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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 331 through 340 of 593

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Turning Points Spiritual History: Introduction

Walter F. Knox
As far back as the year 1900 he drew the attention of various literary societies in Berlin to his efforts in furthering the cause of spiritual revival; this he did, in the beginning, through lectures upon Goethe's fairy-tale of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. From October, 1901, to March, 1902, he spoke concerning German Spiritual Life in the Nineteenth Century.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Three Ways of Being Personal 12 Jun 1907, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Look at the original peoples. Their natural world is green. And what do they love most? Red! An occultist knows that red has a special effect on a healthy soul.
57. How and Where Does One Find the Spirit? 15 Oct 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
The plant can be a model for the human being. As well as the plant is interspersed with the green colouring the human being is interspersed with the red blood. Although the plant is on a lower level than the human being is, nevertheless, it has something over him.
322. The Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture II 28 Sep 1920, Dornach
Tr. Frederick Amrine, Konrad Oberhuber

Rudolf Steiner
We are doing this if we do more than simply say: within the spectrum there appears the color yellow next to the color green, and on the other side the blues. We are doing this if we do not simply interrelate the phenomena with the help of our concepts but seek instead, as it were, to pierce the veil of the senses and construct something more behind it with the aid of our concepts.
326. The Origins of Natural Science: Lecture VI 01 Jan 1923, Dornach
Tr. Maria St. Goar, Norman MacBeth

Rudolf Steiner
If one senses this inward independence of the soul and spirit, then on also has a feeling for what the soul and spirit have experienced during sleep about the reality of green and yellow, G and C-sharp, warm and cold, sour or sweet. But the scientific age was unwilling to go into a true knowledge of man.
300c. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II: Fifty-Seventh Meeting 12 Jul 1923, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
The students need to read something from Keller, but tell them Der grünen Heinrich (Green Henry). Read Richard Wagner also. [That was all given as preparation for the final examination.
99. Theosophy of the Rosicrucian: Planetary Evolution I 02 Jun 1907, Munich
Tr. Mabel Cotterell, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
If it is put in some dark place, it loses its colour and languishes. There would be no green colouring matter without light. So it was with your own body on the Sun, it permeated itself with light and with other ingredients too, and as the plant sends back the light after having drawn strength from it, so did the Sun once upon a time ray back the light after having worked it over inwardly.
109. Rosicrucian Esotericism: The Nature and Being of Man 05 Jun 1909, Budapest
Tr. Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
The living seed produces the stalk and leaf after leaf; constantly new green leaves are added. This is possible because the plant is endowed with an etheric body and the underlying, active principle of the etheric body is repetition.
209. Imaginative Cognition and Inspired Cognition 23 Dec 1921, Dornach
Tr. Violet E. Watkin

Rudolf Steiner
Now the human organism is permeated throughout by the ego (I indicate this with green chalk). Within the organism the ego comes in contact with the lifeless substances which have been separated off and permeates them.
35. Collected Essays on Philosophy and Anthroposophy 1904–1923: The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz

Rudolf Steiner
But just as such a potential is held within the green leaf of the plant, and yet the formative forces of plant growth then go beyond this form in order to bring forth the green leaf in the colored petal at a higher level, so too can the human being progress from the form of his powers of knowledge, which are directed towards the dead, to a higher level of these powers. He experiences the reality of this progression by becoming aware within himself of how he thereby takes up the soul organ in order to grasp the spirit in its supersensible revelation, just as the transformation of the green leaf into the colored floral organ of the plant prepares the ability that is realized in the formation of the fruit.

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