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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 461 through 470 of 588

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205. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit I: Eleventh Lecture 15 Jul 1921, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Imagine a meadow full of flowers. You see the grass as a green blanket, you see the meadow's floral decoration. That is the present, but it grows out of the past.
206. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit II: Lecture I 12 Aug 1921, Dornach

If I wanted to draw a diagram, it would be like this: Let us assume that we have the physical body here (see drawing, red), we have the etheric body here (orange), we have the astral body here (green), and finally we have the I here (white). Now a sensory experience takes place. This sensory experience is first taken up into the I.
206. Humanity, World Soul and World Spirit II: Lecture III 14 Aug 1921, Dornach

Yes, this question can only be raised by someone who would say, for example: Why does a plant not stop growing when it has got green leaves? It just continues to grow through its own power. We carry within us the process of dying that develops our thinking.
179. Intellectuality and Will – The Necessity of New Cognitive Powers 22 Dec 1917, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
Just as nature makes its tremendous leap from the green leaf to the colored petal, so nature makes its leaps everywhere. And it was not a general transition from the fourth post-Atlantic period to the first half of the 15th century, to the fifth post-Atlantic period, starting from the second half of the 15th century, but there was a tremendous turnaround.
90b. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology II: Yoga and Unio Mystica 27 Apr 1905, Cologne

Rudolf Steiner
Just as a blue liquid and a yellow liquid, when mixed, produce a green liquid, so are the spiritual and physical powers of man united. When the spiritual is brought out, the physical nature remains behind, as it were, as a sediment.
90b. Theosophy, Christology and Mythology II: Spiritual Science as a Source of Healing 09 Oct 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
In our cities, however, it is almost impossible. It is easy in nature, where spring really greens, where the trees, the leaves and the forest look different every day. It is not for nothing that the occult sites where culture was cultivated were located in nature.
30. Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901: Modern Worldview and Reactionary Course 07 Apr 1900,
Tr. Automated

Rudolf Steiner
The right and left, the above and below, the red next to the green in my field of vision are in reality in uninterrupted connection and mutual togetherness. However, we can only look in one direction and only perceive what is connected in nature separately.
30. Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom: Introduction

Paul Marshall Allen
From his second through his eighth year his impressions were those of the quiet country village of Pottsach, situated in a beautiful green valley at the foot of the magnificent Styrian Alps. The infrequent arrival and departure of the train, the daily activities of the village people, the services at the little church, the colorful peasants and foresters, the life at the local mill, and always and ever the mysterious wonder and beauty of the surrounding nature: all this was a part of the child's world.
286. Ways to a New Style in Architecture: The Creative World of Colour 26 Jul 1914, Dornach
Tr. Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
This is not so in reality; colour radiates, changes within itself, and if red moves it will send on before it a kind of orange aura, a yellow aura, a green aura. If blue moves it will send something different on before it. We have, then, a play of colours as it were.
173c. The Karma of Untruthfulness II: Lecture XXII 21 Jan 1917, Dornach
Tr. Johanna Collis

Rudolf Steiner
And the organs of the breast can be seen as an image of what streams in from the East—the hemisphere I am shading green. This hemisphere alone works on the organs of the breast. Or, expressed as a paradox: The breast organs are half a head.

Results 461 through 470 of 588

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