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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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Search results 121 through 130 of 374

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105. Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VII 11 Aug 1908, Stuttgart
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
The religion of Egypt—a remembrance of Lemurian times. Fish and serpent symbols. The remembrance of Atlantis in Europe. The Light of Christ. In the last lecture it was shown how a differentiation had arisen in evolution generally, and particularly in human evolution, because human beings, and other beings also, could not await the right point in their evolution; they therefore fell behind and became hardened to a certain degree, while others retained the necessary softness and pliability until the right moment, and were thus able to carry out the changes that were fitting.
When the inhabitants of ancient Europe spoke of the Gods they were no imaginary figures to them, but memories of forms seen in Atlantis. In the same way, when the Greeks spoke of Zeus, Apollo, and Ares these were forms they had themselves perceived during the Atlantean epoch. Whereas in the Egyptian age memories of ancient Lemuria arose, in the Grecian age memories of the earthly experiences on Atlantis rose within the souls of the people. We must clearly understand that if everything contained in later religions was a memory of facts connected with the earth at an earlier age some very important event would have to take place when the last of these memories had appeared; this was about the time when the Greeks and Romans recalled the Atlantean epoch.
108. A Chapter of Occult History 16 Dec 1908, Nuremberg
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
When the Atlantean awoke in the morning, that is to say, when his astral body and Ego came down again into the physical and etheric bodies, then, in the earlier periods of Atlantis, man did not see external objects with sharp outlines as he does today, but the objects were hazy—as when we go out at night in a thick November fog the lamps seem to be surrounded by an aura instead of emitting clear light.
And the figures preserved as the Gods, the names and ideas of Gods such as Wotan, Baldur, Zeus, Apollo, Thor—are not figures of fantasy but Beings who were actually experienced by man in the times of old Atlantis. Then came the great Flood. The less advanced Atlanteans went from West to East, settling in the lands of Europe.
The pupils of the Rishis had a kind of memory of ancient times, of how in Atlantis they themselves had been companions of the Gods. Their real homeland then had been in the spiritual world.
101. Myths and Legends, Occult Signs and Symbols: Forms and Numbers in their Spiritual Significance 28 Dec 1907, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
We know that our ancestors, indeed our very souls, lived in other bodies, in ancient Atlantis. In the last days of Atlantis, this continent, especially the northern parts, was largely covered by masses of fog, and everything that lived on the earth, on this continent, was shrouded in dense fog.
That was the time when the pre-Semitic race descended from the northeast of Atlantis, from the area of present-day Ireland. At that time, man acquired the ability through which the two points coincided and came to overlap.
170. The Riddle of Humanity: Lecture XI 26 Aug 1916, Dornach
Translated by John F. Logan

Rudolf Steiner
What happened in those days was a kind of repetition of what had happened to an even greater degree in the Atlantean period itself, and which I have described in my writings about development in the time of Atlantis. On Old Moon there were powers which made it possible to draw behind one the contents of dreamlike imaginative experiences, like the tail of a comet.
As it was transformed into an inward power, memory began to awaken in Atlantean humanity and the world seemed to bestow it on them automatically. And in Atlantis man did not have to exert himself very much to develop his memory, for it was like a power which he encountered in his dealings with the external world and which flowed into him from there.
What came to him automatically during the time of Atlantis, and again during the fourth post-Atlantean epoch, must now be made his own so that it can contribute to his individualisation and freedom.
196. Spiritual and Social Changes in the Development of Humanity: Twelfth Lecture 08 Feb 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
And now please note what is extremely important: that which has been developed in the soul without the physical organization in the East, that wanders over the south of Europe, over Africa, into the rest of Europe, where it meets the population that, with the exception of those who have withdrawn from Asia, were essentially the people left behind during the migrations from Atlantis to the East. And the question must arise among us: what particular constitution did these people who had remained in Europe have, precisely because they had not moved across to Asia, because they had remained in Europe?
We come to realize or to have to realize that this population, which was left behind in Europe during the migration from Atlantis to the East, received its external and internal knowledge, its insights into the spiritual world and into the social, economic and commercial order of the world through the function of the physical organization.
In the fifteenth millennium BC, still in the old Atlantis, man had developed all the qualities of his physical constitution to a certain extent within himself, and these then hardened more or less slowly.
68b. The Circular Flow of Man's Life within the World Of Sense, Soul And Spirit: The Evolution of the Planets 05 Apr 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This is a fact for spiritual research. Arldt's treatise on Atlantis only provides information about the animal and plant world. Theosophical research, however, speaks of the human form.
The distribution of water, fog, clouds, and air that we have around the Earth today did not yet exist in ancient Atlantis. It was quite different. The air was, so to speak, almost saturated with water. We did not have to deal with such a distribution of water in the air as we do today, but with a perpetual misty air. When Germanic mythology speaks of a 'fog home', it is a memory of ancient Atlantis with its foggy air. It was only in the later process of our earth's formation that what we have in our environment today emerged.
90b. Self-Knowledge and God-Knowledge II: The Relationship of Occultism to the Theosophical Movement 22 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
But now I know that this rainbow in the Bible corresponds to a literal fact. On the old Atlantis, the climatic conditions were different. The distribution of air and water was different. It is not without reason that German legend speaks of the 'Fogheim'.
There is a different distribution in the cycle of water in the air, and different cloud formations are present, so that one finds that on the old Atlantis the formation of a rainbow is not yet possible. Such conditions only became possible when Atlantis was flooded and the new continents rose.
Noah is the biblical representative of a certain tribe that originally came from Atlantis. We speak of the Proto-Semites. All sub-races descend from them in a certain way. This is well known to us from theosophical literature.
113. The East in the Light of the West: The Bodhisattvas and the Christ 31 Aug 1909, Munich
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Shirley M. K. Gandell

Rudolf Steiner
Those men who came over into and beyond Europe from old Atlantis brought with them great wisdom. In old Atlantis the majority of the people were instinctively clairvoyant; they could see into spiritual realms.
This Being had remained behind in order to preserve for later ages what was brought over from old Atlantis. Among the great initiates who had founded mystery places in the West for the preservation of the old Atlantean wisdom, a wisdom that entered deeply into all the secrets of the physical body was the great Skythianos, as he was called in the Middle Ages.
Hence in all spiritual Rosicrucian schools the deepest reverence is paid to these old initiates who preserved the primeval wisdom of Atlantis; to the re-incarnated Skythianos, in whom was seen the great and honoured Bodhisattva of the West; to the temporarily incarnated reflection of the Buddha, who also was honoured as one, of the Bodhisattvas; and finally to Zarathustra, the reincarnated Zarathustra.
107. The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers: Mephistopheles and Earthquakes 01 Jan 1909, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Hence in those great centers of the Oracles in ancient Atlantis the Initiates had expressly trained themselves to behold that part of the spiritual world which had been concealed as the result of Lucifer's influence.
Here lies the cause of the Atlantean flood and of the devastation wrought by the powers of nature which led to the disappearance of the whole continent of Atlantis. But even before that time, man had lost command over the forces of fire and the power to ally them with certain mysterious forces of the earth.
Although the karma of Ahriman has been linked with that of humanity since the time of Atlantis, the suggestion should not arise that any guilt is to be attributed to those who are victims of what Ahriman's karma has evoked.
254. Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the 19th Century: Lecture II 01 Nov 1915, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
For example, the ancient wisdom that was misused in the Lemurian epoch and perished with the Lemurians; the wisdom that was then misused in the Atlantean epoch and brought about the destruction of Atlantis. What was it that was then among men? What was it, in reality? To say that the great wisdom then existing was misused, applied in practices of black magic and so forth, is a very abstract way of speaking and leads to no very definite idea.
Figure 1 In that epoch of Atlantis there were communities led by such Beings in human form, who, if they wished some individuality to come again to the earth, helped him to find a human incarnation by enhancing certain qualities through heredity; and then they looked for suitable descendants.
And it was single individuals who deviated from the regular course, who advanced too far along the path to freedom, who were responsible for the fall into the abyss and the inevitable destruction of Atlantis. But with the constantly increasing freedom of will, man would have been unfit for knowledge of this kind.

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