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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 191 through 200 of 515

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107. The Astral World: Some Characteristics of the Astral World 21 Oct 1908, Berlin
Tr. M. Gotfare

Rudolf Steiner
Yet, you feel that it is still a recapitulation of the same leaves in altered form. We may therefore say that the green calyx-leaves up above where the plant ends are a kind of recapitulation. And even the flower petals are a recapitulation.
It brings to a conclusion what the etheric body would continue in eternal recapitulation; it causes the transformation of the green leaves into the calyx, flower petals, stamens and pistil. For occult sight, we can say that the plant grows towards its soul-like part, its astral part, which causes the metamorphosis.
190. The Spiritual Background of the Social Question: Lecture I 05 Apr 1919, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
The dead person can share with earthly human beings their pleasure about a green meadow. He cannot share the ideas of Natural Science about a green meadow. It is true that the natural-scientists of the present-day say that they can form no idea at all about what is living.
208. Cosmosophy Vol. II: Lecture I 21 Oct 1921, Dornach
Tr. Anna R. Meuss

Rudolf Steiner
Fig. 1 Between them is the actively moving world of thoughts—in so far as it is part of the organism. Between the ether body and the astral body (green) lies the world of our feelings, and between the astral body and the enveloping I (blue) the world of the will.
Fig. 2 And we’ll always look back to the earth (green). Now we look out into space to see the stars and the sun; then we’ll be looking back to the earth.
302. Education for Adolescents: Lecture Seven 18 Jun 1921, Stuttgart
Tr. Carl Hoffmann

Rudolf Steiner
You see, today we have the surface of the earth, on it the green plants. How do we today imagine the processes taking place in the world of plants? Here, too, our knowledge is limited to the explanations of the chemical analyses and syntheses taking place in the one hundred or so elements.
One would like to see the interaction of chlorophyll, the green color of the plant, with some outer entities during the plant’s growth as a process similar to that taking place in a test tube.
311. The Kingdom of Childhood: Answers to Questions 20 Aug 1924, Torquay
Tr. Helen Fox

Rudolf Steiner
In the real world there is, for example, the sea. It is represented by colour (green); above it is the sky, also represented by colour (blue). If these colours are brought together you have the sea below and Diagram 1 the sky above (see sketch).
We cannot really paint the tree: we can only bring in light and shade, and green, or, Diagram 3 a little yellow, if you like, if the fruit happens to be lovely apples.
312. Spiritual Science and Medicine: Lecture X 30 Mar 1920, Dornach
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Let us try to represent this difference, in the form of a rough sketch. (See Diagram 19). Through our periphery (green in Diagram), we are closely interwoven with the cosmos, and we individualise ourselves in the digestive process up to the formation of the blood (red in Diagram); so that this digestive tract is the scene of several processes independent of the external processes of nature, in which man maintains his individual entity as distinct from the external processes—at least more so than in the polaric region where man is wholly inserted into the external processes. Perhaps I may make this more comprehensible if I add the following: I have already described how man is included in the whole cosmos through the operation of the formative forces of lead, tin and iron within the regions here colored green. In the regions marked red, the formative forces of copper, quicksilver and silver are active.
301. The Renewal of Education: Three Aspects of the Human Being 21 Apr 1920, Basel
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
People make judgments, and these judgments are either positive or negative. I could say that a tree is green, and in doing so I connect the two ideas of “tree” and “green” in a positive way. I could say you did not visit me yesterday, and in doing that I connect two ideas or complexes of ideas in a negative way.
301. The Renewal of Education: Teaching Zoology and Botany to Children Nine through Twelve 03 May 1920, Basel
Tr. Ruth Pusch, Gertrude Teutsch

Rudolf Steiner
We will leave mere intellectualism, which is so boring and arid, behind. Once people comprehend annual plants, green plants that grow out of the earth with their roots in the earth, leaves, and stems above it, and the green leaves that then go on to form the flower and seed; once people perceive a living connection with the earth and have enlivened that through their experiences of the yearly cycle; once they have experienced how the blossom comes forth when sunlight has connected itself in love with what pours forth out of the earth; once that is felt throughout people’s entire being as a felt knowledge; once people have felt the growth from the root through the leaf to the flower and finally to the seed from spring until fall; once people have felt all that, then they will realize something else.
286. Ways to a New Style in Architecture: True Aesthetic Laws of Form 05 Jul 1914, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
Otherwise—to use a radical and therefore paradoxical expression—if the agricultural labourer who is perpetually surrounded by green had no ego whereby he reaches beyond the sea of colour, he would go about with a greenish skin; and the skin of the city man, living perpetually among grey houses and seldom leaving them, would have a horrible greyish tint—that is to say if primordial forces were at work., Our astral body none the less is immersed in the flowing sea of colour, but all that the astral body absorbs from this sea of colour has taken on a different activity. Our hair is not coloured, nor if we had feathers would they be coloured by what the astral body absorbs; instead of this, we have perceptions and feelings in connection with colour without diffusing the colours through our being. If we were simply to absorb the green or blue or red into our astral body and diffuse them through our being, thus giving ourselves the colouring of the outer world, we should have quite a different relationship to the world of colour than is actually the case.
345. The Essence of the Active Word: Lecture III 13 Jul 1923, Stuttgart
Tr. Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
Every sleeping rosebud you empathise with the waiting, creating, living light rose in the earthly depths. So it is with all plants. Look at the green cover of plants over the earth and experience that which sprouts out of the earth as green, in the depths of the earth, as quite light-filled but permeated with deep violet, which appears in the world, weaving through it with life.

Results 191 through 200 of 515

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