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Inner and Outer Evolution
GA 91

6(?) September 1904, Berlin

Automated Translation

13. From the Arhats to the Mahatmas

Let us consider once again the lines of development which have flowed together in the time of which we have spoken. Development does not go in a straight line, so that when you have a stage, you had only to retrace it, but /gap in transcript]

It someone wants to comprehend the electric clock, if he only traced a mechanical pendulum, so he would not comprehend, but he must El /gap in the transcript]

... So in the W /gap in the transcript]

In the middle of the Lemurian race we have a confluence of various streams. Above all, the psychic of man was already there. Was on other plan. Has gone through seven races and rounds there. What took possession of the body at that time, was after long development on a certain point of maturity. This soul, which took possession at that time, we ask probing questions of. The first and second root races were still soulless. Souls could not take possession because earth was not so mature.

If the soul would have wanted to take possession of the body in the then point of view of maturity, it would be like when very bad piano player /gap in transcript]


It was necessary first for the earth to produce bodies so mature that their degree of maturity corresponded to that of the souls. There we have two streams of development flowing together. Earth develops bodies, and the other stream was the soul development, which took place in other worlds, and now coincides with first stream. We must take into account that development does not proceed so smoothly.

If we take into account the earthly stream. It was only a certain number of bodies so far matured that they could be inhabited by souls at that time, not everything has ge/gap in transcript] sh/gap in transcript] gr/gap in transcript]. Besides, the whole body development was so far that only most advanced souls knew something to do with these bodies. So we have first of all a group of people with advanced souls. This is a special human race: highly evolved Arhats, a small crowd. The souls of these arhats were already beyond the stream of development of that time. That is, they already foresaw what the others could only achieve in longer development. So they could really be leaders of man, because they foresaw. Now the number of the excellent bodies was exhausted by them. The others had to be content with inferior ones. Manas could make do with these tools only in an awkward way. These bodies could develop only so far as the Atlantean; then they had to die out little by little. The Ursemites were the basis for the fifth root race. These had found more mature bodies, and had moved up behind. This is the third group.

First group: particularly advanced arhats.

Second group: who got only dull spirit and died out.

Third group: those who always follow, depending on the readiness of the bodies.

From these are recruited those who are able to go over into the fifth race and form other future races.

The Arhats are highly evolved entities who, where they incarnate, stand higher than a normal human being can. Hence, able to live on higher planes and have higher intercourse. Hence, able to take high orders: Messengers of the gods, kings and leaders were these Arhats. At the most, they were able to draw some to themselves, but on the whole, these people were directed quite unconsciously. This still lasted through the whole Atlantean period. Only the generation, which develops out of the Ursemites, delivers those, who are able to take their fate into the hand. And these were therefore capable of being taught by the messengers of the gods. Hence properly called: Heroes.

So also in myth we have to take the matter literally. Now to a certain extent these people could be initiated, and this is what the myth recorded, and also danger: Tantalus was allowed to eat with the gods. He was human and was allowed to consult in the decisions of the gods. Therefore seduction great. For people who were mortal - could load karma on themselves. What Tantalos brought forth as his own son is the finite. It is the greatest offense that an initiate can commit, to mix finite resolutions with eternal ones. And it is easy to deceive gods, because for them even the finite, which is wrapped in the veil of maya, is eternal. In a sense, it is easy to deceive initiates. Tantalos does it and brings the most terrible upon himself and his descendants. From all this we see that men were incapable of directing themselves until the end of the fourth race; those higher beings still directed them into the fifth.


Even in the beginning of the fifth race they still needed the leader Manu. He separated the most able ones from the rest and directed them to the region Gobi; some hundred families, which were withdrawn from the rest and only educated by instruction of the Manu. He taught the original religious mental images of the fifth race, arts, use of fire, preferably. Then astronomy, alchemy, these fundamental sciences. Above all, strict morality. Earlier, when people were guided, they did not need moral principles; that began now. People should become independent. Therefore it was necessary to educate in freedom; otherwise purpose would not be achieved if forced. And because free, many did not follow. Therefore very sifted, these Ursemites. The few had followed completely freely.

First colony went towards front India: first subrace, Indo-Aryan. Till now people were children under guidance of Arhats; now they gradually begin to be able to use the faculties to work themselves up, to be initiated. These first rishis were the first initiated human beings; the earlier ones were descended gods. Entirely new beings are appearing. Initiates descended from the earth itself, who could become leaders; about fifteen to sixteen million years ago. Since then always incarnated, and these are the entities called masters. Only the sixth root race will have entities descended from humanity itself that will guide people, as Manu. Transition from messengers of the gods to human masters, mahatmas.

And now this Manu is at the head of the theosophical movement, creating preparation for the sixth root race, so that within the theosophical movement happens what happened in the Atlantean time. Master Morya is the first human Manu who will establish the sixth root race, whereas in the past they were messengers of the gods, divine Arhats incarnated in the Lemurian period and gest/abbreviation not resolvable], and they are also called Sons of the Fire Mist because the Earth was in that state at that time.

Third root race perished by fire.

Fourth root race has perished by water.

Fifth root race has perished by immorality.

That is, in the end, egoism will appear in even stronger form, in the form of a furious struggle for existence, with will; whereas until now unconscious, and only those who have learned to be unselfish, will form the sixth race. This will emerge as a more unselfish race with revival of the Christ principle, again emergence [gap in transcript]


Doom by fire


Doom by water

Doom by Will In this foresight of the struggle of all against all, the Theosophical Society wants to lay the nucleus of universal brotherhood. It is not thought out arbitrarily, but out of the world plan.

The Masters have spoken for the first time because it is incumbent upon the Masters to create the material for the sixth race.

The stopping forces are called Mammon, and only in secondary meaning money has been given this name; Mammon is the god of stopping progress.

after the so called flood of sin


8 September 1904, Berlin

The Atlantians were led by initiates. They were not yet human initiates, having only powers available to man, but bringing with them certain higher faculties which man does not develop until the fifth root race, so that these sons of the gods, Arhats, could initiate them - and withdraw more and more. But our race, too, was guided by a Manu who still /gap in transcript] and aimed /gap in transcript].

The ursemitic race - first with combining thinking - has dwelt, fifteen to sixteen million years ago, in what is now Ireland. From the race has chosen the most capable of the Manu, verst/space in the transcript] and morally best and has moved to the desert Gobi. With the Atlantians one could not speak of actual religion and religious worship. Atlantians have mastered life force, but it was not thoughtfully conscious, but more like a suggestion that Atlantian kings exercised on their peoples; not a dream state, but also not such a bright consciousness as today. Sensed that power came from the divine, but did not worship it.

The Manu aimed to bring everything they could achieve into a religious character. Manu was supported by number of lesser messengers of gods. The Atlantian could follow only what he had in front of him. The god he felt. The adept king also met him visibly; he could not understand everything, but he saw him. To this they were to be urged, that they worshipped not only the visible, but also the invisible. "You have to believe also in what you do not see; the highest is an invisible. And a whole monumental teaching plans over those beginnings of the fifth race. Worship that of which you cannot form a picture, for as soon as you form a picture, the unseen escapes you."

And an echo of this primal teaching of Manu is in the Mosaic Law. Everything that filled the new race took on such a religious tinge. The orbits of the heavenly bodies were explained, how the divine laws and powers ruled in them. [As divine wisdom was taught] what we know today as Theosophy.

To the chosen race Manu communicated this. During last atJantic times the people, without thinking of divine, had already known science and arts; first the fire. Now the Manu let say to his people: "You can see indeed what you need for the immediate life now. But you should voluntarily relate what you know and know to the divine; connect it with the divine." Then Manu set up something that could relate these initially worldly pursuits to the divine. The fire was to be lit on the altar as a connecting link on certain days, and thus the sacrifice was born.

So Manu gave a religious character to human activity, human morality was given in the form of commandments. The ursemitic race was endowed by Manu with the religious character. Earlier there was no such thing; instinctively the Atlantian felt the divine; consciously he did not grasp it. In a worldly way Atlantians have known art and science. Now the Manu has broken with the policy of Atlantean adepts. Not suggestive anymore. Manu put everything freely. They could believe, but also refrain. Consequence of it was that only a part followed the Manu voluntarily, the others devoted themselves to the service of the own benefit. With the small part he withdrew even more inside; with these he undertook the consolidation of his work. The small group are the selfless and pious living within our race; the others, who had not quite followed, serve self-interest.

When Manu had prompted several hundred years of primal religious wisdom and had initiated some, they moved, as it were, as colonizers to the peoples who had remained behind. To them they grafted what they had learned, and depending on it these teachings took other colorings. From this the new sub-races arose.

First: The first train, led by the Rishis, went to India, and there arose the first subrace; it was the most spiritual, for it was closest to the source. Earlier the people had guessed more, now the thought grasped its own origin and what it was in the stars [gap in the transcript]. With this subrace, the Indian, had remained mainly wisdom.

Secondly, in Central Asia a more practical activity arose. Man had to conquer nature first. In the work the task was given, and in standing his man. Agriculture was cultivated and directly human activity - strength. The personal is what is enclosed between death and life. Indians did not need to work so hard, and therefore they could devote more to the care of the spiritual. In Persians: Here also developed the race that did not directly believe in reincarnation. Personally, man should be such that he could be relied upon in all cases of life. Truth to speak one taught the boys. Fire sacrifices were especially in place here. Zarathustra lived about fourteen million years ago. There were seven Zarathustras. History knows only of the last; it was the same one in ever new reincarnations.


Third, colonists moved to the Near East, Egypt but also to Greece and Italy. The legend has preserved souvenirs of the initiates who came over from Asia. Orpheus who came to Greece, Theseus, Kadmos; Moses initiated in Egypt. These are phenomena that took place at about the same time. Human initiates, but worshipped like demigods.

Fourth, a fourth subrace came about in a similar way at the beginning of our reckoning, Since Homer Latin-Greek race, which later adopted Christianity, and here the Christian Church was founded.

Von Den Arhats Bis Zu Den Mahatmas

vermutlich 6. September 1904, Berlin

Betrachten wir noch einmal die Entwicklungslinien, die zusammengeflossen sind in der Zeit, von der wir gesprochen haben. Entwicklung geht nicht geradlinig, sodass, wenn man eine Stufe hat, man nur zurückzuverfolgen hatte, sondern /Lücke in der Mitschrift]

Es will jemand die elektrische Uhr begreifen, wenn er nur ein mechanisches Pendel verfolgt, so würde er nicht begreifen, sondern er muss El /Lücke in der Mitschrift] ... So im W/Lücke in der Mitschrift]

In der Mitte der lemurischen Rasse haben wir ein Zusammenfließen von verschiedenen Strömen. Vor allem war das Seelische des Menschen schon da. War auf anderem Plan. Hat dort sieben Rassen und Runden durchgemacht. Was Besitz ergriff vom Leibe dazumal, war nach langer Entwicklung auf einem bestimmten Punkt der Reife. Dieses Seelische, das damals Besitz ergriff, von dem stellen wir probeweise Fragen. Die erste und zweite Wurzelrasse waren noch seelenlos. Seelen konnten nicht Besitz ergreifen, weil Erde nicht so reif war.

Wenn die Seele im damaligen Standpunkt der Reife hätte Besitz ergreifen wollen vom Leibe, wäre es so, wie wenn sehr schlechter Klavierspieler /Lücke in der Mitschrift]

Es musste erst die Erde so reife Leiber hervorbringen, dass ihr Reifegrad dem der Seelen entsprach. Da haben wir zwei Entwicklungsströme, die zusammenfließen. Erde entwickelt Leiber, und der andere Strom war die seelische Entwicklung, die in anderen Welten sich vollzogen hat, und jetzt zusammenfällt mit erstem Strom. Das müssen wir berücksichtigen, dass Entwicklung nicht so glatt fortgeht.

Wenn wir den irdischen Strom berücksichtigen. Es war nur eine bestimmte Anzahl Leiber so weit reif, dass sie damals von Seelen bewohnt werden konnten, nicht alles hat ge/Lücke in der Mitschrift] Sch/Lücke in der Mitschrift] gr/Lücke in der Mitschrift]. Außerdem war die ganze Leibentwicklung so weit, dass nur fortgeschrittenste Seelen etwas anzufangen wussten mit diesen Leibern. So haben wir zunächst eine Gruppe von Menschen mit fortgeschrittenen Seelen. Das ist eine besondere menschliche Rasse: hochentwickelte Arhats, eine kleine Schar. Die Seelen dieser Arhats waren über den Strom der damaligen Entwicklung schon hinaus. Das heißt, sie sahen schon das voraus, was die andern in längerer Entwicklung erst erreichen konnten. Sie konnten also wirklich Führer des Menschen sein, weil sie voraussahen. Nun war durch sie die Zahl der vorzüglichen Leiber erschöpft. Die andern mussten sich mit minderwertigen begnügen. Manas konnte nur in ungelenker Weise sich dieser Werkzeuge begnügen. Diese Leiber konnten sich nur so weit entwickeln, als es die atlantische war; dann mussten sie nach und nach aussterben. Die Ursemiten waren Grundlage für die fünfte Wurzelrasse. Diese hatten reifere Leiber vorgefunden, und waren hinterher nachgerückt. Das ist die dritte Gruppe.

Erste Gruppe: besonders vorgeschrittene Arhats.

Zweite Gruppe: die nur dumpfen Geist bekamen und aussterben mussten.

Dritte Gruppe: die immer nachkommen, je nachdem die Leiber bereit sind.

Aus denen rekrutieren sich diejenigen, die fähig sind, bis in die fünfte Rasse hinüber und weitere künftige Rassen zu bilden.

Die Arhats sind hochentwickelte Wesenheiten, die da, wo sie sich inkarnieren, höher stehen, als ein normaler Mensch kann. Daher die Fähigkeit, auf höheren Planen zu leben und höheren Verkehr zu haben. Daher imstande, hohe Befehle entgegenzunehmen: Götterboten, Könige und Führer waren diese Arhats. Höchstens, dass sie sich einige heranziehen konnten, aber im Ganzen wurden diese Menschen ziemlich unbewusst gelenkt. Das dauerte noch durch die ganze atlantische Zeit hindurch. Erst das Geschlecht, das sich herausentwickelt aus den Ursemiten, liefert diejenigen, die fähig sind, ihr Geschick in die Hand zu nehmen. Und diese waren daher fähig, von den Götterboten unterrichtet zu werden. Daher richtig genannt: Heroen.

Also auch im Mythos haben wir die Sache wörtlich zu nehmen. Bis zu einem gewissen Grade konnten nun diese Menschen eingeweiht werden, und das hat die Sage festgehalten, und auch Gefahr: Tantalos durfte mit den Göttern essen. Er war Mensch und durfte an den Entschlüssen der Götter mit beraten. Daher Verführung groß. Für Menschen, die sterblich — konnten Karma auf sich laden. Was Tantalos als eigenen Sohn hervorgebracht hat, ist das Endliche. Es ist das größte Vergehen, was ein Einzuweihender begehen kann, endliche Entschlüsse mit ewigen zu vermischen. Und leicht ist es, Götter zu täuschen, denn für sie ist auch das Endliche, das in den Schleier der Maya gehüllt ist, ewig. In gewisser Beziehung ist es leicht, Eingeweihte zu täuschen. Tantalos tut es und bringt das Furchtbarste über sich und seine Nachkommen. Aus alledem ersehen wir, dass Menschen bis Ende der vierten Rasse nicht fähig waren, sich selbst zu lenken; jene höheren Wesen lenkten sie noch hinein in die fünfte.

Auch im Anfang der fünften Rasse brauchten sie noch den Führer Manu. Er trennte die Allerfähigsten ab von den Übrigen und lenkte sie in die Gegend Gobi; einige hundert Familien, die entzogen waren den Übrigen und lediglich erzogen durch Unterweisung des Manu. Er lehrte die ursprünglichen religiösen Vorstellungen der fünften Rasse, Künste, Gebrauch des Feuers, vorzugsweise. Dann Astronomie, Alchemie, diese grundlegenden Wissenschaften. Vor allem strenge Moral. Früher, als die Menschen geführt wurden, hatten sie Moralgrundsätze nicht nötig; das begann jetzt. Selbstständig sollen die Menschen werden. Daher war es notwendig, in Freiheit zu erziehen; sonst wäre Zweck nicht erreicht, wenn gezwungen. Und weil frei, folgten viele nicht. Deswegen sehr durchgesiebt, diese Ursemiten. Die wenigen waren völlig frei gefolgt.

Erste Kolonie ging hin gegen Vorderindien: erste Unterrasse, indisch-arische. Bis jetzt waren Menschen Kinder unter Führung der Arhats; jetzt fangen sie allmählich an, die Fähigkeiten benutzen zu können, um sich selbst hinaufzuarbeiten, eingeweiht zu werden. Diese ersten Rishis waren die ersten eingeweihten Menschen, die früheren waren hinuntergestiegene Götter. Ganz neue Wesen treten auf. Eingeweihte, die von der Erde selbst abstammen, die Führer werden konnten; vor ungefähr fünfzehn bis sechzehn Millionen Jahren. Seitdem immer inkarniert, und dies sind die Wesenheiten, die man Meister nennt. Erst die sechste Wurzelrasse wird aus der Menschheit selbst entsprossene Wesenheiten haben, die Menschen leiten werden, als Manu. Übergang von Götterboten zu menschlichen Meistern, Mahatmas.

Und nun ist dieser Manu an der Spitze der theosophischen Bewegung und schafft Vorbereitung für die sechste Wurzelrasse, sodass innerhalb der theosophischen Bewegung das geschieht, was in der atlantischen Zeit geschehen ist. Meister Morya ist der erste menschliche Manu, der die sechste Wurzelrasse begründen wird, während es früher Götterboten waren, göttliche Arhats waren, die in der lemurischen Zeit inkarniert und gest/Abkürzung nicht auflösbar] sind, und die man auch Söhne des Feuernebels nennt, weil die Erde damals in diesem Zustand war.

Dritte Wurzelrasse ist untergegangen durch Feuer.

Vierte Wurzelrasse ist untergegangen durch Wasser.

Fünfte Wurzelrasse ist untergegangen durch Unmoralität.

Und zwar wird am Ende der Egoismus in noch stärkerer Form, in Form eines wütenden Kampfes ums Dasein auftreten, mit Willen; während bis jetzt unbewusst, und nur diejenigen, die gelernt haben, selbstlos zu sein, die sechste Rasse bilden. Diese wird als selbstlosere Rasse mit Auflebung des Christusprinzips, wieder Entstehung [Lücke in der Mitschrift]

Untergang durch Feuer

Untergang durch Wasser

Untergang durch Wille In dieser Voraussicht des Kampfes aller gegen alle, will die Theosophische Gesellschaft den Kern allgemeiner Bruderschaft legen. Es ist nicht willkürlich herausgedacht, sondern aus dem Weltenplan heraus.

Die Meister haben zum ersten Mal gesprochen, weil den Meistern es obliegt, das Material zu schaffen für die sechste Rasse.

Die aufhaltenden Kräfte nennt man Mammon, und nur in sekundärer Bedeutung hat das Geld diesen Namen bekommen; Mammon ist der Gott der Fortschrittshemmung.