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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 141 through 150 of 171

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137. Man in the Light of Occultism, Theosophy and Philosophy: Lecture VIII 10 Jun 1912, Oslo
Tr. Unknown

Rudolf Steiner
We have quite exact knowledge of this in the case of Pythagoras. And in Plato's writings we can find everywhere indications that while he did not give all he knew, for what he did communicate he received inspiration through the Mysteries,—that is to say, he underwent evolution into higher worlds.
123. The Gospel of St. Matthew (1965): Lecture III 03 Sep 1910, Bern
Tr. Dorothy S. Osmond, Mildred Kirkcaldy

Rudolf Steiner
In places where genuine spiritual science was cultivated, this possibility actually remained in the post-Atlantean epoch—so persistently indeed that even external science, without understanding the meaning of it, has preserved a tradition originating in the School of Pythagoras to the effect that the harmonies of the spheres can become audible. But external science immediately turns anything of the nature of the harmony of the spheres into an abstraction—which of course it is not—and has no inkling of the reality.
123. The Christmas Conference : List of Names

Rudolf Steiner
WEISS, FRAU WERBECK, LOUIS MICHAEL JULIUS (Hamburg 1879–1928 Hamburg) Member from 1910. From 1917 leader of the Pythagoras branch in Hamburg. From 1923 he was a member of the council of the German Anthroposophical Society.
233. World History in the light of Anthroposophy: Asiatic Mysteries of Ephesus, Gilgamesh and Eabani 26 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
It is in truth no mere superficial account that relates how Pythagoras and others wandered far and wide in order to attain their knowledge. Men went about the Earth in order to receive what was revealed in its manifold configurations, in all that they could observe from the different forms and shapes of the Earth in different places; and not of the Earth in its physical aspect alone, but of the Earth too as soul and spirit.
233. World History in the light of Anthroposophy: Mysteries of the East, West, and of Ephesus 28 Dec 1923, Dornach
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams, Dorothy S. Osmond

Rudolf Steiner
Heraclitus received instruction from Ephesus, as did many another great philosopher; Plato, too, and Pythagoras. Ephesus was the place where the old Oriental wisdom was preserved up to a certain point. And the two souls who dwelt later in Aristotle and Alexander the Great were in Ephesus a little after the time of Heraclitus and were able to receive there of the heritage from the old knowledge of the Oriental Mysteries that the Mystery of Ephesus still retained.
104a. Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part I. Lecture IV 15 May 1907, Munich
Tr. James H. Hindes

Rudolf Steiner
What we find in the philosophical books concerning the “mysticism of numbers” is nothing more than a babbling. But what Pythagoras described is what the seer perceives after the spiritual ear has been opened, when it hears the sounds that make the wave movement or hears what is expressed in such wave movement.
211. Planetary Spheres and Their Influence on Mans Life on Earth and in the Spiritual Worlds: The Threefold Sun and the Risen Christ 24 Apr 1922, London
Tr. George Adams, Mary Adams

Rudolf Steiner
Now, there was in a later time a man who came as near to the teachings of initiation as it was possible to come in the time in which he lived, and who was acquainted with the teaching of these three aspects of the Sun—the aspect of the Sun according to Zarathustra, the aspect of the Sun that is associated with Osiris, and the aspect of the Sun as seen and understood by Pythagoras and Anaxagoras. I refer to Julian the Apostate. Julian the Apostate was not able himself to behold the Sun in all three aspects, but he knew of the teaching; he knew it as a tradition that had come down in the Mystery Schools.
117. The Universal Human: The God Within and the God of Outer Revelation 07 Dec 1909, Munich
Tr. Gilbert Church, Sabine H. Seiler

Rudolf Steiner
He appeared in the secret schools of the ancient Chaldean-Babylonian culture and was the teacher of Pythagoras, who had gone to Chaldea to perfect himself. Then this Zarathustra, who in 600 B.C. was known as Zarathas or Nazarathos, was reborn at the beginning of our era to parents called Joseph and Mary, as described in Saint Matthew's Gospel.
53. Esoteric Development: The Great Initiates 16 Mar 1905, Berlin
Tr. Gertrude Teutsch, Olin D. Wannamaker, Diane Tatum, Alice Wuslin

Rudolf Steiner
And in this way worked all those who have founded man's early culture—Hermes in Egypt, Krishna in India, Zarathustra in Persia, Moses among the Jewish people. Orpheus continued the work—then Pythagoras, and finally the Initiate of all Initiates, Jesus, who bore within Him the Christ. Here only the greatest of Initiates are mentioned.
53. The Great Initiates 16 Mar 1905, Berlin

Rudolf Steiner
Also those worked this way who founded the elementary culture of humanity: Hermes in Egypt, Krishna in India, Zarathustra in Persia, and Moses in the Jewish people. Then again Orpheus, Pythagoras and, finally, Jesus worked who is the initiate of the initiates who carried Christ in himself. With it only the great initiates are called.

Results 141 through 150 of 171

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