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Fundamentals of Therapy
GA 27

XV. The Therapeutic Process

[ 1 ] Our knowledge of the effects of therapeutic substances is based upon the understanding of the development of forces in the world outside man. For, in order to bring about a healing process, we must bring into the organism substances which will distribute themselves in it in such a way that the disease process gradually transforms itself to a normal one. It is the essential nature of a disease process that something is going on within the organism which does not integrate itself into its total activities. Such a disease process has this in common with a similar process in outer nature.

[ 2 ] We may say: If there arises within the organism a process similar to one of external nature, illness ensues. Such a process may take hold of the physical or the etheric organism. Either the astral body or the ego will then have to complete a task they do not normally fulfil. In a period of life when they should be unfolding in free activity of soul, they must revert to an earlier stage—even in many cases as far back as the embryonic period—and then have to assist in creating physical and etheric formations which should already have passed into the domain of the physical and etheric organism, for in the earliest periods of human life these formations are in fact provided for by the astral body and ego-organization; only afterwards are they taken over by the unaided physical and etheric bodies. The whole development of the human organism is based upon this principle; originally the entire form and configuration of the physical and etheric body proceed from the activity of the astral body and ego-organization; then, with increasing age, the astral and ego-activities within the physical and etheric organization go on their own accord. But if they fail to do so, the astral body and ego-organization will have to intervene at a later stage of their development in a way for which they are no longer properly adapted.

[ 3 ] Let us assume that we have to do with lower abdominal disorders. The physical and etheric organizations are failing to carry out, in the corresponding parts of the human body, the activities which were transmitted to them at a former age of life. The astral and ego-activities must intervene. Because of this they are weakened for other functions in the organism. They are no longer present where they ought to be—for instance, in the formation of the nerves that go into the muscles. Paralytic symptoms arise as a result, in certain parts of the body.

[ 4 ] It will then be necessary to bring into the body substances which can relieve the astral and ego-organization of the activity that does not belong to them. We find that the processes which work in the formation of powerful etheric oils in the plant organism, notably in the formation of the flower, are able to fulfil this purpose. The same applied to certain substances containing phosphorus. But we must see to it that the phosphorus is so mixed with other substances as to unfold its action in the intestinal tract and not in the metabolism that lies beyond.

[ 5 ] If it is a case of inflammatory conditions in the skin, here too the astral body and ego-organization are unfolding an abnormal activity. They are then withdrawn from the influences which they ought to bring to bear on organs situated more internally. They reduce the sensitivity of internal organs. These again, owing to their lessened sensitivity, will cease to carry out their proper functions. In this way abnormal conditions may arise, for instance in the action of the liver, and the digestion may be incorrectly influenced. If we now introduce silicic acid into the organism, the activities which the astral and ego-organism have been devoting to the skin are relieved. The normal inward activity of this organism is set free again and a healing process is thus initiated.

[ 6 ] Again, we may be confronted by disease conditions manifesting themselves in palpitations; in such a case, an irregular action of the astral organism is influencing the circulation of the blood. This astral activity is then weakened for the processes in the brain. Epileptiform conditions arise, since the weakened astral activity in the head organism involves an undue tension and exertion of the etheric activities of that region. We can introduce into the system the gumlike substance obtainable from Levisticum (lovage)—as a decoction, or preferably in the slightly modified form of a preparation—then the activity of the astral body, wrongly absorbed by the circulation, is set free, and the strengthening of the brain organization occurs.

[ 7 ] In all these cases the real direction of the disease activities must be determined by an appropriate diagnosis. Take the last mentioned case. It may be in fact that the disturbance in the interplay of the etheric and astral bodies proceeds originally from the circulation. The brain symptoms are then a consequence. We can proceed with a cure along the lines described above.

[ 8 ] But the opposite may also be the case. The original cause of irregularity may arise between the astral and etheric activities in the brain system. Then the irregular circulation and abnormal cardiac activity will be the consequence. In such a case we shall have to introduce sulphates, for example, into the metabolic process. These work on the etheric organization of the brain in such a way as to call forth in it a strong force of attraction to the astral body. The effect can be observed as the consequent improvement in initiative of thought, in the will-sphere, and in the patient's general state of composure and control. It will then probably be necessary to supplement this treatment by the use, for instance, of a copper salt, so as to assist the astral forces in gaining their renewed influence upon the circulatory system.

[ 9 ] We shall observe that the organism as a whole returns to its regular activity when the excessive action of the astral and ego-organism in some part of the body, conditioned by the physical and the etheric, is replaced by an activity which has been externally induced. The organism has the tendency to balance-out its own deficiencies. Hence it will restore itself if an existing irregularity can for a time be regulated artificially by combating the abnormal process, which was internally induced and must be made to cease, with a similar process brought about externally.

XV. Heilverfahren

[ 1 ] Die Erkenntnis der Heilmittelwirkungen beruht auf dem Durchschauen der in der außermenschlichen Welt vorhandenen Kraftentwickelungen. Denn, um einen Heilvorgang zu veranlassen, muß man Substanzen in den Organismus einführen, die in diesem sich so ausbreiten, daß der Krankheitsvorgang allmählich in einen normalen übergeht. Nun liegt eben das Wesen des krankhaften Vorganges darin, daß innerhalb des Organismus sich etwas abspielt, das sich nicht eingliedert in die Gesamttätigkeit desselben. Das hat ein solcher Vorgang gemeinsam miit einem solchen der äußeren Natur.

[ 2 ] Man kann sagen: entsteht im Innern des Organismus ein Vorgang, der einem solchen der äußeren Natur ähnlich ist, so tritt Erkrankung ein. Ein solcher Vorgang kann den physischen oder den ätherischen Organismus ergreifen. Es muß dann entweder der astralische Leib oder das Ich eine Aufgabe erfüllen, die sie sonst nicht vollbringen. Sie müssen sich in einem Lebensalter, in dem sie in freier seelischer Tätigkeit sich entfalten sollten, zurückschrauben in ein früheres Lebensalter — in vielen Fällen sogar in das Embryonalalter — und an der Bildung von physischen und ätherischen Gestaltungen mitwirken, die bereits übergegangen sein sollten in den Bereich des physischen und des ätherischen Organismus; das heißt, die im ersten menschlichen Lebensalter vom astralischen Leib und der Ich-Organisation besorgt, später aber vom physischen und ätherischen Organismus allein übernommen werden. Denn alle Entwicklung des menschlichen Organismus beruht darauf, daß ursprünglich die Gesamtgestaltung des physischen und ätherischen Leibes aus der Tätigkeit des Astralischen und der Ich-Organisation sich ergibt; daß aber mit zunehmendem Alter die astralische und Ich-Tätigkeit in der physischen und ätherischen Organisation weiterlaufen. Tun sie das nicht, so müssen der astralische Leib und die Ich-Organisation in einem Stadium ihrer Entwickelung in einer Art eingreifen, zu der sie in diesem Stadium nicht mehr geeignet sind.

[ 3 ] Man nehme an, es treten Unterleibsstockungen auf. Die physische und ätherische Organisation vollziehen nicht die ihnen im vorangehenden Lebensalter übertragenen Tätigkeiten in dem entsprechenden Teile des menschlichen Körpers, Die astralische und Ich-Tätigkeit müssen eingreifen. Dadurch schwächen sich diese ab für andere Aufgaben im Organismus. Sie sind nicht da, wo sie sein sollten, z. B. in der Gestaltung der in die Muskeln gehenden Nerven. Die Folge sind Lähmungserscheinungen in gewissen Teilen des Organismus.

[ 4 ] Es handelt sich darum, solche Substanzen in den menschlichen Organismus einzuführen, welche der astralischen und der Ich-Organisation die ihnen nicht zukommende Tätigkeit abnehmen können. Man kann nun finden, daß die Prozesse, die in der Bildung starker ätherischer Ole im Pflanzenorganismus, insbesondere in der Blütenbildung wirken, dieses Abnehmen bewirken können. Auch Substanzen, die Phosphor enthalten, können das. Man muß nur dafür sorgen, daß man den Phosphor durch Zusammenmengen mit andern Substanzen dazu bringt, daß er seine Wirkung im Darm entfalte, nicht in dem über den Darm hinausliegenden Stoffwechsel.

[ 5 ] Hat man es zu tun mit Entzündungserscheinungen der Haut, so entfalten da astralischer Leib und Ich-Organisation eine abnorme Tätigkeit. 5ie entziehen sich dann den Wirkungen, die sie auf mehr nach innen gelegene Organe ausüben sollten. Sie vermindern die Empfindlichkeit innerer Organe. Diese hinwiederum hören wegen ihrer herabgestimmten Empfindlichkeit auf, die ihnen obliegenden Vorvänge auszuführen. Es können dadurch z. B. abnorme Zustände in der Lebertätigkeit auftreten. Und die Verdauung kann dann in unrechtmäßiger Weise beeinflußt werden. Bringt man nun Kieselsäure in den Organismus, so werden die auf die Haut entfallenden Tätigkeiten des astralischen und des Ich-Organismus entlastet. Die nach innen erfolgende Tätigkeit dieser Organismen wird wieder freigegeben; und ein Gesundungsprozeß tritt ein.

[ 6 ] Steht man vor krankhaften Zuständen, die sich in abnormem Herzklopfen offenbaren, so wirkt eine nicht regelmäßige Tätigkeit des astralischen Organismus auf den Gang der Blutzirkulation. Diese Tätigkeit schwächt sich dann für die Hirnvorgänge ab. Es treten epileptische Zustände ein, weil durch die abgeschwächte astralische Tätigkeit im Kopforganismus die dort hingehörige ätherische zu stark angespannt wird. Bringt man den aus Levisticum (Liebstöckel) zu gewinnenden gummiartigen Stoff — etwa in Teeform, noch besser in etwas verarbeiteter Form in einem Präparat — in den Organismus, dann wird die für die Blutzirkulation unrecht verbrauchte Tätigkeit des astralischen Leibes freigegeben, und die Stärkung für die Gehirnorganisation tritt ein.

[ 7 ] Man mußß in allen diesen Fällen durch eine entsprechende Diagnose die Richtung der Krankheitswirkungen feststellen. Man nehme den letzten Fall. Er kann so liegen, daß die Ursache von einem gestörten Wechselwirken zwischen ätherischem und astralischem Leib in der Blutzirkulation ausgeht. Die Hirnerscheinungen sind dann die Folge. Man wird mit der Heilung so vorgehen können, wie es beschrieben worden ist.

[ 8 ] Die Sache kann aber auch umgekehrt liegen. Die Unregelmäßigkeit kann ursächlich zwischen der astralischen und ätherischen Tätigkeit im Gehirnsystem auftreten. Dann ist die unregelmäßige Blutzirkulation mit der abnormen Herztätigkeit die Folge. Dann muß man z. B. schwefelsaure Salze in den Stoffwechselvorgang bringen. Diese wirken auf die ätherische Organisation des Gehirns so, daß sie in dieser eine Anziehungskraft zu dem astralischen Leibe hervorrufen. Man kann das daran beobachten, daß die Denk-Initiative, die Willenssphäre und die ganze Geschlossenheit des Wesens eine Umwandlung nach dem Besseren erfahren. Es wird dann wahrscheinlich nötig sein, die astraliischen Kräfte in ihrer neu zu erwerbenden Wirkung auf das Zirkulationssystem etwa durch ein Kupfersalz zu unterstützen.

[ 9 ] Man wird bemerken, daß der Gesamt-Organismus in seine regelmäßige Tätigkeit dann wieder eintritt, wenn man die durch den physischen und ätherischen Organismus bewirkte Übertätigkeit des astralischen und Ich-Organismus in irgend einem Gliede des Leibes ersetzt durch eine von außen bewirkte. Der Organismus hat die Tendenz, seine Mängel auszugleichen. Deshalb stellt er sich wieder her, wenn man eine Unregelmäßigkeit eine Zeitlang künstlich so reguliert, daß man den innerlich hervorgerufenen Vorgang, der aufhören muß, bekämpft durch einen ähnlichen Vorgang, den man von außen her bewirkt.

XV. Healing methods

[ 1 ] The knowledge of the effects of remedies is based on an understanding of the development of forces in the non-human world. For, in order to induce a healing process, substances must be introduced into the organism which spread in it in such a way that the pathological process gradually changes into a normal one. Now the essence of the pathological process lies precisely in the fact that something takes place within the organism which is not integrated into the overall activity of the same. Such a process has this in common with one of external nature.

[ 2 ] If a process occurs within the organism that is similar to such a process in external nature, then illness occurs. Such a process can affect the physical or the etheric organism. Either the astral body or the ego must then fulfill a task that they would not otherwise accomplish. At an age in which they should unfold in free spiritual activity, they must regress to an earlier age - in many cases even to embryonic age - and participate in the formation of physical and etheric formations that should already have passed over into the realm of the physical and etheric organism; that is, which in the first human age are taken care of by the astral body and the ego organization, but later are taken over by the physical and etheric organism alone. For all development of the human organism is based on the fact that originally the overall formation of the physical and etheric body results from the activity of the astral and ego organization; but that with increasing age the astral and ego activity continues in the physical and etheric organization. If they do not, then the astral body and the ego organization must intervene at a stage of their development in a way for which they are no longer suitable at this stage.

[ 3 ] Suppose abdominal stagnations occur. The physical and etheric organization do not carry out the activities assigned to them in the previous age in the corresponding part of the human body; the astral and ego activity must intervene. This weakens them for other tasks in the organism. They are not where they should be, e.g. in the formation of the nerves going into the muscles. The result is paralysis in certain parts of the body.

[ 4 ] It is a matter of introducing such substances into the human organism that can relieve the astral and ego organization of the activity that is not due to them. It can now be found that the processes which work in the formation of strong ethereal oils in the plant organism, especially in the formation of flowers, can bring about this decrease. Substances containing phosphorus can also do this. You just have to make sure that the phosphorus is combined with other substances so that it develops its effect in the intestine, not in the metabolism beyond the intestine.

[ 5 ] If one has to deal with inflammatory symptoms of the skin, the astral body and ego organization develop an abnormal activity. 5 They then withdraw from the effects that they should exert on more inwardly located organs. They reduce the sensitivity of the inner organs. These, in turn, cease to carry out the processes incumbent upon them because of their reduced sensitivity. Abnormal conditions can occur in the liver, for example. And digestion can then be influenced in an unlawful manner. If silicic acid is now introduced into the organism, the activities of the astral and ego organisms that are carried out on the skin are relieved. The inward activity of these organisms is released again; and a healing process occurs.

[ 6 ] If one is faced with pathological conditions that manifest themselves in abnormal palpitations, an irregular activity of the astral organism affects the course of the blood circulation. This activity then weakens the brain processes. Epileptic states occur because the weakened astral activity in the head organism causes the etheric organism belonging there to become too tense. If the gum-like substance obtained from levisticum (lovage) is brought into the organism - for example in tea form, or even better in a somewhat processed form in a preparation - then the activity of the astral body, which is unjustly used up for blood circulation, is released and the brain organization is strengthened.

[ 7 ] In all these cases the direction of the effects of the disease must be determined by an appropriate diagnosis. Take the last case. It may be such that the cause is due to a disturbed interaction between the etheric and astral bodies in the blood circulation. The brain manifestations are then the result. It will be possible to proceed with the healing as described.

[ 8 ] However, the situation can also be reversed. The irregularity can occur causally between the astral and etheric activity in the brain system. Then the irregular blood circulation with the abnormal heart activity is the result. Then, for example, sulphuric acid salts must be introduced into the metabolic process. These act on the etheric organization of the brain in such a way that they cause an attraction to the astral body. This can be observed in the fact that the thinking initiative, the sphere of will and the whole unity of the being undergo a transformation towards the better. It will then probably be necessary to support the astral forces in their newly acquired effect on the circulatory system with a copper salt, for example.

[ 9 ] You will notice that the entire organism returns to its regular activity when the overactivity of the astral and ego organism caused by the physical and etheric organism is replaced by an externally induced overactivity in some part of the body. The organism has a tendency to compensate for its deficiencies. Therefore it restores itself if an irregularity is artificially regulated for a time in such a way that the internally caused process, which must cease, is counteracted by a similar process brought about from outside.