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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 661 through 670 of 678

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Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture VIII
Translated by Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
You yet may spy the fawn at play, The bare upon the green; But the sweet face of Lucy Gray Will never more be seen.
282. Speech and Drama: The Artistic Quality in Drama. Stylisation of Moods 16 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
You cannot paint into a red mood trees that are absolutely green; you will have to introduce a touch of red into their colour. And in order to provide something on which the eye can rest when Mary grows sarcastic, you can take yellow also on to your palette,—I should rather say, on to your brush; for one should never paint from a palette, but always with water colours.
288. Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of the First Goetheanum: The Dornach Building as a Home for Spiritual Science 10 Apr 1915, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
Here we see how colors merge into the moral, into the soul-spiritual. What do we experience in red, in green, in blue? Just as the form can be experienced, so can the color. Then one is not dealing with a reproduction of the colors of what light offers as a coloration; then one crawls into the color, so to speak, and experiences the essence of the color, and by living out in the color, one creates from the essence of the color itself.
76. The Stimulating Effect of Anthroposophy on the Individual Sciences: Social Science and Social Practice 08 Apr 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Then the labor leaders came, and they became, I might say, green with envy, because now they could be addressed from a different side than from the side of their instilled Marxism.
64. From a Fateful Time: The World View of German Idealism 22 Apr 1915, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
And just as light is present in both the red-yellow and the green-blue-violet, so the I is present in the sentient soul, in the mind or emotional soul and also in the consciousness soul, , but is therefore also a continuous back-and-forth striving, sometimes striving for the sentient soul, as with Jakob Böhme, sometimes more inclined towards the intellectual soul, as with Leibniz.
65. From Central European Intellectual Life: Body, Soul and Spirit in Their Development through Birth and Death and Their Place in the Universe 15 Apr 1916, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
He wanted to gain a comprehensive view of the plant being, for example, by trying to show that What we see as a colored petal is, from a certain point of view, essentially the same as the green leaf of the plant, only a metamorphosed, transformed leaf. And the fine organs that we find in the blossom, which we recognize as stamens, and so on, are in turn transformed petals, right up to the fruit.
330. The Reorganization of the Social Organism: The Tasks of Schools and the Tripartite Social Organism 19 Jun 1919, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Yes, nature makes leaps everywhere. When it transitions from a green leaf to a colorful flower, it takes a leap, and when it transitions from a colorful flower to a pistil, it takes another leap.
70b. Ways to a Knowledge of the Eternal Forces of the Human Soul: The World View Of German Idealism. A Consideration Regarding Our Fateful Times 25 Nov 1915, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Just as light appears through the yellow-reddish, through the green, through the blue-violet, so the I appears through the sentient soul, through the mind or emotional soul, through the consciousness soul.
33. Biographies and Biographical Sketches: Poetry of the Present — An Overview

Rudolf Steiner
And it is certainly no less poetic to give words to man's deepest thoughts than to his inclination towards women or his joy in the green forest and birdsong. To the eulogists of so-called "unintentional creativity", who are quick with their doctrinaire objections when they sense something like a thought in poetry, it should be borne in mind that man's most precious asset, freedom, does not arise in the dullness of the unconscious, but on the bright heights of developed consciousness.
93. The Temple Legend: The Royal Art in a New Form 02 Jan 1906, Berlin
Translated by John M. Wood

Rudolf Steiner
They are the same as the three Kings in Goethe's fairy story of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily8 —the Gold King, the Silver King and the Brass King. This is connected with Freemasonry being called ‘the Royal Art.’

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