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The Spiritual Guidance of Mankind
GA 15


[ 1 ] In the following pages are reproduced the contents of some lectures delivered by me at Copenhagen in June last, in connection with the General Meeting of the Scandinavian Theosophical Society. What is here set forth was therefore spoken to an audience acquainted with occult science, or theosophy. A similar acquaintance is assumed in this work. It is throughout based on the foundations given in my books Theosophy and An Outline of Occult Science. To anyone taking up the present work who is unacquainted with these premises, it must needs appear the strange outpouring of mere fancy, but the above-named books point out the scientific basis of everything stated in this one.

[ 2 ] I have completely re-written the shorthand report of the lectures; nevertheless it has been my intention on publishing them, to preserve the character given in oral delivery. This is specially mentioned because it is in general my opinion that the form of work intended for reading should be quite different from that used in speaking. I have expressed this principle of mine in all my earlier writings, as far as they were intended for the press. If in this instance I have worked out my subject in closer connection with the spoken word, it is because I have reasons for allowing this work to appear at this juncture, and an adaptation completely in accordance with the above rule would take a great deal of time.


[ 1 ] In den folgenden Ausführungen wird der Inhalt von Vorträgen wiedergegeben, welche von mir im Juni dieses Jahres in Kopenhagen im Anschlüsse an die Generalversammlung der skandinavischen Theosophischen Gesellschaft gehalten worden sind. Was ausgesprochen wird, ist also vor Zuhörern gesagt worden, welche mit der Geisteswissenschaft oder Theosophie bekannt sind. Deshalb setzt es auch diese Bekanntschaft voraus. Es ist überall auf die Grundlagen aufgebaut, welche in meinen Büchern «Theosophie» und «Geheimwissenschaft» gegeben sind. Wenn jemand diese Schrift in die Hand bekommen sollte, der nicht mit diesen Voraussetzungen bekannt ist, so müßte sie ein solcher als kuriosen Ausfluß einer bloßen Phantastik ansehen. Die genannten Bücher zeigen die wissenschaftlichen Unterlagen für alles hier Gesagte.

[ 2 ] Es ist die stenographische Nachschrift der Vorträge zwar von mir vollständig umgearbeitet worden; dennoch lag die Absicht bei Veröffentlichung vor, den Charakter beizubehalten, welcher der mündlichen Rede gegeben war. Dies soll hier besonders erwähnt werden, weil es im allgemeinen meine Ansicht ist, daß die Form von Ausführungen, die für das Lesen bestimmt sind, eine ganz andere sein muß als diejenige, welche für die mündliche Rede gebraucht wird. Diesen meinen Grundsatz habe ich auch bei allen meinen früheren Schriften zum Ausdruck gebracht, sofern dieselben für den Druck bestimmt waren. Wenn ich diesmal in engerer Anlehnung an das mündliche Wort diese Ausführungen gebe, so geschieht es, weil ich Gründe habe, diese Schrift gerade in diesem Zeitpunkte erscheinen zu lassen und eine völlig dem obigen Grundsatz entsprechende Bearbeitung sehr lange Zeit beanspruchen würde.

München, 20. August 1911


[ 1 ] The following is the content of lectures given by me in Copenhagen in June of this year following the General Assembly of the Scandinavian Theosophical Society. What is said has therefore been said before an audience who are familiar with Spiritual Science or Theosophy. Therefore it also presupposes this acquaintance. It is built everywhere on the foundations given in my books "Theosophy" and "Secret Science". If someone should get hold of this writing who is not familiar with these premises, he would have to regard it as a curious outgrowth of mere fantasy. The books mentioned show the scientific basis for everything said here.

[ 2 ] Although the stenographic transcript of the lectures has been completely reworked by me, the intention at the time of publication was to retain the character that was given to the oral speech. This should be mentioned here in particular because it is generally my view that the form of statements intended for reading must be quite different from that used for oral speeches. I have also expressed this principle in all my earlier writings, insofar as they were intended for print. If this time I give these explanations more closely based on the oral word, it is because I have reasons to have this writing published at this particular time and an editing completely in accordance with the above principle would take a very long time.

Munich, August 20, 1911