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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 351 through 360 of 430

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102. The Festivals and Their Meaning II: Easter: Easter: the Mystery of the Future 13 Apr 1908, Berlin
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
At the time when this kind of consciousness had evolved from a still earlier form, the sun in the heavens rose at the vernal equinox in the constellation of Libra (the Scales). As the Atlantean epoch took its further course, the kind of consciousness that is ours to-day gradually developed.
53. Fundamentals of Theosophy The Origin of the Earth 09 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If you expand this thought to all the other natural conditions, it shows you that the human being is in truth completely dependent on the constellation and configuration of the forces within which he lives. He becomes another being if he is in another interrelation.
The Festivals and Their Meaning III : Ascension and Pentecost: The Whitsun Festival. Its Place in the Study of Karma 04 Jun 1924, Dornach
Translated by Dorothy S. Osmond, Alan P. Shepherd

Rudolf Steiner
What seems apparent to us—namely, that the Sun is speeding on towards the constellation of Hercules—is only a spatial image of the Time-evolution of the Sun-Being. To His intimate disciples Christ spoke these words: “Behold the life of the Earth; it is related to the life of the Cosmos.
4. The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (1986): Thinking in the Service of Apprehending the World
Translated by William Lindemann

Rudolf Steiner
Let us suppose that, at the moment of impact, someone covered the field on which the occurrence that takes place; then I—as mere observer—am without knowledge of what happens afterwards. It is different if, for the constellation of relationships, I have found the corresponding concepts before the covering takes place. In this case I can say what will happen, even if the possibility of observation ceases.
83. The Tension Between East and West: Spiritual Geography 04 Jun 1922, Vienna
Translated by B. A. Rowley

Rudolf Steiner
External nature, and indeed the entire external world right up to the constellations, seems to him an echo which is, however, fundamentally the same as what he bears within him.
108. Novalis 26 Oct 1908, Berlin
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
Hymns to the NightI Before all the wondrous shows of the widespread space around him, what living, sentient thing loves not the all-joyous light—with its colors, its rays and undulations, its gentle omnipresence in the form of the wakening Day? The giant-world of the unresting constellations inhales it as the innermost soul of life, and floats dancing in its blue flood—the sparkling, ever-tranquil stone, the thoughtful, imbibing plant, and the wild, burning multiform beast inhales it—but more than all, the lordly stranger with the sense-filled eyes, the swaying walk, and the sweetly closed, melodious lips.
181. Anthroposophical Life Gifts: Lecture II 01 Apr 1918, Berlin
Translated by Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
I shall declare again and again—not because it is the absolutely correct one did it appear, but because it serves the evolution of man, in that he can best attain the development of the Spiritual Soul if he allows the Copernican world-philosophy to enter his flesh and blood, if he reaches the point of being able to calculate certain constellations of stars through the Copernican world-philosophy, as has been done in more recent times. What is then really good in the Copernican world-philosophy?
210. Old and New Methods of Initiation: Lecture XII 19 Mar 1922, Dornach
Translated by Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
The Wallenstein (Wallenstein's Camp) drama is comprehensible only when we take into account that Wallenstein feels himself to be filled with the forces which emanate from the starry constellations. At the end of the eighteenth century Schiller felt compelled to return to a contemplation of the stars which was familiar in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to those who thought about such things.
231. Supersensible Man: Lecture IV 17 Nov 1923, The Hague
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In reality the Moon is a cosmic colony of many Beings—I described it to you in the last lecture. It is the same with all the stars and constellations. This fact must be borne in mind throughout our present study. The lectures so far have brought us to the point where, during his life between death and a new birth, man passes into the Sun sphere.
238. Karmic Relationships IV: Lecture IV 12 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by George Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond, Charles Davy

Rudolf Steiner
And they regarded what man bears within him as the spirit in connection with the constellations, the glory of the fixed stars, the spiritual Powers whom they knew to be there in the stars. Thus from the whole universe, from the cosmos, they understood the human being.

Results 351 through 360 of 430

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