Eurythmy as Visible Singing
GA 278
No. | Lecture Title | Book Title | Date | City | 5. | Choral Eurythmy | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 23 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 2. | Experience and Gesture; the Intervals | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 20 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 3. | Melodic Movement; the Ensouling of the Three Dimensions through Pitch, Rhythm and Beat | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 21 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 7. | Musical Physiology; the Point of Departure; Intervals; Cadences | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 26 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 8. | Pitch (Ethos and Pathos), Note Values, Dynamics, Changes of Tempo | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 27 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 1. | The Experience of Major and Minor | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 19 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 4. | The Progression of Musical Phrases; Swinging Over; the Bar Line | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 22 Feb 1924 | Dornach | 6. | The Sustained Note; the Rest; Discords | Eurythmy as Visible Singing | 25 Feb 1924 | Dornach |