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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 41 through 50 of 171

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97. The Christian Mystery (2000): The Inner Earth 21 Apr 1906, Munich
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
These seven layers are followed by two others which are of a very peculiar nature. In the School of Pythagoras the eighth layer was called the sphere of numbers because of a particular aspect we shall consider in a moment.
100. The Gospel of St. John (Basle): Lecture II 17 Nov 1907, Basel
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have now become acquainted with all four principles of his nature; they are what Pythagoras referred to in his school as the lower quaternary. The savage, the civilised man, the idealist, the saint—all possess these four parts.
55. Supersensible Knowledge: Education and Spiritual Science 24 Jan 1907, Berlin
Tr. Rita Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Between the change of teeth and puberty that epoch of evolution is repeated in which great spiritual teachers have appeared among men. Buddha,5 Plato,6 Pythagoras,7 Hermes,8 Moses,9 and Zarathustra10 are some of the latter.
55. The Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth: Foreword
Tr. Barbara Betteridge, Frances E. Dawson

Barbara Betteridge
They then passed on appropriate parts of the wisdom teaching to the rest of the populace in the form of myths, as well as giving guidance for the affairs of outer life, while keeping the deeper secrets strictly for themselves. Plato and Pythagoras among the ancient Greeks had knowledge of these Mysteries. The later Christian Mysteries, including those of the Holy Grail, cherished remnants of the ancient wisdom, but the great Spirit of the Sun, who had been variously known as Vishva, Karman, Ahura-Mazdao, Osiris and so on was now recognized to be none other than the Christ/Logos Who had come to Earth.
60. Turning Points Spiritual History: Zarathustra 19 Jan 1911, Berlin
Tr. Walter F. Knox

Rudolf Steiner
We can now understand how it was that a certain Greek writer (who wished to emphasize the fact that some among the Leaders had always given their people instruction in matters that they would only require at a later period in their culture) should have stated, that while Pythagoras had obtained all the knowledge that he could from the Egyptians concerning the methods of Geometry, from the Phænicians concerning Arithmetic, and from the Chaldeans concerning Astronomy—he was forced to turn to the successors of Zarathustra, in order to learn the secret teachings regarding the relation of humanity to the Spirit-World, and to obtain a true understanding of the proper conduct of life. The writer who made these statements regarding Pythagoras further asserts that the Zarathustran method for the conduct of life leads us beyond antitheses, and that all antitheses can be considered as culminating in the one great contrast of Good and Evil, which opposing condition can be finally absorbed, only by the purging away of all evil, falsehood and deceit. For instance, the worst enemy of Ormuzd is regarded as that one which bears the name of Calumny, and Calumny is one of the outstanding characteristics of Ahriman. The same writer states that Pythagoras failed to find the purest and most ideal ethical practice, namely, the one directed toward the moral purification of man, among either the Egyptians, the Phænicians, or the Chaldeans; and that he had again to turn to Zarathustra’s successors, in order to acquire that lofty conception of the universe which leads mankind to the earnest belief that through self-purification alone may evil be overcome.
282. Speech and Drama: Further Study of the Sounds of Speech 21 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In past ages, such things were known instinctively, and men were also aware of their fine spiritual significance. In the school of Pythagoras, for example, the pupils had to recite strongly marked rhythms, the aim being to intervene by this means in human evolution, taking hold of what was instinctive and developing it further by education.
4 A rhythm of this nature, chanted in a kind of singing recitative, Pythagoras would use in his school to tame the passions of men. He knew its power. And he knew also that verse in the iambic rhythm has the.effect of stirring up the emotions.
343. Foundation Course: Spiritual Discernment, Religious Feeling, Sacramental Action: Anthroposophy and Religion 28 Sep 1921, Dornach
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
—Spiritual science would like to proceed with this cognition similarly to a mathematician who wants to prove the theory of Pythagoras. He proves it out of something which one can recognise today, and he doesn't reject purely from historical writers what he had encountered before, when he obviously later, in his historic studies, entered into the way the theorem had been found.
Anthroposophy is determined in its own evolution, through the nerve of its entire being, to approach the Mystery of Golgotha in a positive way, and because it wants to remain scientific, to make the task of the events of Golgotha clear to humanity, as clearly as mathematics states the theory of Pythagoras. All religious confessions are in line with this rejection of the event of Golgotha as such. As a result, the world task of Anthroposophy necessary for our time is not easy.
96. Original Impulses fo the Science of the Spirit: Signs and Symbols of the Christmas Festival 17 Dec 1906, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
The roses growing among the green are a symbol of the eternal conquering the temporal. The square of Pythagoras (Fig. 12) is a symbol for the fourfold nature of man—physical body, ether body, astral body and I. Fig. 12 The triangle (Fig. 13) is the symbol for the threefold higher nature of man—spirit self, life spirit and spirit human being.
156. Festivals of the Seasons: A Christmas Lecture 26 Dec 1914, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
And he alluded to yet another of whom we know through our observations of Spiritual Science that his vision unfolded in order to see into spiritual spheres. He called himself Pythagoras Secundus as the successor of that Pythagoras who was called Primus in this art. We see the last glimmering evening-glow of that which existed as the ancient clairvoyance and we see how incomprehensible this ancient clairvoyance already was to men.
69a. Truths and Errors of Spiritual Research: Spiritual Science and the Future of Humanity 24 Feb 1911, Winterthur
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
There the representatives of intelligence point to Buddha, to Christ, to Zarathustra, to Pythagoras and so on and say, the human soul faces the big world, it grasps the world in different way. The fact that the supersensible knowledge reaches to the soul was connected with strong courage for existence that caused the consciousness of our connection with the spiritual of the world.
However, where people believe to think deeper they say that the human being does not come to the primal grounds of the things. Neither Pythagoras, nor Christ, nor Zarathustra would have known how to say something about these primal grounds.

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