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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 251 through 260 of 399

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188. The Relationship Between Human Science and Social Science 25 Jan 1919, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
However proud and arrogant we are of the achievements of the second half of the 19th century, study the history of ideas and you will see how even the greatest of these achievements are not based on the direct initiative of the mind, but on constellations that have arisen in the course of experimentation. Man has lost God, man has lost the spirit, by no longer striving towards the spirit with the mind.
157. The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations: Lecture II 31 Oct 1914, Berlin
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
They had a feeling for the great, cosmic astrology. Stars and constellations were not seen the way we see them today. Instead, spiritual entities were perceived and the constellations were seen as their physical exterior.
180. Ancient Myths: Their Meaning and Connection with Evolution: Man Is the Solution of the Riddle 13 Jan 1918, Dornach
Tr. Mabel Cotterell

Rudolf Steiner
You know that our epoch which begins in about the 15th century of the Christian era is connected with the cosmos through the fact that since that time the sun has its Vernal Point in Pisces, in the constellation of Pisces, the Fishes. The sun had previously been for 2,160 years in the constellation of Aries, the Ram, at the Vernal Equinox.
54. Jacob Boehme 03 May 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Jacob Boehme relates the whole social and artistic structure also to the constellations of the planets. He shows the connection of the planets with the human life. All that is so clear to someone who wants to understand him, but so big that a small-minded time cannot understand him.
97. The Christian Mystery (2000): Who are the Rosicrucians? 16 Feb 1907, Leipzig
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Every spring it moves on a distance. The spring equinox is now in the constellation of the Fishes. At that earlier time people thought the Ram brought all that was good, new strength and power in spring.
300b. Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner II: Forty-Fourth Meeting 23 Jan 1923, Stuttgart
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
You could also have a star chart in the ninth grade where the various constellations are connected with some figure, with stylized figures of the heavens, as used to be done in star charts.
107. The Being of Man and His Future Evolution: Rhythm in the Bodies of Man 21 Dec 1908, Berlin
Tr. Pauline Wehrle

Rudolf Steiner
That the sun is encircled by the earth in a year arises out of the rhythm that was implanted into the physical body long ages before the physical constellation existed. Thus the spatial relationships between these heavenly bodies were regulated from out of the spirit.
108. Hegel's Theory of Categories 13 Nov 1908, Berlin
Tr. Rick Mansell

Rudolf Steiner
You can find nothing in the primary causes, which could lead to the concept. It has emerged through the pure constellation, through the reference of things to each other. But now this concept, which has come out of the NICHTS, becomes a factor that continues active in you.
201. Man: Hieroglyph of the Universe: Lecture VIII 24 Apr 1920, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Instead of wishing to examine the structure of the molecule microscopically, we must turn our gaze outwards to the starry heavens, we must look at the constellations and see copper in one, tin in another! Out there in the Macrocosm we have to behold the structure of the molecule that is only reflected in the molecule.
207. Cosmosophy Vol. I: Lecture VII 08 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Alice Wuslin, Michael Klein

Rudolf Steiner
After having gone through his activity in and out of the animal group-soul system, he becomes dependent on what lives in the outer world, of what lives in the movements of the planets and their constellations. Through this the etheric body of man is prepared. Man is drawn toward a new birth. His etheric body is developed.

Results 251 through 260 of 399

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