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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 581 through 590 of 678

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258. The Anthroposophic Movement (1993): The Future of the Anthroposophical Society 17 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
But Goethe also approached the spiritual world from another angle, from a perspective which he was able to indicate only through images, one might almost say symbolically. In his Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily,4 he wished to show how a spiritual element is active in the development of the world, how the individual spheres of truth, beauty and goodness act together, and how real spiritual beings, not mere abstract concepts, have to be grasped if we want to observe the real life of the spirit.
273. The Problem of Faust: Faust's Knowledge and Understanding of Himself and of the Forces Actually Slumbering in Man 17 Jan 1919, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
In Goethe himself we have the theory of metamorphosis, from leaf to leaf, from the green leaf of the foliage to the coloured petal of the flower, or from the spinal vertebrae, perhaps, to the bones of the head—this secret, if rightly understood, leading from one incarnation to another, from one earth-life to another, as I have often shown you.
282. Speech and Drama: The Esoteric Art of the Actor's Vocation 19 Sep 1924, Dornach
Translated by Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
And then—yes, then you will find, as you hold all this before you and think it through with all the energy you can command, that those rocks, those distant snow-capped mountains, fir-clad slopes, and green meadows—all that whole background of Nature begins to make itself felt, begins to give you inspiration for your masking of the individual figures on the stage—whether you produce the effect by means of make-up, or give them real masks, as did the Greeks, who felt these to be a natural necessity on the stage.
250. The History of the German Section of the Theosophical Society 1902-1913: Obituary of Countess von Brockdorff, Report on the Paris Congress, On the Fall of Leadbeater 25 Jun 1906, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
This second lecture - I think it was the 1901 winter series - was about the fairy tale of the “Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”. Even then, the countess had the desire to take up again what had been dormant at the time - the actual theosophical activity.
343. The Foundation Course: Insights into the Mystery of Golgotha 01 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translated by Hanna von Maltitz

Rudolf Steiner
Nature in fact makes continuous jumps. Take for example a green foliage leaf to the coloured flower petal—that is a jump. In the same way we have leaps in the course of time, apparently quite a sharp advancement from one soul state into another.
339. The Art of Lecturing: Lecture V 15 Oct 1921, Dornach
Translated by Fred Paddock, Maria St. Goar, Peter Stebbing, Beverly Smith

Rudolf Steiner
And for that I have formulated the following exercise. One should picture a sizable green frog that sits in front of him with its mouth open. In other words, one should imagine that one confronts a giant frog with an open mouth.
350. Learning to See in the Spiritual World: The Development of Independent Thinking and of the Ability To Think Backward 28 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Walter Stuber, Mark Gardner

Rudolf Steiner
It was not in the outer world for the person told you that the sky was red and the clouds green—all kinds of things. The sick one saw nothing properly in the outer world, But the inner being, which the person cannot use in the deranged state, is in the spiritual world.
57. The Bible and Wisdom 12 Nov 1908, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
If today anybody wanted to put together a Bible from the different pieces and fragments from which one thought that it must be composed, if anybody printed with blue letters everything that one counts among one document, with red letters what among a second, with green letters what among a third and so on, then a strange document would originate. However, it has already come about—the so-called Rainbow Bible!
28. The Story of My Life: Chapter I
Translated by Harry Collison

Rudolf Steiner
It was as if the mountains rose up out of the all-surrounding green of the friendly landscape. On the distant boundaries of the circle one had the majesty of the peaks, and close around the tenderness of nature.
30. Collected Essays on Philosophy, Science, Aesthetics and Psychology 1884–1901: A Unified View of Nature and the Limits of Knowledge 15 Jul 1893,

Rudolf Steiner
The right and left, the top and bottom, the red next to the green in my field of vision are in reality in uninterrupted connection and mutual togetherness. However, we can only look in one direction and only perceive what is connected in nature separately.

Results 581 through 590 of 678

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