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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

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266-II. From the Contents of Esoteric Classes II: 1910–1912: Esoteric Lesson 01 Jan 1911, Stuttgart
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
A famous inscription, the Delphic E (Ei) stood over the portal of the Delphi's temple. The Delphic E means “you are.” Plutarch said it was a greeting to the Godhead by the people who entered the temple.
346. Lectures to Priests The Apocalypse: Lecture XIV 18 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Everything which the wise men proclaimed about the world in the mystery centers in Macedonia, Greece, Ephesus, Samothrace, Delphi and in other places in Asia Minor and elsewhere is the book which is preserved from ancient times, which is in the hand of the angel whose face is fashioned out of clouds, his chest out of a rainbow, and his feet out of fire, and he stands firmly in America with the rest of his body spread out over Europe and Asia.
318. Pastoral Medicine: Lecture II 09 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Gladys Hahn

Rudolf Steiner
Pythians: priestesses of Apollo who delivered the oracles at Delphi.4 . Teresa of Avila (1515–1582), Carmelite nun. Reformed the Carmelite Order in association with John of the Cross.
149. Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail: Lecture V 31 Dec 1913, Leipzig
Tr. Charles Davy, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
It was out of the Hyperborean land, from the North, that Apollo came to the Oracle at Delphi. Through the Pythia, in summer, he spoke the most important things that the Greeks wished to hear.
8. Christianity As Mystical Fact (1947): The Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom
Tr. Henry B. Monges

Rudolf Steiner
Plutarch’s Moral Works, On the Inscription EJ at Delphi, pp. 17-18.5. Plutarch: On the Decline of the Oracles; Cicero: On the Nature of the Gods.
112. The Gospel of St. John: The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Man through the Christ-Impulse 04 Jul 1909, Kassel
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
For a long time they had no progeny. Then Laios enquired of the Oracle of Delphi whether he could not be vouchsafed a son; and the Oracle gave him the answer: If thou wilt have a son it will be one who shall kill thee.
8. Christianity As Mystical Fact (1961): Mysteries and Mystery Wisdom
Tr. E. A. Frommer, Gabrielle Hess, Peter Kändler

Rudolf Steiner
Plutarch, Moralia, De E apud Delphos, 392 A–E. (The E at Delphi, 17 and 18.)6. Plutarch, Moralia, De defectu oraculorum, 417 C.
61. Prophecy: Its Nature and Meaning 09 Nov 1911, Berlin
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
The human being was thus given over to other Powers, was in an ecstatic condition and then made utterances which were either direct predictions of the future or were interpreted by the listening priests and soothsayers as referring to the future. We need only think of the Pythia at Delphi who under the influence of vapours rising from a chasm in the earth was transported into a state of consciousness quite different from that of ordinary life; she was controlled by other Powers and in this condition made prophetic utterances.
292. The History of Art I: Sculpture in Ancient Greece and the Renaissance 24 Jan 1917, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
6. Charioteer from Delphi 7.
72. The Human Soul in the Realm of the Supersensible and Its Relation to the Body 18 Oct 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
From it everybody could get desired answers, like from a Delphi oracle, concerning its practical applications on social, political, hygienic, medical, and other fields and refers as affirmation of his assertions to the Darwinian biology with its immutable physical principles.

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