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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 641 through 650 of 678

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174b. The Spiritual Background of Human History: Ninth Lecture 11 May 1917, Stuttgart

Rudolf Steiner
Now, when speculating on the most blatant ignorance and on the will to the most blatant ignorance, people can, of course, be told all kinds of beautiful fairy tales: that one has turned green and blue, especially in the legs, by following such principles. And for those who want to make something esoteric out of thin air, these things can, of course, be used as slander.
258. The Anthroposophic Movement (1938): The Future of the Anthroposophical Society 17 Jun 1923, Dornach
Translated by Ethel Bowen-Wedgwood

Rudolf Steiner
And this was most strikingly apparent when one started out from something which Goethe was only able to indicate pictorially,—half symbolically, one might say; when one started out, namely, from his Story of the Green Serpent and the Lovely Lily,2 through which he wished to show how spirit, spiritual agencies, are at work in the evolution of the world, and how the several spheres of the True, the Beautiful, the Good, work together, and that they are actual Spiritual beings one must grasp, not mere abstractions of the mind, if one wants to arrive at a view of the actual life of spirit.
273. The Problem of Faust: The Problem of Faust 30 Sep 1916, Dornach
Translated by George Adams

Rudolf Steiner
We see how Faust accompanied by his famulus, Wagner, goes out from his cell into the green world where, to begin with, he watches the country people celebrating the Easter Festival out-of-doors in the meadows, until he himself is affected by the Easter mood.
281. Poetry and the Art of Speech: Lecture V 30 Jul 1921, Darmstadt
Translated by Julia Wedgwood, Andrew Welburn

Rudolf Steiner
Some frayed off with fountain-fling of arms To play and plunge, staccatoing the water And some more slowly followed, picking the deep flowers Out of the fume and underdrone of bees: green-kneed They rose and fell in waves delightedly: new sights Consumed them; new mites and motes of smell Held and incensed them: crumbs of booty glowed In every foot-dent, eiderdowntrodden.
289. The Ideas Behind the Building of the Goetheanum: The Idea of Building in Dornach 28 Feb 1921, The Hague

Rudolf Steiner
Here on the side windows (Fig. 4, 12) you can see the same motif, on the windows of the side wing (Fig. 13) too, apparently no longer similar, but nevertheless the same metamorphosed, just as the motif of the green leaf reappears in the flower petal. Figure 4 Figure 12 If you look at the building from the inside and the outside, you can get the impression: If any motif is near the gate, it is worked differently, so that you can see that the motif has less to bear against the gate, while it has to brace itself against the whole weight of the building.
336. The Big Questions of our Time and Anthroposophical Spiritual Knowledge: The Supernatural Essence of Man and the Development of Humanity 26 Jul 1919, Mannheim

Rudolf Steiner
Nature is constantly making leaps. Look at a growing plant: the green leaf makes the leap to the colored petal, to the stamens, to the pistil and so on in further growth.
297. The Spirit of the Waldorf School: A Lecture for Public School Teachers 27 Nov 1919, Basel
Translated by Robert F. Lathe, Nancy Parsons Whittaker

Rudolf Steiner
However, in the sense of Goethe’s law of metamorphosis, we must say that, despite the fact that the green leaf is the same as the colorful flower petal, nature does make a leap from the leaf to the colorful petal, and yet another leap from the petal to the stamen, and another quite special leap to the fruit.
297. Spiritual Science and the Art of Education 27 Nov 1919, Basel
Translator Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
Yet in the sense of Goethe's idea of metamorphosis we should have to say: “Although the green leaf of the plant is the same thing as the coloured petal, yet Nature makes a jump from the leaf to- the sepal of the calyx, from the sepal to the coloured petal, and again from the petal to the stamen.”
283. The Essence of Music: Questions and Answers: Question and Answer Session II 30 Sep 1920, Dornach

Rudolf Steiner
If we do not write down the color scale in the abstract linearity that we are accustomed to in today's physics, but if we write down the color scale in a circle, as it must also be done in accordance with Goethe's color theory, so that we say: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet — if we proceed in this direction (see drawing), if we write down the color scale in this way, then we will naturally be compelled, by bringing to mind the experiential relationships between tone and color, to write U and O towards the blue side.
58. Metamorphoses of the Soul: Paths of Experience I: Human Egoism 25 Nov 1909, Berlin
Translated by Charles Davy, Christoph von Arnim

Rudolf Steiner
If we find in a writer an exposition of a problem so important for Spiritual Science, this is for us a further proof—already apparent in our considerations of Faust, the Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, and Pandora53—that in Goethe we have a genius who is at one with our Spiritual Science in its true sense.

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