben, man sieht eine völlig neue Welt. Nun aber muß man ja dieses höhere Bewußtsein erhalten, es muß etwas rein Geistig-Seelisches sein. Es könnte aber passieren, wenn man nicht vorher die Kraft sich durch Üben erworben hat — es passiert nicht, wenn es lebendig vollzogen wird; was ich sage, ist mehr eine Hypothese -, also wenn man die Kraft nicht durch Übung erworben hat, daß das ganze herunterrutscht in die Körperlichkeit. Dann würde man nicht im freien geistig-seelischen Bewußtsein leben, sondern es würden sich die Prozesse in den menschlichen Organen an dem beteiligen, was dieses Bewußtsein schaut; dann hätte man es mit Träumen zu tun, man hätte es nicht zu tun mit einem wirklichen objektiven inhaltsvollen Imaginieren. Das objektive inhaltsvolle Imaginieren entsteht ja dadurch, daß dasjenige, was man erlebt, nicht imprägniert ist von den Vorgängen des eigenen Körpers, sondern von den Vorgängen der übersinnlichen Welt. Das muß durch Übung errungen werden, und das muß man errungen haben, damit man jene Grenze zwischen dem Sinnlichen und dem Übersinnlichen überschreiten kann, die als die Schwelle bezeichnet wird. Nun, das ist heute so. Heute haben wir im gewöhnlichen Bewußtsein den Inhalt, den ja jeder kennt, und wir haben dann einen anderen Inhalt - der natürlich beschrieben werden kann, so wie ich es jetzt wiederum von gewissen Gesichtspunkten aus getan habe —, der durchaus als der Inhalt einer höheren Welt zu bezeichnen ist gegenüber der gewöhnlichen Welt. Gehen wir aber zurück zu den Zeiten der menschlichen Erdenentwickelung, von denen ich hier sprechen will, in der die Auserwählten eingeweiht wurden, dann haben wir auch bei ihnen das Aufsuchen eines anderen Bewußtseinszustandes, aber er ist anders [als heute], insofern der Bewußtseinszustand, den wir heute einfach als den normalen menschlichen Bewußtseinszustand bezeichnen, bei jenen Mysterienschülern der außerordentliche war, und ein gewisses bildhaftes Vorstellen, ein Schauen des Göttlichen in allen einzelnen Dingen, das war das Normale. Also was damals für die alten Mysterien als die Schwelle zu bezeichnen ist, lag für die damaligen Zeiten eigentlich ganz woanders, als die Schwelle heute für uns liegt. Wir können das selbst an äußeren Dingen bemerken.
[ 6 ] Sehen Sie, wir haben heute etwas, was schon das Kind in der Schule lernt, das ist das heliozentrische Weltsystem. Das heliozentrische Weltsystem — Sie können das historisch überliefert finden — ist eigentlich durch eine Art Verrat in die Literatur übergegangen. Das heliozentrische Weltsystem war schon vorhanden in Griechenland, es war schon viel früher deutlich vorhanden, es wurde in den Mysterien gelehrt. Was heute das gewöhnliche Schulkind lernt, was die Menschen als Weltanschauung über die Welt bekommen, das wurde in älteren Zeiten nur in den Mysterien gelehrt. Im äußeren normalen Bewußtsein hatten die [damaligen] Menschen ein Bilderbewußtsein. Wir können wirklich sagen: Gegenüber den Alten lebt heute jeder Mensch, der den Schulunterricht durchgemacht hat, jenseits der Schwelle. Das hat man [aber] gerade in den alten Mysterien als ganz besonders gefahrvoll für den Menschen betrachtet, wenn er [nicht durch reguläre Einweihung, sondern] durch irgendein Elementarereignis über die Schwelle geführt wurde und zum Beispiel nicht an dem geozentrischen Weltsystem — also daran, daß der Boden stillesteht und die Sterne und die Sonne sich bewegen - festhielt, sondern an dem Stillestehen der Sonne, wie die eingeweihten Schüler der alten Zeiten es getan haben. Man sagte, dazu muß man vorbereitet sein, um das zu ertragen, was zum Beispiel im heliozentrischen Weltsystem oder was zum Beispiel in unserer heutigen Biologie und Physiologie und so weiter liegt. Das erscheint einem heutigen Menschen paradox, war aber doch so. Man kann sagen: Geschichtlich hat die Menschheit als solche in der Zeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha die Schwelle für dasjenige überschritten, was ehemals in den Mysterien der älteren Epochen künstlich überschritten werden mußte, um zur Einweihung zu kommen. Damals hat der [Einzuweihende] das gelernt, was heute bei uns jedes Kind lernt. Wir lernen ja [heute] wiederum als Einsicht in die höhere Welt dasjenige erkennen, was später das Normale werden wird. So ist es mit dem Fortgang der Menschheit. Und das wird verkannt, weil zum Beispiel gewisse ältere Schriften von einem Gesichtspunkt aus reden, der dadurch gegeben ist, daß das Bewußtsein der Menschen ein bildhaftes war, so war, daß man eben nicht die äußeren Dinge sah, sondern durch die Dinge hindurch das im Innern liegende Geistige. Man muß wissen, daß man die Worte dieser älteren Schriften anders zu lesen hat, als sie die heutigen Altsprachenforscher oder Kulturgeschichtler oder Anthropologen und dergleichen lesen, [weil das Bewußtsein ein bildhaftes war]. Wir können also sagen, in älteren Zeiten wurde der Einzuweihende dazu geführt, die Welt kennenzulernen, die wir kennen.
[ 7 ] Ich möchte noch eine Einzelheit angeben. Wenn wir in die älteren Zeiten Griechenlands zurückgehen, da konnten die Menschen noch nicht so wie wir heute deutlich sinnlich die Farbe Blau sehen. Sie hatten nicht die Sinnesempfindung für die Farbe Blau, sie hatten vielmehr das Sinnesvermögen nach der anderen Seite ausgebildet, nach den lebhaften Farben, dem Rot und so weiter, so daß für die Griechen das Blau viel mehr ins Grünliche ging als für uns heute. Von diesem Gesichtspunkt aus muß man alles das auffassen, was die Alten empfanden. Man muß sich auch klar darüber sein, daß das aktive Denken zusammenhängt mit der in der Entwickelung der Menschheit heraufkommenden Blauempfindung. Wenn in älteren Schriften von Blau die Rede ist, so ist das immer ein Irrtum, denn das Erlebnis des Blau und damit auch das heutige aktive Verstandeserlebnis hatten diese Menschen nicht. Sie hatten nicht jene im Anschauen des Blau sich entwickelnde Hingabe an das Objektive, das Ausfließen des Ich in das Objektive, sie hatten viel mehr das [Erlebnis], das im Rot liegt, das vom Objektiven nach dem Subjektiven [gehende], das sich aktiv von außen her Berührtfühlen und Aufnehmen, worin eben das Gewahrwerden des Göttlichen in den Objekten lag.
[ 8 ] Also diese Einweihung war schon etwas ganz Bestimmtes; es handelte sich darum, daß die Einweihung in diesen älteren Zeiten dadurch vollzogen worden ist, daß der Mensch selber physisch Dinge durchmachen mußte, welche gewissermaßen eine Art innerliches Sakrament ausmachten. Die Sakramente waren in älteren Zeiten mehr innerlich. Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel so etwas, daß der Mensch durch äußere Veranstaltungen, durch äußere Verrichtungen in Furcht versetzt wurde. Zum Beispiel in Griechenland gab es ja Mysterien, wo einer der wichtigsten Vorgänge war, daß der Mensch in völliges Dunkel geführt wurde, daß er ins Dunkel sich einleben mußte, und daß er dann einer plötzlichen Erleuchtung des ganzen Raumes gegenüberstand — das war die Perzeption, die ihm gegeben worden ist. Worauf es damals ankam, das war diese Überführung des Bewußtseinszustandes aus einem Sein im Dunkeln, in der Finsternis, in das Helle. Da aber geht im Menschen etwas vor, da gehen feine Prozesse im Menschen vor. Diese feinen Prozesse, die da vorgehen im Menschen, kann ich Ihnen in der folgenden Weise beschreiben. Wenn die Menschen, nachdem sie dieses Übergehen aus dem Finsteren in das Helle eine Zeitlang erlebt haben, auf diesem Gebiete wissend werden, dann sondert sich im Menschen — je nach seiner Beschaffenheit verschieden — Salz ab, das sich ablagert, Salzablagerungen, die dadurch eigentlich stattfanden, daß die Überführung aus dem dunklen Zustand in den hellen Zustand, auch im Wechsel, geschah. Dieser [Vorgang] war vollständig zu etwas gemacht worden, dessen der Mensch gewahr wurde, das er begleitete mit einem gewissen Gefühl, das allerdings dem Furchtgefühl sehr ähnlich war. Dieses Salzablagern, das nahm der Mensch wahr; er nahm also eine innerliche Wechselbeziehung wahr, er nahm etwas wahr, was in ihm vorging. Und in diesem Moment, wo das [in ihm] durch eine äußere Verrichtung geschah, hatte der Mensch einen Einweihungsvorgang durchgemacht, denn die Einweihung in älteren Zeiten bestand durchaus darin, daß im Menschen selber solche Vorgänge hervorgerufen wurden. Das aber, worauf es jetzt ankam, das war das, was einen solchen Vorgang der Salzablagerung im Innern begleitete. Ein solcher Vorgang der Salzablagerung im Innern war begleitet davon, daß der Mensch sich im Bewußtsein imprägniert fand [von der Lichtperzeption, aber] nicht bloß von der Lichtperzeption, sondern von der im Licht enthaltenen Geistigkeit; er nahm also auf die im Lichte enthaltene Geistigkeit. Indem das Salz koaguliert im Innern des Menschen, fühlt der Mensch diese Koagulation des Salzes in sich als ein Durchdrungensein von dem Göttlichen. Diese Zustände zu bewußten zu machen, das war die Kunst der Einweihung in älteren Zeiten. Der Mensch konnte ganz anders sprechen, bei dem das Leben im Lichte nicht bloß ein Vorgang der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung war, sondern ein solches Durchdrungensein [vom Lichte], daß er sagen konnte: Indem ich im Lichte lebe, koaguliert in mir die Materie. - Und mit dem, was in der gewöhnlichen Materie enthalten ist, nahm er in gewisser Beziehung unmittelbar wahr die Wirkung desjenigen, was über der Substanz der gewöhnlichen Materie liegt.
[ 9 ] Nun, wir verstehen diese Dinge nicht, meine lieben Freunde, wenn wir nicht wissen, daß die ganze Konstitution des Menschen in älteren Zeiten anders war als sie später geworden ist. Solch einen Vorgang, wie ich ihn geschildert habe, kann man heute beobachten beim Aufwachen oder beim Einschlafen. Bei dem Zustand, den die körperliche Entwickelung des Menschengeschlechtes heute erreicht hat, würde man diese Dinge nicht mehr vornehmen können. Der Einfluß auf den Menschen ist nicht mehr in dieser intensiven Weise möglich, der Mensch ist gewissermaßen mehr in sich verhärtet worden. Es geht heute nicht so, daß dem Menschen diese feinen geistigmateriellen Prozesse, die da stattfinden, ohne weiteres zum Wahrnehmen gebracht werden können. In dieser Beziehung ändert sich eben das Menschengeschlecht. Und dadurch kam es später dazu, daß dasjenige, was in älteren Zeiten im Innern geschehen ist, nun im Äußeren gesucht wurde. Es wurde gewissermaßen das dem [inneren] Vorgang Entgegengesetzte als Zeremonie vollzogen. Der alte Vorgang der Einweihung, der Vorgang, durch den der Mensch in sich den Geist rege machte, dieser Vorgang wird nun im Äußeren vollzogen. Die Priesterweihe war in den älteren Zeiten durchaus nicht der abgeschwächte Prozeß von heute, sondern ein Prozeß, der, trotzdem er mehr äußerlich vollzogen wurde, dennoch einen tiefen Eindruck auf den Menschen machte. In späteren Zeiten, noch zur Zeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha und darüber hinaus, wurde ja zum Beispiel der Akt der Taufe zumeist so vollzogen, daß er in der Tat noch eine Verrichtung am Menschen selber war. Die Täuflinge wurden [ins Wasser] untergetaucht und dadurch in dieselbe Lage gebracht wie ein Ertrinkender, dem in einer rückwärtslaufenden Perspektive seine Lebensvorgänge am geistigen Blick vorüberziehen. Das gehörte in früheren Zeiten zu der Taufe, daß dem Menschen das vergangene Leben vor die Seele gebracht wurde, daß er also in einer gewissen Weise geistig sehen lernte. Später ist dann das Sakrament der Taufe [zeitlich] zurückverlegt worden, da konnte es natürlich nicht in dieser Weise vollzogen werden, da wurde es nur noch als Zeichen gemacht. Und so ist es auch mit der Priesterweihe. Die Priesterweihe selber wurde also gewissermaßen der äußere Vorgang für dasjenige, was früher im Innern des Menschen hervorgerufen wurde durch die Einweihung, durch die Inversion der äußeren Vorgänge; sie ist dasjenige, was den Menschen in der Tat auch in eine andere Welt hineinstellt. Denn man wird aufmerksam gemacht —ich werde Ihnen das noch genauer zu schildern haben — auf gewisse Zusammenhänge im Weltenall, welche man an der Außenwelt nicht studieren kann, man wird aufmerksam darauf, daß in den materiellen Prozessen sich etwas abspielt, was sich nicht deckt mit den gewöhnlichen äußeren sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Prozessen, man wird aufmerksam auf das eigentliche Sakramentale. Man lernt erkennen, indem man zum Beispiel Salz in Wasser auflöst, daß da etwas vorgeht, was sich nicht erschöpft in dem physikalisch-chemischen Auflösungsvorgang, sondern daß, wenn sich Salz im Wasser auflöst, da tatsächlich innerlich etwas, ich möchte sagen, durchleuchtet. Man lernt erkennen, wie da Prozesse stattfinden, die nur mit dem Geiste des Menschen erfaßt werden können. Und dieses Eingeführtwerden in die Welt solcher Anschauungen, welche nicht mit den äußeren Sinnen und mit dem gewöhnlichen Verstande erfaßt werden können, das gehört im wesentlichen zur Priesterweihe. Man muß also durch die Priesterweihe geradeso in der äußeren Welt das Durchdrungensein dieser Welt mit dem Göttlichen erkennen, wie der Mensch in der älteren Zeit eingeweiht worden ist dadurch, daß er sich gewissermaßen nicht bloß von dem Materiellen des Lichtes durchdrungen fühlte, sondern auch von dem Geistig-Seelischen des Lichtes.
[ 10 ] So also, möchte ich sagen, wird durch die Priesterweihe das menschliche Bewußtsein in einen solchen Zustand gebracht, daß man mit einer völligen inneren Überzeugung sagen kann: Die Welt, die uns umgibt, ist eigentlich nur ein Fragment der Welt; sie ist da, um uns vieles zu verbergen, um uns namentlich [das Geistige in den] Prozessen zu verbergen. Wir sehen ein Geistiges in den Prozessen, wenn wir eben dazu in der entsprechenden Weise vorbereitet sind. Und die Priesterweihe besteht eben darin, daß der Mensch so vorbereitet wird zum geistigen Anschauen, daß er überall im sinnlichen Prozeß auch den geistigen Prozeß sieht. Nehmen wir einen konkreten Fall. Wir sehen eine Pflanze die Blätter entwickeln, die Blüte entwickeln, den Fruchtknoten, die Staubgefäße entwikkeln, wir sehen den Fruchtknoten reifen. (Es wird an die Tafel gezeichnet, links.) Und wir nehmen dann wahr, wie der Blütenstaub herumfliegt, wie er die Blüten befruchtet. Wer nur das Äußerliche sieht, der beurteilt eben im Sinne der äußeren Vorgänge, die dann mit dem Verstande kombiniert werden. Derjenige, der reif sein soll, das Geistige zu sehen, muß ein übersinnliches Weben sehen, das sich gewissermaßen als wogendes Getriebe über dem Pflanzenwachstum ausdehnt und alles das mitbewirkt, was Pflanzenbefruchtung ist. Dadurch aber wird die Erde, in welcher die Pflanze wurzelt, in eine Wechselbeziehung gebracht zu der geistigen Umgebung der Erde.
[ 11 ] Dieses erneuerte Anschauen ist es, in das durch die Priesterweihe eingeführt werden muß. Nur dann, wenn man durch die Priesterweihe so in dieses geistige Anschauen eingeführt worden ist, lernt man auch erkennen, wie das menschliche Wort fortwirkt in der Welt, wie das menschliche Wort nicht nur materielle Luftschwingung ist, sondern wie das menschliche Wort auf den materiellen Luftschwingungen den Geist trägt, wie dieser Geist gewisse Substanzen durchsetzt, die flüchtig sind, also sagen wir den Rauch. So daß Priester-Sein heißt: Sehen, wie die menschlichen Worte den Rauch ergreifen, wie der Rauch umwebt die Materie, sagen wir, des Wortes, und wie dadurch, daß der mit dem Worte durchsetzte, mit dem Worte tingierte Rauch die Materie des Wortes umwebt, das Wort selber geändert wird, wie tatsächlich eine Verwandelung vorgeht, wie ein Wirkliches, ein Geistig-Wirkliches da ist in dem, was in der äußeren Welt, in der Welt der Phänomene vorgeht. So daß Geweiht-Sein auch heißt: Handlungen vornehmen können, die neben ihrer physischen Bedeutung auch noch eine geistige Bedeutung haben.
[ 12 ] Das ist ja natürlich etwas — ich muß es immer betonen —, was außerordentlich fern liegt dem modernen Bewußtsein, aber ungeheuer nahe lag es vor allem demjenigen Bewußtsein, das zur Zeit des Mysteriums von Golgatha vorhanden war. Denn [in dieser Zeit] stand der Mensch eben mitten zwischen dem Alten und dem Neuen drinnen, er kannte noch dieses Schauen des Göttlich-Geistigen in allem Natürlichen, entweder durch Tradition oder durch Atavismus, und er lebte gewissermaßen in der Angst vor jenem Zustande, in den man hineinkommt, wenn das Natürliche nurmehr natürlich gesehen wird und dadurch das andere, [das Göttlich-Geistige,] nur als ein abgezogenes Abstraktes zu erfassen sein wird. Nun, damals kannten die Menschen also noch das Weben des Geistigen in dem Sinnlichen. Die Jünger des Christus Jesus wußten einfach, daß das In-seiner-Nähe-Sein etwas anderes bedeutete als in der Nähe eines anderen zu sein. Denn sie wußten, daß er der Träger einer überirdischen Wesenheit ist, sie fühlten sich berührt von dieser überirdischen Wesenheit, und dieses Zusammensein mit ihm war für sie ohne weiteres das Aufleuchten des übersinnlichen Bewußtseins.
[ 13 ] Also denken wir uns, wir seien da hineingestellt in eine Welt, in der sich eine Anzahl von Menschen, die um den Christus Jesus herum sind, sagen: Wenn man in seiner Nähe ist, wird man zur Anschauung der göttlich-geistigen Welt gebracht. Nun, im Zusammenhang damit mache ich Sie auf etwas aufmerksam, was sehr wichtig ist für das Begreifen der ersten christlichen Zeit. Diejenigen, die sich noch die Apostel des Herrn nannten, die beriefen sich zur Bekräftigung ihrer Mission nicht etwa allein darauf, daß sie sein Wort gehört haben. Das Hören seines Wortes war eigentlich nicht etwas von so großem Gewicht, wie wir das heute empfinden, wenn wir irgendein Wort, eine Lehre hören. Die Lehre des Christus Jesus war zwar etwas, was in seiner Umgebung völlig als wohltätig empfunden wurde, aber es war nicht dasjenige, was man in erster Linie als das Wichtigste empfand. Für viel wichtiger hielt man es, für die Nachfolge zu betonen: Wir haben unsere Hände in seine Wunden gelegt, wir haben selber teilgenomen an dem Anschauen seines Wesens. — Das unmittelbare Zusammensein [mit dem Christus Jesus], das ist dasjenige, was ich Sie bitte, hier besonders ins Auge zu fassen.
[ 14 ] Sehen Sie, Sie werden einen Begriff bekommen von dem, was da eigentlich seelisch zugrundelag, wenn ich Ihnen sage: Fühlen Sie einmal den Unterschied zwischen dem, was Sie empfinden, wenn Sie Ihre Hand an einen äußeren Gegenstand legen, und dem, was Sie empfinden, wenn Sie Ihre Hand an Ihre eigene Hand oder an irgendeinen anderen Körperteil legen. Den Unterschied muß man fühlen; man muß daraufkommen, daß dieser Unterschied da ist. Und dann muß man noch etwas anderes fühlen können, man muß fühlen können, man hat zwei Augen mit Blickrichtungen, die sich treffen und sich kreuzen. (Es wird an die Tafel gezeichnet, rechts.) Diese sich kreuzenden Blickrichtungen, die dort, wo wir hinschauen, zusammentreffen —, das ist geradeso, wie wenn ich mit meinen beiden Armen mich selber anfasse. Denken Sie nur, worin der Unterschied des Menschen vom Tiere liegt. Das Tier hat in viel eingeschränkterem Maße die Möglichkeit, das zu erleben, was zum Beispiel wir erleben, wenn eine Hand die andere berührt. Oder sehen Sie sich die Augenstellung bestimmter Tiere an; Sie können genau unterscheiden, wie stark der Egoismus eines Tieres ist, aus der Augenstellung. Solche Tiere, die die Augenstellung so haben, daß sie die Augenachsen nicht kreuzen können, können gar keinen Egoismus entwickeln, denn die Empfindung, das Erleben des Ich beruht eben darauf, daß man das Ich «anfassen» kann, und daß der rechte Blick des Auges mit dem linken Blick des Auges sich kreuzen kann. Darauf beruht gerade das Erleben des Ich.
[ 15 ] Nun, die Jünger wußten sich so verbunden mit dem Christus, daß sie gewissermaßen etwas Ähnliches fühlten wie beim Befühlen ihrer eigenen Hände, wenn sie ihre Hände gar in seine Wunden legten. Und so war dieser unmittelbare Zusammenhang [mit dem Christus] dasjenige, was ihnen das Bewußtsein gab, in einer höheren Welt mit ihm zusammenzuleben. Das war tatsächlich etwas, was die Jünger erfüllte, es war, wie wenn eine Geistesinsel sie und den Herrn umfaßt hätte, und wenn sie dann fühlten, der Herr ist hinweggegangen und sie sind nun die Lehrer geworden, berufen sie sich bei ihrem Lehramte auf dieses Mit-ihm-Zusammengewesensein. Und die Schüler der Apostel wiederum berufen sich durchaus auf das Bildhafte, das sie erlebt haben; man kann das sogar in den einzelnen Briefen lesen. Wenn irgendeiner der Apostelschüler, Polykarp von Smyrna zum Beispiel, beschreiben konnte, wie der oder jener ausgesehen hat, von dem er gelernt hat, so war das etwas ungeheuer viel wichtigeres als die Mitteilung des bloßen Wortes. Dasjenige also, was hervorrief das Sich-zusammengehörig-Fühlen mit dem, was noch mit dem Christus zusammenhing, das war das Wesentliche, so daß man sagen kann, die Apostel fühlten die Sukzession, aber sie konnten nicht mehr im Innern jene Umwandelungen fühlen, die bei den alten Einweihungen gefühlt wurden. Mißverstehen Sie mich nicht; ich behaupte nicht, daß die Apostel oder die Apostelschüler solche Erwägungen angestellt haben, aber ihre Seelenverfassung war so, daß sie solche Erwägungen hätten anstellen können, und es wird ihre Seelenverfassung charakterisiert, indem man solche Erwägungen formuliert. Wenn sie genötigt worden wären, ihre Seelenverfassung zu formulieren, würden sie gesagt haben: Ja, wir können nicht mehr in derselben Weise, wie das in den früheren Mysterien möglich war, das durchmachen, was zum Beispiel beim Übergange vom Licht in die Finsternis durchgemacht worden ist, wir können nicht mehr das durchmachen, wie man mit dem Öle gesalbt worden ist und so weiter, und wir können nicht mehr die Dinge durchmachen, die durch Hervorrufen von Schmerzen innerlich durchgemacht worden sind; aber da ist das Göttliche inkarniert, in der Gestalt des Jesus ist es dagewesen, mit dem haben wir zusammengehangen, und wenn wir das richtig ins Bewußtsein aufnehmen, wenn wir es nicht bloß intellektualistisch auffassen, sondern wenn wir es in aller Konkretheit erleben, dann ist das etwas, was uns in die übersinnliche Welt hinaufhebt.
[ 16 ] Bei den Aposteln war es das unmittelbare Zusammenleben [mit dem Christus], bei den Apostelschülern war es wiederum das übertragene Zusammenleben [mit ihm], sie hatten die Hände aufgelegt bekommen von denen, die den Herrn noch berührt haben, und derjenige, der in der dritten Generation war, der hatte wiederum die Hände aufgelegt bekommen von einem, der sie aufgelegt bekommen hat von dem, der den Herrn noch gefühlt hat. Sie werden ein Gefühl von der apostolischen Sukzession bekommen, wenn Sie nun dieses, was ich sage, sich zum Bewußtsein bringen, und Sie werden dann auch ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, was es heißt, drinnenzustehen in einer Welt, die geistig gewissermaßen so ist wie das SelbstDarinnenstehen in einer physischen Ahnenreihe. Die physische Ahnenreihe fließt durch die Geburt. Die geistige Ahnenreihe aber, die hinaufgehen muß bis zu dem geistigen Ahnenvater, dem Christus Jesus, sie fließt durch die fortlaufende kontinuierliche Vollziehung der Weihezeremonien, die hinaufführen bis zu dem Christus, die allerdings immer mehr und mehr äußerlich werden müssen, weil sie intensiver im Eindruck auf den Menschen wirken müssen. So wurden daher schon in den nächsten Jahrhunderten außer dem Händeauflegen auch andere Zeremonien aufgenommen, um den äußeren Eindruck stärker zu machen. Es war eine Verinnerlichung dagewesen gerade bei denjenigen, die den Christus Jesus umgaben; da übte der Christus Jesus selber einen Kultus aus. Meine lieben Freunde, wozu war das nötig gewesen? Das Leben des Christus Jesus war Kultus für diejenigen, die um ihn waren. Dasjenige, was sich da vollzog in der Wirklichkeit, das war Kultus; das große Meßopfer wurde vollzogen auf Golgatha. Da werden wir zurückgeführt zu der ersten Vollziehung des Kultus; wenigstens lebte es so im christlichen Bewußtsein. Dann kam dasjenige, was in äußeren Zeichen vor sich geht; das verlangte aber die Notwendigkeit, durch äußere Verrichtungen, wie zum Andenken, dasjenige den Augen zu zeigen und der Seele im Gebet einzuprägen, was eben nicht mehr so lebendig sein konnte wie bei den Aposteln und den Apostelschülern selber.
[ 17 ] Ich weiß, daß viele, die als Menschen mit dem heutigen Zeitbewußtsein solchen Dingen zuhören, sagen: Warum sagst du uns nicht einfach eine klipp und klare Antwort, in scharf konturierte Begriffe geprägt, dieses oder jenes ist apostolische Sukzession. - Wer so etwas in scharf konturierte Begriffe bringen würde, der redete eigentlich innerlich unwahr. Wahr redet man nur, wenn man die Anschauung heranführt an das, was erlebt wurde. Das ist etwas, was nicht in scharf konturierte Begriffe gefaßt werden kann.
[ 18 ] Apostolische Sukzession, die fühlt man erst, wenn man weiß, daß tatsächlich etwas erlebt wurde wie eine geistige Ahnenreihe, hinaufgehend bis zum Christus, so wie die durch das Blut fließende Ahnenreihe in der natürlichen Ahnenreihe hinaufgeht bis zu irgendeinem der Ahnen. Und dieses geistige Blut, das ist eben dasjenige, was in der fortlaufenden Vollziehung der Zeremonien der Priesterweihe liegt. Es ist also direkt ein Anknüpfen desjenigen, der Priester wird, an die übersinnliche Welt. Er ist geweiht von jemandem, der die Weihe selbst von einem Geweihten empfangen hat, und der ist wiederum von einem Geweihten geweiht, dieser wieder und so weiter, bis hinauf zu demjenigen Punkt, wo das Überirdische heruntergekommen ist in eines Menschen Leib und auf diese Weise zuerst hereingebracht ist eine neue Befruchtungssubstantialität in die altgewordene Erde.
[ 19 ] Die Formen [der Priesterweihe] wollen wir bei den Formen des Kultus im besonderen entwickeln. Ich möchte heute noch auf das hinweisen, was Ihnen von der Priesterweihe eventuell noch hat unverständlich bleiben können. Aber nun, indem ich Ihnen so etwas sage, werden Sie begreifen, auch im Zusammenhang mit den regulär fortgehenden Vorträgen bis zum heutigen Vormittag, daß in der Tat ein völliger Bruch eintreten mußte in bezug auf die Auffassung solcher Dinge, als das geänderte Bewußtsein seit der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts heraufkam. Indem ich diese Dinge ausspreche, rede ich ja in Worten, die eigentlich für das allgemeine Bewußtsein nur völlig hätten verstanden werden können vor der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Dann hört man ja auf, mit diesen Worten überhaupt einen Sinn verbinden zu können. Und es ist im Grunde genommen nur [durch] das Vertrauen, das Sie mir haben entgegenbringen können, daß Sie hier etwas hören können über die Art und Weise, wie man in früheren Zeiten in einer ganz anderen Seelenverfassung die Dinge erlebt hat. Es kam dann eben die Zeit herauf, wo man auf den konkreten Zusammenhang weniger Wert legte, wo die Menschen selten wurden, die auf diesen konkreten Zusammenhang noch Wert zu legen wußten, und wo man den hauptsächlichen Wert legte auf den Verstandesinhalt der Evangelien, auf den Verstandesinhalt der Religion überhaupt. Und so wurde es allmählich von ganz besonderer Bedeutung, über den Inhalt der Evangelien zu diskutieren, über den Inhalt der Sakramente zu diskutieren, gewissermaßen besonders hinzuschauen auf das Lehrgut, auf den Lehrinhalt. Der Lehrinhalt wurde nach und nach das Wichtige. Nicht eigentlich das Konkrete, sondern das Abstrakte wurde nach und nach das Wichtige, das Wesentliche. Während also für das katholische Bewußtsein — ich meine jetzt nicht bloß das römisch-katholische, sondern das katholischchristliche Bewußtsein — in der Priesterweihe dasjenige lag, was die Betreffenden hineinstellt in die geistige Ahnenreihe bis zu Christus hinauf, hat eigentlich der moderne Mensch in alle dem, was er vollbringt, etwas, was sich definieren läßt, was sich erklären läßt, was nicht ein Hineinstellen in eine Wirklichkeit ist, und das ist schon ganz begreiflich für den modernen Menschen. Aber wir müssen uns auch klar sein, daß wir heute wiederum in der Zeit leben, wo wir eine Vertiefung nach der Richtung hin brauchen.
[ 20 ] Nun, das katholische Bewußtsein hat aus diesen Voraussetzungen heraus im Grunde immer konsequent gehandelt, es hat durchaus konsequent gehandelt. Damit ich nicht mißverstanden werde über das folgende, das ich sagen werde, möchte ich es so einleiten: Wenn wir heute jemanden vorbereiten wollen — also ich meine auch in dem, was wir als einen neuen Kultus sehen —, wenn wir heute jemanden vorbereiten wollen zum Vollziehen zeremonieller Handlungen, so werden wir für diejenigen, die außerhalb des Katholizismus in der Welt stehen, nicht mehr mit einer vollen inneren Hingabe die Menschen etwa angliedern können an die apostolische Sukzession. Ich habe Ihnen gesagt, das haben zwar merkwürdige Theosophen wie Leadbeater und ähnliche versucht, sie haben sich wiederum hineingestellt in die apostolische Sukzession, aber das wird jedem Menschen widerstreben, der ehrlich der Welt gegenübersteht, wenn er nicht von katholischem Bewußtsein durchdrungen ist.
[ 21 ] Wir müssen etwas anderes suchen. Wir müssen verstehen, daß eine Wirklichkeit nicht etwas bloß Ausgesprochenes, in Abstraktionen Gegebenes ist. Wir müssen auch durchaus das Sakramentale verstehen lernen. Wir müssen durchaus verstehen lernen, daß in dem Lehrinhalt nicht das Wesentliche liegt, sondern daß etwas dazukommen muß von wirklichen Vorgängen, und von wirklichen Vorgängen so, daß auf den Wellen des Wirklichen das die Welt durchwebende Göttliche getragen wird. Es sind nur einzelne Menschen gewesen wie Novalis, [die das verstanden haben] - lesen Sie seine Aphorismen, dann werden Sie darauf kommen. Er hat von magischem Idealismus gesprochen; er wußte, das lebt nicht in den äußerlich-sinnlichen Welten, sondern im Menschen drinnen lebt es geistig-seelisch. Es war dann Schelling — in seinem Alter, der deshalb so wenig verstanden worden ist —, dem es ganz absurd vorgekommen ist zu glauben, das Wesentliche [des Christentums] liege in der Aufnahme desjenigen, was Christus gelehrt hat; das Wesentliche erkennt Schelling vielmehr in der Erzählung dessen, was Jesus durchgemacht hat durch das ganze Golgatha-Drama, in der Beschreibung der Handlung, die sich um Golgatha vollzogen hat. Aber das sind einzelne Menschen, die hintendieren zur Wirklichkeit, die wiederum hineinwollen in wirkliche Erlebnisse, die mit dem Geistigen verbunden sind. Im ganzen kann man sagen, daß die Art, wie der Katholizismus das empfindet, etwas durchaus Antiquiertes ist und gar nicht mehr in das moderne Bewußtsein hineingebracht werden kann. Deshalb müssen wir eben nicht bloß eine Erneuerung des alten Kultus suchen, sondern wir müssen nach einem Kultus suchen, welcher aus uns selbst heraus geschaffen werden kann, aber so geschaffen werden kann, daß das Göttliche in uns schafft, in dem Sinne, wie ich es ja schon besprochen habe, so daß das Paulus-Wort wahr werden muß — im Evangelien-Auslegen wie in allem religiösen Wirken -: Nicht ich, sondern der Christus in mir.
[ 22 ] Der Katholizismus hat als römischer Katholizismus eigentlich immer konsequent zu handeln gewußt. Er hat gewissermaßen herausgestellt, herausgehoben aus der übrigen allgemeinen Menschheit diejenigen, die die geistlichen Nachkommen des Christus Jesus selber waren, und so entstand in ihm ein scharfes Bewußtsein der Trennung der Priester-Geistesgenerationen, also der in der Weihe zusammengehaltenen Menschen, von den anderen Menschen, die die Weihe nicht empfangen haben. Wie der Angehörige eines Adelsgeschlechtes, der sein Blut vielleicht bis zum 18. Ahnen hinaufleitet und alle diejenigen weiß, die dieses Blut in den Adern tragen, seinen Ahnenzusammenhang unterscheidet von dem der übrigen Menschheit, ebenso unterscheidet derjenige, der innerhalb der apostolischen Sukzession geweiht ist, bis zum Christus hinauf diejenigen, die kontinuierlich fortlaufend die Weihen empfangen haben, bis zu sich selbst herunter, [von den Nichtgeweihten]. Er fühlt sich in diesen Zusammenhang hineingestellt, er fühlt die anderen Menschen als etwas anderes; daher war es ganz notwendig in einem gewissen Zeitraum, daß bestimmte Dinge sich so vor die Menschen hingestellt haben. Der Mensch nimmt ja allmählich in sein Bewußtsein herauf, was früher mehr oder weniger unbewußt war und daher auch nicht in seine Handlungen hat einfließen können. Daher kam, als immer mehr und mehr scharf dieses Bewußtsein der Zusammengehörigkeit nach dem Christus hin entstand, schon durchaus mit heraus diese Notwendigkeit der äußeren Absonderung von den Nichtgeweihten: der Zölibat. Der Zölibat hat schon auch seine innere Begründung, und da, wo der Zölibat dogmatisiert worden ist, wurde er durchaus so empfunden, daß der Priester sich abscheiden muß von der Vereinigung mit allen anderen Menschen, daß er eine menschliche Persönlichkeit ist, bei der dasjenige wichtiger geworden ist, was in der heiligen Priesterweihe als Handlung vollzogen worden ist, als die bewußte Abstammung vom Vater seiner Ahnenreihe, und da er aus dieser Ahnenreihe des Blutes hineingestellt worden ist in eine geistige Ahnenreihe, darf er auch nicht zusammensein mit derjenigen Welt, aus der er durch die Weihezeremonie herausgenommen worden ist. In dem Moment, in dem man sich dieser besonderen Stellung des Priestertums gegenüber der Welt stark bewußt geworden ist, wurde die Notwendigkeit des Zölibates herbeigeführt, wobei natürlich durchaus nicht zu leugnen ist, daß man dabei in Wirklichkeit auch empfunden hat das politisch für Rom Nützliche und so weiter. Aber Sie können ganz sicher sein, daß in dem Zeitalter, in dem der Zölibat eingeführt worden ist — es war die Zeit, in der der Zölibat namentlich aus dem Mönchspriestertum hervorgegangen ist —, in den unbewußten Impulsen der Drang nach einer gewissen Ehrlichkeit und Wahrhaftigkeit war. Es war durchaus so, daß diese Einsetzung des Zölibates so verstanden worden ist, wie ich sie eben jetzt auseinandergesetzt habe. Geradeso wie im 19. Jahrhundert auf eine naturgemäße Weise — wie ich schon gesagt habe - in der konsequenten Fortsetzung desjenigen, was im katholischen Bewußtsein lebte, sich ergab das Dogma der Conceptio immaculata, und wie sich ergab das Infallibilitätsdogma, so ergab sich in einer bestimmten Zeit die Konsequenz des Zölibates.
[ 23 ] Nun, wenn Sie das alles nehmen, dann werden Sie schon herankommen an das, was heute besonders wichtig sein muß. Besonders wichtig muß heute sein, daß wir wieder zurückkehren können zu Kultus, zu Zeremonien. Das empfinden Sie ja, wenigstens viele von Ihnen haben es ausgesprochen, daß sie es so empfinden; und Sie empfinden da tatsächlich etwas, was durchaus in den Notwendigkeiten der Zeit gegeben und begründet ist. Aber wir können ja Geschehenes nicht ungeschehen machen, wir können nicht zu etwas Unwahrem zurückkehren, wie etwa, sagen wir, wenn man etwas, was man nicht mehr lebendig empfinden kann, äußerlich an sich vollziehen ließe, etwa durch einen altkatholischen Priester sich weihen ließe. Das würde denjenigen widerstreben, die zu stark in sich schon das protestantische Bewußtsein entfacht haben, denn für das protestantische Bewußtsein gibt es diese Möglichkeit nicht; in der Empfindung kann man nicht so etwas entgegennehmen, was aus ganz anderen Voraussetzungen heraus [entstanden] ist.
[ 24 ] Dasjenige, zu dem Sie aber doch kommen müssen, wenn überhaupt eine Realität in Ihrem Streben liegen soll, das ist, daß aus der geistigen Welt selber heraus wiederum dasjenige fließen kann, was gesehen worden ist herabfließend von dem Christus Jesus direkt. Wir müssen uns da stärken insbesondere an einem Jesus-Wort, an dem Jesus-Wort: Ich bin bei euch bis ans Ende der Erdentage. Dieses Wort verkündet ja auch aus den Evangelien heraus eine solche Wirksamkeit des Christus-Impulses, daß gefunden werden kann dieser Christus-Impuls so lange auf Erden, bis die Erde an ihr Ende gekommen ist. Daher muß man es zunächst gewissermaßen als ein Postulat aussprechen, daß es möglich sein muß, zu dem Christus — und zwar in seiner Realität - zu kommen, so wie man mit dem katholischen Bewußtsein durch die apostolische Sukzession historisch hinauf seinen geistigen Stammbaum bis zu dem Christus sucht. Es muß das wiederum in dem gegenwärtigen Augenblick gefunden werden können: die Anknüpfung an das Göttliche, die Anknüpfung an das durchchristete Göttliche, das für den Katholiken gefunden wird in der historischen Anknüpfung durch die apostolische Sukzession bis hinauf zu den christlichen Ahnen dieser apostolischen Sukzession. Darum wird es sich also handeln, daß wir wieder das Geistige finden, nicht nur das Wort über das Christliche finden, sondern daß wir tatsächlich den realen Anschluß an dieses Christliche finden. Dann werden wir daraus ebenso den Kultus gestalten können, wie der Kultus gestaltet worden ist innerhalb der apostolischen Sukzession.
[ 25 ] Aber wir müssen eben schon durchdringen zu einem Verständnis, das weit über das Zeitverständnis hinausgeht. Wir müssen tatsächlich zu einem Verständnis vordringen, das man - ich will es jetzt zuletzt formelhaft so bezeichnen — so aussprechen kann: In der Welt und in dem gewöhnlichen menschlichen Denken erleben wir das Phänomenale; wir wollen aber das Noumenale erleben lernen, wir wollen in das Wesenhafte versuchen einzudringen, und aus dem Wesenhaften werden wir dann auch den Kultus finden. Denn wenn Sie wirklich einen Kultus finden wollen, so muß das ja zuletzt so sein, daß dieser Kultus so gefunden wird, wie er ja etwa im zweiten nachchristlichen Jahrhundert gefunden worden ist, wo allmählich dasjenige, was früher an einfacheren Formen da war - festgehalten worden sind davon nur wenige —, in die Formen der späteren Kulte übergegangen ist.
[ 26 ] Wie wurde der Kultus gefühlt? Er wurde da tatsächlich so gefühlt, daß derjenige, welcher räuchert, wußte, was er im Räuchern vollführte, er wußte, daß er das, was er ausdrücken will, auch nur durch das Räuchern ausdrücken konnte. So müssen Sie wieder fühlen lernen, daß Sie, wenn Sie irgendeine Zeremonie vollführen, selber wissen müssen: die Zeremonie muß in dieser Weise vollführt werden. Der Mensch weiß heute, wenn er sich an die Welt der anderen Menschen wendet, was er zu sprechen hat, er weiß sein inneres Leben in Worte zu kleiden. Meine lieben Freunde, es gibt eine Stufe des Empfindens, wo man innerlich erlebt, wie es unmöglich wird, in Worten fortzufahren, wo einfach dasjenige, was man sagen will, nicht mehr in das Wort hineingeht, wo man innehalten muß im Worte oder höchstens das Wort fortsetzen kann, indem man die heilige Handlung vollzieht, wo man anfangen muß, nicht bloß das Wort hinausertönen zu lassen, sondern wo zum Beispiel die Rauchentwickelung geschehen muß, wo im ganz besonderen imaginativ vollzogen werden muß die eine oder andere Handlung. Wo das Wort sich verbindet mit einer bestimmten Handlung, indem Sie zu dem ursprünglichen Bewußtsein kommen, wo also so, wie Ihr Seeleninhalt, in dem das Göttliche lebt, sich ergießt in das Wort, nun Ihr Seeleninhalt sich ergießt in die äußere Handlung, da wird diese äußere Handlung nicht mehr bloß eine phänomenale, sondern da wird sie eine noumenale sein, da werden Sie sich herausheben aus dem, was die äußere Welt ist, da werden Sie allmählich hineinkommen in das Sakramentale.
[ 27 ] So etwa habe ich versuchen wollen, Ihnen klarzumachen, wie man in das Sakramentale hineinkommt. Es hat einfach keinen Sinn, sagen wir, bloß das Weihwasser zu verwandeln, so wie es heute vielfach von den untergeordneten Klerikern vollzogen wird. Es hat auch nicht viel Sinn, die Transsubstantiation zu vollziehen in dem Sinn, wie sie heute vielfach die untergeordneten Kleriker vollziehen, die im Dunkel gelassen werden in bezug auf die esoterischen Weihen der katholischen Kirche. Allerdings im Hinblick auf alte Seelenverfassungen hat es schon einen Sinn, nun in vollem Sinne zu wissen, was man tut, wenn man über die Salzsubstanz ein bestimmtes Wort spricht, und wenn man weiß, daß dadurch die Salzsubstanz schon verändert wird. Heute werden ja schon Experimente gemacht, wo man die leichte Empfindlichkeit einer Flamme [sichtbar macht], indem irgendwohin eine Flamme gestellt wird, man spricht gewisse Rhythmen entfernt von dieser Flamme, die Flamme macht die Rhythmen mit. Da ist es der Rhythmus, der mitgemacht wird von dem Unorganischen. Weiß ich das richtige Wort oder den richtigen Wortzusammenhang über die Salzsubstanz zu sprechen, so wird die Salzsubstanz verändert. Lasse ich dann diese Salzsubstanz, die nun schon durchdrungen ist, sagen wir, in das Wasser rinnen, so habe ich einen Vorgang entfacht, der, wenn ich ihn verstehe, wenn ich ihn im Geiste vollziehe, eine sakramentale Handlung ist. Aber man muß eben wiederum dahin kommen, das Noumenale als solches schauen zu können. Daran müssen wir dann morgen anknüpfen.
[ 28 ] Ich denke allerdings, meine lieben Freunde, daß es viele Fragen aus der Seele hervorzaubern könnte, indem ich über diese Dinge spreche, und es wäre mir doch lieb, wenn die Fragen, während Sie hier sind, nicht nur im allgemeinen, sondern auch schon im Konkreten formuliert werden könnten, damit nicht Zweifel zurückbleiben. Denn ich meine durchaus, daß Ernst werden sollte, was sich der kleine Kreis, der sich an mich gewendet hat, vorgenommen hat: wirklich nach einer Erneuerung des Religiösen hinzuarbeiten. Man kann das heute nicht, indem man etwa bloß Lehrinhalte umändert, sondern man kann es wirklich nur dadurch, daß man in andere Seelenverfassungen vorschreitet. Wir kommen jetzt immer tiefer in die Dinge hinein, und wir werden uns dann, vielfach ausgelöst durch Ihre Fragen, immer mehr und mehr mit diesen Dingen so befassen können, daß Sie eigentlich dasjenige wissen werden, was ich meine.
Fifteenth Lecture
[ 1 ] My dear friends! So, as Mr. Licentiate Bock also just told me, it would be best if we took up yesterday's lecture and the reflections from yesterday afternoon, and oriented ourselves towards the questions that have arisen.
[ 2 ] Yesterday I tried to give a kind of overview of the seven sacraments; I tried to show how the sacraments either represent a kind of involutionary value to the evolutionary value or vice versa. Now, the questions that have been asked also indicate a preference for hearing something about the sacrament of priestly ordination. We have seen how five sacraments are essentially associated with the development of each individual human being, how they are connected with what a person goes through from birth to death. And we have seen how the two sacraments of priestly ordination and marriage in the Christian sense stand out from the five [other] sacraments, and how priestly ordination represents a ceremony that points, as the evolutive, to what is present in every human being as the involutive, namely the mysterious connection of each individual human being with the divine.
[ 3 ] Now let us first try to simply present this sacrament of ordination to ourselves conceptually, as it has developed, in that the content of Christianity in general has been transferred into Christian ceremonies and gradually crystallized into life in Catholicism as the sum of those ceremonies.
[ 4 ] We must first be clear about the fact that man's connection with the divine in the sense of the epoch in which the Mystery of Golgotha occurred was one that had withdrawn far behind the consciousness of [present-day] man. If we go back a long way in the cultural development of humanity, we find a different selection process for the priesthood than the one that took place later and than the one we are actually talking about here. We must be clear about the fact that ceremonies, rituals and sacraments can only be understood in the context of human development as a whole, because the Christian sacraments are, after all, a kind of transformation of older sacraments. Now, in earlier times, the process of becoming a priest was different. In those days, a person was accepted into the mysteries by the leaders of the mysteries if they considered him worthy on the basis of his spiritual qualities and his overall human development. Today, we would say, if we wanted to use a fitting expression, that he was considered to be chosen. This is a concept that becomes more significant the further back we look in human development. The idea that people are equal is a concept of modern times; it is essentially something that has emerged from the consciousness of the epoch around the Mystery of Golgotha. In contrast to this, in older times it was actually believed that one person was more chosen than another, that those who were worthy to be initiated into the mysteries — or to be initiated, as one can quite clearly express the idea with a different term — had to be found among the masses of people. And when one or other of them had been found, who was considered predestined for the priestly office, he had to undergo the initiation. This undergoing of the initiation means that the person was brought into a position to actually handle a different state of consciousness than the one one has in the outer world. Another state of consciousness was again something different for the older times than it is today. Today, actually, it is also a different state of consciousness when one is able to handle imagination, inspiration and intuition. So if I start from today's second consciousness, because that may lead most to understanding, the ordinary day consciousness must remain completely intact. Without becoming ill, man must not be affected for a moment by exercises or the like, as I have described them in my book “How to Know Higher Worlds.” He must not be affected in the use of his day consciousness; it must therefore be there. And the other consciousness, which lacks the actual freedom and consists in the use of imagination, inspiration and intuition, must be something that can change quickly, that can change in the twinkling of an eye with the ordinary day consciousness, just as the state of sleep can change with the waking state, except that this change between the seeing consciousness and the ordinary day consciousness must be placed in the complete arbitrariness of the human will. This is, however, something that can only be attained after practice, and that must be seen through in its entirety in order to be able to speak about it at all.

[ 5 ] Now, however, this other consciousness is something that gives a completely different world than the one that spreads out before the senses and that is grasped by the mind, that leads back to the essence of the human ego every moment, to the human ego. In the other consciousness, the human ego is initially present in a greater strength. It is not just something that permeates all individual ideas and feelings, but it is present as an image. One has the possibility of looking at it, one knows that this ego is something in which one not only lives, but it is present as an objectivity. The other thing about this higher consciousness is that one does not gain any insight into what the mineral kingdom is – the mineral kingdom belongs only to the ordinary human day-consciousness – but on the other hand, the view of the plant, the animal and the human being itself changes completely. Thus, one actually lives in a different world. That which is between these two worlds is called the threshold, which must be crossed and which may be crossed after one has been prepared for it, and the preparation is really created by the faithful practice of what I have stated in “How to Know Higher Worlds”. For if one were not properly prepared for it, what one acquires as a new consciousness could slip down into the physical. (During the following explanations, the board is drawn on the board, in the middle.) I will draw it like this: Let us assume that this would be the day consciousness, which is bound to the human body. This higher consciousness is now elevated, one sees a completely new world. But now this higher consciousness has to be maintained, it has to be something purely spiritual-soul-related. However, it could happen if one has not acquired the strength through practice beforehand – it does not happen if it is done in a lively way; what I am saying is more of a hypothesis – so if one has not acquired the strength through practice, that the whole thing slips back into physicality. Then one would not be living in free spiritual-soul consciousness, but the processes in the human organs would take part in what this consciousness sees; then one would be dealing with dreams, not with a real objective, meaningful imagination. Objective, meaningful imagining arises from the fact that what one experiences is not impregnated by the processes of one's own body, but by the processes of the supersensible world. This must be achieved through practice, and one must have achieved it in order to cross that boundary between the sensual and the supersensible, which is referred to as the threshold. Now, that is the case today. Today we have the content that everyone knows in ordinary consciousness, and then we have another content - which of course can be described, as I have now done again from certain points of view - that can certainly be described as the content of a higher world in relation to the ordinary world. But if we go back to the times of human development on earth, which I am speaking of here, when the chosen ones were initiated, then we also find a different state of consciousness in them, but it is different [from today] in that in that the state of consciousness that we today simply call the normal human state of consciousness was, for those mystery students, the extraordinary one, and a certain pictorial imagining, a seeing of the divine in all individual things, that was the normal thing. So what was to be described as the threshold for the ancient mysteries was actually quite different for the people of that time than the threshold is for us today. We can even see this in external things.
[ 6 ] You see, today we have something that even children learn at school, and that is the heliocentric system. The heliocentric world system — you can find it historically handed down — actually passed into literature by a kind of betrayal. The heliocentric world system was already present in Greece; it was clearly present much earlier, it was taught in the mysteries. What the ordinary schoolchild learns today, what people receive as a worldview about the world, was only taught in the mysteries in older times. In their normal external consciousness, people at that time had an image consciousness. We can truly say that today, compared to the ancients, every person who has gone through school teaching lives beyond the threshold. However, this was considered particularly dangerous for people in the ancient mysteries if they were led over the threshold not through regular initiation but through some kind of elemental event and, for example, did not the geocentric world system – that is, the fact that the ground stands still and the stars and the sun move – but rather to the standing still of the sun, as the initiated students of ancient times did. It was said that one must be prepared for this in order to endure what, for example, lies in the heliocentric world system or what, for example, lies in our present-day biology and physiology and so on. To a modern person, this seems paradoxical, but it was so. One can say: historically, humanity as such crossed the threshold during the time of the Mystery of Golgotha for that which formerly had to be artificially crossed in the mysteries of the older epochs in order to attain initiation. At that time, the person to be initiated learned what every child learns today. Today, we learn to recognize as insight into the higher world that which will later become the norm. This is how it is with the progress of humanity. And this is misunderstood because, for example, certain older writings speak from a point of view that is given by the fact that people's consciousness was pictorial, so that one did not see external things, but through things the spiritual that lies within. It should be noted that the words of these older writings must be read differently than they would be by today's scholars of ancient languages, or cultural historians, or anthropologists, and the like, [because the consciousness was a pictorial one]. We can therefore say that in older times, the person to be initiated was led to get to know the world that we know.
[ 7 ] I would like to give one more detail. If we go back to the ancient times of Greece, people could not yet see the color blue as clearly as we do today. They did not have the sensory perception for the color blue, they had rather developed the sensory faculty to the other side, to the vivid colors, the red and so on, so that for the Greeks the blue was much more greenish than for us today. Everything the ancients felt must be understood from this point of view. It must also be clear that active thinking is connected with the emerging sensation of blue in the development of humanity. When older writings speak of blue, it is always a mistake, because these people did not have the experience of blue and thus today's active intellectual experience. They did not have the devotion to the objective that develops when looking at the blue, the flowing out of the self into the objective. Rather, they had the experience that lies in the red, the flowing from the objective to the subjective, the active feeling of being touched and receiving from the outside, in which the awareness of the divine in the objects lay.
[ 8 ] So this initiation was something very specific; the point was that in these older times, the initiation was carried out by the person themselves physically having to undergo things that, in a sense, constituted a kind of inner sacrament. The sacraments were more inward in older times. Take, for example, the fact that a person was put into fear through external events, through external actions. For example, in Greece there were mysteries where one of the most important events was that a person was led into complete darkness, that he had to live in the darkness, and that he then faced a sudden illumination of the whole room – that was the perception given to him. What was important then was this transfer of the state of consciousness from being in the dark, in the darkness, into the light. But something happens in man, subtle processes take place in man. I can describe these subtle processes that take place in man to you in the following way. When people, after experiencing this transition from darkness to light for a while, become knowledgeable in this area, then, depending on their nature, salt is secreted in the person, which is deposited, salt deposits, which actually took place because the transition from the dark state to the light state also happened in alternation. This [process] had been made completely into something that the person became aware of, that he accompanied with a certain feeling, which was indeed very similar to the feeling of fear. Man perceived this salt deposition; he therefore perceived an inner interrelation, he perceived something that was going on in him. And at that moment, when this happened through an external procedure, man had undergone a process of initiation, because initiation in ancient times consisted entirely of such processes being brought about in man himself. But what was important now was what accompanied such a process of salt deposition inside. Such a process of salt deposition inside was accompanied by the fact that the person found himself impregnated in consciousness [by the perception of light, but] not just by the perception of light, but by the spirituality contained in the light; he thus absorbed the spirituality contained in the light. When the salt coagulates inside the person, the person feels this coagulation of the salt inside him as a permeation by the divine. To make one conscious of these states was the art of initiation in ancient times. The person could speak quite differently when living in the light was not just a process of sensory perception, but such a permeation [by the light] that he could say: By living in the light, matter coagulates in me. And with what is contained in ordinary matter, he perceived in a certain sense directly the effect of that which lies above the substance of ordinary matter.
[ 9 ] Now, we do not understand these things, my dear friends, if we do not know that the whole constitution of man in earlier times was different from what it later became. Such a process, as I have described it, can be observed today when waking up or falling asleep. With the state that the physical development of the human race has reached today, these things would no longer be possible. The influence on the human being is no longer possible in this intensive way; the human being has, so to speak, become more hardened within himself. Today it is not possible to make the human being aware of these subtle spiritual-material processes that take place there. In this respect, the human race is changing. And so it came about that what had happened inwardly in older times was now sought outwardly. The opposite of the [inner] process was carried out as a ceremony, so to speak. The old process of initiation, the process by which man stirred the spirit within himself, this process is now carried out outwardly. In ancient times, the ordination of a priest was not at all the watered-down process of today, but a process which, although it was carried out more externally, nevertheless made a deep impression on the person. In later times, even at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha and beyond, the act of baptism, for example, was usually carried out in such a way that it was indeed still a procedure on the person himself. The person being baptized was immersed and thereby brought into the same situation as a drowning person, who, in a backwards perspective, sees his life processes pass before his spiritual eyes. In earlier times, part of the baptismal rite was to bring the person's past life before his soul, so that he learned to see spiritually in a certain way. Later, the sacrament of baptism was moved back in time, and of course it could no longer be performed in this way; it was only done as a sign. And the same applies to ordination. Priestly ordination itself thus became, so to speak, the external process for that which was formerly brought about within the human being through initiation, through the inversion of external processes; it is that which in fact also places the human being in a different world. For one's attention is drawn — I will have to describe this to you in more detail — to certain connections in the universe that cannot be studied in the external world. One's attention is drawn to the fact that something is taking place in material processes that does not correspond to ordinary external, sensory processes. One's attention is drawn to the actual sacramental. One learns to recognize, for example, by dissolving salt in water, that something is going on there that is not exhausted in the physical-chemical dissolution process, but that when salt dissolves in water, something inside, I would say, is illuminated. One learns to recognize how processes take place that can only be grasped by the human spirit. And this introduction to the world of such insights, which cannot be grasped by the outer senses and the ordinary mind, is an essential part of ordination. Through the ordination, one must recognize the penetration of the outer world with the divine in just the same way as the human being was initiated in earlier times, in that he felt, as it were, permeated not only by the material of the light, but also by the spiritual-soul of the light.
[ 10 ] Thus, I would say, through ordination to the priesthood, human consciousness is brought into such a state that one can say with complete inner conviction: the world around us is actually only a fragment of the world; it is there to hide many things from us, especially [the spiritual in] processes. We see the spiritual in the processes when we are prepared for it in the appropriate way. And the purpose of ordination is to prepare the person for spiritual insight, so that he sees the spiritual process everywhere in the sensory process. Let us take a specific case. We see a plant develop leaves, develop flowers, develop ovaries, develop stamens, we see the ovary ripening. (It is drawn on the board, on the left.) And then we perceive how the pollen flies around, how it fertilizes the flowers. He who sees only the external, judges in the sense of the external processes, which are then combined with the intellect. The one who is to be mature enough to see the spiritual must see a supersensible weaving that extends, as it were, over the growth of the plants in a surging activity and contributes to everything that is plant fertilization. But through this, the earth in which the plant takes root is brought into a reciprocal relationship with the spiritual environment of the earth.
[ 11 ] It is this renewed contemplation that one must be introduced to through priestly ordination. Only when one has been introduced to this spiritual vision through ordination does one also learn to recognize how the human word continues to have an effect in the world, how the human word is not only material air vibration, but how the human word carries the spirit on material air vibrations, how this spirit permeates certain substances that are fleeting, so we say the smoke. So that being a priest means seeing how the human words take hold of the smoke, how the smoke envelops the matter, we say, of the word, and how, through the smoke permeated with the word, the smoke tinged with the word envelops the matter of the word, the word itself is changed, how a transformation actually takes place, how a reality, a spiritual reality, is present in what takes place in the external world, in the world of phenomena. So being consecrated also means being able to perform actions that have a spiritual meaning in addition to their physical meaning.
[ 12 ] This is, of course, something — I must always emphasize it — that is extraordinarily remote from modern consciousness, but it was tremendously close to the consciousness that existed at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha. For at that time man was standing right in the middle between the old and the new; he still knew this seeing of the Divine-Spiritual in everything natural, either through tradition or through atavism, and he lived, so to speak, in the fear of that state into which one will enter when the natural will be seen only as natural and the other [the Divine-Spiritual] will be grasped only as an abstracted abstraction. Well, in those days people still knew about the weaving of the spiritual in the sensual. The disciples of Christ Jesus simply knew that being in His presence meant something different than being in the presence of another person. They knew that He was the bearer of a supermundane entity, they felt touched by this supermundane entity, and this being with Him was for them without further ado the illumination of supersensible consciousness.
[ 13 ] So we think of ourselves as being placed in a world in which a number of people around Christ Jesus say to themselves: When you are near Him, you are brought to the contemplation of the divine spiritual world. In this context, I would like to draw your attention to something that is very important for understanding the early Christian period. Those who still called themselves the apostles of the Lord did not base their mission on the fact that they heard His word. Hearing His word was not something of such great importance as we feel it today when we hear any word, any teaching. The teaching of Christ Jesus was something that was completely perceived as beneficial in his environment, but it was not what was primarily felt to be most important. It was considered much more important to emphasize for the followers: We have laid our hands in His wounds, we have ourselves participated in beholding His nature. The direct togetherness [with Christ Jesus] is what I ask you to consider here in particular.
[ 14 ] You see, you will get an idea of what was actually going on emotionally when I tell you: Feel the difference between what you feel when you put your hand on an external object and what you feel when you put your hand on your own hand or on any other part of your body. You have to feel the difference; you have to realize that this difference exists. And then you have to be able to feel something else, you have to be able to feel that you have two eyes with lines of sight that meet and cross. (It is drawn on the board, on the right.) These intersecting lines of sight, which meet where we look, are just like when I touch myself with both arms. Just think about what the difference is between a human being and an animal. The animal has the possibility to a much more limited extent to experience what we experience, for example, when one hand touches the other. Or look at the position of the eyes of certain animals; you can tell exactly how strong an animal's egoism is from the position of the eyes. Animals with eyes that are positioned such that they cannot cross the eye axes cannot develop egoism at all, because the sensation, the experience of the self, is based on the fact that you can “touch” the self and that the right gaze of the eye can cross with the left gaze of the eye. The experience of the self is based on this.
[ 15 ] Now, the disciples knew themselves so connected with Christ that they felt something similar, as it were, to feeling their own hands when they laid their hands even in his wounds. And so this direct connection [with Christ] was what gave them the awareness of living together with him in a higher world. This was indeed something that filled the disciples; it was as if an island of spirit had embraced them and the Lord, and when they then felt that the Lord had gone away and they had now become the teachers, they referred to their time together with him in their teaching. And the disciples of the apostles, in turn, refer to the pictorial imagery that they experienced; one can even read this in the individual letters. When one of the apostle disciples, Polycarp of Smyrna, for example, was able to describe what the person from whom he learned looked like, it was something much more important than the mere communication of the word. What was important was that sense of belonging together with what was still connected with the Christ. So one could say that the Apostles felt the succession, but they could no longer feel within them the transformations that were felt in the ancient initiations. Do not misunderstand me; I am not saying that the Apostles or the Apostle disciples had such considerations, but their state of mind was such that they could have had such considerations, and it is their state of mind that is characterized by formulating such considerations. If they had been required to formulate their state of mind, they would have said: Yes, we can no longer undergo in the same way as was possible in the earlier mysteries what was undergone, for example, in the transition from light into darkness, we can no longer undergo what it was like to be anointed with oil and so on, and we can no longer undergo the things that were done internally by causing pain ; but there is the Divine incarnated, in the form of Jesus, it has been there, we have been in contact with it, and when we really absorb this in our consciousness, when we do not just grasp it intellectually, but when we experience it in all concreteness, then it is something that lifts us up into the supersensible world.
[ 16 ] With the apostles, it was the direct living together [with Christ]; with the apostle disciples, it was again the figurative living together [with him]; they had had received the laying on of hands from those who had still touched the Lord, and the one who was in the third generation had in turn received the laying on of hands from someone who had received it from someone who had still felt the Lord. You will get a sense of apostolic succession if you now take this, what I am saying, to heart, and you will then also get a sense of what it means to stand within a world that is spiritually, so to speak, like standing within a physical ancestral line. The physical line of descent flows through birth. But the spiritual line of descent, which must go up to the spiritual ancestor Father, Christ Jesus, flows through the continuous performance of the consecration ceremonies that lead up to the Christ. These must, however, become more and more external, because they must have a more intense effect on the human being. Thus, in the following centuries, other ceremonies were added to the laying on of hands in order to make the external impression stronger. There was an internalization, especially among those who surrounded Christ Jesus; there Christ Jesus Himself performed a cult. My dear friends, why was that necessary? The life of Christ Jesus was a cult for those who were around him. That which took place in reality was cult; the great sacrifice of the Mass was performed on Golgotha. There we are led back to the first fulfillment of the cult; at least that is how it lived in the Christian consciousness. Then came that which takes place in outward signs; but this was demanded by the necessity to show with outward acts, as in remembrance, that which could no longer be as alive as it was with the apostles and the apostle disciples themselves, and to impress it on the soul in prayer.
[ 17 ] I know that many people who, as people with today's sense of time, listen to such things say: Why don't you just give us a clear and simple answer, shaped into sharply contoured concepts, this or that is apostolic succession. - Anyone who would put such a thing into sharply contoured concepts would actually speak untruthfully inwardly. One speaks truly only when one brings the intuition to bear on what has been experienced. That is something that cannot be grasped in sharply contoured concepts.
[ 18 ] Apostolic succession is only felt when one knows that something has actually been experienced, like a spiritual line of ancestors going up to Christ, just as the line of ancestors flowing through the blood goes up to any of the ancestors in the natural line of ancestors. And this spiritual blood lies in the continuous performance of the ceremonies of priestly ordination. Thus, there is a direct connection between the one who becomes a priest and the supersensible world. He is ordained by someone who has received the ordination himself from an ordained person, and that person in turn has been ordained by an ordained person, and so on, up to the point where the supermundane has descended into a human body and in this way a new fertilizing substantiality has been brought into the aging earth for the first time.
[ 19 ] We shall develop the forms [of ordination] in the forms of worship in particular. Today I would still like to point out what may still have remained incomprehensible to you about the ordination. But now, by telling you this, you will understand, also in connection with the regularly proceeding lectures up to this morning, that in fact a complete break had to occur in relation to the conception of such things, as the changed consciousness since the middle of the 15th century emerged. In saying these things, I am speaking in words that could actually only have been fully understood for the general consciousness before the middle of the 15th century. Then one ceases to be able to associate any meaning with these words at all. And it is basically only through the trust that you have been able to place in me that you can hear here something about the way in which, in earlier times, people experienced things in a completely different state of mind. Then the time came when less value was placed on the concrete context, when there were fewer people who still knew how to place value on this concrete context, and when the main value was placed on the intellectual content of the Gospels, on the intellectual content of religion in general. And so it gradually became of particular importance to discuss the content of the Gospels, to discuss the content of the sacraments, to focus particularly on the doctrinal material, on the doctrinal content, so to speak. The content of the teaching gradually became the important thing. Not the concrete, but the abstract gradually became the important, the essential. So while for the Catholic consciousness – I do not mean just the Roman Catholic, but the Catholic Christian consciousness – what was important in the ordination was that it placed the person in question in the spiritual line of ancestors up to Christ, modern man actually has something in all that he accomplishes that can be defined, that can be explained, that is not a placing into a reality, and this is already quite comprehensible to modern man. But we must also be clear that today we are again living in a time when we need a deepening in this direction.
[ 20 ] Now, the Catholic consciousness has always acted consistently on the basis of these premises. In order to avoid being misunderstood about what I am about to say, I would like to preface it as follows: If we want to prepare someone today – and I also mean in what we see as a new cult – if we want to prepare someone today to perform ceremonial acts, then we will no longer be able to join people to the apostolic succession with full inner devotion for those outside of Catholicism in the world. I have told you that strange theosophists like Leadbeater and the like have tried to do this, they have placed themselves in the apostolic succession, but this will be resisted by every honest person who is honest with the world, unless they are imbued with a Catholic consciousness.
[ 21 ] We have to look for something else. We must understand that a reality is not something that is merely expressed or given in abstractions. We must also learn to thoroughly understand the sacramental. We must thoroughly understand that the essence does not lie in the content of the teaching, but that something must be added from real events, and from real events in such a way that the divine that permeates the world is carried on the waves of the real. It was only a few individuals like Novalis who understood this. Read his aphorisms and you will come to the same conclusion. He spoke of magical idealism. He knew that it does not live in the external, sensual world, but that it lives spiritually and soulfully within the human being. It was then Schelling — in his old age, which is why he has been so little understood — who found it quite absurd to believe that the essence [of Christianity] lies in the acceptance of what Christ taught; rather, Schelling recognizes the essence in the account of what Jesus went through in the whole Golgotha drama, in the description of the action that took place around Golgotha. But these are individual human beings who are striving towards reality, who in turn want to enter into real experiences that are connected with the spiritual. All in all, it can be said that the way Catholicism perceives this is something thoroughly antiquated and can no longer be brought into modern consciousness. Therefore, we must not just seek a renewal of the old cult, but we must seek a cult that can be created out of ourselves, but created in such a way that the divine in us creates, in the sense that I have already discussed, so that the words of Paul must come true - in interpreting the Gospels as in all religious work -: Not I, but the Christ in me.
[ 22 ] Roman Catholicism has always known how to act consistently. It has, as it were, emphasized and set apart from the rest of humanity those who were the spiritual descendants of Christ Jesus Himself, and thus there arose in it a keen awareness of the separation of the priestly spiritual generations, that is, of the people held together in consecration, from the other people who have not received the consecration. Just as a member of a noble family, who can trace his blood back to the 18th ancestor and knows all those who carry this blood in their veins, distinguishes his ancestral connection from that of the rest of humanity, so too does the one who is ordained within the apostolic succession, up to the Christ, distinguish those who have continuously received the ordinations, down to himself, [from the unordained]. He feels that he is part of this context, he feels that other people are something different; therefore it was absolutely necessary in a certain period of time that certain things were presented to people in this way. Man gradually takes up into his consciousness what was previously more or less unconscious and therefore could not have influenced his actions. So it was that, as this consciousness of belonging together in the Christ became more and more sharply defined, the necessity of external separation from the uninitiated arose: celibacy. Celibacy also has its inner justification, and where celibacy has been dogmatized, it was felt that the priest must separate himself from union with all other people, that he is a human personality in whom what has been performed in the sacred ordination as an act , than his conscious descent from the father of his ancestral line. And since he has been placed out of this ancestral line of blood into a spiritual ancestral line, he must not be together with the world from which he has been taken out by the consecration ceremony. The moment one has become strongly aware of this special position of the priesthood in relation to the world, the necessity of celibacy was brought about, although, of course, it cannot be denied that in reality it was also felt to be useful for Rome politically and so on. But you can be quite sure that in the age in which celibacy was introduced – it was the time when celibacy arose from the monastic priesthood in particular – there was a yearning for a certain honesty and truthfulness in the unconscious impulses. It was absolutely the case that this institution of celibacy was understood in the way that I have just explained. Just as in the 19th century, in a natural way – as I have already said – in the consistent continuation of what was in the Catholic consciousness, the dogma of the Conception immaculata arose, and as the dogma of infallibility arose, so the consequence of celibacy arose in a certain period.
[ 23 ] Now, if you take all this, you will already come close to what must be particularly important today. It must be particularly important today that we can return to worship, to ceremonies. At least many of you have expressed this feeling; and you are indeed feeling something that is fully in line with the necessities of the time and is well-founded. But we cannot undo what has been done; we cannot return to something untrue, as, say, if one were to express outwardly something that one can no longer feel vividly, for example, by being ordained by an Old Catholic priest. That would be repugnant to those who have already kindled the Protestant consciousness too strongly within themselves, for for the Protestant consciousness this possibility does not exist; one cannot receive something that has arisen out of entirely different presuppositions through feeling.
[ 24 ] But what you must come to, if any reality is to lie in your striving, is that what has been seen flowing down from Christ Jesus can flow again out of the spiritual world itself. We must strengthen ourselves in particular with the words of Jesus: “I am with you until the end of your days on earth.” From the Gospels, these words proclaim such an effectiveness of the Christ impulse that it can be found on earth until the end of time. Therefore, it must first be stated, as it were, as a postulate, that it must be possible to come to the Christ - and in his reality - just as one seeks one's spiritual family tree with the Catholic consciousness through the apostolic succession historically up to the Christ. And this must be possible to find in the present moment: the connection to the divine, the connection to the Christ-filled divine, which for the Catholic is found in the historical connection through the apostolic succession up to the Christian ancestors of this apostolic succession. Therefore, it is important that we not only find the spiritual, not only find the word about Christianity, but that we actually find the real connection to this Christianity. Then we will be able to shape the cult out of it, just as the cult has been shaped within the apostolic succession.
[ 25 ] But we must indeed penetrate to an understanding that goes far beyond the understanding of time. We must actually penetrate to an understanding that can be expressed - I will now describe it in formulaic terms - as follows: In the world and in ordinary human thinking, we experience the phenomenal; but we want to learn to experience the noumenal, we want to penetrate into the essential, and from the essential we will then also find the cult. For if you really want to find a cult, then in the end it must be that this cult is found as it was found in the second century AD, when gradually what had existed in simpler forms earlier - only a few of which were retained - passed into the forms of later cults.
[ 26 ] How was the cult felt? It was actually felt in such a way that the person who burned incense knew what he was doing when burning incense, he knew that he could only express what he wanted to express by burning incense. So you must learn to feel again that when you perform any ceremony, you yourself must know: the ceremony must be performed in this way. Today, when man turns to the world of other men, he knows what he has to say; he knows how to clothe his inner life in words. My dear friends, there is a level of feeling where one experiences inwardly how it becomes impossible to continue in words, where simply what one wants to say no longer enters into the word, where one must pause in the word or at most continue the word by performing the sacred action, where one must begin not only to let the word resound, but where, for example, the smoke development must take place, where in a very special way one or the other action must be performed imaginatively. Where the word connects with a particular action, by coming to the original consciousness, so that just as the content of your soul, in which the divine lives, pours into the word, now the content of your soul pours into the outer action, then this outer action will no longer be merely a phenomenal one, but a noumenal one; you will lift yourself out of what the outer world is, you will gradually enter into the sacramental.
[ 27 ] This is roughly how I wanted to try to make it clear to you how to enter the sacramental. There is simply no point in, let us say, merely transforming the holy water, as is often done today by the lower-ranking clergy. It also doesn't make much sense to perform transubstantiation in the sense in which it is often performed today by subordinate clergy who are kept in the dark about the esoteric consecrations of the Catholic Church. However, with regard to old mental states, it does make sense to know in the full sense what one is doing when one speaks a certain word over the salt substance, and when one knows that this already changes the salt substance. Today, experiments are already being carried out in which the slight sensitivity of a flame is made visible by placing a flame somewhere. Certain rhythms are spoken at a distance from this flame, and the flame follows these rhythms. It is the rhythm that is followed by the inorganic. If I know the right word or the right context to speak about the salt substance, then the salt substance is changed. If I then let this salt substance, which is now already permeated, say, trickle into the water, I have ignited a process that, if I understand it, if I carry it out in spirit, is a sacramental act. But one must again come to see the noumenal as such. We must then take this up tomorrow.
[ 28 ] I think, my dear friends, that talking about these things might conjure up many questions from the soul, and I would like it if, while you are here, the questions could be formulated not only in general terms but also in specific terms, so that no doubts remain. For I do believe that the small group that has turned to me should take seriously its intention to work towards a renewal of religion. Today this cannot be done merely by changing the content of teaching, but only by advancing into other spiritual states. We are now getting deeper and deeper into the issues, and we will then, often triggered by your questions, be able to deal with these things more and more so that you will actually know what I mean.