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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 491 through 500 of 512

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281. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture V 30 Jul 1921, Darmstadt
Tr. Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
Some frayed off with fountain-fling of arms To play and plunge, staccatoing the water And some more slowly followed, picking the deep flowers Out of the fume and underdrone of bees: green-kneed They rose and fell in waves delightedly: new sights Consumed them; new mites and motes of smell Held and incensed them: crumbs of booty glowed In every foot-dent, eiderdowntrodden.
273. The Problem of Faust: The Problem of Faust 30 Sep 1916, Dornach
Tr. George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
We see how Faust accompanied by his famulus, Wagner, goes out from his cell into the green world where, to begin with, he watches the country people celebrating the Easter Festival out-of-doors in the meadows, until he himself is affected by the Easter mood.
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: Human Egoism 25 Nov 1909, Berlin
Tr. Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
If we find in a writer an exposition of a problem so important for Spiritual Science, this is for us a further proof—already apparent in our considerations of Faust, the Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, and Pandora53—that in Goethe we have a genius who is at one with our Spiritual Science in its true sense.
72. The Human Soul in the Realm of the Supersensible and Its Relation to the Body 18 Oct 1917, Basel

Rudolf Steiner
To grasp the mental as something living, one has to grasp the mental, now, however, the spiritual-mental, in such a way as Goethe tried to grasp the outer physical things with his theory of metamorphosis, as Goethe imagined the green leaves of the stalk transformed into the petals, even into the fruit organs. As he attempted to explain all organs by a transformation into each other, one must not only leave thinking, feeling, and willing side by side, but also gain the living transition of them.
159. The Mystery of Death: Christ's Relationship to Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Since most inaccurate is the saying which the external science has stamped: nature does not make jumps.1—From the green plant leaf to the red petal is a big jump; from the petal to the chalices is again a big jump. It is an absolutely wrong saying, and the truth of the development is based just on the fact that everywhere jumps are made.
224. Pneumatosophy: The Riddles of the Inner Man 23 May 1923, Bern
Tr. Frances E. Dawson

Rudolf Steiner
We are then approaching the autumn, September is coming, the autumnal equinox; the leaves which in the spring became budding and green, now become brownish, yellowish, and drop off; the trees stand there already partly denuded, nature is dying.
282. Speech and Drama: Some Practical Illustrations of the Forming of Speech 11 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Yellow—grey—no indeed, what shall I say? Grey-green, to be exact, with deep-set eyes And stubborn brow—a simple, little man, Nothing compared with Danton!
282. Speech and Drama: Style in Gesture 13 Sep 1924, Dornach
Tr. Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
I love this Belriguardo; in my youth Full many a joyous day I linger'd here, And this bright sunshine, and this verdant green, Bring back the feelings of that bygone time. LEONORA Yes, a new world surrounds us!
159. Christ In Relation To Lucifer and Ahriman 18 May 1915, Linz
Tr. Peter Mollenhauer

Rudolf Steiner
3 Yet there is a tremendous leap from a green plant leaf to the red petal of a flower, and there is another significant leap from petal to the calyx.
185. From Symptom to Reality in Modern History: The Relation Between the Deeper European Impulses and Those of the Present Day 03 Nov 1918, Dornach
Tr. A. H. Parker

Rudolf Steiner
It is in this form that it spread within the Lodges and their ramifications. (In the diagram I indicate this by the colour green.) Later it became politicized in the West and is the last offshoot of the Arthurian current. And just as the Christ impulse in the Russian people is continued in the Grail quest and irradiates all men of good will in the West, so the other current penetrates into all members of the People of the Church and takes on the particular colouring of Jesuitism.

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