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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 191 through 200 of 430

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68a. The Essence of Christianity: Theosophy and the Bible 29 Nov 1910, Hamburg

Rudolf Steiner
The time at that was not yet able to think so sharply, one is accustomed to saying otherwise apologetically. But Kepler found that very special star constellations occurred at the time of the Christ event; that the arrival of the Christ was written in the planetary system.
62. Fairy Tales in the Light of Spiritual Investigation: Fairy Tales in the light of Spiritual Investigation 06 Feb 1913, Berlin
Translated by Peter Stebbing

Rudolf Steiner
Spiritual science shows us in addition that, just as the sun traverses the arc of heaven—I am of course speaking of the apparent movement of the sun—and in a certain respect the effect of its rays differs according to whether it stands in this or that constellation of the zodiac, so the human “I” also goes through various phases in its experience. Thus, from one phase it works in one way, from a different phase it works in another way on the physical body. In spiritual science one acquires a feeling for how the sun works differently onto the earth according to whether it does so, for example, from the constellation of Aries, or from the constellation of Taurus, and so on. For that reason, one does not speak of the sun in general, but of its effect in connection with the twelve signs of the zodiac—indicating the correspondence of the changing “I” with the changing activity of the sun.
209. The Festivals and Their Meaning I: Christmas: The Revelation of the Cosmic Christ 26 Dec 1921, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
In those days men looked up to the starry worlds and saw in the courses and constellations of the stars something like a countenance of the Divine soul and spirit of the cosmos. And in the Christ Being they could see the spiritual Principle of the universe visibly manifested in the glories of the starry worlds.
And at the same time the Cosmic Word resounded through the cosmos—the Cosmic Word which from the courses and constellations of the stars sounded forth the mysteries of World Being. Blood sets human beings at variance with one another.
69d. Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science: Death and Immortality in the Light of Spiritual Science 17 Nov 1911, Munich

Rudolf Steiner
Just as people gradually came to accept the essence of his proclamation, so they used to believe in the constellation of the visible stars on a moon bowl, a sun bowl, on individual planetary spheres up to the seventh, the fixed star sphere.
He was banned from practicing medicine and withdrew to a kind of spiritual observatory, where he studied nature and astronomy. Here he allowed the constellations in particular to take effect on him spiritually and in doing so became aware of some inner abilities of his soul that had previously remained hidden from him.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture VII 16 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
[ 3 ] If we suppose that here is the constellation Gemini, we take these points which simply lie in this line (from x or Gemini, to the Sun), and join the Sun with the constellation of Gemini, whether there is such a conjunction or not does not matter.
110. The Spiritual Hierarchies (1928): Lecture IX 18 Apr 1909, Düsseldorf
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Then also occurred the killing of the single globes under the constellation of the Scorpion. They crowded on top of one another. Through this began for each their own inner life.
When Saturn stood under the sign of the Lion the beginning of the heart was formed; the ribs or the thoracic cage were started while Saturn was under the sign of the Crab; the foundation of the symmetrical shape of man, that is the reason for his being symmetrically built on two sides, arose while Saturn was under the constellation of Gemini. Thus we follow piece by piece the formation of the human body, and when we look up to that part of the Zodiac, where Aries the Ram is, we can say: The upper part of our head originated when ancient Saturn stood under the sign of Aries; the foundation of our organ of speech, when Saturn stood under the sign of the Bull.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1946): The law concerning the stages of the perfecting of human qualities 07 Sep 1910, Bern
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
In the imagery of the stars, a man may desire to advance only in the direction of Aries and to remain with the surrounding world in that constellation, but the world moves on and presents to him the constellation of Pisces. Such a man will see what comes from Pisces as an experience of Aries; confusion results, and so he finds himself in a labyrinth.
119. Macrocosm and Microcosm: Organs of Spiritual Perception. Contemplation of the Ego from Twelve Vantage-points 29 Mar 1910, Vienna
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
This view of the Ego from outside corresponds exactly to what is reflected in the relationship of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac to the Sun. Just as the Sun passes through the twelve constellations and has in each a different power, just as it illumines our Earth through the course of the year and even of the day, from twelve different stations, so the human Ego is illumined from twelve different stations in the higher world.
170. The Riddle of Humanity: Lecture XIII 28 Aug 1916, Dornach
Translated by John F. Logan

Rudolf Steiner
In this case it is the head which, as a part of the whole, is allocated to one constellation, but also, as the unique, special case, is allocated to all twelve constellations. If what has been said is true, one must presuppose that the body of one incarnation becomes the head of the next incarnation.
210. Old and New Methods of Initiation: Lecture VIII 19 Feb 1922, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
For now the soul chooses whichever brain—in the process of being formed—most closely resembles the starry constellation in which it stood before descending into the earthly realm. Naturally, the brain of one embryo depicts the starry heavens differently from that of another embryo. And the soul feels attracted towards the brain which has the most similarity with the starry constellation in which it existed before descending to earth. So it is, in the main, a feeling of timidity which leads the soul down to the confines of a human being—a feeling of fearfulness with regard to infinity, you might say.

Results 191 through 200 of 430

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