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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 101 through 110 of 120

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157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture V 19 Jan 1915, Berlin
Translated by Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Consider first of all the most eastern part of Austria31 and the people known as the Transylvanian Saxons. They had emigrated from the Rhine, from the Siebengebirge (Seven Mountains), and there is external evidence to prove this. As time went on they lost their special characteristics.
342. Anthroposophical Foundations for a Renewed Christian Spiritual Activity: Discussion 15 Jun 1921, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
I would go to Freiburg first – I have a specific thing in mind there – and then I would like to go down the Rhine to Cologne. I think it would take a good month. If it is to be fruitful, it has to happen quickly.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: The Value of Extrasensory Knowledge for the Human Soul 06 May 1915, Vienna

Rudolf Steiner
And so, as he also demanded, there was one thing in him that he lived and thought and philosophically strived for, so one that, when he was in the last hours of his feverish delirium from the illness of his wife, which she had acquired while caring for the warriors, that he received from his wife's illness, he, the most Central European of philosophers, still lived in the feverish delusion in the immediate life of his time, in the life through which Central Europe wanted to free itself from the tyranny of Western Europe, with Blücher's crossing of the Rhine, the philosopher Fichte lived. This great, powerful personality, who inwardly awakened life and strengthened his people at that time with his mighty “Speeches to the German Nation,” left his mark on his feverish fantasies.
168. The Connection Between the Living and the Dead: The Great Lie of Contemporary Civilization 26 Oct 1916, St. Gallen

Rudolf Steiner
They must think: Oh, there are such strange characters who want to have a relationship with the spiritual worlds like the Maid of Orleans, and one must even ascribe historical significance to them; but one really does not have to present this as an example to follow, so that one can somehow introduce spiritual powers into the physical world! Much water will flow down the Rhine before wider circles of people understand and recognize the full gravity of the fact we have been talking about.
186. The Fundamental Social Demand of Our Times: The Logic of Thought and the Logic of Reality 14 Dec 1918, Dornach
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Alas, much water will have yet to flow down the Rhine before a sufficient number of people will realize this necessity, to find the logic of reality, the logic of things seen.
158. The Kalevala: The Essence of National Epics 09 Apr 1912, Helsinki

Rudolf Steiner
But we are just as little at home with the figures of the Song of the Nibelungs, that Siegfried from Xanten on the Lower Rhine, who is transferred to the court of the Burgundians at Worms, woos Kriemhilde, Gunther's sister, and then, because of his special qualities, can only woo Brunhilde.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Social Aspect of Legal and Economic Institutions and the Freedom of the Human Spirit 16 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
On the other side, we see a completely different human disposition, a completely different inner life, when we cross the Rhine to the west, when we look in particular at the Anglo-American world. But on the other hand, everything that actually characterizes the attitude and the state of mind of the Western world is increasingly being shared by the basic character of Central European people, and there it reaches its peak in the attitude and state of mind of the present-day socialists, of socialists of all colors, basically.
337a. Social Ideas, Social Reality, Social Practice I: How Should the Work of Threefolding be Continued? 03 Mar 1920, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
The English do not want to conclude a militaristic alliance with the French out of their old traditions; they also do not want to grant any loans; they also do not completely agree with the intentions of the French regarding the Rhine border, and so on. This is the continuation of what had such a devastating effect during the war and before the war.
70a. The Human Soul, Fate and Death: Supernatural Knowledge and Its Invigorating Soul Power in Our Fateful Time 14 May 1915, Prague

Rudolf Steiner
How he, who throughout his entire life had concentrated his thoughts in the sharpest manner to discover the secrets of the world, how he lived in a feverish delirium in the last hours, witnessed the crossing of the Rhine with Blücher, how he lived with everything that had to happen at that time to save Central Europe from Western tyranny.
64. From a Fateful Time: The People of Schiller and Fichte 05 Nov 1914, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
During his last moments, his son brought him the news of the Germans crossing the Rhine and the state of the liberation struggle at that time. And now we see how one of the greatest philosophers, who has shaped the most powerful but also the most crystal-clear thoughts, lives out his feverish fantasies – but these feverish fantasies are characteristic.

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