Truth Wrought Words
GA 40
Preliminary Remarks to the Third Edition
This new edition of the Wahrspruchworte and Richtspruchwörte meets a wish that has been cherished and expressed by many, as the previous edition has been out of print for a long time.
The structure of the book has been left unchanged as it was designed by Marie Steiner in 1935 for the second edition.
After a careful review (comparison with the originals, etc.), corrections could be made here and there. In several places it proved advisable to add headings that resulted from the context.
It also seemed important to indicate in the table of contents, wherever possible, the context in which the individual sayings and poems are to be found. Many of them were discussed by Rudolf Steiner, as the condensed substance of a lecture.
Facsimile prints that have already been published in scattered form have been newly added to the present edition. These are, at the same time, an essential indication of how spiritually connected Marie Seiner was with this world of words. Her work with words continues to live and develop as a gift to the design of spirit words in human form.
The Editors,
Dornach 1951