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The Rudolf Steiner Archive

a project of Steiner Online Library, a public charity

Search results 5741 through 5750 of 5842

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46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: The Only Possible Critique of Atomistic Concepts
Tr. Daniel Hafner

Rudolf Steiner
The misunderstanding lies in the character attributed by the inductive method, and by the materialism and atomism issuing from it, to general concepts. For the person of understanding, there can be no doubt that the current state of natural science in its theoretical part is essentially influenced by concepts as they have become dominant through Kant.
From this, one sees at the same time how unfruitful the undertaking would be to want to make out anything about the outer world without the help of perception. How can one gain possession of the concept in the form of viewing, without accomplishing the viewing itself?
Against this, one could perhaps object that after all it is all the same what is understood by Atom, that one should let the scholar of natural history go ahead and operate with it—for in many tasks of mathematical physics, atomistic models are indeed advantageous—; that after all, the philosopher knows that one is not dealing with a spatial reality, but with an abstraction, like other mathematical notions.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Atomism and its Refutation

Rudolf Steiner
If I tell you that I owe much of my philosophic education to the study of your writings, you will understand how desirable it is for me to find your approval of my own thinking. Commending myself to your benevolence, I am, most sincerely, Rudolf Steiner First, we will call to mind the current doctrine of sense impressions, then point to contradictions contained in it, and to a view of the world more compatible with the idealistic understanding.
(See Rudolf Steiner and Marie delle Grazie, Nature and Our Ideals, published by Mercury Press.) The error underlying the theories of this science is so simple that one cannot understand how the scientific world of today could have succumbed to it.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Goethe's Fairy Tale

Rudolf Steiner
A person can communicate a word to another that he does not understand at all and in which the person who hears it recognizes a deep meaning. The truth is expressed by the fact that this gold, which the will-o'-the-wisps only know how to flaunt, is processed by the serpent in the best way.
Indeed, he completely forgets his free self and creates under an irresistible compulsion, like nature. And so Schiller comes to the same conclusion by a completely different route.
And for this reason, my observation that Goethe understood the realm of freedom to be on the other side of the river seemed to me not unworthy of mention.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: Mrs. Wiecke-Halberstedt as Gretchen!

Rudolf Steiner
Wiecke could contribute a great deal to a better understanding of Faust by taking these objections into account. R. Steiner.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: About the Cognitive Process

Rudolf Steiner
As long as the world's lawfulness is something outside of us, it rules us; what we accomplish happens under its compulsion. If it is within us, then this compulsion ceases. For what was compelling has become our own nature.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: About Wilhelm Weigand: Friedrich Nietzsche

Rudolf Steiner
Despite many apt remarks, it does not do justice to Nietzsche because the author shows only a limited understanding of him. From many parts of the book, I would conclude that Weigand was highly talented. But a series of trivialities astonishes me. Anyone who wants to understand Nietzsche psychologically must realize that in this man certain intuitions appear through the medium of a grotesquely distorting mind.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: General Discouragement in the Field of Philosophy

Rudolf Steiner
The expression of this despondency is the emergence of the many epistemologies - Lotze's saying about sharpening knives - but the knives have remained blunt - epistemology has not grasped the actual fundamental philosophical task - Lasalle's saying: “Philosophy can be nothing but the consciousness that the empirical sciences attain of themselves.” All our philosophical science is under the spell of Kantianism. Since Otto Liebmann (1865) proclaimed the motto “back to Kant”, it has not been abandoned by research.
He examines our cognitive faculty in order to gain an understanding of its capabilities. He finds two roots: sensuality and reason. Our mental organization creates our experience with the material of sensations.
Haeckel's monism is therefore correct in principle. If we understand ourselves correctly, the world does not lead us out of itself. It must be explainable from within itself.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Nietzsche

Rudolf Steiner
It took the greatest courage of thought to think the thoughts that were thought in the tragic age of the Greeks: by Thales, Heraclitus, Anaxagoras. No one understands these sages unless they can build up a picture of their personalities from their thoughts. We are not interested in their teachings, but in their characters.
It's just that those who believe in objective truths don't have enough insight to understand this. Even their most objective truths are the products of subjective personalities, only tailored for a certain average way of life.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: About Eugen Kretzer. Friedrich Nietzsche

Rudolf Steiner
Friedrich Nietzsche by Lic. Dr. Eugen Kretzer. Enthusiastic and understanding approval with regard to the first writings. – Correct insight that “Zarathustra” does not signify a new epoch – no understanding of the second epoch.
46. Posthumous Essays and Fragments 1879-1924: On Goethe and the 1830 Dispute Between Scholars

Rudolf Steiner
What the philosophers could tell him contradicted his nature. He did not understand his surroundings. This lack of understanding of his surroundings is vividly illustrated in [text breaks off]

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